The BEST Affiliate Marketing Strategy With NO AUDIENCE 100 Highest Paying Affiliate Programs In …
- 0:00 | how can I start making money with
- 0:01 | affiliate marketing without a following
- 0:03 | this is the most common obstacle
- 0:05 | beginner affiliate’s face it can hold
- 0:07 | you back and prevent you from finally
- 0:09 | living the life you want back in 2020
- 0:11 | when I was just starting out I too
- 0:13 | didn’t have a following and I was able
- 0:14 | to get to a point where I would make 8K
- 0:17 | per month consistently with Organic
- 0:19 | traffic after 6 months of taking things
- 0:21 | seriously so in today’s video I’ll be
- 0:24 | giving you a full tutorial on how you
- 0:25 | can start affiliate marketing without a
- 0:27 | following if you are excited to learn
- 0:29 | something new make sure you leave a like
- 0:31 | and let’s get to it first off if you
- 0:34 | don’t know what affiliate marketing is
- 0:35 | it’s you promoting or recommending a
- 0:37 | product to other people using some kind
- 0:39 | of content you put out on the internet
- 0:41 | the product you promote can be something
- 0:43 | you use yourself to achieve a goal you
- 0:45 | want or to solve a problem you are
- 0:47 | facing or it can just be a product that
- 0:49 | you think will help others and what you
- 0:51 | are doing is recommending that product
- 0:53 | to other people like you or people who
- 0:55 | can achieve something from the product
- 0:57 | you are promoting to promote products
- 0:59 | like these
- 1:00 | you can join affiliate programs to get a
- 1:02 | special link called an affiliate link
- 1:05 | and when people go and buy the product
- 1:06 | through your link you make a commission
- 1:09 | if you want to know what are the best
- 1:10 | affiliate program to promote in
- 1:12 | 2024 I have a complete list of the
- 1:15 | highest paying affiliate programs you
- 1:17 | can download it completely free from the
- 1:19 | link in the description now how can you
- 1:22 | make money if there aren’t any people to
- 1:24 | buy from your link most of the affiliate
- 1:26 | marketing tutorials out there on the
- 1:27 | internet expect you to have a following
- 1:30 | online but as a person who’s just
- 1:32 | starting affiliate marketing there is no
- 1:34 | way that you already have an audience or
- 1:36 | a following the gurus on the internet
- 1:38 | know this too but they want you to buy
- 1:40 | their course to learn how to do it
- 1:42 | without an existing audience but we
- 1:43 | don’t do that here so let’s see how you
- 1:46 | can start without having a following
- 1:48 | let’s say you are in the fishing Niche
- 1:50 | and as you can see on Instagram there
- 1:52 | are so many posts about fishing and
- 1:54 | these posts are posted by accounts with
- 1:56 | a huge following that’s why these rank
- 1:58 | at the top which means if you want to
- 2:00 | rank you need to have a popular page and
- 2:03 | the same goes for Facebook so we are
- 2:04 | going to be using Google as our traffic
- 2:06 | Source because you don’t need an
- 2:08 | existing audience rank on Google and if
- 2:10 | you didn’t know Google gets 990,000
- 2:13 | searches per second that’s more organic
- 2:15 | traffic than both Facebook and Instagram
- 2:17 | combined for example let’s search for
- 2:19 | the best radar detectors to buy as you
- 2:21 | can see there are these blog articles
- 2:23 | that comes up and if you scroll down a
- 2:25 | bit there are these YouTube videos that
- 2:27 | are also ranking in the search results
- 2:29 | now if if you go inside one of these
- 2:31 | articles you can find a blog post like
- 2:33 | this and also links to the products
- 2:35 | mentioned and I can guarantee that all
- 2:37 | of these links are affiliate links now
- 2:40 | how I used to do this search traffic
- 2:42 | method was to Target small keywords in
- 2:44 | my Niche and create blog articles this
- 2:47 | used to work because there wasn’t much
- 2:48 | competition I had a few different
- 2:50 | websites that were in different niches
- 2:52 | and they used to be a decent income
- 2:53 | stream but now with the rise of AI tools
- 2:56 | like chat GPT creating these kinds of
- 2:58 | blog posts only takes seconds so we have
- 3:01 | to find another way to do this so we are
- 3:03 | going to do something different but
- 3:04 | we’re still going to get traffic from
- 3:06 | Google we are going to make YouTube
- 3:08 | videos to rank on Google this way we can
- 3:11 | show Google that we are making authentic
- 3:13 | user generated content and not
- 3:15 | mass-producing with AI which will make
- 3:17 | Google want to give us more visibility
- 3:19 | and it will push our recent YouTube
- 3:21 | videos to a wider audience now this
- 3:23 | method is not something that’s brand new
- 3:26 | I have used this method many times
- 3:28 | before to create multiple different
- 3:29 | income streams in different niches this
- 3:32 | method is hands down the best method for
- 3:34 | affiliate marketing without a following
- 3:36 | now as I mentioned before both YouTube
- 3:39 | and Google are owned by the same company
- 3:41 | so whatever that gets posted on YouTube
- 3:44 | will also come up on Google so for the
- 3:46 | thousands of people who search about
- 3:48 | radar detectors daily they will see
- 3:50 | these articles and once they scroll down
- 3:52 | they’ll come across these videos that’s
- 3:54 | from YouTube and for people who will
- 3:56 | much prefer watching a video rather than
- 3:59 | reading an article which by the way is
- 4:01 | most of the people nowadays they will
- 4:03 | click on this video and they’ll get
- 4:04 | redirected straight onto YouTube now
- 4:07 | this video is just a video version of
- 4:09 | the Articles you just saw it’s just that
- 4:11 | it’s in a video format and when you
- 4:13 | scroll down here you will find all of
- 4:15 | the affiliate links for the products
- 4:16 | that are mentioned in this video now
- 4:18 | this is not complicated or anything like
- 4:20 | that this is a simple business model
- 4:23 | that has always worked now you might be
- 4:24 | concerned about this Channel having
- 4:27 | 132,000 subscribers but you don’t have
- 4:29 | have to worry about that you don’t need
- 4:31 | a huge subscriber count when you are
- 4:33 | just starting to make videos your
- 4:34 | traffic is going to come from people who
- 4:36 | are searching for stuff on Google and
- 4:38 | YouTube which means you’re going to be
- 4:39 | following the fundamental and my
- 4:41 | favorite rule of good affiliate
- 4:43 | marketing don’t make content to go and
- 4:45 | find people people should come and look
- 4:47 | for your content this way you don’t have
- 4:49 | to have a huge audience of people who
- 4:51 | are following you people who search for
- 4:53 | stuff on Google will find your content
- 4:56 | themselves and this is also true for
- 4:58 | YouTube as well people who search on
- 5:00 | YouTube will also find your content now
- 5:03 | if you go and type the same thing over
- 5:04 | on YouTube you’ll see that the exact
- 5:07 | same video comes up on both Google
- 5:08 | search and YouTube meaning you can get
- 5:11 | double the reach and double the traffic
- 5:13 | and what’s also awesome is that with the
- 5:15 | search traffic method your videos will
- 5:17 | rank for years to come in these search
- 5:19 | results unlike Instagram posts which
- 5:22 | will go down the feed and become
- 5:23 | irrelevant within a week of posting but
- 5:26 | if you can create Evergreen content with
- 5:28 | the search traffic method they can make
- 5:30 | you money for the next four to five
- 5:31 | years as you can see this video which
- 5:34 | ranks for this keyword was uploaded
- 5:36 | three years ago and it still ranks at
- 5:39 | the very top and again you don’t need a
- 5:41 | huge subscriber count to rank on smaller
- 5:43 | keywords as long as your content gives
- 5:46 | the people what they are searching for
- 5:48 | Google and YouTube will keep your
- 5:49 | content at the top of the search results
- 5:52 | now if you remember earlier I said that
- 5:54 | with the rise of AI it has really made
- 5:56 | it more difficult to do the search
- 5:58 | traffic method with blog art articles
- 6:00 | but it has done the opposite for this
- 6:02 | method now since Google is getting
- 6:04 | absolutely flooded with AI made articles
- 6:07 | that aren’t made by an actual human
- 6:09 | Google themselves have come out and said
- 6:10 | that they are taking serious action
- 6:12 | against this and one of those actions is
- 6:15 | to push value added content that’s
- 6:17 | actually made by real humans and the
- 6:19 | best way to do that is by recommending
- 6:21 | more YouTube videos to people who are
- 6:23 | searching on Google if you don’t get
- 6:25 | what I’m saying what I’m saying is that
- 6:27 | this is the perfect time for you to try
- 6:29 | this method out since Google and YouTube
- 6:32 | are recommending more user generated
- 6:34 | content they need your content a real
- 6:37 | person’s content on their platform this
- 6:39 | goes for faceless videos as well if you
- 6:41 | don’t want to show your face like me
- 6:44 | it’s completely okay it’s still user
- 6:46 | generated content you can create simple
- 6:48 | faceless presentation type videos and
- 6:50 | it’s completely okay as long as you give
- 6:52 | what people are searching for you can be
- 6:54 | like this guy and show your face or you
- 6:56 | can just record the products and have
- 6:58 | your voice explain and review them it
- 7:01 | still falls into the user generated
- 7:03 | content category and this is what both
- 7:05 | Google and YouTube are craving right now
- 7:08 | now again this is not something that’s
- 7:10 | brand new I also run a few channels
- 7:12 | that’s in different niches using the
- 7:14 | same method and it’s doing well for me
- 7:16 | at the time this is the fastest and the
- 7:18 | most efficient way you can make money
- 7:20 | with affiliate marketing without a
- 7:22 | following almost all of the richest
- 7:24 | people on Earth did the right thing at
- 7:26 | the right time so all I’m going to say
- 7:28 | is that this could be your right place
- 7:30 | and could be the best thing you can do
- 7:31 | if you want to be successful with
- 7:33 | affiliate marketing this year I can
- 7:35 | guarantee that you can get results fast
- 7:37 | and easily with this method than any
- 7:39 | other free traffic method on
- 7:41 | YouTube if you want to know how you can
- 7:44 | use email marketing to literally tenfold
- 7:46 | the amount of commissions you’re going
- 7:47 | to make make sure to watch this video as
- 7:50 | well