One of the best affiliate marketing courseThe project platinum has been termed one of the best affiliate marketing courses online but is that true? The project platinum course is based on teaching people how to get the platinum award from the clickbank affiliate marketing platform when you get to $250,000 per year. This is a detailed and an honest review about the project platinum course by Robby Blanchard to help you make the decision whether this course is for you.The clickbank affiliate marketing platform has been for over 20 years now and they have processed billions of dollars online. Clickbank is one of the best when it comes to digital products, weight loss supplements and many products in almost any niche. The number of products on the clickbank affiliate marketing platform has attracted a lot of people to the platform. Amongst many awards that they send to people is the platinum award that is given to an affiliate that has made at least $250,000 in one year. Amongst thousands of affiliates that are on the platform it is only few people that have received the award. There is a different between an affiliate that make just $100 per week and the one that make $10,000 or more per day online, the differences is online advertising and also the ones that makes huge sum of money online per day are called super affiliates. There is a mom who does not know anything about affiliate marketing and after she took this course within a year, she started making $50k a day consistently. See here case study and register for a training that explains how click the link below.
See how a newbie is making $50,000 per day here>>> http://newbieto50k.legitratings.comRobby Blanchard the creator of the course at one point shared the details of his clickbank dashboard and he was averaging around $40,000 per day which got people talking if it is true that he makes so much money but, the cool thing is that he has taught a lot of people over 100 students whose combined revenue is a little over $100 million. Free organic methods vs paid methods: which one is best to promote affiliate products.Both methods of promotions are very profitable and you can make a lot of money but one method is faster and short term while the other method is long term and sometimes can take a little bit of time to setup and start generating income online.What the project platinum teaches is the paid traffic method which requires you to master and understand the ad platform and you will also spend money on ads but the profit can be very fast and huge. There are students who have made money the first 2 hours of running a campaign on different ad networks. What you need to do is to do what works and you will get result. There are different ad networks like google ads, Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, instagram ads, tiktok ads, twitter ads. The one that Robby Blanchard major on in his course is the Facebook ads and the google ads platform because these are the biggest ad networks and they have a lot of traffic in different niches that you can tap into. This is the method that Robby Blanchard used to make consistent $40,000 paydays for a year and he is set to teach it in his online course project platinum.The organic methods include starting a youtube channel, starting your own blog, starting an instagram account, a new tiktok account. All these methods works well but you have to put in the work. These organic strategy cost little to no money at all which means you don’t have to spend money on advertisement. The project platinum is not focused on free organic strategy.The method that Robby Blanchard used was the Facebook ads to generate tons of money. This happened after facebook started banning internet marketers because they were not compliant with the platform. A lot of marketers got hit with the facebook bans and they decided not to use the platform for advertisement again and other marketers like Robby Blanchard who knew how to built a compliant business on facebook ads went ahead to build a multimillion dollar empire online. This situation made him one of the most successful affiliate marketers on clickbank because the competitions on the facebook ad platform reduced and he was able to buy cheap traffic to his landing pages and funnels.The method Robby Blanchard uses and what he teaches The method Robby Blanchard uses is called email marketing. At that time his major promotion was the teds woodworking products that was so popular on the clickbank affiliate platform. The program will teach people simple wood working plans at home and the course was a great informative one. Robby Blanchard created a sales funnel that will easily convert his visitors to customers. The first thing was to create a landing page that has a free gift like “get a free 100 wood working plan” then he will collect people’s emails and names in exchange for this free wood working plan. When he ran ads to the page a lot of people started filling in the form to get their free wood working plan and in no time Robby Blanchard already created a flow of people that were interested in wood working and he have their name and emails.The next step is to create an automated flow of valuable emails and bonuses that customers will love then, he will promote the main affiliate products. when the visitors buy the product he will make a sale. This went for days until he scaled his advertisement to be able to spend thousands per day, while on the other end he was generating a lot of sale. This made him millions of dollars.Affiliate marketing is easy when you are learning from the right person but it becomes hard when you don’t have an idea of what you are doing. When you learn from the right person, they will tell you what to avoid and what not to do.Note: The results Robby Blanchard got was based on his experience and his hard work but even as a beginner you can also get a good result but the results of students may vary because not everyone will put the same amount of effort as the other person. This next section will help you understand why beginners are making money with the project platinum without having a prior experience.The bonus tools Project platinum has tools that will almost automate all the affiliate marketing process for you.You will get prebuilt landing pages in different niches.You will have access to software tools that will help you in ads creation.You will also get email autoresponder and also email swipe in different niches.You will basically get every tool that will make even a beginner successful with affiliate marketing.This is like getting help from a coaching program that cost thousands of dollars. Mind you the course is also applicable to different niches; because I used the teds wood working affiliate program for an example does not mean that is the only niche that the course will work for it is just an example of someone else’s result. In fact, the students in the project platinum got results in different niches. Some in digital courses, some promote software, some are promoting weight loss supplements and other affiliate program. If you are already in a niche project platinum can help you make a lot of money. There are some students doing up to $500,000 per week: reason why project platinum is one of the best affiliate marketing courses to buy, because of the many testimonials by ordinary people who are now making a lot of money online. Cons of the project platinum course.The course only teaches one strategy of affiliate marketing which is the paid traffic method of promoting. They don’t have free organic strategy that is long term and can keep making you money for many years to come even without putting any more work.For those that don’t have click bank account or are not able to create an account because of the restrictions will not find the course relatable. Click bank does not accept some third world country most times they accept top tier countries like the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland etc..The course is a bit focused on clickbank affiliates and not people that are on another platform but, you should still be able to apply the same methods to other affiliate platforms and you should get the same results.Join free affiliate marketing training to learn how to make $1500/ day >>> http://freetraining.legitratings.comThe course is quite expensive although the content can pay for the cost of the course. if you are a beginner and you don’t have that much money you might not be able to purchase the course.Another issue that you may face is the issue of getting suspensions and ban from different ads net work if you don’t do it correctly. Although Robby Blanchard is going to put you through the whole process you may still get your account banned. Facebook is so strict such that they may ban you for something that is not your fault or something that you are not aware of so you need to appeal to get your account back. the process of appeal may take your time and is always frustrating. Questions that people have about the project platinum course.There are questions that people may have about project platinum course so, I will be answering some of the common questions here. How much am I going to make?There is no guaranteed amount that you are going to make the results of students vary. The results that students get are often determined by the amount of work put into the system. There will be a different between a student that is so determined and putting in the work from a student that haven’t watched the training completely and have not started to implement what he or she has learnt. That is the differences between $500,000 a week and $100 or nothing in a week. You also have to be relentless. As much as the creator of the product has put in the work to help beginners and he has in fact created tools that will make the work easier you may still face some issues. So, you need to have that problem solving attitude. These are what will determine the amount of money you make.Will I get a refund?Yes, the program has a refund policy so that your purchase is protected.What are the payment methods available?You can pay with paypal, debit and credit cards. If you are skeptical the paypal option is the safest and because if any issue arise you can sort it out easily.Is project platinum the best course for affiliate marketing?This is one of the best courses but it is limited in some certain ways and does not resonate with some affiliate marketers who don’t have the opportunity and budget to runs ads. People that don’t have a clickbank account won’t find the content relatable. What is the best alternative to project platinum?The best alternative to project platinum is still the profit singularity course that also have a lot of students and the revenue that the students have done is over $120 million and still counting.See profit singularity here>>> plan of project platinum The project platinum is not a cheap course it is quite expensive and they have 2 pricing plansWhich are;The instant discount which cost $2497 after a discount of $491There is also a 2-month payment plan.1 payment today, the second payment in 30 and the third payment will be in 60 days.This payment plan cost $997 per payment.Project platinum conclusion This is a great product for those that are beginners and want to make money online, or even those that are already making money online but they want to learn another strategy to make more money online.The potential of this course is high and what you learn from the course can make you a millionaire but you have to put in the work. If you think it is a little expensive you should join this course that will teach you both organic and paid strategy to promote affiliate marketing for an affordable price and the creator of the course has made over $3 million online with one affiliate program and he also has over 500 successful students that are making money consistently daily. Join the course here >>> http://affiliatesecret.legitratings.com5, olaoluwa street,isawoAgric ikorodu.hairley [email protected] digital is a brand and also a content marketing company that writes about legitimate businesses and also events.This release was published on openPR.