Make $970 A Day Posting Waterfall Videos On Youtube [No Face Videos – I Tried It]

youtube automation, post rain videos, just make youtube metidation videos they say… but the truth is many of those are not …

  • 0:01 | over 821 thousand dollars
  • 0:07 | with waterfall videos okay I know you’ve seen lots of videos
  • 0:15 | online about how to make money with rain videos without even showing your face however a lot of people have said that
  • 0:22 | you can’t really monetize those videos therefore
  • 0:28 | you’re not gonna make anything but I figured out a simple little hack and
  • 0:33 | today we’re going to use data to build a business that’s going to make money
  • 0:39 | guaranteed but you gotta make sure you pay attention to this entire video
  • 0:44 | because unlike those other people talking about making rain videos we are actually going to show you something
  • 0:50 | that works if you do it guaranteed and it’s not that difficult in fact I
  • 0:57 | believe anyone can do this so first what we’re going to need
  • 1:03 | is a camera which you probably already have on your phone or a Handycam or a
  • 1:09 | fancy camera just anything that records video second we’re going to need something like this that spins around a
  • 1:18 | small version of these will cost about 26 bucks however if you don’t have 26
  • 1:23 | dollars you can get what’s known as a lazy Susan and do this manually
  • 1:28 | again start with what you got you don’t need to invest a bunch of money then we’re going to need a couple of examples
  • 1:35 | of the product but first a story
  • 1:41 | back when I first started trying to make money online there was this thing known as CPA affiliate offers these were
  • 1:48 | offers that would basically pay me more than a product cost so in the example
  • 1:54 | we’re talking about today the product cost about 19 to the end user and I’m
  • 2:00 | actually going to get paid more than 19 each and every time I sell it now I want
  • 2:05 | you to compare this with stuff like Drop Shipping or Amazon affiliate marketing
  • 2:11 | or other things that they’re saying like sourcing from Alibaba even using those
  • 2:16 | if you were to sell a 19 product the odds are you’re probably only going to
  • 2:21 | make three maybe ten dollars after shipping and handling or if you’re doing
  • 2:27 | Amazon affiliate marketing this stuff’s gonna sell and you’ll probably get like
  • 2:32 | 20 cents however today I’m gonna break that glass ceiling and show you how you
  • 2:38 | can get as much as thirty dollars or more to sell the exact same product not
  • 2:43 | only that I’m going to show you how to get free traffic literally overnight
  • 2:50 | [Music] first of all we’re going to need some products to test out this entire bunch
  • 2:56 | of 10 products cost me right around a hundred and fifty dollars now I will
  • 3:01 | talk to you about a free method to do this towards the end of the video but if you’re looking to start an actual
  • 3:07 | business that’ll make money invest in the products that way you can test them out and make real actual videos and so
  • 3:14 | far with all the products at around 150 dollars in the Lazy Susan machine that
  • 3:20 | cost me about fifty dollars I’m in this entire business only 200
  • 3:25 | bucks but now I’m gonna need some lighting these little guys will cost you around
  • 3:32 | 50 bucks we’re gonna put these here on our little miniature set right like this
  • 3:37 | and if we want to get fancy we can even add some color this one will put some
  • 3:42 | blue on our little miniature set now the miniature set here I created out of a
  • 3:48 | Home Depot brick panel it’s the same brick panel we use pretty much on
  • 3:54 | everything here which will cost you around 45 and this was only one panel that I cut
  • 4:01 | and put on the couch here with my Lazy Susan machine right here and when
  • 4:08 | we put the product in the mini set you can see how nice it looks in fact let’s
  • 4:14 | go ahead and switch over to the other camera here which could be done with your cell phone and you might be saying
  • 4:20 | Marcus what does this have to do with waterfall videos actually I’m glad you
  • 4:25 | asked because this here is what’s known as an incense waterfall we’ll give that
  • 4:32 | a couple minutes to fire up and keep in mind that all of these products here cost me under 200 which means I can now
  • 4:42 | make videos on all of these incense waterfall holders and you can see here
  • 4:48 | how our waterfall is doing in the camera right here and I can quite simply take
  • 4:54 | this video of the incense waterfall holder uploaded on YouTube Tick Tock
  • 4:59 | Instagram even Pinterest and get tons of traffic and we can even change the way
  • 5:05 | it looks with different lighting
  • 5:12 | and using the remote or your manual Lazy Susan you can even change the direction
  • 5:19 | it’s actually super simple so first what we need to do is prove the concept and
  • 5:24 | make sure there’s enough traffic and money in this market to sustain an entire business what I’m looking for
  • 5:30 | here is something that I can potentially make a hundred thousand dollars a year or where the majority of it would
  • 5:37 | actually be profit and I think we have a winner here we could see here that incense waterfall is looked up over 13
  • 5:44 | 000 times a month with lots of sub category keywords what you’re going to notice is lots of different keywords
  • 5:51 | about the different waterfalls and then it’ll get into the types of waterfalls like skulls and moons and chakras and
  • 5:58 | all kinds of things like that so there’s all kinds of good stuff in this Niche
  • 6:04 | now we can also go up a level and look at stuff like incense or incense burner
  • 6:09 | or incense holder and all different kind of things like like this to get even more traffic like this one backflow
  • 6:17 | incense burner that is a waterfall but that didn’t come up under incense waterfall so there’s another 15
  • 6:24 | 000 searches a month incense holder there’s another 29 burner another 42 and
  • 6:31 | on and on we go so there’s all kinds of good stuff here and lots of potential to make money and notice something
  • 6:38 | important the competition’s pretty much non-existent we could see greens all the
  • 6:43 | way down which is what we want to look for next up we’re going to take a look at the other places since this is going
  • 6:49 | to be a video driven site now we’re going to get into that in just a minute we can see here that the videos get lots
  • 6:56 | of views 618 000 views 1.2 million 9.8 million and on and on we go these videos
  • 7:04 | are getting viewed like crazy on YouTube not only that but Tick Tock has lots of
  • 7:10 | views as well here’s one with 810 thousand views two hundred thousand five
  • 7:16 | hundred thousand eleven million the sky is the limit here over on Instagram
  • 7:21 | you’re gonna see the same thing lots of people getting lots of views for these
  • 7:27 | incense burners and then of course Facebook video same thing going on so
  • 7:32 | there’s lots of ways to get traffic with our little videos that we’re gonna make and we’re also going to pair this with a
  • 7:38 | search strategy we could see here on ahrefs this is a search strategy so when
  • 7:44 | we create the video we’re also going to create some content about the video with our little review and overview of how
  • 7:51 | the incense burner did very simple we’re doing this stuff anyway when we make the video we can just type out what we
  • 7:58 | learned very very simple and when we take a look at a site that’s doing this we can see this one here has lots and
  • 8:03 | lots of traffic and it’s doing pretty good we can also take a look at the competitors and see what’s going on
  • 8:09 | here’s one for incense waterfall incense waterfall store all kinds of stuff
  • 8:15 | related to incense incense burners and incense waterfalls this is a very very
  • 8:21 | good Niche there’s lots of money in it but there’s one little problem if we
  • 8:27 | were to look at the overview of a site like this we can see that the traffic value even though they’re getting over
  • 8:33 | 2500 visitors a month in a specific Niche ahrefs is saying that the traffic
  • 8:39 | value is only 563 dollars wait a minute that seems like a lot of traffic for a
  • 8:47 | little money and that’s because the majority of the people trying to get into this market and make money are just
  • 8:52 | going to be Amazon Affiliates and as we talked about earlier selling this incense thing on Amazon is only going to
  • 8:59 | make us like 20 cents or maybe a dollar if we’re lucky but don’t worry your old
  • 9:05 | buddy Marcus has a better way and that is to check out CPA affiliate offers on
  • 9:10 | offervault over on offervault if we type in incense we can see that the exact
  • 9:15 | incense waterfall Yep this one right here that we tested out on the video
  • 9:21 | sells for 19 but over on offer Vault they are paying me wait a minute
  • 9:29 | thirty dollars per sale let me get this straight I sell the incense burner for nineteen
  • 9:36 | dollars they pay me 30.
  • 9:41 | yes ladies and gentlemen this is the essence of CPA affiliate marketing what they’re doing is trying to buy a
  • 9:48 | customer because they know that if they get a customer chances are they might order more stuff and even if they don’t
  • 9:53 | they’re going to be on a mailing list of people interested in incense waterfalls and incense and different things like
  • 10:00 | that which means they can upsell them and make tons of money so let’s say you
  • 10:05 | did mediocre and you had a video with 100 000 views for the incense backflow
  • 10:13 | burner so if my video over here has 100 000 viewers chances are if the product
  • 10:21 | is a match which this one is we’re making a video about the exact incense waterfall that we’re going to be selling
  • 10:28 | so when I say go get the waterfall the clicks are going to be pretty high and I usually find that I can get anywhere
  • 10:34 | from five to ten percent of the people watching the video to click over to the
  • 10:40 | offer that means means that I would get somewhere in the neighborhood of five thousand
  • 10:45 | to ten thousand people to actually click the affiliate
  • 10:51 | offer link trying to get them to buy the incense waterfall and let’s say the page
  • 10:57 | doesn’t do that well for whatever reason and I only get a three percent conversion rate now because we are using
  • 11:04 | the exact product that’s in the video and telling them where to get it the conversion rate should be much higher
  • 11:11 | but for sake of argument let’s say we only get three percent that would be
  • 11:16 | 300 sales times thirty dollars per sale
  • 11:23 | netting me a profit of nine nine thousand dollars all for making a
  • 11:30 | couple of incense waterfall videos without using my face
  • 11:36 | without using my voice is it really this simple well first of all you need to
  • 11:43 | realize that the average person trying to quote unquote make money online makes nothing so yeah there is that we need to
  • 11:51 | treat this like a business but I believe that if you follow the steps in the rest of this video you can actually make
  • 11:57 | money in fact I’m gonna put my money where my mouth is and prove this to you
  • 12:02 | just the other day over on my Facebook group I made a post saying that I’m
  • 12:08 | going to be giving one of my students a free business yep that’s right I’m gonna
  • 12:14 | invest the money in the domains I’m gonna get all these incense waterfall thingies we’re gonna set up the videos
  • 12:20 | all they have to do is post them and not only that but we’re going to pair this with a website strategy as well so smash
  • 12:28 | a like button because we’re going to have that student come in here to the office and we’re going to work with them we’re going to show you everything we’re
  • 12:34 | going to show you what it makes what it doesn’t make the whole nine yards because I know that this strategy works
  • 12:41 | if you do it so make sure you stay tuned for that video series because we’re going to take this person from zero to
  • 12:47 | profit and show you everything along the way but first I want to show you how I set all this up over here on offer Vault
  • 12:53 | I clicked on run offer and signed up for the affiliate Network now I did have to go through their sign up process which
  • 12:59 | took about 15 minutes and then about 45 minutes later someone contacted me on Skype asked about what I was doing
  • 13:06 | approved my account and I was able to log in then all I need to do is hit the search button type in the word incense
  • 13:13 | right like this then I just go over to the offer tracking links copy my tracking link like this
  • 13:19 | make sure it works and bada bing bada boom I put that on my
  • 13:25 | website my videos and wherever I’m getting traffic so that I can make money and in order to do this right and give
  • 13:31 | my student a really good business I actually went out and bought some domain names for this Market I bought two
  • 13:37 | different domain names at auction one of them was which was only
  • 13:43 | twelve dollars now I did have to pay the GoDaddy fee which was like 20 bucks so it was about 35 but the reason I liked
  • 13:51 | this domain is it actually had some links coming from other sites about incense which means
  • 13:58 | Google’s gonna be like yeah dude I think your site is about incense let’s go
  • 14:04 | ahead and move you to the top of the search engines and not only that but if you go over to
  • 14:09 | the calendar over here you can actually see that right now live this website is
  • 14:14 | ranking for all kinds of different terms related to incense this is going to give our test student a jump start so they
  • 14:22 | understand exactly how this works so that they can get picked up in Google overnight the second domain I got was my
  • 14:30 | I liked this one because of the name and I probably paid a little bit too much for it but I did
  • 14:36 | like the name because we’re talking about incense holders not necessarily incense overnight but these two are
  • 14:42 | going to work good again this is a strategy I use if I want to build a six figure
  • 14:48 | maybe even seven figure business out of this type of Niche and we can see here
  • 14:53 | this one also is ranking for all different things related to incense now
  • 14:58 | that one cost me about four hundred and fifty dollars but still I’m in this entire business well under a thousand
  • 15:05 | dollars and I think there’s a huge potential to make money but don’t worry I’ll show you a free strategy in just a
  • 15:11 | minute because after all I just need to send people to this link so I can get paid technically I don’t
  • 15:18 | even need videos or websites or domains or anything like
  • 15:24 | that so the setup I decided to use was actually pretty simple I just put it right over here against these brick
  • 15:30 | panels which again you can cut two of them and get the same exact effect I have my little lights over on that side
  • 15:36 | and this side here which are putting the different colors up and then as you can see you can zoom in and get all kinds of
  • 15:42 | different effects like this that looks really good then when I’m done I just
  • 15:48 | take the memory card put it in my computer and start editing the video now in case you were wondering yes I do have
  • 15:55 | a lot of professional video equipment here in my office but this camera is actually standing on
  • 16:02 | a shoe box that I got as you can see I got pretty cool shoes there but I put
  • 16:09 | this here and it actually works perfectly so you could quite literally use what you have around the house to
  • 16:16 | make this work now I’m going to go ahead and use the Camtasia video editor this
  • 16:21 | one is a little bit pricey but you can use any editor out there there’s even free ones just Google video editor if
  • 16:28 | you’re on a phone type iPhone or Android or something like that or Mac or PC and
  • 16:34 | there’s tons of free video editors out there you can even use the Instagram editor or YouTube editor there’s lots of
  • 16:41 | tools so there’s literally no excuse and once I have Camtasia open I’m just going to take that file from my video camera
  • 16:48 | right here and if you’re using a phone simply plug your phone into the computer or you could just email the file to
  • 16:55 | yourself from your phone yeah I do that all the time as long as it’s not a huge file you should be okay then once I have
  • 17:02 | the file in here like this I’m going to go ahead and mute the audio and then I’m going to test it out and see how it
  • 17:08 | works and in a program like Camtasia you can actually speed up or slow down and
  • 17:14 | chop certain parts of the video so if I just wanted to do a video about this one
  • 17:19 | here I can go to where it starts right like this move this to the beginning of the
  • 17:25 | timeline and then I just go ahead and see how it looks and it looks a little
  • 17:31 | slow so what I’ll do is I’ll just fast forward to the end of the clip where I add the new one
  • 17:37 | right like that and then I can go ahead and make a short video we’ll do clip speed and I can
  • 17:44 | shorten this to like two minutes or something like that and you’ll see it looks a lot better on the fast version
  • 17:52 | now again it is going to take a little bit to render so we can see it clearly that’s what this little yellow bar means
  • 17:57 | and while we’re waiting for that I’m just going to go over to story blocks which has all kinds of different videos
  • 18:04 | and audios that we can use and it has the rights to them now if you can’t afford something like storyblocks I
  • 18:10 | think it’s like thirty dollars a month there are some free royalty use images
  • 18:16 | and videos and audio out there lots of platforms have them YouTube Instagram a
  • 18:21 | lot of them have their own music and video that you can use so we’re going to go in here and we’re going to type in
  • 18:27 | relaxing and I’m going to try to get some relaxing music for our incense video and
  • 18:34 | since it’s about two minutes ideally we want something that’s two minutes
  • 18:40 | all right that sounds like a foresty thing let’s do maybe relaxing music so
  • 18:47 | we’ll go to all audio right like this and we’ll get some relaxing music that we can use
  • 18:53 | that’s pretty cool let’s try this one about two minutes
  • 18:59 | all right we’re gonna try to get something that fits it’s kind of cool so we could do like
  • 19:05 | this and it’ll download right here and then we’ll just take and drag this
  • 19:11 | right onto our timeline here and we can even shrink the clip to be the exact
  • 19:17 | amount right then we do like this and you can see exactly how this is
  • 19:23 | going to look it’s kind of dramatic there all right and you can see the smoke is billowing down the music is
  • 19:30 | coming in and it looks really really cool
  • 19:35 | you could even add you can even add like affirmations or
  • 19:42 | quotes or whatever it is to make this even better then what I’m going to do is I could go ahead and put something like
  • 19:55 | apparently our light wanted to turn off hopefully I still look good and you can
  • 20:01 | add text and different things right like this it’s actually extremely simple to do so I could just add this here put
  • 20:09 | incense water fall
  • 20:14 | Link in you could just put incense waterfall incense
  • 20:21 | overnight dot com that way they see where they could actually get the waterfall now if
  • 20:27 | you want this to look a little bit better you can make it bold and make it kind of stand out a little bit and it’s
  • 20:33 | super easy to do stuff like this you just copy and paste the whole thing
  • 20:38 | now if you don’t have money to buy Spinners you don’t have a camera and you don’t have money to buy products what
  • 20:45 | you could do is actually go get images of the product from wherever you’re selling it so like here I can find the
  • 20:52 | same exact product like this save image ads and again make sure you have the
  • 20:57 | rights to use these images we hit save
  • 21:03 | then all we got to do is drag and drop that image into something like remove BG
  • 21:08 | and this will remove the background right like that and then I can go ahead and use this in my video right like this
  • 21:15 | and then I can put some stuff behind it or whatever it is I want I can go ahead and crop it like this
  • 21:23 | crop it like this then I can go back to video blocks and I can choose video and I can put something
  • 21:29 | like incense right like this now the video is not going to be as good if you’re not actually filming these but
  • 21:36 | you know sometimes you can find incense burners and stuff like this that will work pretty good and you can see here we
  • 21:43 | could just take something like this get the MP4 and then we’ll just drag that
  • 21:48 | behind our transparent image right like this and it actually looks pretty good
  • 21:54 | and again we can add the clip speed and we can see what it looks like here and
  • 21:59 | then you could just do video reviews of different incense products like this
  • 22:04 | obviously I would clean up the the edges up here and everything like that but again I can put the music behind it and
  • 22:11 | then we’re going to have something that looks pretty good right so here’s what it looks like here
  • 22:17 | and then if you’re going to do this method what I would do is I would add some value by talking about what the
  • 22:24 | different products have right so you can go through and and have like a Opening screen that says something like you know
  • 22:31 | incense burner one
  • 22:36 | number one right and then you can even show them where to get it like okay this one you’re gonna go to
  • 22:43 | um you know incense or whatever and then you could talk about the benefits and the cool thing about
  • 22:48 | these types of programs we could add our music there like that too the cool thing about these types of programs is you can
  • 22:55 | actually make this work in a very simple way and then you can even say like oh
  • 23:01 | hey let’s put an arrow on here right like this and you could say oh you
  • 23:07 | know down flow bowl or whatever it is right obviously
  • 23:13 | you’re gonna read about this stuff and learn about the product and then you could go through and make these videos
  • 23:19 | where it’s like oh hey there’s a downflow bowl and then you can have another one up here
  • 23:24 | and then right like this maybe we’ll say this one’s like you know uh extra large spout
  • 23:33 | or whatever it is right do your research learn about these products and then you can add these right like this and then
  • 23:40 | you can even have like a little fancy animation
  • 23:46 | right like this if I want this one to pop up or this one to scale you can see what they look like right here
  • 23:56 | that one pops up like that and then when it gets to the next one you’ll see how it works now I would highly highly
  • 24:03 | highly recommend for those that are serious about making a living with this that you go through and and actually get
  • 24:10 | the products right spend a little bit of money get the products spin them around make them look good because obviously
  • 24:15 | this static image is not going to convert as good as me actually having
  • 24:21 | this here and again you know if I put these on this one right Watch What Happens here
  • 24:27 | you just make it Point like this and you can make a really good video now another
  • 24:32 | thing you can do is you can actually turn these into meditation relaxation
  • 24:38 | videos instead of just reviews of products this is something that can work really good and then you could say hey
  • 24:44 | go to my website to get this incense burner and the incense that I recommend
  • 24:50 | or something like that and it’s very very simple very easy and then once you’re done all you’re going to do is
  • 24:57 | use your program hit export you’re going to export it to an mp4 now I like to
  • 25:03 | call these the name of it so I do incense waterfall
  • 25:09 | meditation okay and then you can even put whatever the product is called uh or or a number
  • 25:15 | or whatever you want to do now it’s very important that when you do this you set them as an mp4 and then choose a good
  • 25:23 | quality I usually like to do like 80 or more what this will do is it’s going to export it to your computer as an mp4
  • 25:31 | then you can load it to YouTube Instagram Pinterest Tick Tock whatever you want it’s actually very simple now
  • 25:38 | if you are doing short videos you want to make sure that you do file project
  • 25:44 | settings right over here and you’re going to choose the exact opposite so
  • 25:49 | instead of 1920 by 1080 it’s going to be 1080 by 1920. very simple it just makes
  • 25:55 | it like a long video like on a phone or something like that so that’s very very simple then what we
  • 26:03 | want to do is we want to go over to YouTube and take a look at the videos that are doing good and kind of pattern
  • 26:09 | after them so if you’re going to do a review you can see here waterfall backflow
  • 26:14 | incense burner does it really work my honest review or
  • 26:19 | backflow incense burner so I’m seeing that a lot of these actually do have the
  • 26:24 | word backflow or the name of the product or something like that and even this one
  • 26:29 | you can see with 10 million views it says product Link in comments which is
  • 26:35 | pretty cool here’s another one that says incense waterfall how it works amazing
  • 26:40 | so obviously I could do a video on how it works I can go through and do an
  • 26:46 | unboxing video how to light them and on and on we go so what we want to do is
  • 26:51 | pattern after what’s working and we could see here backflow incense burner is kind of the key word that is working
  • 26:59 | here and then also we could look at our ahrefs or whatever keyword tool we like
  • 27:04 | type in incense waterfall and we can see here all the searches and we can pattern our video after this stuff as well now
  • 27:11 | if you do this the key is consistency because if you keep doing this it’s not a matter of if it’s a matter of when
  • 27:18 | this stuff will work might take a couple videos before you get the hang of it but once it works it’s going to start to
  • 27:25 | snowball like crazy we can even type in incense burner right like this there’s a lot of
  • 27:32 | searches for that or even incense holder this is another keyword that
  • 27:39 | people look up quite a bit so we see there’s a lot of traffic here then what we’re going to do is we’re going to take our video and we’re going to make an
  • 27:46 | overview about that video and put it on our blog with the link to the video this
  • 27:53 | is going to help jump start everything like crazy now what we’re going to do is grab some titles and some ideas we can
  • 28:00 | see here that these incense meditation videos ASMR incense videos are literally
  • 28:06 | off the hook this one here has 8.1 million views lots of stuff and again we
  • 28:12 | need to remember that our end goal isn’t monetization it’s to actually go out there and sell this incense thing so
  • 28:19 | that we can get thirty dollars and we’re also going to have Amazon affiliate marketing and meditation relaxation
  • 28:25 | stuff as well this is super important we can actually open this page in bing
  • 28:31 | which I’m going to use because it has chat GPT embedded in it so what we’re going to do is click the chat GPT button
  • 28:38 | like this and say please strip out the titles of the videos from
  • 28:46 | this page
  • 28:52 | then I can go ahead and copy these right like this put them into chat GPT right
  • 28:57 | like this and say please come up with 20
  • 29:03 | YouTube video titles that use lots of the
  • 29:09 | keywords in this list of titles and then we’ll
  • 29:16 | put the list right like that and it’ll go through and make the different titles now this is very simple because it’s
  • 29:23 | like awake hidden Powers music deep meditation and we can even isolate it and say now make them for incense
  • 29:32 | burning videos right like this there we go and
  • 29:38 | we have all these different titles that we can use what we can do here is something like this DIY backflow incense
  • 29:45 | burner crafting your own companion or backflow burner showcase this one would
  • 29:51 | be good for showing lots of different burners so now I can say now please make
  • 29:57 | this one a video with a YouTube description
  • 30:06 | right like this and it’s going to go ahead and make the description and everything like that it’s got highlights
  • 30:12 | it’s got time stamps and pretty much everything and I can go through and make this work in a very simple way and then
  • 30:20 | when I’m done with my video I take the closest keyword to what the video is about so for this one let’s say it’s
  • 30:27 | about backflow incense burners for meta today for meditation spaces so I could go
  • 30:34 | through and say something like incense for meditation and I can do
  • 30:41 | now please write a blog post 1500 words about
  • 30:49 | using incense for meditation
  • 30:55 | and make it like the video above video
  • 31:01 | description above but expand
  • 31:07 | on different types of
  • 31:12 | incense for meditation and how it’s used boom right like that
  • 31:20 | keyword boom incense and then I’ll put keyword
  • 31:26 | incense for meditation this is going to go through and create a blog post about
  • 31:32 | this topic and now I could put this on my blog with
  • 31:37 | the embedded YouTube video and start to get this thing cranking in the search engines thus getting the YouTube traffic
  • 31:44 | search traffic social media traffic when I put this on Tick Tock Instagram
  • 31:50 | Facebook groups about meditation this ladies and gentlemen is how you build a
  • 31:55 | real business so smash that like button because next week we’re gonna have a part two where I actually take the
  • 32:02 | person that I’m giving this business to we’re gonna have her here in the office we’re gonna give her the business and
  • 32:07 | we’re gonna document the whole journey so that you can see that what we’re talking about actually works and not
  • 32:15 | only that but check out the videos in the description to learn more about how to create videos make blog posts and
  • 32:22 | ultimately make money online


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