How to do Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest for Beginners (3 STRATEGIES) Join The Real World (Hustler’s University Today): …
- 0:00 | first of all Pinterest is so underrated
- 0:02 | and the reasons are many I will talk
- 0:05 | more about this later on today but
- 0:07 | firstly why do we even want to do
- 0:09 | affiliate marketing well in my opinion
- 0:11 | it’s one of the most lucrative side
- 0:13 | hustles that you can do basically it’s
- 0:14 | getting paid to promote other people’s
- 0:16 | products in exchange for commissions I
- 0:18 | like to best explain it as you’re
- 0:20 | working as a commission only sales agent
- 0:23 | for any brand or product you like it
- 0:25 | offers passive income which means that
- 0:27 | you can make money without doing
- 0:29 | continuous work and you can do the work
- 0:32 | once and then continue to get paid
- 0:34 | passively every single month without
- 0:36 | having to put in more hours and because
- 0:38 | you’re not selling your own products you
- 0:40 | don’t have to provide any customer
- 0:42 | support you don’t have to ship anything
- 0:44 | anywhere you don’t have to deal with the
- 0:46 | exchanges or returns and lastly the cost
- 0:49 | to operate this is very low but now what
- 0:51 | is Pinterest and why should we be
- 0:53 | utilizing it for affiliate marketing
- 0:55 | well basically Pinterest is a visual
- 0:57 | search engine and it is so amazing
- 0:59 | because it combines everything that we
- 1:01 | love about Tik Tok everything we love
- 1:03 | about Instagram so that visual side of
- 1:05 | things and combines it with the SEO or
- 1:08 | search engine optimization side of
- 1:10 | Google and YouTube which just basically
- 1:13 | puts everything together to be the most
- 1:15 | perfect platform so not only is it
- 1:17 | visual appealing but you can rank at the
- 1:20 | top of search Once you understand how to
- 1:22 | rank in keywords which means when people
- 1:24 | are searching for things on the internet
- 1:27 | your content can be seen by thousands of
- 1:29 | millions of eyeballs in fact you’re not
- 1:32 | relying on any kind of algorithm that
- 1:34 | might or might not push your content if
- 1:36 | you’re utilizing the strategies properly
- 1:38 | you will be seen because it’s a search
- 1:41 | engine that follows a search engine
- 1:43 | optimized algorithm now a little bit
- 1:45 | about Pinterest is that it is 70% women
- 1:49 | all right most of its users are women
- 1:51 | which is an important piece of the
- 1:52 | puzzle for you to understand the
- 1:54 | demographic that’s on Pinterest so when
- 1:56 | creating pins and creating articles and
- 1:58 | creating affiliate offers you want to
- 2:00 | think about the women in mind what are
- 2:03 | women looking for what are women
- 2:04 | searching for not to say that you can’t
- 2:07 | promote men products on Pinterest
- 2:09 | because there are going to be women that
- 2:11 | are searching for gifts for their men
- 2:13 | gifts for their dads gifts for their
- 2:16 | sons things like that so yes you can
- 2:18 | promote man products on Pinterest but
- 2:20 | make sure you’re doing it with the
- 2:22 | mindset of what a woman would be
- 2:25 | searching for right another piece of the
- 2:27 | puzzle is that 40% of the user
- 2:29 | demographics on Pinterest have a
- 2:30 | household income of
- 2:32 | $100,000 or more why is this great for
- 2:35 | us because that means they have
- 2:38 | disposable income well most likely they
- 2:40 | have and they’re on the search engine
- 2:42 | platform to shop for something specific
- 2:44 | right what’s great about Pinterest is a
- 2:46 | lot of people don’t like to show their
- 2:48 | face on social media so Pinterest is a
- 2:50 | great way to stay behind the scenes
- 2:52 | because you absolutely do not have to
- 2:54 | show your face in fact majority of
- 2:57 | Pinterest is relying on Graphics or
- 3:00 | so-called Pence to make sales and like I
- 3:03 | mentioned before Pinterest is incredible
- 3:05 | because it has that search engine
- 3:07 | optimization part which means you
- 3:09 | benefit from understanding how the
- 3:12 | search engine works and how to get your
- 3:14 | content ranked at the top of search and
- 3:17 | of course it has huge traffic right so
- 3:20 | when someone is searching for let’s say
- 3:22 | Christmas cookie recipes your content is
- 3:24 | already ranking for those keywords
- 3:27 | everything that is related to Christmas
- 3:29 | that’s going to rank you at the top and
- 3:30 | what is the most likely thing that we’re
- 3:32 | going to click on right we’re going to
- 3:33 | scroll through and we’re going to click
- 3:34 | on something that is most likely on the
- 3:36 | first page you don’t never go to like
- 3:38 | the fourth or fifth page and also
- 3:41 | Pinterest is also known to rank and
- 3:43 | Google search which is huge because how
- 3:45 | many billions of eyeballs earn Google
- 3:47 | every single day looking for answers
- 3:49 | looking for the solutions to our
- 3:51 | problems and you can be that solution
- 3:54 | another amazing thing about Pinterest is
- 3:56 | it allows you to link directly from your
- 3:59 | graphic that is from your PIN to
- 4:01 | wherever you want you know there’s a lot
- 4:03 | of these products and I can just show
- 4:05 | you this so whether you have a landing
- 4:07 | page a Blog an affiliate link you can
- 4:10 | just link the people directly and this
- 4:13 | is so crucial because every other social
- 4:15 | media platform well you have to rely on
- 4:18 | your audience member to click and go
- 4:20 | through a series of Hoops you’re always
- 4:23 | like go to the link in my bio go click
- 4:25 | my website right and then you have to
- 4:27 | rely on the audience member to take
- 4:29 | several steps they have to click on your
- 4:31 | profile they have to click the link and
- 4:32 | then they just have to follow the train
- 4:34 | of links that are in that bio or on your
- 4:37 | website right so there’s lots of room
- 4:39 | for people to get lost in translation
- 4:41 | let’s say where with Pinterest it’s just
- 4:44 | short direct to the point you link right
- 4:47 | to your pen so there’s much less room
- 4:49 | for people to mess up or to click off
- 4:52 | get bored become uninterested and so on
- 4:54 | so how do we start with this well first
- 4:58 | things first we have to identify a niche
- 5:01 | basically put a niche is a category of
- 5:04 | Interest makeup skin care fashion dogs
- 5:08 | woodworking choose something that you
- 5:10 | like or certain product that you may
- 5:11 | already have in mind number two is
- 5:13 | finding a paint Point within that Niche
- 5:16 | maybe your Niche is dogs because you’re
- 5:18 | a dog trainer and you have lots of
- 5:20 | knowledge on dog training the pain Point
- 5:23 | within that Niche might be someone who
- 5:25 | just got a new puppy let’s say and they
- 5:27 | just don’t know how to house break it or
- 5:30 | they don’t know how to train it because
- 5:32 | it’s their first time ever having a
- 5:33 | puppy right there’s like a young person
- 5:35 | fresh out of college was feeling lonely
- 5:38 | got a dog and now hey I don’t know how
- 5:40 | to train this thing I never had any
- 5:42 | experience training a top before this is
- 5:44 | a pain point right and number three
- 5:47 | we’re going to find a solution we’re
- 5:49 | going to find a solution that solves the
- 5:52 | pain point maybe courses that teach you
- 5:55 | how to train your dog maybe specific
- 5:57 | harnesses that help you train your dog
- 5:59 | and of course the step four whatever
- 6:01 | that Service Company program whatever
- 6:04 | you have in mind then you just have to
- 6:06 | apply to be an affiliate for it and when
- 6:08 | you get accepted when you just make
- 6:11 | everything ready for it then you will
- 6:13 | get a special link and whenever someone
- 6:15 | clicks on that link makes a purchase you
- 6:17 | are going to get the commission for it
- 6:19 | so it’s not rocket science however it is
- 6:22 | not a getrich quick scheme you will not
- 6:24 | get any money out of this if you don’t
- 6:27 | dedicate yourself just like with
- 6:28 | anything else right so yeah there is
- 6:30 | work involved but let’s face it you just
- 6:34 | have to sit there at your computer and
- 6:35 | you just have to click things so what do
- 6:37 | we have to do of course make yourself an
- 6:39 | account email address password you know
- 6:42 | how to do it now what is important is
- 6:44 | that you switch over to a business
- 6:46 | account I just made brand new account so
- 6:49 | I can show you how it’s done so business
- 6:51 | account all you got to do is when you
- 6:53 | land on your first newly made profile
- 6:56 | whatever or your old one just head over
- 6:58 | here on the arrows and you will have
- 7:01 | this convert to business alternatively
- 7:04 | that’s going to be in the settings if it
- 7:06 | doesn’t show up here it’s going to be on
- 7:08 | settings here and then go to account
- 7:10 | management which is over here and then
- 7:12 | there’s like convert account click on
- 7:14 | convert account they tell you what do
- 7:16 | you get with this one it’s free of
- 7:18 | course click on upgrade and it’s done
- 7:20 | now you have a business Hub that’s what
- 7:23 | they call it that’s the step number one
- 7:26 | now what do we have to do next we have
- 7:27 | to do some keyword research so in order
- 7:30 | to do that we have to optimize our
- 7:33 | profile as much as possible so to do
- 7:35 | this we’re just going to go over to our
- 7:37 | home feed click here and then click on
- 7:39 | home feed and we’re just going to search
- 7:41 | for some random things in our Niche for
- 7:44 | this example I’m going to choose the
- 7:45 | woodwork Niche which basically means
- 7:47 | people that are diyers that are looking
- 7:50 | to like for projects to build maybe they
- 7:53 | I don’t know build shelves maybe their
- 7:55 | home Renovators things like that so
- 7:57 | we’re just going to look up woodwork
- 7:59 | and see what pops up now the good thing
- 8:02 | about this one is that when you type
- 8:04 | anything here so as you can see if you
- 8:05 | just type what working you’re going to
- 8:07 | get a lot of these suggestions so this
- 8:09 | is what people are searching for what
- 8:11 | working tips as you can see people are
- 8:14 | really searching for it the best one is
- 8:17 | what work in projects then you’ve got
- 8:19 | like shop projects ideas table projects
- 8:22 | that sell so there’s people making money
- 8:24 | with this right and if you click on
- 8:26 | something like this you will get pens
- 8:29 | that are ranking so we can see some of
- 8:31 | these things so woodworking projects
- 8:33 | ideas the best woodworking products to
- 8:36 | sell on Etsy in 2020 five top tips
- 8:39 | before blah blah blah and there’s like
- 8:41 | many of these right now we can kind of
- 8:43 | take a look at these titles and you got
- 8:45 | to see what other people are doing which
- 8:48 | keywords they use honestly a lot of your
- 8:51 | work is going to come down to this
- 8:53 | looking what other people are doing
- 8:55 | within your Niche your competitors and
- 8:57 | then just recreating it ideas not
- 9:00 | copying the ideas just recreating those
- 9:03 | and the reason is simple if it works for
- 9:05 | them it’s definitely going to work for
- 9:07 | you as well and I definitely recommend
- 9:09 | open up a Google sheet or an Excel sheet
- 9:12 | and keep track of all the keywords as
- 9:15 | you go through the keyword research
- 9:17 | portion right another thing that you can
- 9:19 | do is you can go over here to Pinterest
- 9:21 | and then you’ve got this analytics under
- 9:23 | analytics you’ve got Trends now this is
- 9:26 | going to show us everything that’s
- 9:28 | trending in general
- 9:29 | and of course we can just type in
- 9:31 | Woodwork and why I love this so much as
- 9:34 | you can see you’ve got the graphs right
- 9:37 | away so you can search through these
- 9:40 | keywords so for example let’s just click
- 9:43 | on like the basic one we working and as
- 9:45 | you can see this is the graph and it
- 9:48 | Peaks somewhere around January but last
- 9:51 | year as you can see it peaked around
- 9:54 | June so yeah June May and June and
- 9:58 | started it started to go up up so this
- 10:00 | is when people are doing it the most
- 10:02 | right so the good idea is to start doing
- 10:05 | this in January right to make a lot of
- 10:07 | pins so when it Peaks you can be one of
- 10:10 | the top people at rank for those
- 10:13 | keywords and this is going to work for
- 10:15 | any Niche just type it in there check
- 10:17 | out the graphs and you will see when do
- 10:20 | they Peak all right when do they get
- 10:23 | those like huge spikes as you can see
- 10:26 | for example projects or woodworking tips
- 10:29 | and as you can see it was in April so
- 10:31 | yeah people are doing it sometimes
- 10:33 | around that time and even now now in
- 10:36 | February March yeah so good rule of
- 10:38 | thumb is to start two to three months
- 10:41 | before I’ll just show you like for
- 10:43 | Christmas you know when it’s going to be
- 10:45 | at the peak right so yeah if you make
- 10:47 | Christmas think in September and going
- 10:50 | through October November well you’re
- 10:53 | going to have a good time okay The Next
- 10:55 | Step make your profile look good and
- 10:58 | make it related to your Niche just
- 11:01 | optimize it make a cool picture put a
- 11:04 | nice Banner make a good name and of
- 11:06 | course you can use AI tools to do that
- 11:09 | this is if you type in any
- 11:12 | keyword it’s going to give you a lot of
- 11:14 | names that you can use this is
- 11:17 | this is going to make you a logo just
- 11:19 | enter your company name which you’ve
- 11:21 | made with namx probably and then it’ll
- 11:24 | put out a lot of good pictures for your
- 11:26 | logos for banners you can use canva
- 11:30 | or for Logos as well for pictures it’s
- 11:32 | free it’s really good and this is where
- 11:35 | you will make your pins as well and then
- 11:37 | of course just find the products for me
- 11:40 | personally I just like to use digital
- 11:42 | products that’s why I use digistore 24
- 11:45 | and sometimes ClickBank so for example
- 11:47 | let’s just I can show you all of these
- 11:50 | like different categories here and
- 11:52 | there’s like huge number of products but
- 11:54 | let’s just stick to like our Niche for
- 11:57 | this video’s example so I’ll just type
- 11:58 | in wood you just type in whatever and I
- 12:01 | will just scroll down for you to see so
- 12:03 | let’s just take well let’s just take
- 12:05 | this so woodwor 101 now this is the
- 12:09 | perfect product for woodworking Niche
- 12:12 | and I suggest finding something general
- 12:14 | like this because as you can see on
- 12:16 | digit store 24 if I sell any one of
- 12:18 | these I’m going to receive almost $40
- 12:21 | for it all right so for each sale I’m
- 12:23 | going to get
- 12:25 | $39 and it’s just great you know so what
- 12:28 | do you have to do you have to promote
- 12:31 | now this on digit store this is going to
- 12:33 | be my link my affiliate link and now all
- 12:36 | I have to do is to make similar pens to
- 12:40 | what these other people are doing and of
- 12:43 | course I told you just recreate the
- 12:45 | ideas go and see how other people are
- 12:48 | doing it and then just use canva all
- 12:50 | right there’s a lot of tutorials on
- 12:52 | canva I’m not going to go over it I’m
- 12:54 | just telling you get the inspiration
- 12:57 | from Pinterest as well and then just
- 12:59 | place your links but you don’t have to
- 13:01 | have a website for this I use
- 13:04 | and this is a free blog you
- 13:07 | know you can just write your own
- 13:09 | articles here and you can just paste a
- 13:11 | lot of affiliate links in your articles
- 13:14 | just click here on write once you might
- 13:16 | make yourself an account and of course
- 13:18 | use our friend Chad GPT who doesn’t like
- 13:21 | using Chad GPT these days write yourself
- 13:24 | a lot of articles with that copy and
- 13:26 | paste on medium and your pens are are
- 13:29 | going to do the work all right and the
- 13:31 | most important part about this one is
- 13:32 | for you to be consistent make two to
- 13:35 | four pin each day the more you do well
- 13:38 | the more chances you’re going to have
- 13:40 | and of course with experience you’re
- 13:41 | just going to get better and better and
- 13:43 | now you don’t have to write you don’t
- 13:45 | have to be a graphic designer you don’t
- 13:47 | have to pay for any of these tools you
- 13:49 | just have to sit there and be dedicated
- 13:52 | all right A lot of people just try and
- 13:54 | they just give up in the first few
- 13:55 | months don’t do that it is possible
- 13:58 | it’ll follow the these people are doing
- 13:59 | it it’s possible and you can do it as
- 14:02 | well so wish you good luck and I’ll
- 14:04 | catch you in the next one