Today we’re talking about the difference between affiliate marketing and network marketing. Watch and let me know what you …
- 0:00 | because shoot we are going to epcot today
just saying and so uh you know just going - 0:08 | to get some stuff done so that i can do some
snuggling and then move into our day right so - 0:13 | um anyway what is the difference between
affiliate marketing and network marketing - 0:20 | we get this question a lot so myself and my
team included get this question a lot and um the - 0:26 | differences are this okay um and then i’m gonna
give you a caveat at the very end so don’t think - 0:35 | like okay i got it and then stop watching you need
to stay around for the end so you actually hear - 0:40 | um something important okay hey andrew
i see you um okay so affiliate marketing - 0:48 | is you doing your own thing you do not have a
boss you do not have typically an upline you do - 0:57 | not have anybody really to answer to so to speak
affiliate marketing is where when done right in - 1:06 | the way that i teach by the way if you have not
seen what i teach i have a free master class the - 1:13 | link is in the description of the video here go
ahead and jump into that it’s an hour you’re going - 1:18 | to learn precisely how to be able to do affiliate
marketing and you’d be able to make money starting - 1:24 | today just from that training you don’t have
to pay a dime okay so anyway this is in my - 1:32 | give back and making sure that families are
okay in this time that we’re living in right now - 1:37 | there’s a lot of money left on the table
that people just are not picking up and we - 1:42 | need to be picking it up and making our families
better okay so there is that that’s why i did it - 1:48 | um so affiliate marketing really uh it’s you know
you you have a link you sign up with a company - 1:54 | to be an affiliate of theirs right and then
you have a link and whenever uh and you create - 2:01 | content about the thing that you’re suggesting
and then you have a link for people to buy - 2:07 | and then whenever they click on it and they buy
something then you get a kickback now the cool - 2:12 | thing is is that the person that clicked on that
link was going to pay the same amount if not more - 2:19 | for that product if they hadn’t clicked on your
link okay and so it’s actually beneficial that - 2:27 | they click on your link because a lot of times
they’ll get benefits with it like free trials and - 2:33 | and things like that and maybe even lower prices
that sort of deal they’ll get that whenever they - 2:38 | click on your link and so there’s there’s
always reasons for people to be clicking on - 2:42 | your stuff and then you get a kickback from it
it’s just it’s a win-win scenario it literally - 2:48 | is all the way around that’s why i love
affiliate marketing what it does is it makes us - 2:53 | when done right like the way that i talk
about it makes us really good humans guys - 3:01 | and we’re already heart-centered to begin with it
just like it just illuminates that it allows us - 3:09 | to really just show up and serve and then people
just get stuff if they want to get it if it makes - 3:16 | sense for them there’s no weird salesy tactics
when done right okay now if you go out into - 3:22 | you know the interwebs and you look up
affiliate marketing you’re likely going to - 3:26 | have something hit your gag reflex you’re likely
going to want to like because a lot of people do - 3:32 | it in a really skeezy way but i don’t and that’s
that’s why i teach what i teach right so you guys - 3:38 | can know how to be able to do it we make a
lot of money just from affiliate marketing - 3:42 | and so that’s what i want to teach you guys how
to do as well now the difference hey diane the - 3:47 | difference between affiliate marketing and network
marketing and then there’s a caveat at the end - 3:55 | there’s affiliate marketing where you have no boss
no nothing a network marketing is really built - 4:01 | around one company affiliate marketing is built
around your brand your personal brand yourself - 4:14 | right and what matters to you so a lot of people
look up to influencers and you may not admit that - 4:19 | you look up to them but you’re probably a little
bit like how can they make a living just by waking - 4:25 | up in the morning right and the way that they do
that is it’s like it’s affiliate marketing and - 4:31 | it’s creating programs it’s kind of like right now
i have hbr my home-based revolution i have that - 4:37 | program on sale and doors are open until midnight
tonight that is the program where you you see how - 4:44 | to set up multiple income streams so you basically
live like an influencer you just you make money - 4:51 | waking up in the morning it’s just kind of how
it goes but let me get back to the topic here - 4:58 | network marketing is all about one
company and most capital m-o-s-t - 5:07 | most network marketing companies only
want you to talk about their stuff - 5:15 | and so they will put you in this box most
i’m not saying all the caveats coming okay - 5:22 | but most of them are going to put you
in this box and make you feel like - 5:27 | you can’t talk about any other products and
you guys that is disgusting and the reason - 5:34 | why it’s disgusting is because you don’t
sit at the boardroom table for that company - 5:41 | you don’t make organizational decisions for that
company but what they want is they want for you to - 5:50 | put all of your eggs all of your family’s eggs all
of your potential opportunity needs to sit right - 5:57 | inside of their one basket and it’s disgusting
because what if something happens to the company - 6:07 | we’ve seen it happen before companies have fallen
and then the the string to that basket is cut - 6:14 | and the basket’s gone and so is
your entire family’s livelihood - 6:23 | to work all of your opportunities into one company
is suicide guys it is unwise okay and like i said - 6:38 | most network marketing companies are that way but
here’s the beauty here’s caveat ready for caveat - 6:43 | ready to like ease up on that stress the caveat
is this more and more companies are waking up - 6:55 | they’re waking up to what they’re doing to people
and what they’re really asking people to do - 7:02 | and the beauty of that is that they are adding so
they have their network marketing side of things - 7:09 | and they add an affiliate side of things
as well and they may not call it affiliate - 7:17 | but what it really is is that you don’t have to
build a team that you don’t have to recruit and - 7:22 | get people under you that also want to sell
and blah blah blah and build a team that’s - 7:27 | you know it all continues that you don’t have to
do that but you can also just run your business - 7:34 | by talking about products and having people
buy products and you could make the same - 7:39 | amount of money that way as you could make
building a team if that’s what you like to do - 7:46 | you guys those are the network marketing companies
that you will see incredibly successful just watch - 7:55 | i’m in one of them it’s why i joined it okay
literally why i joined this company is because - 8:05 | they were moving this direction and they embrace
multiple income streams which is nothing but wise - 8:15 | so wise guys wise guys so anyway if you want
to know what mine is just go and message me - 8:23 | or email me whatever you want to and i can let
you know this this video isn’t to promote mine - 8:28 | but i just wanted to let you know they exist so
if you’re looking at network marketing companies - 8:33 | and they say they’re affiliate also
or you can sell like an affiliate - 8:38 | ignore that because there’s a lot of bad
verbage people are using verbiage the wrong way - 8:44 | okay they’re saying affiliate but it look at
the comp plan you need to look at the comp plan - 8:50 | in the comp plan do you have to have somebody
um building a team in order to uh hit ranks - 9:01 | if you do it’s wrong okay do they have a
two-sided comp plan where one is where you - 9:07 | build a team and the other one is where you
just share your link and look at that side of - 9:12 | where you just share your link and people just
are buying product at you know whatever levels - 9:19 | look at that and make sure you’re okay with
the money that you would make that way because - 9:23 | some companies are adding that but you make less
money that way than you do building which is just - 9:29 | what is even happening you know what i’m saying so
difference between affiliate marketing and network - 9:36 | marketing primarily is the fact that you don’t
have to build a team you don’t have to recruit - 9:41 | people and you get to spread your um income making
potential across multiple companies instead of - 9:50 | just one those are your very big differences
i love you guys so much see you later bye