Join my 6-Figure Freedom Club and finally build a real online business. Ditch the shiny object syndrome and get serious NOW.
- 0:00 | all right David here back with another
- 0:02 | video in this video I’m going to show
- 0:04 | you my exact results and how I made
- 0:07 | 3,800 in just 30 days with affiliate
- 0:10 | marketing on this one platform so the
- 0:14 | $3,800 I’m going to be talking about is
- 0:16 | not all the affiliate commissions that I
- 0:17 | make but I want to talk specifically
- 0:19 | about how I made almost $4,000 this last
- 0:22 | 30 days on one affiliate account in one
- 0:25 | platform so let’s dive in so I’m inside
- 0:28 | of my impact account right here and
- 0:30 | you’ll see we have $7,500 pending right
- 0:33 | over here we just made $14 today last
- 0:36 | week we made
- 0:37 | $151 on the same day on a Thursday I’m
- 0:40 | going to go back over here and I’m going
- 0:42 | to select the last 30 days inside of my
- 0:44 | account and then we’re going to be able
- 0:46 | to see that 300,000 $
- 0:48 | 3,827 based on 130 actions that’s
- 0:51 | basically 130 sales on my products and
- 0:54 | only 1,100 clicks now this generated
- 0:58 | almost $199,000 in Revenue Vue for the
- 1:00 | company that I promoted but I did get
- 1:03 | paid this much so that’s a pretty nice
- 1:05 | Hefty chunk of change I must say that
- 1:07 | definitely takes care of my mortgage and
- 1:09 | U more bills as well and this is not all
- 1:12 | of the money in my business and so I
- 1:14 | want to teach you how I did this and how
- 1:16 | we can go about maybe replicating what
- 1:18 | I’m doing or at least thinking outside
- 1:20 | the box and doing something similar to
- 1:22 | what I’m doing I don’t think that
- 1:23 | directly copying somebody works so
- 1:26 | you’re going to have to find your own
- 1:27 | way but you can use this for motivation
- 1:29 | in order to find what works best for you
- 1:32 | okay and just so you can see that my
- 1:35 | conversion rate however they track this
- 1:37 | conversion rate it’s just incorrect I
- 1:39 | don’t know how they actually track this
- 1:40 | conversion rate but if we actually come
- 1:42 | over here and see that we had
- 1:46 | 1,41 clicks those are clicks to our on
- 1:49 | our affiliate links we made 130 sales
- 1:53 | from that right so we just go over to a
- 1:55 | percentage calculator what is 130 sales
- 1:58 | what percentage of that is one of 1141
- 2:01 | right so we calculate that we’re looking
- 2:03 | at
- 2:04 | 11.39% whoever did this type of coding
- 2:08 | right here it actually they I think that
- 2:10 | they have the placeholders incorrect on
- 2:12 | here because this actually is an
- 2:14 | 11% conversion rate so this 11 needs to
- 2:17 | be on the other side it is actually an
- 2:19 | 11% conversion rate the way that they’re
- 2:22 | reporting this is that it’s less than
- 2:24 | it’s a 0% conversion rate or less than
- 2:26 | 1% and that’s just not true because we
- 2:28 | had 130 sales based on basically 1,000
- 2:30 | clicks do the quick math on that it’s
- 2:32 | definitely over 10% right and so pretty
- 2:35 | cool stuff but how do we do this we do
- 2:37 | what I always teach uh which is building
- 2:39 | an audience right we need to build an
- 2:41 | audience and we need to have an offer
- 2:43 | and be very direct about what we’re
- 2:45 | doing so when we come over and we look
- 2:47 | at some of my channels one of my
- 2:48 | channels on YouTube is a software review
- 2:51 | Channel and if we come over here you’ll
- 2:53 | see we have 13,000 subscribers all right
- 2:55 | and we’ll go over here and just look at
- 2:57 | videos how did I do this we look at if
- 3:00 | we look at the amount of times that I
- 3:02 | post right so I published four hours ago
- 3:03 | I published two days ago then three days
- 3:05 | ago six days ago seven days ago eight
- 3:07 | days ago and then I actually was on
- 3:09 | vacation during this time but then
- 3:10 | you’ll see the two we Mark two week two
- 3:13 | week two week 3 weeks I am publishing
- 3:15 | consistently and I’m doing software
- 3:17 | reviews on every single video even with
- 3:20 | this video right over here we did this
- 3:22 | software review but then I wanted to
- 3:24 | create a like a creative video and use
- 3:27 | the tool some more and do like a
- 3:29 | tutorial IAL on how could I get more
- 3:31 | creative using that software and so then
- 3:33 | I created another one right here and
- 3:35 | this just continues to drive traffic and
- 3:37 | sales look at this we got almost 6,000
- 3:40 | views on this software Al review alone
- 3:44 | and then we followed up with another
- 3:45 | 3,000 views right there and then we did
- 3:48 | another software review right here and
- 3:50 | it’s just continuing and when I like a
- 3:52 | software or I think my audience will
- 3:53 | like a software it’s a great topic then
- 3:56 | I’ll do followup videos right so I did a
- 3:58 | marquee review right here and then we
- 4:01 | come back over here and then today’s
- 4:03 | video was a Marky update video and what
- 4:05 | that means is that they added based on
- 4:08 | my video over here let me show you some
- 4:10 | really cool stuff if we actually click
- 4:12 | on this video here all right we scroll
- 4:16 | down to the comments right here you’ll
- 4:19 | see my Mary AI this is the actual
- 4:22 | software creators from that tool and
- 4:25 | they reached out and said hey I’m one of
- 4:27 | the founders of Mary and he works on the
- 4:29 | U I in the ux thanks for the review love
- 4:31 | hearing your feedback how to improve so
- 4:33 | I’m not only and you can see likes
- 4:35 | coming in people are watching this video
- 4:37 | as we speak right now but you’re not
- 4:39 | only making money and commissions but
- 4:41 | you’re also helping out people you’re
- 4:43 | helping out the the software developers
- 4:45 | you’re helping other people make
- 4:46 | decisions on if this is the right
- 4:48 | software so you actually get to make
- 4:49 | money in a unique way helping people
- 4:52 | which is super fun and that’s what I
- 4:53 | like to do but you can see very
- 4:55 | important part right here I thought I’d
- 4:57 | add a couple updates here in the case
- 4:59 | case you’re not you are interested so
- 5:00 | we’re currently working on a per
- 5:02 | platform approach editing publishing
- 5:03 | posts but they did say this right over
- 5:06 | here they said yeah I saw your last
- 5:08 | video and that was that last video that
- 5:10 | I did the first review on and then they
- 5:13 | realized that Pinterest was a higher
- 5:15 | priority for people than they thought so
- 5:17 | guess what they immediately went and
- 5:19 | took action and they added Pinterest as
- 5:22 | a connection and so you can actually
- 5:24 | publish your Pinterest on automation
- 5:26 | with this tool So based on my review
- 5:28 | they actually made changes to their
- 5:30 | software super cool stuff we’re also
- 5:33 | working on a more in-depth visual editor
- 5:35 | blah blah blah so you can see that they
- 5:37 | really like the review and just the
- 5:39 | information that they’re getting back
- 5:41 | from users and software reviewers and
- 5:43 | testers like myself okay so that was
- 5:46 | really cool so just to go back to my
- 5:48 | point over here that I do follow-ups
- 5:50 | right so I this one hits this one did
- 5:52 | really well and then I know my audience
- 5:54 | likes this software and they would
- 5:55 | probably want a video on what the
- 5:57 | Pinterest functionality of that software
- 6:00 | is so then that’s what I did today and
- 6:02 | so you can create a similar Channel now
- 6:05 | this is based on some appsumo reviews
- 6:08 | right over here this is a place called
- 6:10 | appsumo and this is a software based
- 6:13 | platform that usually hosts around 500
- 6:16 | applications on it at once and these are
- 6:19 | some really good deals for people now
- 6:21 | I’m not necessarily telling you that you
- 6:23 | should go out and try to become do
- 6:25 | exactly what I’m doing on my YouTube
- 6:26 | channel although you can but you just
- 6:29 | need to know that there’s going to be a
- 6:30 | really big grind ahead of you in order
- 6:32 | to become an affiliate on appsumo and
- 6:35 | actually start making thousands of
- 6:37 | dollars like I am I got started three
- 6:38 | years ago doing this with appsumo and so
- 6:41 | I’m somewhat of a unique affiliate with
- 6:43 | them but that’s not I I want to take
- 6:46 | that a step further and show you that
- 6:48 | you need to create your own way right
- 6:50 | and I’ve done this several different
- 6:51 | times I don’t know where I stand right
- 6:53 | here but I’m going to go ahead and just
- 6:54 | say SEO writing Ai and then just type
- 6:58 | that software in this is a software and
- 7:00 | you’ll see that I’m ranked number one
- 7:02 | still even though this is a massive
- 7:03 | software a lot of Affiliates they they
- 7:06 | have a very generous affiliate program
- 7:08 | and a lot of people have created content
- 7:10 | on this and they have a lot of
- 7:11 | Affiliates and you can see I’m going
- 7:13 | against people with
- 7:14 | 40,000 subscribers that are making
- 7:16 | software reviews and so forth on this
- 7:18 | but I’m still the authority on the topic
- 7:21 | when we come over here you’ll see
- 7:22 | there’s another I have a fellow
- 7:24 | competitor he has way more subscribers
- 7:25 | than me awards at scale and Mike shouey
- 7:28 | I’m not surprised that those two are the
- 7:29 | the other people that are ranked for
- 7:31 | this but I’m ranked number one according
- 7:33 | to vid IQ for just topic knowledge of
- 7:35 | this because you can see all these
- 7:36 | different videos that I’ve made and so
- 7:39 | this is what my point to you is you can
- 7:41 | go out and do something similar that I
- 7:43 | did SEO writing AI SEO writing AI so let
- 7:45 | me quickly show you the six figure
- 7:47 | Freedom club and why you should join my
- 7:49 | name is David and in 2023 I made
- 7:53 | $156,000 in affiliate commissions this
- 7:56 | club is packed with Comprehensive
- 7:58 | courses live coaching in a Vibrant
- 8:00 | Community already making sales if you’re
- 8:03 | struggling to make money online our
- 8:05 | members are here gaining real income in
- 8:08 | growing their businesses ready to grow a
- 8:11 | real online business the first step is
- 8:13 | taking action let me show you how click
- 8:16 | the first link below to get started what
- 8:18 | you can do is come over to a site called
- 8:20 | futurepedia which has thousands of
- 8:23 | software it’s basically a a giant
- 8:25 | resource or database of the latest AI
- 8:28 | software tools hit the market and so you
- 8:30 | can come over here and what I like to do
- 8:32 | is maybe go into AI writing generators
- 8:34 | and then maybe go into new and just
- 8:36 | start looking through here and seeing
- 8:37 | perfect for composing articles blog
- 8:39 | posts and I look at bookmarks what
- 8:42 | people are looking at obviously you need
- 8:43 | to know the market a little bit like
- 8:45 | you’re probably going to have a a lot
- 8:47 | more competition creating an entire
- 8:49 | YouTube channel or ranking for a lot of
- 8:51 | content right off the bat for like
- 8:52 | notion Jasper chat GPT definitely chat
- 8:55 | GPT probably the biggest software most
- 8:58 | popular software of all all time but
- 9:00 | when we come through here something
- 9:01 | stands out right over here so if there’s
- 9:02 | a thousand bookmarks right here and this
- 9:04 | thing’s called Monica right has some
- 9:06 | decent uh ratings right over here out of
- 9:09 | 3.5 but that’s only five St five ratings
- 9:11 | I can look past that a little bit but
- 9:12 | this is Monica so I would go and click
- 9:14 | on it and then check it out and see what
- 9:16 | we have going on with this one so we’d
- 9:19 | open that up and you can create and
- 9:21 | insert with one click and it’s an AI
- 9:23 | generator so I would read a little bit
- 9:25 | about it and so forth and then what I
- 9:27 | would do is I would just go and visit
- 9:30 | and you can see there’s related
- 9:31 | categories very specific and you can
- 9:33 | create an entire Channel based on that
- 9:36 | but what I would do in this case is we
- 9:38 | would just go and open up the site right
- 9:41 | over here do some investigation and
- 9:43 | here’s what I like to do if you want to
- 9:44 | install this simur web on your
- 9:46 | application you can go over here and
- 9:48 | you’ll be able to see that this site is
- 9:52 | getting four million people are actually
- 9:56 | going to this site so it’s a big that
- 9:57 | tells me that it’s a big software
- 9:59 | there’s a lot of traffic to this
- 10:01 | software they have 10,000 reviews right
- 10:03 | over here showing that it’s five star so
- 10:05 | then what you would do is you would go
- 10:06 | and you would go and and they got number
- 10:08 | one product of the day so go and do your
- 10:10 | research do your due diligence watch the
- 10:12 | videos do the research and then once
- 10:14 | you’re confident that this is a software
- 10:16 | that you want to go out and I recommend
- 10:18 | if you’re going to go and make five 10
- 10:20 | videos at least sign up for a month of
- 10:22 | their lowest paid plan that way you can
- 10:23 | make a lot of content around it so then
- 10:25 | you’re going to go and you can add this
- 10:26 | to Chrome you can go and uh sign up for
- 10:29 | for this and then you’re going to go and
- 10:31 | you’re going to start creating content
- 10:33 | tutorials how to make money with this
- 10:35 | tool how to do this how to create a blog
- 10:37 | post with this tool and go out and
- 10:39 | dominate for this term right over here
- 10:43 | and then what you’re going to do is once
- 10:44 | you go and sign up like we’ll go and
- 10:46 | look at the pricing over here and under
- 10:48 | pricing you’ll see that you can get it
- 10:50 | as low as $8 a month if we go to monthly
- 10:52 | it’s $10 a month $20 a month or even $40
- 10:55 | a month you get a lot of uh content out
- 10:57 | of this okay and there’s a lot to create
- 10:59 | content you can create an entire YouTube
- 11:01 | channel around basically this one tool
- 11:03 | they it creates images it creates
- 11:05 | content AI content you could go out and
- 11:08 | do a case study create a blog start
- 11:09 | writing content with this and so forth
- 11:11 | so the sky the limit on what you can do
- 11:14 | here’s what Monica can do allinone chat
- 11:16 | bot you got web access I don’t know if
- 11:18 | that’s true I think chat GPT actually
- 11:19 | has web access now but action and quick
- 11:23 | compose reading web page image reading
- 11:26 | search there’s a ton of stuff that it
- 11:27 | does then we can come over here
- 11:30 | and then what I like to do is in most
- 11:32 | cases you will see that there is an
- 11:34 | affiliate program and sometimes once you
- 11:36 | sign up for the app then you’ll see what
- 11:39 | the affiliate program is um right over
- 11:41 | here I’m not seeing affiliate and that’s
- 11:44 | okay but generally speaking you’ll come
- 11:45 | down here and you’ll find an affiliate
- 11:47 | program associated with the software
- 11:50 | down here and then you’ll go and you’ll
- 11:52 | be you can sign up for that the tool you
- 11:54 | can become an affiliate and then you can
- 11:55 | go out and Market this and create a
- 11:57 | bunch of content around there so you can
- 11:59 | go out and start doing what I’ve done so
- 12:02 | you don’t have to just be like an
- 12:03 | appsumo affiliate you’re going to get
- 12:05 | I’m just sorry to be the bearer of bad
- 12:07 | news but if you push hard at being an
- 12:09 | appsumo affiliate I think that you’re
- 12:11 | going to be disappointed at how much of
- 12:13 | a grind how many software reviews you
- 12:15 | actually have to do in order to start
- 12:17 | making money but the faster better way
- 12:20 | learn from somebody that’s done this for
- 12:22 | years and actually learn from someone
- 12:23 | that can actually tell you a better way
- 12:26 | to do this and the better way to do this
- 12:29 | would be to go out and create find a
- 12:31 | software and then go to town on creating
- 12:34 | content for that and you can go and
- 12:37 | model the types of videos that I made
- 12:40 | and look like right over here SEO
- 12:41 | writing AI review hard to not get
- 12:44 | excited about this one 11,000 views on
- 12:47 | this one right over there and it’s
- 12:48 | brought me a lot of money I can go and
- 12:51 | show you how much money but this one Al
- 12:53 | loone brought me thousands and thousands
- 12:55 | of dollars of commissions as well and so
- 12:58 | you can go out and uh I get this asked
- 13:00 | in my private exclusive community and
- 13:02 | you can go and check that out right
- 13:04 | below but people are always wondering
- 13:07 | and asking the same questions how do I
- 13:09 | start with affiliate marketing the
- 13:11 | answer is simple replicate what I’m
- 13:14 | doing here pick a it’s probably going to
- 13:16 | be tough for you to outrank me right
- 13:17 | over here but find a software on on
- 13:21 | future pedia one that’s getting a lot so
- 13:23 | this one right here is looking really
- 13:25 | good because it gets 4 million visitors
- 13:27 | per month and there’s a huge opportunity
- 13:30 | over here but if you don’t like that one
- 13:32 | just go up to AI tool categories go to
- 13:34 | something that you’re really into video
- 13:35 | enhancer video editing there’s 98 Tools
- 13:38 | in video editing come back over here
- 13:40 | here’s a brand new tool that just came
- 13:42 | out there’s a free trial for it you can
- 13:44 | go and check out autoc cut and this is a
- 13:46 | tool that uh uses Adobe Premiere and it
- 13:50 | does cuts out silences and does all
- 13:52 | kinds of cool things there’s so many
- 13:54 | opportunities and tools out here for you
- 13:57 | to go and actually start promoting as an
- 14:00 | affiliate and start making real
- 14:03 | affiliate commissions like what I you’re
- 14:05 | seeing right over here almost $4,000
- 14:07 | just from this one platform alone so
- 14:10 | hopefully this enlightens you motivates
- 14:12 | you that anybody can do this I’m just an
- 14:14 | average Joe don’t have any special
- 14:16 | skills or anything like that I’m just a
- 14:18 | grinder I don’t mind making videos on a
- 14:21 | daily basis and trying to make quality
- 14:24 | videos trying to help people out and
- 14:26 | then also make money on the side doing
- 14:28 | this this affords me over $115,000 per
- 14:31 | month but I wanted to show you this
- 14:33 | right over here so super cool I hope
- 14:36 | that you are subscribed to this channel
- 14:38 | so you can get more content and tips
- 14:40 | about affiliate marketing and faceless
- 14:42 | YouTube channels that’s basically what I
- 14:44 | talk about on this channel right here so
- 14:46 | if that’s what you like make sure to
- 14:47 | subscribe watch the rest of my videos
- 14:49 | and if you want to connect with me on a
- 14:51 | more personal level where you can direct
- 14:54 | message me you can get be on Zoom calls
- 14:56 | with me weekly engage with with my
- 14:59 | private Community the there will be a
- 15:01 | link below the price is going up in may
- 15:03 | we have over 100 members and we are
- 15:06 | having a great time in the community go
- 15:07 | check that out I will see you in the
- 15:09 | next video