8 Ways To Make $8,298+/Week With Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Without A Website/Blog (STEP BY STEP)

VERY IMPORTANT : Click On The Link Below ONLY After You Watch The FULL VIDEO To The End: …

  • 0:00 | I have gathered the best and most profitable methods that you can use to make money online with Pinterest
  • 0:06 | affiliate marketing and I’ve put them together in one single video to make it easy for you to watch the full methods
  • 0:12 | and decide which one is the easiest one for you and which one is best suitable for you once you decide that you can
  • 0:18 | start implementing the methods to earn big money online all of these methods are complete and STI bystep tutorials
  • 0:24 | that show you different ways to make money with Pinterest affiliate marketing so make sure to watch the full video to
  • 0:31 | decide which one is the best for you so let’s start with the first
  • 0:37 | method if you send 10 clicks to this link you will earn $40 if you send 100
  • 0:43 | clicks you will earn $400 and so on and so forth and by using this trick shown in this video you’ll earn $4 for every
  • 0:50 | single click that you send to your link as I’m going to show you in this full and step-by-step tutorial so real quick
  • 0:56 | make sure you smash that like button and let’s get started so the first tip to do is to head over to this website here
  • 1:02 | called DigiTour 24.com and this is the website that will pay you $4 per click
  • 1:07 | as I’m going to show you now so once you come to this page you want to click on this button to sign up for a free
  • 1:12 | account and once you log in you want to click on Marketplace and that will take you to this page where you can find all
  • 1:18 | of these different categories to choose from now I want you to search for this specific product here called a secret
  • 1:24 | Obsession and this is a product in the dating Niche and I will tell you why I selected this product product in a
  • 1:30 | minute so as you can see here this product has an average earning per visitor of $4.22 which means that if you send 100
  • 1:37 | clicks to this product through your affiliate link on average you will earn $422 in commissions and I’m going to
  • 1:44 | show you how to send hundreds or even thousands of buyer clicks to this product through your affiliate link and
  • 1:50 | I’m going to show you how to use a powerful AI tool that will do 95% of the work for you so you won’t have to do any
  • 1:57 | of the hard work yourself now you want to copy your affiliate link by clicking on this button here and then save it in
  • 2:02 | a notepad because we’re going to need it later and then you want to head over to this website here called tinyurl.com and
  • 2:09 | we will use this website to shorten our affiliate link to make it pretty so once you come to this page you want to paste
  • 2:14 | your affiliate link here and then click on shorten URL and you want to copy this shortened link and save it in a notepad
  • 2:21 | because we’re going to need it later now the next step to do is to head over to this website here called business. Pinterest.com and we will use this
  • 2:27 | powerful platform to send hundreds or even thousands of buyer clicks to your affiliate link but before that let me
  • 2:33 | show you why Pinterest is the best platform to use for this method according to this report here it says
  • 2:39 | here that 90% of users on Pinterest are in a shopping mindset and 85% of weekly
  • 2:45 | users have made a purchase from Pinterest pins and this makes Pinterest literally a gold mine for Affiliates
  • 2:52 | like us to promote their product and by simply posting pins on this powerful platform you’ll get tons and tons of
  • 2:58 | buyer clicks to your affiliate products easily and the reason why I selected this product here is because the dating
  • 3:04 | Niche is so popular and trending at the moment if you go to trends. pinterest.com and if you search for
  • 3:10 | dating here in this box you will find all of these relevant topics that are trending at the moment so you want to
  • 3:16 | pick a topic that’s related to the product that you selected earlier now I found this Hot Topic here about dating
  • 3:22 | advice and as the graph shows us here this topic is so popular and trending right now and millions and millions of
  • 3:29 | people are looking for dating tips and advices and by sending people that are extremely interesting in dating advices
  • 3:37 | to this affiliate product you can easily earn $4 per click or even more so you want to create a free business account
  • 3:44 | by clicking on this button here and once you log in you will be taken to the dashboard that looks like this now the
  • 3:49 | next step to do is to pick a name for your printers account just like this one here and you want to upload a logo and a
  • 3:55 | background image like I did here and you can easily create a logo in seconds by going to canva.com and searching for
  • 4:02 | logo and use any of these logos here to customize and you can upload a background image like this by going to
  • 4:08 | pixels.com and searching for something like this and you want to download any of these images here after that you want
  • 4:15 | to click on edit profile here and in this about section you want to add a call to action telling people to click
  • 4:21 | on the link in your bio so you want to go back to digit stour 24 you want to open the sales page of this product by
  • 4:27 | clicking on this button here and you want to try to come up with a call to action I already did that so I’ll go
  • 4:33 | back to Pinterest and I’ll write something like this if you want to get inside the mind of any man make him earn
  • 4:39 | your love prove his Devotion to you and give you romance that lasts a lifetime then check the link in a bio for more
  • 4:45 | details and in this website box here you want to copy your affiliate link and paste it here and then click on Save now
  • 4:52 | our Pinterest account is ready and now we just need to start uploading content to start sending people to our affiliate
  • 4:58 | link the fastest and easy easiest way to grow a brand new Pinterest account and start sending people to your affiliate
  • 5:04 | links is by uploading viral video content on this platform and we will use this powerful AI tool here called nid AI
  • 5:12 | that will allow you to create an entire video from scratch with only one click and I’m going to show you how easy it is
  • 5:18 | to use and how it will literally do 95% of the work for you and I will leave a
  • 5:23 | link down below this video that will take you to this page here where you can create a free account by clicking on
  • 5:29 | this button here and once you log in you will be taken to the dashboard that looks like this and here you will find
  • 5:35 | this box where you just need to enter a simple prompt and it will generate an entire video from scratch with only one
  • 5:41 | click now before you go ahead and create any videos you need to understand exactly what type of content you want to
  • 5:47 | create and you don’t have to do any kind of research to figure this out you can simply go to chat GPT and ask it to give
  • 5:54 | you some ideas related to the topic that you selected on Pinterest so I asked ch GPT to give me 100 ideas related to
  • 6:02 | dating advice that I can use to make videos and as you can see here it has generated all of these different ideas
  • 6:08 | that I can use to create 100 different videos in just a few clicks using nid AI
  • 6:14 | so you want to select one of these ideas here for example I will select this one and then you want to go back to nid Ai
  • 6:20 | and you want to insert a prompt like this create a one minute short video about signs that your day is going well
  • 6:27 | which is the idea that we got from chat GP and then click on generate a video and then it will take you to this page
  • 6:33 | here where you can select a specific type of audience the look and feel and the platform now these settings are
  • 6:39 | exactly what I want so I’m going to leave them like this and then I’ll click on continue and it’s going to take you
  • 6:45 | to this page here where it’s going to analyze the video idea it will look for Relevant music to add it will generate a
  • 6:51 | humanlike voice over it will play in and generate the entire video script from scratch it will add relevant scenes and
  • 6:58 | stock footage to the video all just by using a simple prompt and once the video is generated it will take you to this
  • 7:04 | page here where you can watch the video and before I play the video for you I just wanted to let you know that this is
  • 7:10 | in a preview mode and all of these waterm Marks here will be removed while you are exporting the video so let me
  • 7:16 | play this video for you to show you the final result I’m sure you’ve heard the news dating can be tricky but don’t
  • 7:22 | worry we’re here to help you spot the signs of a great date first up they’re laughing at your jokes even the bad ones
  • 7:28 | that’s a good sign there enjoying your company NeXT they’re asking you questions and as you can see here it has
  • 7:34 | generated this entire video from scratch with only one prompt now if you didn’t like this video and want inv video AI to
  • 7:42 | regenerate a completely different video with a completely different script voice over stock footage and music you can do
  • 7:48 | that by clicking on this button here and then click on regenerate to regenerate a new video on the same topic and you can
  • 7:55 | also create a new video on a different topic by clicking on this button here that says edit prompt and here you can
  • 8:02 | change the prompt to a different one now there are two different ways to edit this video in case you didn’t like
  • 8:07 | something or want to add something new to the video first you can instantly edit this video with One Click by
  • 8:14 | entering a simple prompt here in this box telling it exactly what to do or you can manually edit the video by clicking
  • 8:20 | on this edit button here and I made a full and stepbystep tutorial on my channel on how to use nid Ai and how to
  • 8:28 | use these two methods to edit the videos in seconds and I go through all of Nido
  • 8:33 | ai’s amazing features to create high quality and viral videos from scratch so
  • 8:38 | make sure to watch it it will really help you a lot now the most important part here that I want you to do is I
  • 8:44 | want you to add a call to action at the end of the video to send people to your affiliate link right after they watch
  • 8:50 | this video so you want to enter a prompt like this add a cult action at the end of this video telling viewers to go and
  • 8:57 | check the product that I’m promoting using this script here if you want to get inside the mind of any man make him
  • 9:02 | earn your love prove his Devotion to you and give you romance that lasts a lifetime then check the link in my bio
  • 9:08 | for more details and then click on generate and within a few seconds it will add the cult to action at the end
  • 9:14 | of the video and let me show it to you if you want to get inside the mind of any man make him earn your love prove
  • 9:20 | his Devotion to you and give you romance that lasts a lifetime then check the link in my bio for more details and now
  • 9:27 | our video is ready and all we have to to do is to download the video by clicking on this button here and this will open
  • 9:33 | up this page where you can download the video without any watermarks or branding but you will need to upgrade your
  • 9:39 | account to a paid plan and as you can see here the lowest plan that they have will cost you only $20 a month which is
  • 9:46 | very affordable to most people and I consider this to be one of the best investments that I put in my business
  • 9:52 | compared to how much time money and effort the Nvidia AI saves me I also
  • 9:57 | have a special coupon code for for you which you can use by clicking on this button here and you want to enter this
  • 10:03 | code here and then click on apply and it will give you an extra 50 AI minutes for
  • 10:08 | free so on top of the 50 AI minutes that you will get with this subscription plan you will get an extra 50 AI minutes for
  • 10:15 | free by using this code here and if you stay consistent with this method and do exactly as I’m showing you I guarantee
  • 10:21 | you you will make at least 100 times the investment that you put in this powerful AI tool so once you download the video
  • 10:28 | you want to up upload it to Pinterest by clicking on this button here and then click on create pin and that will take
  • 10:34 | you to this page here where you can upload the video by clicking on this button here now you’ll need to give it a
  • 10:39 | title so I’ll go back to chat GPT I’ll copy this then go back to Pinterest and
  • 10:45 | paste it here and in this description box here you want to enter a call to action like this if you want to get
  • 10:50 | inside the mind of any man make him earn your love prove his Devotion to you and give you romance that lasts a lifetime
  • 10:57 | then check the link for more details and in this link box here you want to copy your affiliate link and paste it here
  • 11:03 | and you’ll need to create a board if you don’t have one and you’ll need to enter a few tags here and once you’re done
  • 11:09 | click on publish and your video will be published to Pinterest now all you have to do is to keep repeating this process
  • 11:16 | and I recommend you to upload at least three videos a day and you will start getting hundreds or even thousands of
  • 11:22 | people to click on your affiliate link I found the laziest and most
  • 11:29 | passive way to make over $600 per day with Pinterest by literally pressing a few buttons and I’m going to show you
  • 11:36 | this powerful AI tool here that will do 95% of the work for you so you won’t
  • 11:41 | have to do any of the hard work yourself and the best part this method is available worldwide so real quick make
  • 11:47 | sure to smash that like button and let’s get started so the first tip to do is to head over to digistor 24.com and we will
  • 11:54 | use this website to pick a high conver affiliate product that will pay you over $58 for every single sale that you make
  • 12:01 | and I’m going to show you the easiest way to use Pinterest to get at least 10 sales every day so you want to sign up
  • 12:07 | for a free account by clicking on this button here and once you log in you will be taken to the dashboard that looks
  • 12:13 | like this now you want to click on Marketplace and that will take you to this page here where you can find all of
  • 12:19 | these different categories here to choose from now I want you to select this pafic product here to promote which
  • 12:25 | is called the ultimate keto me plan and I will tell you why in a minute and as you can see here this is the number one
  • 12:31 | and highest converting product on digistore 24 and a lot of people are making eight figures promoting this
  • 12:38 | product only and this product was created and improved by industry Titans that have spent over 120 million dollar
  • 12:46 | in pay traffic so this product is designed to get you as many sales as possible which is exactly what we want
  • 12:52 | and you can see here that you will get 85% commission for every single sale that you make and the most important
  • 12:58 | part is the average conversion rate for this product is 12% which means that if you send 100 visitors to this product
  • 13:06 | through your affiliate link on average 12 of them will buy this product and with an average earnings per sale of $58
  • 13:13 | if you do the math on that that’s an easy $696 just for sending 100 visitors to
  • 13:19 | this product and I’m going to show you how to combine the power of AI that will do 95% of the work for you and how to
  • 13:26 | use Pinterest to send hundreds or even thous thousands of visitors every single day to this product through your
  • 13:32 | affiliate link so this is the best product to promote and I highly recommend it to you now you want to grab
  • 13:37 | your affiliate link by clicking on this button here and then you want to save it in a notepad because we’re going to need
  • 13:42 | it later now the next tiep to do is to go to business. pinterest.com and you want to create a free business account
  • 13:48 | by clicking on this button here and once you log in and before you upload a profile picture or a background image
  • 13:55 | first you want to head over to trends. pinterest.com and you want to pick a trend in topic that’s related to the
  • 14:01 | product that you are promoting since we selected this product I’m going to search for keto diet and as you can see
  • 14:06 | here Pinterest is going to give us all of these relevant topics and it’s going to show us if they are trending at the
  • 14:12 | moment or not so you want to select any of these topics that’s most relevant to the product that you are promoting and I
  • 14:18 | selected this topic here called keto di meal plan and as the graph shows us here this is currently a trending topic on
  • 14:25 | Pinterest and millions and millions of people are looking for the best keto diet and by putting the right offer in
  • 14:31 | front of them like the one that we selected earlier you will get much more convergent and much more people will buy
  • 14:37 | this product through your affiliate link because you are sending highly targeted people that are extremely interested in
  • 14:44 | keto diets and that will make it much easier for you to make even more sales without doing any extra work and the
  • 14:50 | best part about Pinterest is that it’s literally a gold mine and it’s full of buyers that are ready to purchase your
  • 14:56 | products if you do exactly as I’m going to show you and according to this website here 90% of users on Pinterest
  • 15:03 | are in a shopping mindset and 85% of weekly users have made a purchase from
  • 15:08 | Pinterest pins and this makes Pinterest a gold mine for Affiliates like us to promote their affiliate products and by
  • 15:15 | simply posting pins on this powerful platform you’ll get tons and tons of buyers to your affiliate products easily
  • 15:21 | so once you pick a trending topic that’s related to the product that you are promoting the next tiep to do is to pick
  • 15:27 | a name for your Pinterest account just like this one here and you want to upload a logo and a background image
  • 15:32 | like I did here and you can easily create a logo in seconds by going to canva.com and searching for logo and you
  • 15:39 | want to use any of these logos here and customize it and you can upload a background image like this by going to
  • 15:46 | pixels.com and searching for something like this and you want to download any of these images here after that you want
  • 15:52 | to click on edit profile here and in this about section you want to add a call to action telling people to click
  • 15:58 | on the link to go and check your product and you can easily do that by going to chat GPT and you want to enter a prompt
  • 16:05 | like this write a c action to use in my Pinterest bio telling people to check my product called the ultimate keto meal
  • 16:11 | plan and then click on this button and within seconds chat GPT will generate this call to action here that we can use
  • 16:18 | so I will copy it and then I’ll go back to Pinterest and paste it here now the next tip to do is to add your affiliate
  • 16:24 | link here in this box but this link looks like a suspicious link and people might not click on it so you want to
  • 16:30 | shorten it by going to a link shortening website like tinyurl.com so once you come to this page you want to paste your
  • 16:36 | affiliate link here in this box and then click on shorten URL and it will give you this shortened link here now you
  • 16:43 | want to copy it go back to Pinterest and paste it here in this website box and then click on Save now our Pinterest
  • 16:49 | account is ready and now we just need to start uploading content to start sending people to our affiliate link and the
  • 16:55 | fastest and easiest way to grow a brand new Pinterest account and start sending people to your affiliate links is by
  • 17:01 | uploading video content on this platform and we will use this powerful AI tool here called in video AI that will allow
  • 17:08 | you to create an entire video from scratch with only one click and I’m going to show you how easy it is to use
  • 17:15 | and how it will literally do 95% of the work for you and I will leave a link down below this video that will take you
  • 17:21 | to this page here where you can create a free account by clicking on this button here and once you log in you will be
  • 17:27 | taken to the dashboard that looks like this and here you will find this box where you just need to enter a simple
  • 17:33 | prompt and it will generate an entire video from scratch with only one click now before you go ahead and create any
  • 17:39 | videos you need to understand exactly what type of content you want to create and you don’t have to do any kind of
  • 17:45 | research to figure this out you can simply go to chat GPT and ask it to give you some ideas related to the topic that
  • 17:52 | you selected on Pinterest so I asked it to give me 100 ideas related to keto
  • 17:57 | diet that I can use to make video videos and as you can see here it has generated all of these ideas that I can use to
  • 18:03 | create 100 different videos in just a few clicks using nid AI so you want to select one of these ideas here so for
  • 18:10 | example I’ll select this one and then you want to go back to nid Ai and you want to insert a prompt like this create
  • 18:17 | a one minute short video about keto diet for beginners what you need to know and this is the idea that we got from chat
  • 18:23 | gbt and then click on generate a video and then it will take you to this page here where you can select a specific
  • 18:29 | type of audience the look and feel and the platform now these settings are exactly what I want so I’m going to
  • 18:34 | leave them like this and then I’ll click on continue and it’s going to take you to this page here where it’s going to
  • 18:40 | analyze the video idea it will look for Relevant music to add it will generate a humanlike voice over it will play and
  • 18:47 | generate the entire video script from scratch it will add relevant scenes and stock footage to the video all just by
  • 18:54 | using a simple prompt and once the video is generated it will take you to this page here where you can watch the video
  • 19:00 | and before I play the video for you I just wanted to let you know that this is in a preview mode and all of these
  • 19:06 | watermarks here will be removed while you are exporting the video so let me play this video for you to show you the
  • 19:11 | final results are you overwhelmed by diet fads time to simplify with keto so
  • 19:18 | what’s keto it’s a high fat low carb diet that flips your body’s fuel source
  • 19:23 | from carbs to fats think of it like switching from gasoline to Electric but
  • 19:28 | for your body and as you can see here it has generated this entire video from scratch with only one prompt now if you
  • 19:35 | didn’t like this video and want nid AI to regenerate a completely different video with a completely different script
  • 19:42 | voice over stuck footed and music you can do that by clicking on this button here and then click on regenerate to
  • 19:48 | regenerate a new video on the same topic and you can also create a new video on a different topic by clicking on this
  • 19:55 | button here that says edit prompt and here you can change the prompt to a different one now there are two
  • 20:01 | different ways to edit this video in case you didn’t like something or want to add something new to the video first
  • 20:06 | you can instantly edit the video with One Click by entering a simple prompt here in this box telling it exactly what
  • 20:13 | to do or you can manually edit the video by clicking on this edit button here and I made a full and stepbystep tutorial on
  • 20:20 | my channel on how to use inv video Ai and how to use these two methods to edit the videos in seconds and I go through
  • 20:28 | all of video AI amazing features to create high quality and viral videos from scratch so make sure to watch it it
  • 20:35 | will really help you a lot now the most important part here that I want you to do is I want you to add a call to action
  • 20:41 | at the end of the video to send people to your affiliate link right after they watch the video so you want to enter a
  • 20:47 | prompt like this add a call to action at the end of this video telling viewers to go and check the product that I’m
  • 20:53 | promoting using this script here if you want to learn the fastest and easiest way to lose weight then go to the link
  • 20:58 | in mobo for more details and then you want to click on generate and within a few seconds it will add that call to
  • 21:04 | action to the end of the video and let me show it to you if you want to learn the fastest and easiest way to lose
  • 21:10 | weight then go to the link in my bio for more details and now our video is ready
  • 21:15 | and all you have to do is to download the video by clicking on this button here and this will open up this page
  • 21:21 | where you can download the video without any water marks or branding but you’ll need to upgrade your account to a paid
  • 21:27 | plan and as you can see here the lowest plan that they offer will cost you only $20 a month which is very affordable to
  • 21:34 | most people and I consider it this to be one of the best investments that I put in my business compared to how much time
  • 21:41 | money and effort that Nvidia AI saves me I also have a special coupon code for
  • 21:46 | you which you can use by clicking on this button here and you want to enter this code here and click on apply and it
  • 21:52 | will give you an extra 50 AI minutes for free so on top of the 50 AI minutes that
  • 21:58 | you will get with this subscription plan you’ll get an extra 50 AI minutes for free by using this code here and if you
  • 22:05 | stay consistent with this method and do exactly as I’m showing you I guarantee you that you will make at least 100
  • 22:11 | times the investment that you put in this powerful AI tool so once you download the video you want to upload it
  • 22:17 | to Pinterest by clicking on this button here and then click on create pin and that will take you to this page where
  • 22:23 | you can upload the video by clicking on this button here now you will need to give it a title so so I’ll go back to
  • 22:29 | chat GPT I’ll copy this then go back to Pinterest and paste it here and in this description box you want to enter a call
  • 22:35 | to action like this if you want to learn the fastest and easiest way to lose weight then go to the link in my bio for
  • 22:41 | more details and in this link box here you want to copy your affiliate link and paste it here and you will need to
  • 22:47 | create a board if you don’t have one and you will need to enter a few tags here and once you’re done click on publish
  • 22:54 | and your video will be published to Pinterest now all you have to do is to keep repeating in this process and I
  • 22:59 | recommend you to upload at least three videos a day and you will start getting hundreds or even thousands of people to
  • 23:06 | click on your affiliate link this account here makes over
  • 23:12 | $22,000 per month with affiliate marketing and in this video I want to share with you the exact same strategy
  • 23:17 | that anyone can use to start a brand new Pinterest account and grow it to get tens of thousands of followers and
  • 23:23 | millions of views the best part is you can start this today with no money or experience so let’s get right into it
  • 23:29 | for those of you who don’t know what affiliate marketing is basically affiliate marketing is when you promote a Brand’s products or services with a
  • 23:36 | unique affiliate link that you’re giving and if someone clicks on your link and signs up you get paid a commission now
  • 23:42 | let’s start with step one of this strategy which is to pick your Niche the most popular niches on Pinterest would
  • 23:47 | be women’s Fashions home decor Finance Fitness travel and there are a few other ones my favorite Niche for Pinterest is
  • 23:53 | finance and making money but recently I discovered something that’s just as good which is the self-improvement Niche if
  • 23:59 | you post self-improvement content on Pinterest providing tips on how to become the best version of yourself you
  • 24:05 | will have a ton of opportunities and you will be able to promote a ton of different affiliate links and products
  • 24:10 | for example different things you can promote in the self-improvement niche would be books maybe Health supplements
  • 24:15 | journals planners workout equipment and ways to save and make money and much more and I do believe this is the best
  • 24:21 | Niche you can start with and if you don’t want to do the self-improvement niche that’s fine you can really do whatever Niche you want but once you de
  • 24:28 | side on your Niche the next step is just to create your Pinterest account so you want to head over to business.
  • 24:33 | pinterest.com and you want to click on this button to sign up for free and create a business account make sure you
  • 24:39 | create a business account and not just a regular account then you want to add a profile name like this I just made mine
  • 24:45 | better life self-improvement tips basically better life is just my brand name and then self-improvement tips is
  • 24:51 | just so people know what my content is about so this is how my profile looks now and later on I’ll show you how you
  • 24:57 | can actually create a a profile picture now let’s move on to the next tip which is figuring out what products to promote
  • 25:03 | there are so many different things that you can promote in the self-improvement niche and you can find all these products on Amazon which means you can
  • 25:10 | become an Amazon affiliate as an Amazon affiliate you get paid to promote different Amazon products which is
  • 25:15 | pretty cool the P part is you can promote literally any product on Amazon for example this book this couch this
  • 25:21 | plant and obviously anything else you want in order to become an Amazon affiliate you have to go to the website
  • 25:27 | Amazon Associates at apply on there now before you do create your account you’re actually going to need a custom website
  • 25:32 | to get approved and I’m going to show you how you can create your own website in under 3 minutes you’re going to use
  • 25:38 | Shopify to create your website so click on the link in the description of this video where it says free Shopify trial
  • 25:44 | and you can try Shopify for only $1 a month so it gives you plenty of time to experiment okay so you should now be in
  • 25:50 | your Shopify account so first thing you want to do is click here on online store now click here on ADD business address
  • 25:57 | if you haven’t already done that and once you have your business address you can just go ahead and remove the password here and then click here on
  • 26:04 | customize and now this is going to be your website and you can add all your affiliate links here so the first thing
  • 26:09 | you want to do is just go ahead and pretty much hide everything on this page so I’m just going to do that quickly now
  • 26:14 | click on ADD section click on Multi column and in each column you’re actually going to be able to add an
  • 26:19 | affiliate link so you can add as many columns as you want here and anytime you have an affiliate link you can click on
  • 26:25 | single column then you can pretty much change the heading here to whatever your affiliate link is then you can just add
  • 26:31 | the link label here so I’ll just show you an example of what it could look like so basically I just put a heading
  • 26:37 | and then I said here try rutine where it says link label and then if I had my rutin affiliate link I could just add it
  • 26:43 | here now obviously this doesn’t look as nice so I want to show you how you can kind of customize it now you want to
  • 26:49 | click here on multicolumn and then just go ahead and remove the button label here and for the heading you can
  • 26:54 | actually put whatever you want so I put self-improvement products you need I think that looks pretty good and now I
  • 27:00 | want to add some nice colors here so click on theme settings so I’m going to click here and you can really do
  • 27:05 | whatever colors you want so I added this background color here I think it looks better and then for the outline button I
  • 27:10 | would change this to a color like this just so it’s more highlighted because that is your affiliate link so this is
  • 27:16 | what my colors are I think it looks good now go here where it says typography and you can actually change the sizes of the
  • 27:22 | font here so for the body font I’m actually going to make it bold also I’m going to make this a little bit bigger
  • 27:27 | as well and this is how it looks now so I’m going to go back here and obviously have all these columns because I plan to
  • 27:33 | get a lot of affiliate links and then add them all here but if you don’t have any other affiliate links obviously you
  • 27:39 | can just remove them until you get more and I would also just click on here then scroll down and then uncheck where it
  • 27:45 | says show payment icons so this is what your website can look like and once you get more affiliate links it will look
  • 27:51 | even better so make sure you save it now I want you to go back click here on settings click on domains and click on
  • 27:56 | this link here and I recommend changing your link name to whatever your Pinterest account is so I’m going to
  • 28:01 | make mine better life then click add domain okay now basically this link right here is going to be your website
  • 28:07 | link so go ahead and just copy this link paste it into Google and don’t forget to add your website URL to your Pinterest
  • 28:13 | bio now that your website is done you can finally create an Amazon Associates account so go on Amazon Associates sign
  • 28:19 | up then just fill out all the required information here then on the next page it’s going to ask you to add your website URL so now your Amazon
  • 28:26 | Associates account is ready and basically now you can just go on Amazon and find literally any products that you
  • 28:33 | want to promote and if you actually want to know how much you get paid in commissions click on help then click on
  • 28:38 | commission income statement and here it’s going to show you how much you get paid in commissions so I’m on Amazon now
  • 28:44 | and I just want to show you how you can basically get an affiliate link for any product so I’m going to search journal
  • 28:49 | and just pick anyone here for an example okay so you should have this bar here on the top of your Amazon account and what
  • 28:55 | you want to do is click on text and now it shows you your own custom affiliate link that you can start promoting and if
  • 29:01 | you need some ideas on what products to promote I recommend searching up on Google best self-improvement products
  • 29:07 | and you’re going to see a ton of websites I found this website that has a bunch of different product ideas and I’m
  • 29:13 | going to use this for reference I just came up with seven pretty cool products to promote in the self-improvement niche
  • 29:18 | and I’m going to share them with you first is the book Think and Grow Rich next is the 5minute journal then the
  • 29:24 | vision board kit next is this at home gym setup and lastly this plan man and now I’m just starting with these five
  • 29:30 | affiliate links but obviously you can get many more and literally every day you can find more affiliate links on
  • 29:36 | Amazon now aside from Amazon you can also find affiliate links on other websites like impact.com and
  • 29:42 | clickbank.com I think both of these are great if you want to find high paying affiliate program and once you have a
  • 29:47 | few affiliate links the next tip is to start promoting them on Pinterest but before we dive into that I did want to
  • 29:53 | mention that if you are interested in learning more about affiliate marketing and you actually are are serious about
  • 29:59 | making this your full-time income I want to learn exactly how we make over $1,000 per day from it I do have an affiliate
  • 30:05 | marketing course that you can join I’ll link it in the description of this video now let’s move on to the next tip which is promoting your affiliate links on
  • 30:12 | Pinterest now in order to do this you actually have to create your own content for example this is an image that
  • 30:17 | promotes one of the affiliate links so you have to create something similar to this to promote your own affiliate links
  • 30:23 | and honestly it’s pretty simple to create these images I’m going to show you exactly how but in order to do this
  • 30:29 | you do have to use canva the first thing you want to do in your canva account is click on create a design then search for
  • 30:34 | Pinterest pen click on Pinterest pin and now you can start creating your content now the cool thing is there is a bunch
  • 30:40 | of templates that you can actually use which is really handy like I could probably use this one right here if I
  • 30:45 | wanted to to promote a book but anyways for the templates I’m just going to click on Pinterest and the first thing
  • 30:51 | I’m going to promote is the Think and Grow Rich book so I just have to find something that could work for that so
  • 30:56 | I’m going to look through here and see what I can find all right so I found this template here I kind of like it so
  • 31:02 | I’m going to use it and then I’m going to modify it a little bit like this and you can use the text it gives you or you
  • 31:07 | can change it up I’m going to remove this and this and I’m going to write my own text here okay so I changed the font
  • 31:13 | to this and I’m just going to make this a little bit larger okay I think this looks pretty good it’s a great start and
  • 31:19 | basically I would link my Think and Grow Rich affiliate link to this picture and if I want to I could duplicate this and
  • 31:25 | maybe change it up a bit maybe change up the text and then just repost it multiple times to promote the Think and
  • 31:30 | Grow Rich book I’m also going to add another page and I can literally just put this right here and I can just
  • 31:36 | change the heading here to pretty much the same thing as this if I wanted to edit here and then also still promote
  • 31:42 | the Think and Grow Rich book so pretty much you can play around and really do whatever you want and if you ever need
  • 31:47 | some inspiration for how a pen should look you can always come on Pinterest and look through all the images and as
  • 31:53 | you can see majority of these are Gena templates so pretty much everyone is using canva also I didn’t want to show
  • 31:59 | you how you can potentially create your profile picture using canva so you want to click on design and you want to
  • 32:04 | search for logo and as you can see a bunch of logos are going to come up so just select any kind of templates here
  • 32:11 | I’m going to use this one for example and I’m just going to modify it a little bit like this and add the text better
  • 32:16 | life so this could literally be my profile picture nothing crazy but you can make yours look better if you want
  • 32:21 | to so yeah create a bunch of different images for your different affiliate links and then when you are ready to download them and post them on Pinterest
  • 32:28 | click on share and then click on download and then for the file type make sure you select PNG and I would make the
  • 32:34 | size a little bit larger and then just click on download again I now want to show you how you can upload your image
  • 32:39 | to Pinterest with your affiliate link so you want to click on create pin first add your title I’m going to put the best
  • 32:45 | book for 2024 next I’m going to add my Amazon affiliate link next I’m going to pick a board and actually I have to
  • 32:51 | create one so what I’m going to do is create one for books and anytime I post content about books I can just added to
  • 32:58 | the board you can make a separate board for every category like fitness health Finance you get the idea then I’m going
  • 33:04 | to add some tags related to books finance and self-improvement and now I’m all done and can post the image it’s
  • 33:10 | honestly a pretty simple process I recommend you to post at least three images every single day obviously the
  • 33:16 | more you post the better and you can also post videos to your account which is pretty cool now you’re probably
  • 33:21 | wondering how can I actually get these videos well you actually don’t have to create these videos yourself you’ll be
  • 33:27 | using people’s videos and just reposting them on your Pinterest as long as you give the owner of the video credit
  • 33:33 | you’re solid so what you can do to find videos is just go on Tik Tok and search up what you’re looking for for example
  • 33:39 | you can just search self-improvement look through all those videos and you’re going to see a ton of cool content that
  • 33:44 | you can use so once you find a video you like just go ahead and copy the link then go to this website here called Snap
  • 33:51 | tick. app then download the video without a watermark so that you can post it to your Pinterest account now I do
  • 33:56 | want to show you how you can upload the video to your Pinterest account it’s pretty much the same as just posting an
  • 34:02 | image but I still want to show you select create pen and then add your title add your website link the reason I
  • 34:07 | think you should add your website link instead of a direct affiliate link to Amazon is because you’re not actually
  • 34:12 | promoting something directly in the video so it’s better that people click on your website and have a variety of
  • 34:17 | different links to look at also make sure you credit the owner of the original video in the description then just add some tags and then you can go
  • 34:24 | ahead and post it I would say aim to post at least Le two videos every day obviously the more the better and if you
  • 34:30 | can post three images and two videos every single day your account will start to grow slowly but if you want your
  • 34:36 | account to grow much faster I’d say try to post at least eight times a day remember that this is not a get-rich
  • 34:42 | quick scheme it’s going to take your time to be successful in today’s video I’ll show
  • 34:49 | you how you can make 3,000 to $4,000 a month consistently with Amazon by creating AI generated articles what
  • 34:56 | you’re going to love about this method is that you’re going to be creating not just one but two brand new income
  • 35:01 | streams for yourself all you need to do right now is to sit back relax watch this entire video all the way to the end
  • 35:07 | so you don’t miss out on any of the crucial information now with that being said let’s go ahead and get started also
  • 35:13 | at the end of this video I’m going to give you something that no one else has done before I’m going to give you full
  • 35:18 | and free access to a high ticket product that’s currently selling for
  • 35:24 | $2,497 that shows you how to make over $2,000 per day by just uploading 7c
  • 35:30 | shorts videos using completely free AI tools working less than 10 minutes a day a lot of people are using this simple
  • 35:37 | method to generate thousands and thousands of dollars in commissions and you can be one of them soon so make sure
  • 35:43 | you watch this video all the way to the end do not miss out on any important step and I will show you how to get this
  • 35:48 | High ticket product for completely free so without further Ado let’s get started so firstly let’s break down this simple
  • 35:54 | four-step process so you get a full understanding of of exactly what is I’m going to be teaching you here today
  • 36:00 | starting off with number one this is the very first thing we have to do in any business and that is finding the demand
  • 36:05 | in business if there is no demand for a product then we cannot make money so we need to find a product that is very high
  • 36:12 | in demand and I’m going to show you a very special tool this is one of my secret weapons that I have been using
  • 36:17 | online and I’m going to share it with you here in this video for the very first time following this once we know that people are interested in this
  • 36:24 | particular topic or product what we’re going to do is directly link back to an Amazon product that we can become
  • 36:30 | Affiliates of and then we make commissions for every single sale that we make for the third step of this process what we’re going to do is
  • 36:36 | generate high quality articles using the powerful AI tool chat GPT this is not
  • 36:41 | just going to be the basic prompts that you see from other YouTube videos I’m going to show you some detailed prompts
  • 36:47 | that you can use to get quality articles that’s going to be able to make you tons of sales and finally last but not least
  • 36:53 | I’m going to show you how you can double if not triple the amount of money you make with this simply diversify your
  • 36:59 | income streams so you’re getting paid for multiple different sources from just one article this is going to be a very
  • 37:04 | in-depth tutorial and by the time you get to the end of it you’re going to have everything you need to get this plug andplay system up and running so
  • 37:11 | you can generate thousands of dollars by simply Silling in demand Amazon products are you ready for this you are okay
  • 37:17 | smash that like button and let’s go ahead and jump right into it so for step number one we’re going to be using a
  • 37:22 | very powerful tool that you can see on the screen right here and that is over at spy f.com I’m going to leave that
  • 37:29 | down in the description for you guys now if you’ve never come across this website before is essentially a marketing tool
  • 37:34 | that helps you find different keywords that are being searched on Google every month and trust me when I say this tool
  • 37:40 | has made us thousands of dollars when it comes to ranking on Google creating all of our Google aims and it’s just the
  • 37:46 | ultimate way to find keywords that you can make money with and this is essentially what I’m going to be showing you how to do today so once you are over
  • 37:53 | on this website what you want to do is just type in a particular keyword or a that you’re interested in today’s
  • 37:59 | example I’m just going to type in mini Frid right here because I already know that this is a very high in demand
  • 38:04 | keyword and a niche that is doing well on Amazon so once you’ve typed in your keyword here you just click on search
  • 38:10 | and what spyfu has done is given me some indepth information about this particular keyword and don’t get
  • 38:16 | intimidated by this this is very simple and inside here you can see the monthly searches and what this means is that
  • 38:23 | every single month this particular keyword is getting over 100,000 searches so this is is a very popular keyword and
  • 38:29 | as you can see right here there is an estimated clicks of 65,000 on this keyword right here and as we scroll down
  • 38:35 | you’ll be able to see Mobile Traffic versus desktop traffic and most importantly what you’re going to identify here is the keyword difficulty
  • 38:42 | so on Google it ranks from zero being the easiest to rank and 100 being the hardest to rank and this keyword is only
  • 38:49 | at 39 so we should be able to rank even as complete beginners this is very crucial information and whatever keyword
  • 38:55 | you are looking for make sure that it has a a high search volume and a very low keyword difficulty because most of
  • 39:01 | you guys that are watching this video are probably beginners and you are just getting started with this so you don’t
  • 39:06 | want to try to rank for a keyword that’s like 60 or 70 because you simply won’t be able to get any traffic with a
  • 39:13 | keyword like that because there is big companies and marketing firms that have been around for years targeting those
  • 39:19 | higher end keywords but once again make sure you go for a keyword that has a high monthly search volume and a very
  • 39:25 | low keyword difficulty and another tip here if you don’t find a good keyword on the first time around spy actually gives
  • 39:31 | you some suggestions of keywords that you can use so you can see right here if I click on any of these similar keywords
  • 39:37 | you will get a different keyword that has less search volume but it will be much easier to rank at the top of the
  • 39:43 | search results using this keyword so once you find your keyword in my case mini fridge is a very good one so what
  • 39:49 | I’m going to do is move into the next step which is where we’re going to go on Amazon and we’re going to find products
  • 39:54 | that are directly related to this particular C so we can use them to promote and make money online now moving
  • 40:00 | into the second step of this process what you guys need to do right now is head over to amazon.com and once you are
  • 40:06 | on this page you just want to type in the keyword that you found on spy Fu and then you want to hit T now you simply
  • 40:12 | want to look through this list and find products that at least over $100 so you can get a good commission every time you
  • 40:19 | make a sale of one of these products so I picked this one right here another one which is also a mini fridge and I got
  • 40:25 | this final one which is around $0000 so this is exactly what you want to do you want to pick at least three products add
  • 40:32 | them into new tabs as you are going to need them for the next step which is what I’m going to show you how to use AI
  • 40:37 | to generate quality articles that are going to get you tons of traffic over onto your affiliate links and that can
  • 40:43 | make your sales with these products now you won’t be able to get your affiliate links unless you sign up to Amazon
  • 40:48 | Associates so you want to make sure that you’re already signed up to the Amazon Associates program in order to get your
  • 40:53 | affiliate links so once you create your Amazon Associates account can get your affiliate link to any product on Amazon
  • 41:00 | by going to the top left corner here where you can simply click on text and then you have access to your affiliate
  • 41:05 | link which is what you’re going to need to put inside of your articles to make money online so now that we know our
  • 41:10 | Niche and the keyword that is in high demand and we found some great products on Amazon that are selling very well now
  • 41:17 | it’s time to move into step number three which is where we’re going to generate these amazing high quality articles on
  • 41:22 | chat GPT I promise you this is going to blow your mind how quick and easy this is to get did this business up and
  • 41:28 | running and I want you to pay very close attention to this section of this video because this is where I see most people
  • 41:34 | struggle and if you want the desired results from this if you want to hit that3 to $4,000 a month it’s essential
  • 41:40 | that you get this part right I’m going to show you how to interact with chant GPT to get quality responses it’s not
  • 41:46 | going to be basic responses like how to make this or make me a meal plan or show me how to make money online I’m going to
  • 41:52 | show you real high level strategies that only 10% of people are using on chat TPT
  • 41:58 | to get insane results so if you’re ready for this make sure you go ahead and smash that like button because what I’m
  • 42:03 | going to show you right here is a technique that you’ll probably never seen anyone use with chat GPT now to
  • 42:09 | generate a highquality article using chat GPT that ranks on top of the search results on Google and makes us money it
  • 42:15 | needs to have a great structure and follow a particular formula so as you can see here the first thing I prompt
  • 42:20 | chant TPT to do is generate an outline for an article about mini frigid but you can put whatever keyword that you found
  • 42:27 | on the website that I showed you earlier it could be cool car gadgets it could be the best iPhones the best laptops for
  • 42:33 | gaming whatever the topic may be as you can see this is the result that chat GPT has given us and don’t worry if your
  • 42:39 | exact products are not on here because what we’re going to do is simply replace these with our own products that we
  • 42:45 | found on Amazon after this what you want to do is ask the AI to write an introduction paragraph because this is
  • 42:51 | needed for every single block after the main H1 title you need a short introduction and then simply add the
  • 42:57 | titles of the three products that you found on Amazon and once again you’re going to hit send at just like that as
  • 43:02 | you can see they are writing the introduction and it’s mentioned all of the mini fridges that we found so you’re
  • 43:07 | simply going to do the same by entering the same prompt with your particular product as you can see already we have
  • 43:13 | not just come here and asked the chat GPT to write articles about mini fridges we’re doing it step by step and we are
  • 43:19 | adding in relevant information and this is how you’re going to get a quality article from chat GPT and won’t just ask
  • 43:26 | generic questions like like majority of people do when they come on to chat GPT now the next thing we want to do is to
  • 43:31 | get the AI to write an overview of each of the products that we have selected so what I’ve simply done right here is to
  • 43:38 | ask it to write an overview about my first item and now I’m going to click Send and just like that as you can see
  • 43:44 | it’s generating an overview of my first product and then what you want to do is just simply repeat this so let’s copy
  • 43:50 | the first section right here write an overview and then you will just paste the second item and then the third item
  • 43:55 | and just like that you have a full article you have your main headline your introduction paragraph then you will
  • 44:00 | have an overview of each of your three products that you’ve chosen and then finally you’ll ask chat GPT to write a
  • 44:07 | closing statement and just like that you will have a full article written by AI but it’s relevant to this very moment
  • 44:13 | because these products right here that we selected are selling on Amazon and then you can put in your affiliate link
  • 44:18 | this is very very powerful stuff that I’m showing you right here once you’re done and you’ve got your full article
  • 44:24 | you just want to go back through the questions that you have asked ched CPT and just copy and paste the relevant
  • 44:29 | information over into a Word document and you’ll be ready to move on to the next step which is where you’re going to
  • 44:34 | monetize the article and make money online now carry it on into the next step which is where we’re going to turn
  • 44:40 | our AI generated article into a money-making machine to do this you have two options option number one which is
  • 44:45 | my favorite you can just go ahead and post this article on your personal blog now this is a great option because you
  • 44:51 | will be building your own online asset that cannot be taken away from you and you have the potential to sell it for or
  • 44:57 | hundreds if if not thousands of dollars later on in the future on websites like Empire flippers where people have sold
  • 45:03 | their websites for well over six figures now option number two which is a more of a shortterm method what you can do is
  • 45:10 | you can just post your article websites like vocal and media that’s going to allow you to get in front of hundreds of
  • 45:15 | millions of people and start getting views clicks sales and make commissions right away with 100% free traffic and
  • 45:22 | what’s even better is that these websites are going to pay you for the views that you get on these articles so
  • 45:27 | on top of the affiliate commissions that you are making from Amazon they’re also going to pay you for people that are
  • 45:33 | clicking on your article and reading it so as I told you at the start of the video there is a potential to have
  • 45:38 | multiple streams of income when you are using this strategy now since I know most of you guys are going to go with
  • 45:43 | option number two let’s go ahead and show you step by step how you can upload your AI generated article onto the vocal
  • 45:50 | platform after you’ve made an account on here which is over at vocal. media all you need to do is to go up to the top
  • 45:56 | right hand Cor order where it says create story and from here you’re going to see these different sections where you’ll be able to input all the
  • 46:03 | information about your article so for instance you have the title you have the subtitle you’ll be able to upload your
  • 46:08 | main Banner image which is like a featured image right here and then at the bottom you’ll be able to add the
  • 46:13 | body of your article so first and foremost let’s start with the title so we go over to my document right here
  • 46:19 | this is the title I’m using for my article and then simply go back over to vocal and then paste your article right
  • 46:25 | here so I’m just going to copy and paste my article that’s in my Google Docs and I’m going to paste it over onto vocal
  • 46:30 | right now so there you go guys as you can see I have uploaded my entire article that’s fully generated from chat
  • 46:36 | GPT over onto vocal which is where we’re going to get majority of our free traffic from now the next thing that you
  • 46:42 | can do right here to make this article Stand Out is actually add the images from Amazon so we go back over here to
  • 46:48 | the product on Amazon all you have to do is just right click it and then just save the image and then following that
  • 46:53 | you’ll just go down and hit this plus button upload your image and just like that your image has been added to your
  • 46:58 | vocal article and what I always do is just go through and add an image for each of my products and then I’ll make
  • 47:04 | sure that there is an image selected at the top because this is what’s going to be showing when people are on vocal
  • 47:10 | looking through different articles this is the main image that’s going to show up so this is the best way to optimize
  • 47:15 | your article so it stands out and you can get the most amount of views and traffic over to your profile now last
  • 47:20 | but not least the most important thing you need to do right here is to add your affiliate link and the way how to do
  • 47:25 | that is very simple so say for instance you wanted to add the affiliate link to this what we need to do is just highlight this text right here and then
  • 47:32 | we will hit right here where it says link and then simply you want to paste in your affiliate link so what I’m going
  • 47:37 | to do is just go over onto Amazon right here get my affiliate link so I’m going to hit copy and then go back over onto
  • 47:44 | vocal and then I’m going to paste my affiliate link and then from here just hit submit and just like that a
  • 47:49 | hyperlink has been added to this text right here so anyone that’s reading it and you’re interested in this particular
  • 47:54 | fridge right here once they click it it’s going going to direct them back over to Amazon and once they make a purchase I will get a commission for
  • 48:01 | this and this is exactly what you want to do just go through this whole article highlight different parts that are
  • 48:06 | related to the fridges or any keyword that you selected or any product and then simply just add in your affiliate
  • 48:12 | links throughout this product so when people are reading they are getting value they are getting information they
  • 48:17 | can click over make a purchase and this is how you are going to make money on the vocal platform and taking advantage
  • 48:22 | of affiliate marketing on Amazon now if you are a beginner and you want to make the most amount of money with this reality I’ve shown you today what I
  • 48:29 | recommend you doing is posting on vocal posting on medium and also creating your own blog so that’s three different
  • 48:35 | traffic sources that you can use to promote your affiliate links and this is the optimal way to make the most amount
  • 48:40 | of money using the Amazon Associates program the key to success here is to stay consistent post at least two to
  • 48:46 | three articles every single week and this is how you are going to be able to hit that sweet three figures every
  • 48:52 | single month using affiliate marketing this account here is making at
  • 48:58 | least $5,000 per week and they are getting more than 5 million monthly views and all they do is they download
  • 49:05 | other people’s videos and re-upload them to their account and they are promoting only one affiliate product that you can
  • 49:11 | find on ClickBank and they started this account a few months ago and now they are making tons of money and in this
  • 49:17 | video I’m going to show you how to start a similar Pinterest account in the same Niche and I’m going to show you the
  • 49:22 | fastest and easiest way to go from zero to start getting Millions of monthly views like this account here in a very
  • 49:29 | short time by using a simple trick that very few people know about many people spend months if not years until they
  • 49:36 | start getting results especially if they start a new Pinterest account but in this video I will show you everything
  • 49:42 | you need to start getting massive results in a very short time even if you are a complete beginner and have zero
  • 49:48 | experience I’m also going to show you a better strategy that will make you at least three times more than this account
  • 49:54 | here is making the best part about this strategy is that it’s 100% free and available worldwide also at the end of
  • 50:01 | this video I’m going to give you something that no one else has done before I’m going to give you full and
  • 50:06 | free access to a high ticket product that’s currently selling for
  • 50:11 | $2,497 that shows you how to make over $2,000 per day by just uploading 7sec
  • 50:18 | shorts videos using completely free AI tools working less than 10 minutes a day a lot of people are using this simple
  • 50:24 | method to generate thousands of thousands of dollars in commissions and you can be one of them soon so make sure
  • 50:30 | you watch this video all the way to the end to not miss out on any important step and I will show you how to get this
  • 50:36 | High ticket product for completely free so without further Ado let’s get started all right guys so as you can see here
  • 50:42 | this account has only 3.2k followers and they are gain more than 5 million
  • 50:47 | monthly views and if I click on this website here in their buou you can see that They are promoting an affiliate
  • 50:53 | product called tedswoodworking and if I click on this button here it will take me straight to the sales paid of this
  • 50:59 | product and if someone buys this product the guys behind this account will get paid $58 for every single sale that they
  • 51:06 | make and as you can see here this product is available to instantly promote on ClickBank if I open the sales
  • 51:12 | page here you can see that this is the exact same product that these guys are promoting and I will show you how to
  • 51:18 | implement the exact same strategy and I’m going to show you a bitter strategy that will make you at least three times
  • 51:24 | more than they are making first of all Let Me Show you why Pinterest is the best platform to use to promote
  • 51:30 | affiliate products I want you to take a look at this report here it says here that Pinterest has more than
  • 51:36 | 482 million monthly active users and 90% of users on Pinterest are in a shop in
  • 51:42 | mindset and 85% of weekly users have made a purchase from Pinterest pins and
  • 51:48 | that shows you that Pinterest is full of buyers that are ready to purchase your product if you promote it the right way
  • 51:54 | as I’m going to show you you will never find such stats and a platform full of buyers like Pinterest and that’s why
  • 52:01 | it’s a very powerful platform to use to promote your affiliate products and earn big commissions now if I go to trends.
  • 52:08 | pinterest.com and search for woodworking you can see here that it’s currently a Hot Topic and a trending Niche on
  • 52:14 | Pinterest and it means that Pinterest will show your videos and pins to a lot more people because more and more people
  • 52:21 | are searching for this topic and that will really help you to grow a lot faster and start getting tens of
  • 52:26 | thousands of views quickly and easily especially for new Pinterest account and there are hundreds of different accounts
  • 52:32 | in this Niche that get millions and millions of views every single month so I do recommend you to Target this
  • 52:38 | Woodwork in Niche or you can search for a different trending topic on Pinterest so the first thing to do is to go to
  • 52:44 | clickbank.com and sign up for a free account and once you log in you want to click on affiliate Marketplace and that
  • 52:50 | will take you to this page and as you can see here ClickBank has many different categories to choose from but
  • 52:56 | in this video we will select The Woodworking Niche and once you click on it ClickBank will show you the highest
  • 53:01 | converting products in this specific category and you will notice here that this product is the highest converting
  • 53:07 | woodworking product not only on ClickBank but on the entire internet and it pays around $58 per sale which is
  • 53:14 | really good you can also click on this affiliate page button here and it will take you to this page where you can find
  • 53:20 | a lot more details about this product and you will find helpful resources and materials to help you in your promotion
  • 53:27 | so once you select a product you want to click on promote click on create hop link and then you want to copy your
  • 53:32 | unique affiliate link and save it in a new pad now the next thing to do is to create a new Pinterest account so you
  • 53:38 | want to go to business. pinterest.com and you want to click on this button to sign up for a free business account and
  • 53:44 | then it will ask you to describe your business so you want to select content creator and then click on next and then
  • 53:49 | you will need to enter a name for your account and the easiest way to come up with a good name for your account is by
  • 53:55 | using chat GPT so you want to go to chat GPT and write a prompt like this one
  • 54:00 | here give me 10 different names for my new Pinterest account in the Woodwork Niche and then click on this button and
  • 54:06 | as you can see here chat GPT has generated all of these different names that we can use so I will select this
  • 54:11 | one for example so I will copy it and paste it here and then you want to select your country and for this website
  • 54:17 | box just select no for now and then click on next and then it will ask you what your goals are so you want to
  • 54:23 | select Drive traffic to your site and then you will need to select the focus of your brand so you want to select one
  • 54:28 | that fits the product that you are promoting so I will select DIY and craft and then click on done now you will need
  • 54:34 | to upload a logo and a background image and to do that you want to go to canva.com and sign up for a free account
  • 54:40 | and we will use canva to build a quick and simple logo for our account using one of their highquality pre-made
  • 54:47 | templates so once you log in you want to click on this box here and you want to search for logo and then you want to
  • 54:52 | click on this option and that will take you to this page where you can select one of these templates to customize I
  • 54:58 | just created this simple logo here using one of the templates and you want to download it by clicking on this share
  • 55:03 | button here and then click on download to save it to your computer and then you want to go back to Pinterest click on
  • 55:08 | edit profile and then click on change and then click on choose photo to upload the logo that you downloaded and to
  • 55:15 | upload a background image you want to go to a website like pixels.com that allows you to download free stock images so you
  • 55:21 | want to search for something like this Woodworking and you want to download one of these images here here and then you
  • 55:26 | want to go back to Pinterest click on this plus icon and then click on browse and select the image that you just
  • 55:32 | downloaded now you want to click on edit profile again and you want to enter a call to action in this about section
  • 55:38 | here and we will use chat GPT again to help us with this so you want to enter a prompt like this write a bio for my new
  • 55:45 | Pinterest account in The Woodworking Niche and then click on this button and once chat GPT is finished you want to
  • 55:50 | copy this bio here go back to Pinterest and paste it here and then click on Save now the next thing to do is to add a
  • 55:56 | website now you don’t want to add your affiliate link here or in any post you create on Pinterest because that will
  • 56:02 | get your account banned and instead you need to add a landing page and the easiest way to do this is by using
  • 56:08 | system.io and we will use it to build a quick and simple landing page to collect other people’s email addresses and then
  • 56:14 | we will redirect them to our affiliate product and we will also use their free autoresponder to send automated emails
  • 56:21 | and follow up with our email subscribers this is the most important step in this video and let me show you why it’s so
  • 56:28 | important to collect their emails I want you to take a look at this report here this report was posted by HubSpot a huge
  • 56:34 | company that worth billions and billions of dollars they say here that for every $1 they spend on building their email
  • 56:41 | list they make back $42 which is astounding 4,200 Roi and Roi stands for return on
  • 56:49 | investment this Roi here is insane and unheard of now they don’t get that insane return on investment back right
  • 56:56 | away way no they use something called email marketing that allows them to get such an incredible return on investment
  • 57:02 | so that’s why we need to collect their email addresses and build our email list and I’m going to show you how to do
  • 57:07 | email marketing the right way and how to get tons of email subscribers for free without spending any money now I will
  • 57:14 | leave a link down below this video to create a free account on system.io so go
  • 57:19 | ahead now click on the link below this video and sign up for a free account and once you log in you will be taken to the
  • 57:24 | dashboard that looks like this now the first thing to do is to create an order responder and set up our automated
  • 57:30 | follow-up Series this is a very important step to do that will make us much more sales without doing any extra
  • 57:37 | work we will have to set up a follow-up sequence because most people won’t buy this product right away so we will have
  • 57:43 | to send them daily emails automatically to remind them about this product explain to them how this product will
  • 57:49 | help them to solve their problem and how simple it is to use and it takes around 5 to seven emails in order for some want
  • 57:56 | to be convinced and buy a product so it’s really important to set up an email sequence so in order to do that you want
  • 58:02 | to click on emails and then select campaigns and that will take you to this page now you want to click on Create and
  • 58:08 | then you want to give it a name so I will write something like this and then click on Save and once it’s created you
  • 58:13 | want to click on this campaign and you will be taken to this page where we’re going to create our emails so you want
  • 58:19 | to click on Create and here in this box you will need to enter the sub decline of your email now you don’t have to
  • 58:25 | write any emails yourself instead I’m going to show you how to get high converting emails so you want to go back
  • 58:30 | to ClickBank and you want to open this affiliate page and then you will be taken to this affiliate resources page
  • 58:36 | now you want to scroll down and then click on this link here and that will take you to this page now you want to click on email swipes and here you can
  • 58:43 | find all of these high converting emails that you can copy and paste and add them to your all responder these emails are
  • 58:49 | written by top marketers and designed to convince as many people as possible to buy this product and that was help you
  • 58:56 | generate much more sales and I highly recommend you to use these emails especially if you are a beginner and
  • 59:03 | don’t know how to write High converted emails so you want to copy one of these subject lines here go back to system.io
  • 59:09 | and paste it here and then you want to enter your name here in this box and then click on Save and that will take
  • 59:14 | you to this page now for this email buddy section you want to go back to this affiliate resources page you want
  • 59:20 | to copy the body of this email go back to system. oo and then paste it here after that you want to click on this
  • 59:26 | image here and then click on this icon and here in this box you want to paste in your affiliate link here and then you
  • 59:32 | want to highlight this call to action here and then click on this button and change this to your affiliate link and
  • 59:37 | you want to do the same for all of those other call to actions here highlighted in blue and then you want to replace
  • 59:43 | this with your name and that’s it now once you’re done you want to click on this button here and for the very first
  • 59:48 | email you want to leave everything at their default setting don’t change anything here and what these settings
  • 59:53 | mean is whenever someone enters their email email address on our landing page that we’re about to create system the
  • 59:59 | AIO will instantly send them this email here so you want to click on activate and now our first email has been created
  • 1:00:06 | and activated now you want to add the second email from this affiliate resources page to system. AO and set it
  • 1:00:12 | to be sent 24 hours after this email here and let me show you real quick how to do that so you want to click on
  • 1:00:18 | create again and enter a subject line your name click on Save copy and paste the second email and after you click on
  • 1:00:25 | Save and public you want to click on this drop- down menu and select the previous email that you created and then
  • 1:00:30 | change this to one and leave this option as it is and then click on activate now you can see here that this email is
  • 1:00:36 | going to be automatically sent to your subscribers one day after this email now you want to do the same for the rest of
  • 1:00:43 | these emails all right I just added all these emails here and you can see here that I set every email to be
  • 1:00:49 | automatically sent one day after the previous one so now whenever someone enters their email system the AIO will
  • 1:00:56 | instantly send them this email here and then it will wait for 24 hours and it will automatically send them the next
  • 1:01:02 | email it will wait for another 24 hours and it will automatically send them the third email and so on so once you added
  • 1:01:09 | your automated follow-up sequence the next thing to do is to create a landing page so you want to click on funnels and
  • 1:01:15 | then you want to click on Create and here you need to give it a name so I will write something like this and then
  • 1:01:20 | you want to select build an audience and don’t worry about this currency option here because it’s not important and and
  • 1:01:26 | then click on save so once the funnel is created you want to click on it and that will take you to this page where you can
  • 1:01:31 | select one of these templates so you want to select any of these templates and it doesn’t matter which one you
  • 1:01:36 | select because we will modify it so I will select this one and then you’ll be taken to this page now you want to click
  • 1:01:42 | on edit page and that will take you to this page editor here now the first thing to do is to delete all of these
  • 1:01:48 | elements here because we don’t need any of them so once you delete them you want to click on blocks and then select optin
  • 1:01:54 | forms and you want to select any of these opin forms here I prefer to use this one so I’m going to select it now
  • 1:02:01 | you want to delete this name box here because we don’t need it and then for this title you want to write something
  • 1:02:06 | compelling and eye-catching something that makes people want to enter their email and buy your affiliate product and
  • 1:02:12 | the easiest way to come up with such a great title is by going to chat GPT and you want to enter a prompt like this
  • 1:02:19 | write five catchy headlines for a product called heads woodworking that sells 16,000 woodworking plan and then
  • 1:02:26 | click on this button and as you can see chat GPT has generated these headlines here now you want to copy one of these
  • 1:02:32 | headlines go back to system the audio and pasting here and then for this sub headline here you want to enter
  • 1:02:37 | something like this enter your email below to get instant access and you also want to add an image that Sparks
  • 1:02:43 | curiosity and that will increase our chances of getting more email subscribers and to do that you want to
  • 1:02:49 | go back to this affiliate resources page and you want to click on banners and you want to download one of these images
  • 1:02:55 | here for example I’m going to download this one and once you have the image you want to go back to system the AIO you
  • 1:03:00 | want to click on this image element here and drag it and drop it here and then you want to click on it and then click
  • 1:03:06 | on this button to upload your image and then you want to click on this button and you want to click on this dropdown
  • 1:03:12 | menu and select this option that says to a custom URL and this box here will show up now you want to copy your affiliate
  • 1:03:18 | link and paste it here and it means that whenever someone enters their email address here and click on this button
  • 1:03:24 | they will be redirected to your affiliate product via your affiliate link where you’ll get paid if they make
  • 1:03:30 | a purchase next you want to click on ADD automation Rule and then click on ADD action and then you want to select this
  • 1:03:36 | option that says subscribe to a campaign and then you want to click on this drop- down menu and select the email campaign
  • 1:03:42 | that you created earlier and then click on Save Rule and by doing this we just connected our landing page to the email
  • 1:03:49 | campaign that we created and our subscribers will receive automated emails once they op in on this landing
  • 1:03:55 | page and after that you want to scroll down and you want to change this text to something like this yes give me instant
  • 1:04:01 | access and then you want to scroll down again and you want to click on this icon and change the color to something like
  • 1:04:07 | this and that’s it that’s all what you need to do to build a simple and high convert and landing page like this one
  • 1:04:13 | now once you’re done you want to click on Save changes and then you want to click on this button and that will take you back to this page now you want to
  • 1:04:19 | click on view funnel and this is how our landing page looks like now you want to copy your landing page URL and save it
  • 1:04:26 | in a not pad and now whenever someone comes to this page and enters their email address they will be redirected to
  • 1:04:32 | your affiliate product where you will get paid if they make a purchase and they will also automatically receive the
  • 1:04:38 | first email that we created in our campaign as you can see here I just received this email and my affiliate
  • 1:04:44 | link is embedded in there as well so you always want to test if everything is working fine or not now once you set up
  • 1:04:50 | your email campaign and created your landing page you want to go back to Pinterest click on edit profile and in
  • 1:04:56 | this website box you want to copy your landing page URL and paste it here and then click on Save now our account is
  • 1:05:02 | ready and now we need to start posting high quality content to start getting views so as you can see here the guys
  • 1:05:08 | behind this account are downloading these videos from this account here on Tik Tok so you can go to this specific
  • 1:05:15 | account here and download these videos or you can search for a keyword related to your Niche and download videos from
  • 1:05:21 | these other accounts now you need to download these videos without this tick talk Watermark here and to do that you
  • 1:05:27 | want to go to this website here called safe.net you want to copy the URL of this video paste it here in this box
  • 1:05:34 | click on download and then click on this button to download the video without this Watermark here then you want to go
  • 1:05:40 | back to Tik Tock copy their username and save it in a notepad because we will have to give them credit so once you
  • 1:05:46 | download the video you want to go back to Pinterest click on this button and then select create pin and you want to
  • 1:05:51 | click on this button to upload your video and then you will be taken to this page now you will need to give it a
  • 1:05:56 | title and you want to enter as many keywords that people are searching for on Pinterest as possible and then you
  • 1:06:02 | will need to give it a description so I’ll write something like this and you also want to add as many keywords as
  • 1:06:08 | possible and then you want to copy the username and paste it here to give them credit and in this link box here you
  • 1:06:14 | want to add your landing page URL and remember don’t add your affiliate link otherwise your account will get banned
  • 1:06:20 | and then click on this box here and create a new board if you don’t have one and then enter few tags here and once
  • 1:06:26 | you’re done click on publish and now our video has been published on our Pinterest account now I want you to
  • 1:06:32 | upload at least three videos per day especially if you started a new Pinterest account and by following this
  • 1:06:38 | strategy you will start getting tons of views in a very short
  • 1:06:43 | time in this video I’m going to show you a brand new and easy way that anyone can use to make over
  • 1:06:50 | $2,500 per week using Pinterest working just 10 minutes per day this is a simple method that requires zero tick skills
  • 1:06:57 | and experience to get started and it’s completely free and available worldwide a lot of people are using this exact
  • 1:07:03 | same strategy that I’m about to show you and they are getting millions and millions of views every single month and
  • 1:07:09 | they are making tons of money by just uploading simple pins also at the end of this video I’m going to give you
  • 1:07:15 | something that no one else has done before I’m going to give you full and free access to a high ticket product
  • 1:07:21 | that’s currently selling for $2,497 that shows you how to make over
  • 1:07:27 | $2,000 per day by just uploading 7c shorts videos using completely free AI
  • 1:07:33 | tools working less than 10 minutes a day a lot of people are using this simple method to generate thousands and
  • 1:07:39 | thousands of dollars in commissions and you can be one of them soon so make sure you watch this video all the way to the
  • 1:07:45 | end to not miss out on any important step and I will show you how to get this High ticket product for completely free
  • 1:07:51 | but before we get started I would like to talk about the sponsor of this video which is gold login go login is a
  • 1:07:56 | software that allows you to create multiple different accounts on Pinterest and other social media platforms without
  • 1:08:03 | tracking your devices and that will help you to avoid getting banned because if you create multiple accounts on the same
  • 1:08:09 | device Pinterest will ban you or lower your reach because that’s against their rules and by using go login you can
  • 1:08:16 | create as many accounts as you want using different IPS and devices it’s also safe and trusted by top
  • 1:08:23 | professionals and you can see that they have very positive reviews on capterra.com and trustpilot.com I will
  • 1:08:30 | leave a link down below this video to sign up for a 7-Day free trial and you can use this promo code here on the
  • 1:08:36 | screen that will give you 40% off once you upgrade and you can activate this coupon code by going to the settings and
  • 1:08:42 | selecting billing plans and enter the code here in this box so without further Ado let’s get into the video all right
  • 1:08:48 | so the first tip to do is to pick a high convert affiliate product and in this video we will use DigiTour 24.com to
  • 1:08:55 | select a product because it’s one of the biggest affiliate networks out there that have thousands of high converting
  • 1:09:01 | products and they accept anyone from anywhere in the world unlike many other affiliate networks so you want to go to
  • 1:09:07 | digistor 24.com and sign up for a free account if you don’t have one and once you log in you want to click on
  • 1:09:13 | affiliate Marketplace and that will take you to this page here where you can select to promote any product from any
  • 1:09:18 | of these categories here now in this video I will select a product to promote in the health and fitness category I
  • 1:09:24 | found this high product here called custom keto diet and I will show you how to promote this product the right way
  • 1:09:31 | and I selected this product for many reasons and let me show you why the price of this product is $47 and you
  • 1:09:37 | will get 75% commission for every single sale that you generate also this product was created from the vendors of multiple
  • 1:09:44 | million dooll offers in several different niches so they really know what they’re doing to maximize
  • 1:09:50 | conversions and make you more money they also spent millions of dollars split testing and op iing their sales funnels
  • 1:09:56 | so that you get the best possible conversions for your traffic and the best part about this product is that
  • 1:10:02 | they automatically follow up with people that didn’t buy this product right away they will automatically send them daily
  • 1:10:08 | emails to remind them about this product and they will try to close the sale for you and you will get paid even if they
  • 1:10:14 | buy this product 30 days later they will also follow up with the buyers to try to get them to buy more products which will
  • 1:10:21 | make you more money so they literally will do everything for you and all what you have to do is to focus on sending
  • 1:10:27 | buyer traffic using the method that I’m about to show you now to get your affiliate link all what you have to do
  • 1:10:32 | is to click on promote now and copy your affiliate link and save it in a notepad now once you select a high converting
  • 1:10:39 | product the next thing to do is to go to business. pinterest.com and click on this button to sign up for a free
  • 1:10:45 | business account it’s really easy and straightforward so once you create an account you want to upload a logo and a
  • 1:10:51 | background image like this and you can easily create a logo with a few clicks using canva.com and to upload a
  • 1:10:58 | background image you want to go to pixels.com and you want to download an image related to the product that you
  • 1:11:03 | are promoting so once you do that you want to click on edit profile and in this website box you want to add a
  • 1:11:08 | landing page instead of your affiliate link because Pinterest doesn’t like affiliate links and that will get your
  • 1:11:14 | account banned so you want to add a simple website here for people to go to and then we will redirect them to our
  • 1:11:20 | affiliate product where we will get paid if they make a purchase and to do that you want to go to this website here
  • 1:11:26 | called direct. me and we will use this website to build a free page in just a few clicks so you want to create a free
  • 1:11:32 | account by clicking on this button and then you will need to enter your email address or sign up using any of these
  • 1:11:38 | options here so once you create your account you want to scroll down and click on manage my page and then you
  • 1:11:43 | will need to upload your logo by clicking on this button here so once you upload the logo the next thing to do is
  • 1:11:49 | to click on add new and then select link or URL and here in this box you want to copy your AFF affiliate link and paste
  • 1:11:56 | it here and then you want to click on this box to edit the title and you want to change it to something like this and
  • 1:12:01 | then click on ADD and that’s it now you want to click on here and you want to copy your landing page URL and save it
  • 1:12:07 | in a notepad and this is how our landing page looks like so whenever someone comes to this page and click on this
  • 1:12:13 | link they will be redirected to the sales page of the product that you are promoting where you will get paid if
  • 1:12:18 | they make a purchase now you want to go back to Pinterest and you want to copy your landing page URL and paste it here
  • 1:12:24 | in this website box and for this about section here you want to enter a call to action for people to click on your link
  • 1:12:30 | and buy your product so I will enter something like this and then click on Save now our account is ready and now we
  • 1:12:36 | need to start posting high quality content to start getting tons of views fast but before you post any pins or
  • 1:12:42 | upload any content you want to find a trending and Hot Topic that many people are interested in and searching for and
  • 1:12:49 | at the same time it has little to no competition and once you find a topic like this and optimiz your pins properly
  • 1:12:56 | as I’m going to show you you can literally explode your new Pinterest account and Skyrocket your growth to get
  • 1:13:02 | tons of views and engagement F and to do that you want to go to trends. pinterest.com and you want to search for
  • 1:13:08 | a trending topic that’s related to the product that you are promoting you can play around with these different filters
  • 1:13:14 | here until you find a trending topic I found this hot keyword here which is easy keto recipes and as the graph shows
  • 1:13:21 | us here this topic exploded in the last couple of weeks and if you you go to this search bar and search for this
  • 1:13:27 | exact keyword you can see that this exact keyword is not even in any of these pens no one is targeting this hot
  • 1:13:33 | keyword in their pins millions and millions of people are searching for this exact keyword but no one is really
  • 1:13:39 | targeting this keyword and that means that there is no competition for this specific keyword and if you do exactly
  • 1:13:45 | like I’m going to show you in this video you’ll be able to create viral pins and optimize them properly so that they rank
  • 1:13:52 | very high on Pinterest and stick on the top results page of Pinterest which will allow you to start getting hundreds of
  • 1:13:58 | thousands if not millions of views in a very short time so once you find a trending topic that has no competition
  • 1:14:04 | like this you want to start creating an uploading pins Now to create those pins you want to go back to kenva and you
  • 1:14:11 | want to search for Pinterest pin and then click on this option and that will take you to this page where KVA is going
  • 1:14:16 | to show you these high quality and pre-made templates that you can easily customize and make a viral pen in just a
  • 1:14:23 | few clicks but I’m going to show you how to create a viral pen from scratch so you want to click on this option and
  • 1:14:28 | that will take you to this page now you want to click on text and then click on add a heading and here you want to write
  • 1:14:34 | something compelling and eye catching something that makes people want to click on your link and buy a product and
  • 1:14:40 | the easiest way to come up with such a great title is by going to the sales page and the affiliate page of the
  • 1:14:46 | product that you are promoting and you will find hundreds of different titles that you can use I have already done
  • 1:14:51 | that so I will write something like this and then I’m going to move move it here and resize it like this and I’m going to
  • 1:14:58 | make it smaller like this and then you want to click on elements and here in this box you want to search for something like this and select photos
  • 1:15:04 | and then you want to add any of these photos here for example I’ll select this one and then I’m going to move it here
  • 1:15:10 | and resize it like this and the best part about canva is that it gives you so many options to come up with great viral
  • 1:15:16 | pins so for example you can change this text font by clicking on this drop- down menu and selecting any of these fonts
  • 1:15:23 | you can also change the text color color by clicking on this button here and selecting a different color you can also
  • 1:15:29 | make it bold like this you can also add some really cool Effects by clicking on this effects button here and selecting
  • 1:15:35 | any of these effects basically canva gives you everything you need to create a viral pin now once you finished
  • 1:15:41 | creating your PIN you want to click on this share button here and then click on download and save it to your computer
  • 1:15:47 | and then you want to go back to your Pinterest account and then click on this button and select create pen and then
  • 1:15:52 | you want to click on this button and upload your PIN now this is the most important part of this video and if you
  • 1:15:58 | do this right you will start getting tons of views and engagement and your Pinterest account will literally explode
  • 1:16:03 | if you optimize your pens properly and this is the secret that many people don’t know about so for this title box
  • 1:16:10 | here you want to add your title and you want to include your target keyword and other related keywords so I’m going to
  • 1:16:15 | enter something like this and in this description box you want to type in a call to action to make people want to
  • 1:16:21 | click on your link and buy your affiliate products so I will write something like this and you also want to
  • 1:16:26 | enter as many related keywords as possible and in this link box you want to copy your Landon page URL and paste
  • 1:16:33 | it here and then you want to create a new board if you don’t have one and you want to make sure that you create a
  • 1:16:38 | board using the keyword that you’re targeting and then you want to enter a few tags here and once you’re done click
  • 1:16:44 | on publish and that’s it guys that’s all what you have to do now because your pen is optimized properly and we added a few
  • 1:16:51 | relevant keywords Pinterest is going to promote your pen and drank it high on the top of their search results because
  • 1:16:57 | no one is targeting this keyword in their titles so all what you have to do is to keep posting more and more viral
  • 1:17:03 | pins and you want to make sure that you include your keywords in your titles and
  • 1:17:10 | descriptions I tested and tried over 30 different ways to make money online from dropshipping to YouTube automation to
  • 1:17:17 | Amazon FBA to copyrighting I even tried making $1,400 per day using Google news
  • 1:17:23 | and Google Translate methods I also tried to make money by watching YouTube videos and watching Google ads but none
  • 1:17:30 | of them didn’t work at all the reason is 90% of these different make money online methods are complete BS and they never
  • 1:17:37 | work at all now don’t get me wrong there are a few of these methods that work really well and a lot of people are
  • 1:17:42 | making tons of money with methods like Drop Shipping Amazon FBA YouTube Automation and a few other methods but
  • 1:17:49 | the problem is these methods require you to spend thousands of dollars on paid ads or Outsourcing and they take at
  • 1:17:55 | least 3 to 6 months of dedication and hard work to learn these methods and start getting results and that if you
  • 1:18:02 | started doing these methods the right way but in this video I’m going to show you the number one fastest and easiest
  • 1:18:07 | way that anyone can do to start making over $10,000 per month from scratch starting with $0 and only 30 minutes of
  • 1:18:15 | your time each day this method doesn’t require any tick skills or experience and anyone can do this anywhere in the
  • 1:18:21 | world all right the number one way to make money online in my opinion is by doing affiliate marketing where you will
  • 1:18:26 | get paid whenever someone buys a product via your affiliate link now here’s a quick overview of the method that we
  • 1:18:31 | will be using in this video step number one I’m going to show you how to pick a high converted product that will pay you
  • 1:18:37 | $40 every single month for every single sale that you generate so if you manage to get 100 sales you’ll be making $4,000
  • 1:18:45 | in pure passive income month after month without lifting a finger and STP number two I’m going to show you my number one
  • 1:18:51 | recommended platform that will send you hundreds if not thousands of hot buyers that have their credit card in hand and
  • 1:18:58 | are ready to buy your affiliate products for completely free and that would help you to easily get more than 100 sales in
  • 1:19:05 | just a few weeks and finally step number three sit back relax and enjoy your monthly passive commissions now let’s
  • 1:19:11 | dive into the video all right so the first tip to do is to go to digistore 24.com and sign up for a free account
  • 1:19:17 | and we will use dig store24 in this video because it’s a great Marketplace that has a lot of high converting
  • 1:19:23 | products and it’s a available worldwide and the best part is you can get up to 85% commission or even more for every
  • 1:19:30 | single sale that you generate which means a lot more money for it so you want to click on this button here and
  • 1:19:35 | sign up for a free account and once you log in you will be taken to the dashboard that looks something like this
  • 1:19:40 | now you want to click on Marketplace and that will take you to this page and as you can see here there are a lot of
  • 1:19:46 | different categories here to choose from but in this video I will promote a product in the internet marketing and E
  • 1:19:51 | business category and once you click on it you this2 before is going to show you all of these products here that you can
  • 1:19:57 | promote now the next thing to do is to scroll down here and you want to click on payment options and you want to select subscription and now digit store
  • 1:20:04 | 24 is going to show you these products here that will pay you monthly commissions for every single sale that
  • 1:20:10 | you generate now before you select one of these products to promote you want to check the sales page and the affiliate
  • 1:20:15 | page here to get more details about this product in this video I’m going to promote this product and I selected this
  • 1:20:22 | product for many reasons and let me show you why if you click on this affiliate support page here you can see that they
  • 1:20:28 | pay 75% Commission on all sales and upsells you generate and you can
  • 1:20:33 | increase your commission to 85% by entering your name and email here so you will get 85% commission for a monthly
  • 1:20:40 | subscription of $47 and that will make you around $40 per month per sale and
  • 1:20:45 | you can also make more than $100 if someone decides to buy the upsells so you can actually make a lot more than
  • 1:20:52 | $40 per month with this product which which is really cool they also provide you with all of these different tools
  • 1:20:58 | and resources to make it much easier for you to promote this product so that’s why I selected this product and I’m
  • 1:21:04 | going to show you how to promote it the right way now to get your affiliate link all what you have to do is to click on
  • 1:21:09 | promote now and you want to copy your affiliate link and save it in a notepad because we’re going to need it later the
  • 1:21:15 | next thing to do is to create an account on Pinterest.com and this is my number one recommended platform that will send
  • 1:21:22 | you hot buyers now let me show you why Pinterest is the best platform to use to promote your affiliate products and why
  • 1:21:29 | no other platform can compete with Pinterest I want you to take a look at this report here it says here that
  • 1:21:35 | Pinterest has more than 482 million monthly active users and 90%
  • 1:21:40 | of users on Pinterest are in a shopping mindset and 85% of weekly users have
  • 1:21:46 | made a purchase from Pinterest pins and that shows you that Pinterest is full of buyers that are ready to purchase your
  • 1:21:53 | product if you promoted the the right way as I’m going to show you you will never find such stats and a platform
  • 1:21:59 | full of buyers like Pinterest and that’s why it’s a very powerful platform to use
  • 1:22:04 | to promote your affiliate products and earn big commissions so you want to go to business. pinterest.com and you want
  • 1:22:10 | to click on this button and sign up for a free account and then it will ask you to describe your business so you want to
  • 1:22:16 | select content creator and then click on next and then you will need to enter a name for your account so I will enter
  • 1:22:22 | something like this and then you want to select your country and for this website box just check this box here for now and
  • 1:22:28 | then click on next now you will need to upload a logo and a background image and to do that you want to go to canva.com
  • 1:22:34 | and sign up for a free account and we will use canva to build a quick and simple logo for our Pinterest account
  • 1:22:40 | using one of their highquality pre-made templates so once you log in you want to click on this box and you want to search
  • 1:22:46 | for logo and then you want to click on this option and that will take you to this page where you can select one of
  • 1:22:51 | these templates to customize I just created this simple logo here using one of the templates and you want to
  • 1:22:57 | download it by clicking on this share button here and then click on download to save it to your computer and then you
  • 1:23:02 | want to go back to Pinterest click on edit profile and then click on change and then click on choose photo to upload
  • 1:23:08 | the logo that you downloaded and to upload a background image you want to go to a website like pixels.com that allows
  • 1:23:14 | you to download free stock photos so you want to search for something like this and you want to download one of these
  • 1:23:20 | images here and then you want to go back to Pinterest click on this plus icon here and then click on browse and select
  • 1:23:25 | the image that you just downloaded now you want to click on edit profile again and you want to enter a website here on
  • 1:23:31 | this box now you don’t want to enter your affiliate link here in this box because that will get your account banned and instead we will create a
  • 1:23:38 | quick and simple landing page using a website called direct. me so once you come here you want to create a free
  • 1:23:44 | account by clicking on this button here and that will take you to this page so you will need to enter your email address or sign up using any of these
  • 1:23:51 | options here so once you sign up it will ask you to enter a username so you want to enter your Pinterest name here and
  • 1:23:57 | then click on continue and then it will ask you a few simple questions so once you create your account you want to
  • 1:24:02 | scroll down and click on manage my page and then you will need to upload your logo by clicking on this button here so
  • 1:24:08 | once you upload the logo the next thing to do is to click on add new and then select link or URL and here in this box
  • 1:24:15 | you want to copy your affiliate link and paste it here and then you want to click on this box to edit the title and you
  • 1:24:21 | want to change it to something like this and then click on ADD and that’s it now you want to click on share and you want
  • 1:24:26 | to copy your landing page URL and save it in a notepad and this is how our landing page looks like now whenever
  • 1:24:32 | someone comes to this page and click on this link they will be redirected to the sales page of the product that you are
  • 1:24:37 | promoting where you will get paid $40 every month for every sale that you generate now you want to go back to
  • 1:24:43 | Pinterest and you want to copy your landing page URL and paste it here in this box and for this about section here
  • 1:24:49 | you want to enter a call to action for people to click on your link and buy your product so I will enter something
  • 1:24:55 | like this and then click on Save now our account is ready and now we need to start posting high quality content to
  • 1:25:01 | start getting tons of views fast now before you create any pens or upload any content you need to find a trending and
  • 1:25:08 | Hot Topic that many people are interested in and searching for and at the same time it has little to no
  • 1:25:14 | competition and once you find a Hot Topic like this and optimize your penss properly as I’m going to show you you
  • 1:25:21 | can literally explode your new Pinterest account and sky work at your growth to get tons of views and engagement fast
  • 1:25:27 | and to do that you want to go to trends. pinterest.com and you want to search for a trending topic that’s related to the
  • 1:25:33 | product that you are promoting I found this hot keyword here which is remote work and as the graph shows us here this
  • 1:25:40 | topic exploded in the last couple of weeks and if you go to the search bar and search for this exact keyword you
  • 1:25:46 | can see that this exact keyword is not even in any of these pens no one is targeting this hot keyword in their pens
  • 1:25:53 | millions and millions ions of people are searching for this exact keyword but no one is really targeting this keyword and
  • 1:25:59 | that means that there is no competition for this specific keyword and if you do exactly like I’m going to show you in
  • 1:26:05 | this video you’ll be able to create viral pins and optimize them properly so that they rank very high on Pinterest
  • 1:26:12 | and stick on the top results paid of Pinterest which will allow you to start getting hundreds of thousands if not
  • 1:26:18 | millions of views in a very short time so once you find a trending topic that has no competition like this you want to
  • 1:26:24 | start creating and uploading pins now let me show you why this strategy is so powerful I want you to take a look at
  • 1:26:30 | this report here you can see here that pins have about 6 to 12 months lifespan which means that if you upload many pins
  • 1:26:38 | and they rank really high on Pinterest these pins will keep getting you views and more commissions for up to 12 months
  • 1:26:44 | and it says here that two out of three users turn to Pinterest to search and 97% of Pinterest searches are not brand
  • 1:26:52 | related and that means that we have High chances of getting more views and sales because most users are not searching for
  • 1:26:59 | specific Brands so your number one goal is to create high quality and viral pins and optimize them properly and a lot of
  • 1:27:06 | accounts are using this strategy and they get millions and millions of views just by simply uploading pin Now to
  • 1:27:12 | create those pins you want to go back to canva and you want to search for Pinterest pin and then click on this
  • 1:27:18 | option and that will take you to this page where canva is going to show you these high quality and pre-made
  • 1:27:23 | templates that you can easily customize and make a viral pin in just a few clicks but I’m going to show you how to
  • 1:27:29 | create a viral pin from scratch so you want to click on this option and that will take you to this page now you want
  • 1:27:34 | to click on text and then click on add a heading and here you want to write something compelling and eye-catching
  • 1:27:40 | something that makes people want to click on your link and buy your product and the easiest way to come up with such
  • 1:27:45 | a great title is by going to the sales page and the affiliate page of the product that you are promoting and you
  • 1:27:51 | will find hundreds of different titles that you can use I have already done that so I will write something like this
  • 1:27:57 | and then I’m going to move it here and resize it like this and I’m going to make it smaller like this and then you
  • 1:28:03 | want to click on elements and here in this box you want to search for something like this and select photos
  • 1:28:08 | and then you want to add any of these photos here for example I will select this one and then I’m going to move it
  • 1:28:13 | here and resize it like this and the best part about canva is that it gives you so many options to come up with
  • 1:28:20 | great viral pins you can change this text font by clicking on this drop Dr down menu and selecting any of these
  • 1:28:26 | fonts you can also change the text color by clicking on this button and selecting a different color you can also make it
  • 1:28:32 | bold like this you can also add some really cool Effects by clicking on this effects button here and selecting any of
  • 1:28:38 | these effects basically canv gives you everything you need to create a viral pin now once you finish creating your
  • 1:28:44 | PIN you want to click on this share button here and then click on download and save it to your computer and then
  • 1:28:49 | you want to go back to your Pinterest account and then click on this button and select create pen and then you want to click on this button and upload your
  • 1:28:56 | pen now this is the most important part of this video and if you do this right you will start getting tons of views and
  • 1:29:02 | engagement and your Pinterest account will literally explode if you optimize your penss properly and this is the
  • 1:29:08 | secret that many people don’t know about so for this title box here you want to add your title and you want to include
  • 1:29:14 | your target keyword and other related keywords as well that people are searching for so I’m going to enter
  • 1:29:20 | something like this and in this description box you want to type in something to make people want to click on your link and buy your affiliate
  • 1:29:27 | products so I will write something like this and you also want to enter as many related keywords as possible and in this
  • 1:29:33 | link box you want to copy your landing page URL and paste it here and then you want to create a new board if you don’t
  • 1:29:39 | have one and you want to make sure that you create a board using the keyword that you’re targeting and then you want
  • 1:29:44 | to enter a few tags here and once you’re done click on publish and that’s it guys that’s all what you have to do now
  • 1:29:50 | because your PIN is optimized properly and we added a few relevant keywords Pinterest is going to promote your pin
  • 1:29:56 | and rank it high on top of their search results because no one else is targeting this keyword in their titles so all you
  • 1:30:03 | need to do is to keep posting more and more viral pins and you want to make sure that you include your keywords in
  • 1:30:09 | your titles and descriptions in this video I’m going to
  • 1:30:15 | give you a complete and step-by-step blueprint to go from zero to over $500
  • 1:30:21 | per day and make passive income with Pinterest affiliate marketing without building a website or blog I’m going to
  • 1:30:27 | reveal my simple three-step system that anyone can use to make tons of money on Pinterest the fastest way possible the
  • 1:30:34 | best part about this system is that you will only have to set it up once and it will keep making you money every single
  • 1:30:40 | day on complete autopilot it doesn’t require any tick skills or experience to get started and it’s completely free
  • 1:30:47 | throughout this video I’m going to reveal many secret tips and tricks that many people don’t know that will explode
  • 1:30:53 | your Pinterest account and you’ll be able to go from zero to over $500 per
  • 1:30:58 | day in a matter of days without having to wait for weeks or months to start getting results so make sure you watch
  • 1:31:04 | this video all the way to the end to not miss out on any important steps all right here’s a quick overview of the
  • 1:31:10 | simple system that we will use to go from zero to over $500 per day on Pinterest without a website or blog tip
  • 1:31:17 | number one I’m going to show you how to pick a high converting affiliate product and tiep number two I’m going to show
  • 1:31:22 | you how to create a a Pinterest account the right way and how to optimize it correctly and set it to go viral and
  • 1:31:29 | step number three I’m going to reveal my number one secret method that anyone can use to go viral and literally explode
  • 1:31:36 | your new Pinterest account to start getting hundreds of thousands if not millions of views to your affiliate
  • 1:31:41 | links but before we get started I want to show you why Pinterest is so powerful when it comes to affiliate marketing
  • 1:31:47 | take a look at this report here it says here that Pinterest has more than 445
  • 1:31:52 | million activ users on Pinterest and around 76% of Pinterest users are female
  • 1:31:59 | and that’s really important to know before selecting a product to promote on Pinterest also 90% of users on Pinterest
  • 1:32:06 | are in a shopping mindset and 85% of users have bought something based on
  • 1:32:11 | pins from Brands and that shows you that Pinterest is full of buyers that are ready to purchase your products if you
  • 1:32:17 | promote it the right way as I’m going to show you you will never find such stats and a platform full of buyer is like
  • 1:32:24 | Pinterest and that’s why it’s a very powerful platform to use to promote your affiliate products and earn big
  • 1:32:30 | commissions all right so the first tip to do is to pick a high converting product and we’re going to use clickbank.com in this video because
  • 1:32:37 | ClickBank has many high converting products that we can instantly promote without waiting for approval like many
  • 1:32:44 | other networks so you want to create a free account by clicking on this button here and once you log in you want to
  • 1:32:49 | click on affiliate Marketplace and that will take you to this page here now you can select any of these categories and
  • 1:32:55 | select a product to promote but in this video I’m going to select one of the highest converting products on ClickBank
  • 1:33:01 | so I’m going to click on top offers and ClickBank will show you the highest converting products that sell really
  • 1:33:07 | well at the moment across ClickBank so you want to select one of these products and grab your affiliate link so for
  • 1:33:13 | example I’m going to promote this product here and I selected this product for many reasons and let me show you why
  • 1:33:20 | if I click on this affiliate page button here it will take you to this page with you can see here that you will get 85%
  • 1:33:26 | commission for every single sale that you generate and the earnings per click are more than $3 which is way above the
  • 1:33:33 | industry average of0 50 cents per click and the best part here the average order value is more than
  • 1:33:39 | $235 which means that if you send 100 sales you can expect to make
  • 1:33:45 | $235 on average per sale that you make so you will earn around
  • 1:33:50 | $23,500 for sending just 100 sales which is really cool and you can easily make
  • 1:33:56 | 100 sales or more per month using the strategy that I’m about to show you so that’s why I selected this product now
  • 1:34:02 | to get your affiliate link all you have to do is to click on promote and then click on create H link and then you want
  • 1:34:08 | to copy this affiliate link and then save it in a notepad because we’re going to need it later so once you select a
  • 1:34:13 | high converting product the next thing to do is to go to this website here called system. oo and we will use this
  • 1:34:19 | website to build a quick and simple landing page to collect other people email addresses and then we will
  • 1:34:25 | redirect them to our affiliate product where we will get paid if they make a purchase and this is the most important
  • 1:34:30 | step in this video we’re going to have to build a Landon page because Pinterest hate affiliate links and they don’t
  • 1:34:36 | promote Pin images that contain affiliate links and that will keep our account safe and we won’t get
  • 1:34:42 | shadowbanned and shadowbanned means that Pinterest will allow you to keep posting pins and videos but it won’t show them
  • 1:34:48 | to anyone and you won’t get any views at all so that’s the reason why we will build a quick and simple p in page using
  • 1:34:55 | system.io and we will also use their free autoresponder to send automated emails and follow up with our email
  • 1:35:01 | subscribers now let me show you why it is so important to collect their emails I want you to take a look at this report
  • 1:35:07 | here this report was posted by hopspot a huge company that worth billions and billions of dollars they say here that
  • 1:35:14 | for every $1 they spend on building their email list they make back $42
  • 1:35:19 | which is astounding 4,200 Roi and Roi stands for return on
  • 1:35:25 | investment this Roi here is insane and unheard of now they don’t get that insane return on investment back right
  • 1:35:32 | away no they use something called email marketing that allows them to get such an incredible return on investment so
  • 1:35:38 | that’s why we need to collect their email addresses and build our email list and I’m going to show you how to do
  • 1:35:44 | email marketing the right way and how to get tons of email subscribers for free without spending any money now I will
  • 1:35:51 | leave a link down below this video to create a free account on system.io so go ahead now click on the link below this
  • 1:35:58 | video and sign up for a free account and once you log in you will be taken to the dashboard that looks like this now the
  • 1:36:03 | first thing to do is to create an autoresponder and set up our automated follow-up Series this is a very
  • 1:36:09 | important step to do that will make us much more sales without doing any extra work we will have to set up a follow-up
  • 1:36:15 | sequence because most people won’t buy this product right away so we will send them daily emails automatically to
  • 1:36:22 | remind them about this product explain to them how this product would help them to solve their problem and how simple it
  • 1:36:28 | is to use and it takes around 5 to seven emails in order for someone to be convinced and buy a product so it’s
  • 1:36:35 | really important to set up an email sequence now in order to do that you want to click on emails and then select
  • 1:36:40 | campaigns and that will take you to this page now you want to click on Create and then you want to give it a name so I
  • 1:36:46 | will write something like this and then click on Save and once it’s created you want to click on it like this and you
  • 1:36:51 | will be taken to this page where we’re going to create our emails so you want to click on Create and here in this box
  • 1:36:57 | you will need to enter the subject line of your email now you don’t have to write any emails yourself instead I’m
  • 1:37:03 | going to show you how to Simply copy and paste High converted emails so you want to go back to ClickBank and you want to
  • 1:37:09 | open this affiliate page and then you will be taken to this affiliate resources page now you want to click on
  • 1:37:15 | this emails button here and you can see here that they have added all of these high converting emails that you can
  • 1:37:21 | instantly copy and paste and add them to your or responder these emails are written by top marketers and designed to
  • 1:37:27 | convince as many people as possible to buy this product and that will help you generate much more sales and I highly
  • 1:37:34 | recommend you to use these emails especially if you are a beginner and don’t know how to write High converting
  • 1:37:40 | emails so you want to copy one of these subject lines here go back to system. AIO and paste it here and then you want
  • 1:37:45 | to enter your name in this box and then click on Save and that will take you to this page now for this email body
  • 1:37:51 | section you want to go back to the affiliate resources page you want to copy the body of this email go back to
  • 1:37:56 | system.io and then paste it here after that you want to click on this image here and then click on this icon and
  • 1:38:02 | then you want to click on this button here to edit this link and here in this box you want to copy and paste your
  • 1:38:07 | affiliate link here and then you want to highlight this call to action and then click on this button and change this to
  • 1:38:13 | your affiliate link and you want to do the same for this call to action here and then you want to replace this
  • 1:38:18 | signature with your name and that’s it now once you’re done you want to click on this button here and for the very
  • 1:38:23 | first email you want to leave everything at their default settings don’t change anything here and what these settings
  • 1:38:29 | mean is that whenever someone enters their email address on our landing page that we’re about to create system.io
  • 1:38:35 | will instantly send them this email here that we just created so you want to click on activate and now our first
  • 1:38:41 | email has been created now you want to add the second email from this affiliate resources page to system the AIO and set
  • 1:38:48 | it to be sent 24 hours after this email here and let me show you real quick how to do that so you want to click on
  • 1:38:54 | create again and enter a subject line your name click on Save copy and paste the second email and after you click on
  • 1:39:01 | Save and publish you want to click on this drop down menu and select the previous email that you created and then
  • 1:39:06 | change this to one and leave this option as it is and then click on activate now you can see here that this email is
  • 1:39:12 | going to be automatically sent to your subscribers one day after this email now you want to do the same for the rest of
  • 1:39:18 | these emails all right I just added all of these emails here and you can see here that I set every email to be
  • 1:39:25 | automatically sent one day after the previous one so now whenever someone enters their email system the AO will
  • 1:39:31 | instantly send them this email here and then it will wait for 24 hours and it will automatically send them the next
  • 1:39:38 | email it will wait for another 24 hours and it will automatically send them the third email and so on so once you added
  • 1:39:44 | your automated follow-up sequence the next thing to do is to create a landing page so you want to click on funnels and
  • 1:39:50 | then you want to click on Create and here you need to give it a name so so I will write something like this and then
  • 1:39:55 | you want to select build an audience and don’t worry about this currency option because it’s not important and then
  • 1:40:00 | click on save so once the funnel is created you want to click on it and that will take you to this page where you can
  • 1:40:05 | select one of these templates so you want to select any of these templates and it doesn’t matter which one you select because we will modify it so I
  • 1:40:12 | will select this one and then you will be taken to this page now you want to click on edit page and then it will take
  • 1:40:18 | you to this page editor here now the first thing to do is to delete all of these elements here because because we
  • 1:40:23 | don’t need any of them so once you delete them you want to click on blocks and then select optain forms and you
  • 1:40:29 | want to select any of these optained forms here I prefer to use this one so I’m going to select it and now you want
  • 1:40:34 | to delete this name box here because we don’t need it and then for this title you want to write something compelling
  • 1:40:40 | and eye-catching something that makes people want to enter their email and buy your affiliate product and the easiest
  • 1:40:46 | way to come up with such a great title is by opening the sales page of the product that you are promoting and try
  • 1:40:52 | to come up with a good title now I already done that so I will write something like this and then for this
  • 1:40:57 | sub headline here you want to enter something like this and you also want to add an image that Sparks curiosity and
  • 1:41:03 | that will increase our chances of getting more email subscribers so you want to click on this image element here
  • 1:41:09 | and drag it and drop it here and then you want to click on it and then click on this button to upload your image as
  • 1:41:15 | you can see here I uploaded this image and if you’re wondering where did I get this image from well I got it from this
  • 1:41:21 | affiliate resources page and you can always find really good images like this on the sales page of the product that
  • 1:41:27 | you promoting and the affiliate resources page as well and then you want to click on this button and you want to
  • 1:41:32 | click on this drop- down menu and select this option that says to a custom URL and this box here will show up now you
  • 1:41:39 | want to copy your affiliate link and paste it here and it means that when someone enters their email here and
  • 1:41:45 | click on this button they will be redirected to this product via your affiliate link where you will get paid
  • 1:41:50 | if they make a purchase next you want to click on add automation Rule and then click on ADD action and then you want to
  • 1:41:56 | select this option that says subscribe to a campaign and then you want to click on this dropdown menu and select the
  • 1:42:02 | email campaign that you created earlier and then click on Save Rule and by doing this we just connected our landing page
  • 1:42:09 | to the email campaign that we created and our subscribers will receive automated emails once they op in on this
  • 1:42:15 | landing page and after that you want to scroll down and you want to change this text to something like this and then you
  • 1:42:20 | want to scroll down again and you want to click on this on and change the color of this button to something like this
  • 1:42:26 | and that’s it that’s all what you need to do to build a simple and high converting landing page like this one
  • 1:42:31 | now once you’re done you want to click on Save changes and then you want to click on this button and that will take you back to this page now you want to
  • 1:42:38 | click on view funnel and this is how our landing page looks like you want to copy your landing page URL and save it in a
  • 1:42:44 | notepad and now whenever someone comes to this page and enter their email address they will be redirected to your
  • 1:42:50 | affiliate product where you will get paid if they make can purchase and they will also receive the first email that
  • 1:42:56 | we created in our email campaign as you can see here I just tested it myself and I received this email and my affiliate
  • 1:43:03 | link is embedded in there as well so you always want to test if everything is working fine or not now once you set up
  • 1:43:08 | your email campaign and created your landing page the next thing to do is to create a Pinterest account so you want
  • 1:43:14 | to go to business. pinterest.com and then you want to click on this button and sign up for a free account and then
  • 1:43:20 | it will ask you to describe your business so you want to select content creator and then click on next and then
  • 1:43:26 | you will need to enter a name for your account so I will enter something like this and then you want to select your
  • 1:43:31 | country and after that you want to enter your landing page URL in this website box and then click on next and then it
  • 1:43:37 | will ask you what your goals are so you want to select Drive traffic to your site and then you will need to select
  • 1:43:42 | the focus of your brand so you want to select one that fits the product that you are promoting so I will Select
  • 1:43:48 | Health and Fitness and then click on done now you will need to upload a logo and a background image and to do that
  • 1:43:54 | you want to go to canva.com and sign up for a free account and we will use canva to build a quick and simple logo for our
  • 1:44:00 | account using one of their high quality pre-made templates so once you log in you want to click on this box here and
  • 1:44:06 | you want to search for logo and then you want to click on this option and that will take you to this page where you can
  • 1:44:11 | select one of these templates to customize I just created this simple logo here using one of the templates and
  • 1:44:17 | you want to download it by clicking on this share button here and then click on download to save it to your computer
  • 1:44:23 | Compu and then you want to go back to Pinterest click on edit profile and then click on change and then click on choose
  • 1:44:28 | photo to upload the logo that you downloaded and to upload a background image you want to go to a website like
  • 1:44:34 | pixels.com that allows you to download free stock images so you want to search for something like this and you want to
  • 1:44:40 | download one of these images here and then you want to go back to Pinterest click on this plus icon here and then
  • 1:44:45 | click on browse and select the image that you just downloaded now you want to click on edit profile again and you want
  • 1:44:51 | to enter a call to action in this app about section here so you want to enter something like this and then click on
  • 1:44:56 | Save now our account is ready and now we need to start posting highquality content to start getting tons of views
  • 1:45:02 | fast now before you create any pens or upload any content you need to find a trending and Hot Topic that many people
  • 1:45:10 | are interested in and searching for and at the same time it has little to no competition and once you find a Hot
  • 1:45:17 | Topic like this and optimize your pens properly as I’m going to show you you can literally explode your new Pinterest
  • 1:45:23 | account and Skyrocket your growth to get tons of views and engagement fast and to do that you want to go to trends.
  • 1:45:30 | pinterest.com and you want to search for a trending topic that’s related to the product that you’re promoting I found
  • 1:45:36 | this Hot Topic as the graph shows us here and if you go to the search bar and search for this exact keyword you can
  • 1:45:42 | see that this exact keyword is not even in any of these pens no one is targeting this hot keyword in their pins and
  • 1:45:49 | millions and millions of people are searching for this exact keyword but no one is really targeting this keyword and
  • 1:45:55 | that means that there is no competition for this specific keyword and if you do exactly like I’m going to show you in
  • 1:46:01 | this video you will be able to create viral pens and optimize them properly so that they rank very high on Pinterest
  • 1:46:08 | and stick on the top results page of Pinterest which will allow you to start getting hundreds of thousands if not
  • 1:46:14 | millions of views in a very short time so once you find a trending topic that has no competition like this one you
  • 1:46:21 | want to start creating and uploading loing pins now let me show you why this strategy is so powerful I want you to
  • 1:46:26 | take a look at this report here you can see here that pins have about six to 12 months lifespan which means that if you
  • 1:46:33 | upload many pins and they rank really high on Pinterest these pins will keep getting you views email subscribers and
  • 1:46:41 | more commissions for up to 12 months and it says here that two out of three users
  • 1:46:46 | turn to Pinterest to search and 97% of Pinterest searches are not brand related
  • 1:46:51 | and that means that we have have high chances of getting more views and sales because most users are not searching for
  • 1:46:58 | specific Brands so your number one goal here is to create high quality and viral pins and optimize them properly so that
  • 1:47:05 | they rank very high on Pinterest Now to create those pins you want to go back to canva and you want to search for
  • 1:47:11 | Pinterest pin and then you want to click on this option and that will take you to this page where canva is going to show
  • 1:47:16 | you these high quality and pre-made templates that you can easily customize and make a viral pin in just a few
  • 1:47:22 | clicks I found this really good template here and what I’m going to do is I’m going to click on text and then click on
  • 1:47:28 | add a heading and then I will write something like this and then I’m going to move it here and the best part about
  • 1:47:34 | canva is that it gives you so many options to come up with great viral pins you can easily make this text bigger or
  • 1:47:40 | smaller by clicking on these buttons here and you can also change the font by clicking on this drop down menu and
  • 1:47:46 | selecting any of these fonts you can also change the text color by clicking on this button and selecting a different
  • 1:47:52 | color color you can also add some really cool Effects by clicking on this effects button here and selecting any of these
  • 1:47:58 | effects basically canva gives you everything you need to create a viral pin now once you finish creating your
  • 1:48:05 | pen you want to click on this share button here and then click on download and save it to your computer and then
  • 1:48:10 | you want to go back to your Pinterest account and then click on this button and select create pen and then you want to click on this button and upload your
  • 1:48:17 | pen now this is the most important part of this video and if you do this right you will start getting tons of views and
  • 1:48:23 | engagement and your Pinterest account will literally explode if you optimize your pens properly and this is the
  • 1:48:29 | secret that many people don’t know about so for this title box here you want to add your title and you want to include
  • 1:48:34 | your target keyword and other related keywords that people are searching for and to get these related keywords you
  • 1:48:40 | want to go back to trends. pinterest.com you want to scroll down and add all of these related keywords to the title of
  • 1:48:47 | your pen so I’m going to enter something like this and in this description box you want to type in something to make
  • 1:48:53 | people want to click on your link and buy your affiliate products so I will write something like this and you also
  • 1:48:59 | want to enter as many related keywords as possible and in this link box you want to copy your Landon page URL and
  • 1:49:05 | paste it here and then you want to create a new board if you don’t have one and then you want to enter a few tags
  • 1:49:11 | here and once you’re done click on publish and that’s it guys that’s all what you have to do now because your PIN
  • 1:49:17 | is optimized properly and we added a few relevant keywords Pinterest is going to promote your pin and rank it high on top
  • 1:49:24 | of their search results because no one is targeting this specific keyword and their titles so all you need to do is to
  • 1:49:30 | keep posting more and more viral pins and you want to make sure that you include your target keywords in your
  • 1:49:36 | titles and descriptions now here is the bonus gift that I promised you earlier in the video I want you to click on the
  • 1:49:42 | first link in the description and it will take you to a secret page where you’ll discover how to instantly
  • 1:49:47 | activate your $1,000 per day autopilot commission system and I will show you how to get a high ticket product that’s
  • 1:49:54 | currently selling for $2,497 for absolutely free that would
  • 1:50:00 | help you scale your earnings to over $2,000 per day and earn big commissions just like these people here using
  • 1:50:07 | completely free method so go ahead now and click on the first link and that brings us to the end of this video
  • 1:50:12 | thanks so much for watching and I will see you on the next one


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