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- 0:00 | it took 2 hours to make over
- 0:04 | $220,000 with an AI generated Tik Tok
- 0:07 | it’s just Bonkers to me how easy it is
- 0:09 | to make money right now especially with
- 0:11 | Tik Tok Shop’s new affiliate program so
- 0:13 | all you’re really doing is finding a
- 0:14 | product on Tik Tok shop AI creates an
- 0:16 | entire video about it and then you post
- 0:18 | that AI made video look at how simple
- 0:20 | this is I found this on Twitter right
- 0:22 | this is where it all started this dude
- 0:24 | named Cal he tweeted this AI Tik Tok
- 0:26 | generated
- 0:27 | $997,000 in sales the reason you feel so
- 0:30 | sick and tired every single day is the
- 0:32 | same reason you are so unproductive it
- 0:35 | all comes down to one root cause you are
- 0:37 | not giving your body the love it
- 0:39 | deserves so here are the top this is an
- 0:42 | absolute Banger and you want to know why
- 0:43 | immediately they’re capturing a ton of
- 0:45 | people in an emotional way when you go
- 0:47 | to the end of the video right you can
- 0:49 | see they’re actually selling this
- 0:50 | product right here this like
- 0:52 | multi-mineral seamoss looking thing
- 0:54 | every time someone clicked on this
- 0:56 | little funny looking button at the
- 0:57 | bottom left of their screen and then
- 0:59 | that person bought this product right
- 1:01 | here the person that posted the video is
- 1:03 | making Moola that’s all it is you click
- 1:05 | on the button buy something person that
- 1:07 | posted makes money as simple as that
- 1:09 | this dude made
- 1:10 | $997,000 in sale so I’m like okay this
- 1:13 | is a cool looking tweet I want to check
- 1:15 | this out even deeper you guys know I’ve
- 1:16 | been doing Tik Tok shop for a couple
- 1:17 | months now and I have almost a million
- 1:19 | dollars in sales across all my pages if
- 1:21 | you want to watch the videos definitely
- 1:23 | go to my channel it’s like somewhere
- 1:25 | around here but when I saw this I
- 1:27 | freaked out cuz I’m like yo this dude
- 1:28 | did it without even talking he was just
- 1:30 | using AI to create the video so I’m
- 1:32 | going to show you guys exactly how to do
- 1:34 | the same exact thing there’s a website
- 1:36 | called cow data where you can find the
- 1:38 | exact person that posted the video how
- 1:40 | much money they’re making it’s just
- 1:42 | incredible in the last 90 days right
- 1:44 | this is the same page that posted this
- 1:46 | video right here you can see the same
- 1:47 | exact little logo look at that it’s
- 1:49 | crazy it’s called healthy habits right
- 1:52 | $132,000 in sales in the last 90 days
- 1:56 | not too shabby and it was all with this
- 1:57 | product and this product in total has
- 1:59 | has brought in over 6 million just from
- 2:01 | Tik Tok shop you can see it’s just going
- 2:03 | bonkers we’re talking like $70,000 worth
- 2:06 | of this is selling on average every
- 2:08 | single day so as I’m looking at this
- 2:10 | right you can scroll down and you can
- 2:12 | actually go to the creators to see who’s
- 2:13 | posting so I did some research right
- 2:16 | because in order to make these videos we
- 2:17 | need to understand how they look first
- 2:19 | so we’re going to go to this guy
- 2:21 | conscious doctor right he’s made like
- 2:22 | 260,000 in total and this just when I
- 2:26 | saw
- 2:28 | this Ju Just sit back brace yourself
- 2:31 | because these numbers get insane all
- 2:33 | right we scroll down on this guy’s page
- 2:35 | right and we can see his number one
- 2:38 | video right here so now we’re looking at
- 2:40 | this dude and he has made
- 2:43 | $224,000 in Revenue with less than two
- 2:46 | hours worth of work because each of
- 2:48 | these Tik toks right we actually check
- 2:49 | out this exact Tik Tok they take less
- 2:52 | than two hours to make so this dude
- 2:54 | right if we actually go to his page he
- 2:56 | posted six videos and his sixth one
- 3:00 | takes off and makes over
- 3:03 | $220,000 and his first one got 6 million
- 3:07 | view like we’re not even talking about
- 3:08 | his first video we’re talking about his
- 3:10 | sixth video there is a cash flowing cash
- 3:14 | cow money-making gold mine right here I
- 3:16 | don’t even know I don’t care what you
- 3:17 | call it there is opportunity and out of
- 3:19 | this
- 3:21 | $224,000 that this dude brought in from
- 3:23 | only a million views he made 25%
- 3:26 | commission so if you do that math right
- 3:28 | 24,000 kind of round it there time
- 3:32 | 0.25 he took home
- 3:39 | $60,000 question is how can you start
- 3:41 | doing this and find products just like
- 3:44 | this which are usually some type of
- 3:45 | Health product like some pill and then
- 3:47 | actually sell them on Tik Tok only using
- 3:50 | AI so first we need to find a product in
- 3:52 | order to do that which I found this one
- 3:54 | right here you can go to cow data once
- 3:56 | you go to cow data go over to the left
- 3:58 | hand side you’ll see category
- 4:00 | Okay click on that category and then
- 4:02 | scroll down and we’re going to do Health
- 4:04 | okay so once you click on health this
- 4:06 | will show you like a bunch of different
- 4:07 | supplements supplements sell like hot
- 4:10 | cakes I don’t know why so now that I
- 4:12 | have my product the next step is to
- 4:13 | actually make a script and this script
- 4:15 | is going to break down what is going to
- 4:17 | be inside the video so we’re going to
- 4:19 | use this script to generate the audio to
- 4:21 | generate the photos pretty much make the
- 4:23 | entire thing so what you’re going to do
- 4:24 | is go to Google Docs so once you’re here
- 4:26 | you need to come up with a script this
- 4:28 | script is going to be around what ever
- 4:29 | product you chose so let’s say you’re
- 4:31 | doing this one right we need to somehow
- 4:33 | sell this so what I highly recommend
- 4:35 | doing is going to this page Stellar
- 4:37 | Health these guys killed it we’re
- 4:39 | talking like 19 million views 12 million
- 4:42 | views this is a really solid one another
- 4:44 | one is best healthy habits and and just
- 4:46 | kind of study what they’re doing right
- 4:48 | look at their most popular videos see
- 4:50 | what they’re like and the one thing that
- 4:52 | I’ve noticed is at the start here’s how
- 4:54 | your life would change right that that’s
- 4:57 | one of the hooks the next hook health
- 4:59 | Secrets this one actually sucked that
- 5:01 | didn’t get many views right notice how
- 5:03 | when they directly called them out and
- 5:05 | and hit something emotionally right at
- 5:07 | the start this is how your life would
- 5:09 | change forever if you ate this rare
- 5:12 | potent fungi you know it’s it’s making
- 5:15 | you interested so this is the hook that
- 5:17 | I came up with you feel lost in your
- 5:19 | life maybe a relationship went South or
- 5:22 | your job just isn’t the same anymore
- 5:23 | it’s calling something out emotionally
- 5:25 | it’s going deep into them it’s going
- 5:28 | deep into their like emotions and their
- 5:30 | heart and just their personal feelings
- 5:32 | right you feel lost in your life it’s
- 5:34 | going to directly call out a lot of
- 5:36 | people you’re saying you you’re calling
- 5:38 | them out and then I’m relating to them
- 5:40 | in some way by saying hey maybe a
- 5:41 | relationship went South maybe they’re
- 5:43 | like yo actually yeah that did just
- 5:44 | happen I’m going to keep watching this
- 5:46 | video or your job just isn’t the same
- 5:48 | anymore right they’re going to be like
- 5:49 | yo actually my job ain’t the same I want
- 5:51 | to watch this the hook I always
- 5:53 | recommend you do this yourself this is
- 5:55 | like probably the only piece of actual
- 5:56 | work you need to really do you know the
- 5:58 | hook is super important for the next
- 6:00 | part of it you can go to chat GPT right
- 6:03 | I use chat gbt 4 it’s really solid this
- 6:06 | is by open Ai and you can go and say
- 6:09 | create me a script about a
- 6:14 | supplement that contains and then let’s
- 6:17 | go through all the things it contains so
- 6:19 | Lion’s man turkey tail Rishi right uh
- 6:23 | Lion Man create me a script about a
- 6:26 | supplement that contains Lion Man Rishi
- 6:28 | turkey tail mushroom
- 6:30 | talk about the benefits and keep it
- 6:31 | under 150 words boom so we’ll see what
- 6:34 | this comes up with oh well there you go
- 6:37 | it just came up with a whole script that
- 6:38 | you can use and I would highly recommend
- 6:41 | redoing this a few times until you get
- 6:43 | something solid oh this is great wow
- 6:46 | this is amazing look at this Lion’s man
- 6:49 | helps your brain feel sharp and quick
- 6:51 | kind of like how you feel when you solve
- 6:53 | a puzzle really fast Rishi is like a
- 6:55 | calm friend helping you feel less
- 6:57 | worried and keeping you healthy so you
- 6:59 | can play play more turkey tail is packed
- 7:01 | with tiny Health boosters that help
- 7:02 | guard your body almost like having tiny
- 7:05 | Shield okay you get the point this thing
- 7:07 | is amazing and it’ll give you sentences
- 7:10 | right so you can come in here and be
- 7:11 | like okay I like these three sentences
- 7:13 | we’re going to stick that in copy it and
- 7:16 | then you can paste it right in here
- 7:18 | right and obviously we’re going to have
- 7:19 | to change it so it looks good so what
- 7:20 | you want to do next is kind of separate
- 7:22 | this line by line okay and the reason
- 7:23 | why we’re doing that is because each
- 7:25 | line is going to be a new photo that we
- 7:27 | actually have to generate and this is it
- 7:29 | right so you can see there’s a lot of
- 7:30 | highlighted words we’re going to get
- 7:32 | into what that actually is notice how in
- 7:34 | this video that I made like most of the
- 7:35 | words are white and then some of them
- 7:37 | stand out with the Colors by making
- 7:39 | those colors inside of the sheet we
- 7:41 | pretty much just helping us in the
- 7:42 | future things that are positive I’ll
- 7:44 | highlight in green so for example your
- 7:46 | life right life is green it’s nice
- 7:49 | highlight things in red that are usually
- 7:51 | negative like negative feelings negative
- 7:53 | words for example empty right
- 7:55 | gut-wrenching that’s kind of negative
- 7:57 | once you have this entire script which I
- 7:58 | usually make these in about 20 minutes
- 8:00 | once you get the hang of it it’s really
- 8:02 | easy to do it takes like not even 20
- 8:04 | minutes so now that you have your script
- 8:06 | the next step is to go back to chat gbt
- 8:08 | and we’re going to use this exact prompt
- 8:10 | create a 3D ultra high resolution image
- 8:13 | of and then you’re going to tell it what
- 8:14 | to do so like we already did right you
- 8:16 | feel lost in your life okay that’s the
- 8:19 | first image we need to generate notice
- 8:20 | how the first image has a a human right
- 8:22 | it has an actual person if we go to some
- 8:25 | other videos like this one that got 20
- 8:27 | million views it’s an AI video it has
- 8:29 | person and usually that person has
- 8:31 | either a positive emotion or some type
- 8:33 | of negative emotion on their face that’s
- 8:35 | really going to get them right it’s
- 8:37 | going to get them to keep watching a man
- 8:39 | with a shocked
- 8:43 | face looks
- 8:45 | lost closeup
- 8:48 | view oh my gosh that is so bad okay
- 8:52 | we’re regenerating that I could
- 8:53 | literally sh it on a piece of toilet
- 8:55 | paper and it’ll look more appealing than
- 8:56 | this okay that’s kind of cool yo look at
- 8:59 | this this is really good okay so this is
- 9:01 | what it should look like right the Dude
- 9:03 | Looks shocked he’s in nature we could
- 9:05 | probably change that but I really like
- 9:06 | the colors so you could even use this
- 9:09 | and if you don’t like it just click this
- 9:10 | little button and it’ll make it again
- 9:12 | maybe a relationship went South okay now
- 9:15 | we need to make you know something we
- 9:17 | need to be creative here of a
- 9:19 | relationship maybe they’re fighting
- 9:20 | right two people fighting or a man
- 9:22 | that’s really sad or something like that
- 9:23 | it’s going to take some time this this
- 9:25 | part will probably take about 30 to 40
- 9:27 | minutes but this is the fun part too
- 9:29 | you’re creating photos that usually take
- 9:31 | like days for an artist to make from
- 9:33 | scratch and you’re doing it in 30
- 9:34 | seconds have fun with it you know this
- 9:36 | is 2024 and it’s actually scary AI is
- 9:40 | advancing like crazy enjoy it have fun
- 9:42 | with it go through every single line and
- 9:45 | make a different photo for each of them
- 9:46 | and once you do that you should have a
- 9:48 | whole Google Drive that looks like this
- 9:50 | right this is my first image okay second
- 9:53 | image this is the relationship of them
- 9:55 | actually fighting right this line third
- 9:57 | image or your job just isn’t the the
- 9:59 | same anymore I created this one of a
- 10:01 | dude like hating his job that’s what
- 10:03 | these guys are doing right in these
- 10:05 | videos that you’ve probably seen on your
- 10:06 | 4 page that’s all they’re doing they’re
- 10:08 | going to chat GPT they’re just having
- 10:10 | these you know random photos be made in
- 10:13 | 30 seconds they mash it together in like
- 10:16 | a slideshow and then they make hundreds
- 10:18 | of thousands of dollars so now that we
- 10:19 | have the photos add all of these to a
- 10:21 | Google Drive and the next step we’re
- 10:22 | going to do is actually make the audio
- 10:24 | for this so to make those voices you can
- 10:26 | go to 11 labs this is what it looks like
- 10:28 | and you’re essentially just putting in
- 10:31 | all of your text right here so this is
- 10:33 | an old one that I did let me get rid of
- 10:35 | that but this is what 11 Labs looks like
- 10:37 | so go back to your script okay copy all
- 10:40 | of
- 10:41 | this bada bing bada boom paste it and
- 10:44 | that’s it Sarah is pretty solid Nicole’s
- 10:47 | cool I like Adam right Adam is the most
- 10:49 | popular dude right let me see if you can
- 10:51 | hear him
- 10:53 | wait allow the world to live as it
- 10:55 | chooses and allow yourself to live as
- 10:58 | you choose okay hopefully you could hear
- 11:00 | him that’s Adam he’s the most popular
- 11:02 | guy so we’ll just do Adam right for the
- 11:04 | voice settings usually I’ll keep it you
- 11:07 | know around these numbers maybe bring
- 11:08 | this down to like 45 you can change
- 11:10 | these play around with it see what is
- 11:13 | best for you we have the voice we have
- 11:15 | the images okay we have the text that
- 11:18 | we’re going to put on the screen how do
- 11:19 | we actually make that look like this so
- 11:22 | we’re going to hop over to the phone
- 11:24 | here okay we’re going to break this down
- 11:26 | so hopefully you have everything inside
- 11:27 | of a Google Drive so you have your audio
- 11:29 | that you just made from 11 laps right
- 11:32 | you have your Google doc right there and
- 11:33 | you even have your images right so
- 11:36 | organize it all into one Google folder
- 11:38 | like this Google drive folder and then
- 11:40 | go through and this is going to be kind
- 11:43 | of a pain in the butt but download every
- 11:45 | single one of these Okay click on it
- 11:48 | download that’s it let’s go back to this
- 11:50 | audio that we had let just download that
- 11:53 | okay now you’re going to click on this
- 11:55 | button that says save to files okay so
- 11:57 | save it to your files we’ll be able to
- 11:59 | find it later so next step go to the App
- 12:00 | Store and you’re either going to
- 12:02 | download cap cut which I think is all
- 12:04 | right I think it’s overrated I like
- 12:05 | inshot right it’s in a like a video
- 12:08 | editing app so yeah this is it right
- 12:10 | here 2 million freaking ratings it’s CED
- 12:12 | so once you actually log into inshot
- 12:14 | you’re just going to click on video and
- 12:15 | then click on new you can see I selected
- 12:17 | all the photos right we’re going to use
- 12:19 | five of them as an example and then
- 12:21 | click on the little green check mark in
- 12:23 | the bottom right it’s going to load up
- 12:24 | all your photos and then boom now you
- 12:26 | have your photos inside of inshot I only
- 12:28 | did a few of them CU I’m just going to
- 12:29 | show you guys the basics you’ll be able
- 12:31 | to do the rest but Click on each photo
- 12:34 | okay and we’re going to zoom it in so it
- 12:36 | gets to the entirety of the screen look
- 12:37 | at that look at that the quality is
- 12:40 | insane Zoom this in
- 12:44 | right now it’s really coming together
- 12:46 | here and you guys can see how this goes
- 12:48 | down now look at that it’s just like a
- 12:52 | very basic oh let’s go my door Dash is
- 12:54 | coming hey so I just got a bombass
- 12:58 | smoothie so now you can see we have a
- 12:59 | very basic slideshow if we want to make
- 13:01 | this look good we need to add animations
- 13:03 | and transitions but first let’s actually
- 13:06 | add in our audio that we made in 11 Labs
- 13:08 | so you’re going to come over here and
- 13:09 | click on music and then Music Plus and
- 13:12 | then go to imported if you don’t have it
- 13:15 | there just click on Import in the top
- 13:16 | right and then import from files and
- 13:19 | that’s where you’re going to actually
- 13:20 | find the audio that you save there and
- 13:23 | yeah just find it click on it let’s go
- 13:25 | so now we have it so once you actually
- 13:27 | have it inside of your shot video editor
- 13:30 | if you zoom in right you’ll see these
- 13:32 | pauses okay let’s play it notice those
- 13:34 | like awkward pauses life maybe a
- 13:37 | relationship went South or your job just
- 13:40 | isn’t the same anymore whatever it it’s
- 13:42 | too slow right so we need to chop that
- 13:44 | down so we’re actually going to split it
- 13:47 | split it again delete that’s all we did
- 13:50 | right so move the
- 13:52 | cursor click on it click
- 13:55 | split split and then click on that
- 13:58 | little segment in the middle delete and
- 13:59 | now you can see we have a bunch of
- 14:01 | different little Clips we’re just going
- 14:02 | to put those right next to each other so
- 14:04 | look at this now look how smooth this is
- 14:07 | okay you feel lost in your life maybe a
- 14:10 | relationship went South or your job just
- 14:12 | isn’t the same anymore whatever it may
- 14:14 | be so you have your Google drive right
- 14:16 | so you can see this entire script that
- 14:18 | we made um we we separated it line by
- 14:21 | line each of those lines is a new photo
- 14:23 | so the first one you feel lost in your
- 14:26 | life okay let’s go back to here and
- 14:28 | let’s actually make make that
- 14:30 | happen you feel lost in your life you
- 14:34 | feel lost in your life that’s when we’re
- 14:35 | going to cut the image lost in your life
- 14:38 | boom okay go to split and boom just like
- 14:42 | that you feel lost in your life maybe a
- 14:45 | relationship went South maybe a
- 14:47 | relationship went South yep that’s the
- 14:50 | next line so we’re going to cut it right
- 14:51 | there delete the rest so then scroll
- 14:54 | over to animation okay and we’re going
- 14:55 | to go to the combo right this got some
- 14:57 | fire in there we’ll do the uh let’s
- 15:00 | start off with the swing right you feel
- 15:02 | lost in your life that’s fire now watch
- 15:05 | this you feel lost in your life maybe a
- 15:09 | relation that was cool okay so so next
- 15:13 | step right we’re going to go image by
- 15:14 | image okay so the first one has a cool
- 15:16 | animation and in between each of these
- 15:18 | photos we need to put a transition look
- 15:20 | how awkward that is right that that’s
- 15:22 | just that’s gross okay we need to put a
- 15:24 | transition so this one should start by
- 15:25 | swinging in from the left so let’s go to
- 15:28 | transition let’s click on this one lost
- 15:31 | in your life maybe yeah look at that
- 15:33 | that’s clean watch in your life maybe a
- 15:37 | make it a little bit longer at the end
- 15:38 | maybe so sometimes you might need to
- 15:40 | make it a little bit longer cuz once you
- 15:41 | put the transition in it’s going to like
- 15:43 | mess with it a little bit but let’s go
- 15:45 | to
- 15:46 | animation let’s actually go
- 15:49 | to uh trans maybe a relationship went
- 15:53 | South nice let’s see how that looks in
- 15:55 | your life maybe a relationship went
- 15:57 | South or your okay so notice how the end
- 15:59 | of this right it’s going to the right
- 16:02 | side the transition should be going that
- 16:05 | same way so it looks
- 16:06 | smooth maybe a relationship went South
- 16:09 | or just
- 16:10 | like maybe a relationship went South
- 16:14 | isn’t the same anymore whatever o we had
- 16:16 | a mess up look at that okay to fix that
- 16:19 | click on it animation make sure the
- 16:21 | timer goes all the way to the or yeah
- 16:23 | just like that south or your job just
- 16:26 | isn’t the same anymore so look at that
- 16:28 | looks smooth we have the audio now
- 16:30 | you’re just going to do that same thing
- 16:31 | for the
- 16:32 | entire video pretty much add in all the
- 16:35 | audio make sure to get rid of the pauses
- 16:37 | add in all the photos key is every
- 16:40 | single photo should have one of these
- 16:42 | animations I usually do the combos those
- 16:44 | look solid and then I’ll do the trans L
- 16:47 | trans R I’ll also do the swing L swing R
- 16:51 | and then also the spinall and the fall
- 16:53 | spin go up to the top right make sure
- 16:56 | the frame rate is 60 FPS resolution can
- 16:58 | be 1080 and just save it and boom it’s
- 17:01 | going to download it straight to your
- 17:02 | phone the last step is actually adding
- 17:05 | the captions okay which is honestly the
- 17:07 | quickest thing to do it does it
- 17:09 | automatically download this app called
- 17:11 | Ved captions and once you go into it I
- 17:15 | got some some videos in there um click
- 17:18 | on plus choose a
- 17:20 | video and then you can select the video
- 17:23 | that you just
- 17:25 | made and boom click on ADD English
- 17:29 | captions okay it’s going to generate all
- 17:31 | the captions using AI for you you don’t
- 17:33 | have to do much it’s incredible it
- 17:36 | really is that kind of looks booty we’re
- 17:38 | going to go to style and we’re actually
- 17:39 | going to change this I like to use the
- 17:41 | Casper one so lines per block I’ll
- 17:44 | usually do one line and then the line
- 17:46 | length I do it short just play around
- 17:48 | with it see which one you like the
- 17:50 | most this w’t drop in I like
- 17:54 | that yeah we’ll do drop in for this one
- 17:57 | nice look at that
- 17:59 | that looks really clean we’ll make it a
- 18:00 | little bit smaller that way it doesn’t
- 18:02 | get cut off we’re going to go through
- 18:04 | each of these and add in our highlights
- 18:06 | so you remember we highlighted these
- 18:07 | right you feel lost in your life so you
- 18:10 | feel lost is yellow so we’re going to
- 18:12 | click on these right and just change the
- 18:14 | color to Yellow you feel lost those are
- 18:18 | all yellow now next one was life that
- 18:22 | was Green Let’s go over to life I don’t
- 18:24 | like the period I’m going to remove that
- 18:26 | put that to Green you feel lost in your
- 18:28 | life maybe a relationship went South or
- 18:31 | your job just isn’t the same anymore
- 18:33 | whatever it may be this gut-wrenching
- 18:35 | feeling won’t go away all right that’s
- 18:37 | better than nothing so you guys can keep
- 18:38 | playing around with it I’m not going to
- 18:39 | sit here forever but that’s pretty much
- 18:41 | how you would do it click on check and
- 18:43 | then export and just like that you have
- 18:46 | your entire video um you just uploaded
- 18:48 | to Tik Tok put some you know music in
- 18:50 | the background make sure when you’re
- 18:52 | adding the music do it inside of the Tik
- 18:54 | Tok app because it makes sure that it’s
- 18:56 | not like copyrighted if you have
- 18:57 | copyrighted music music it’s going to
- 18:59 | like give you the finger so just it’s
- 19:01 | easier inside the app so now you turned
- 19:03 | this script into a bunch of different
- 19:07 | images and then you took those images
- 19:09 | and also created an AI voice and then
- 19:13 | you created an entire video using that
- 19:15 | so this is what the full video looks
- 19:17 | like when it’s done um it’s fire you
- 19:19 | have you know the transitions you have
- 19:22 | the text on the screen you have the
- 19:24 | audio we’re just going to play it so you
- 19:25 | guys can see it you feel lost in your
- 19:27 | life maybe a relationship went South or
- 19:30 | your job just isn’t the same anymore
- 19:32 | whatever it may be this gut-wrenching
- 19:34 | feeling won’t go away Dr Hemi researched
- 19:37 | this dilemma for years to find a
- 19:39 | solution and it turns out the answer was
- 19:41 | already in nature Dr Hemi found a group
- 19:43 | of 20 extraordinary mushrooms that when
- 19:46 | taken together could work Wonders on the
- 19:48 | mind and body one of which was Lion’s
- 19:51 | man a superfood known for helping
- 19:53 | protect the body’s vital organs then
- 19:55 | there’s turkey tail a powerful natural
- 19:58 | healer that helps fight viral and with
- 20:01 | that being said guys that’s pretty much
- 20:04 | how oops I knocked over this thing this
- 20:07 | is Boost Oxygen not sponsored I saw this
- 20:10 | on Shark Tank um it looks so crazy so I
- 20:12 | bought it on Amazon It’s Like Oxygen in
- 20:14 | a can so you just kind of you go like
- 20:17 | that like it’s an
- 20:19 | inhaler and then you just get like a ton
- 20:21 | of oxygen to you it’s like really good I
- 20:23 | don’t
- 20:25 | know doesn’t taste like anything I don’t
- 20:27 | know why I’m going anyways uh yeah guys
- 20:29 | so that’s how you create an AI video
- 20:31 | completely from scratch AI images AI
- 20:34 | voice AI text it’s solid and these
- 20:36 | videos can take off so if you want to
- 20:38 | learn more about this I can only put so
- 20:40 | much into like this little video here so
- 20:42 | I made a full breakdown like a 1 hour
- 20:44 | video of how to do this and also seven
- 20:46 | more hours of how to go viral on Tik Tok
- 20:48 | and make money with Tik Tok shop so if
- 20:50 | you want to make some Bank definitely
- 20:52 | join the community Tik Tok Master is in
- 20:53 | the description this dude Kenny just
- 20:55 | made $138 yesterday or not that’s today
- 20:58 | that’s incredible this dude’s slicky he
- 21:01 | just made 50 bucks today we got people
- 21:03 | making Bank inside of here in the last 7
- 21:05 | days she just made a grand just by
- 21:08 | posting Tik toks so if you guys want to
- 21:10 | learn more about this how to make AI
- 21:11 | videos how to just do Tik Tok shop in
- 21:13 | general join Tik Tok Mastery and come
- 21:15 | make some money with us really up to you
- 21:17 | it’s up to you to make the videos to
- 21:19 | post the videos to grind it out and the
- 21:21 | people that actually dedicate themselves
- 21:23 | they are making bank thanks again guys
- 21:25 | I’ll see you inside a Tik Tok Mastery
- 21:27 | peace out everyone
- 21:30 | [Music]
- 21:41 | the