Want to learn how to do affiliate marketing with YouTube? Watch in this video as I show you that it 100% does work. Here’s how to …
- 0:00 | hey and welcome to vid Society in this
- 0:02 | video I want to talk to you about this
- 0:03 | product that I reviewed less than three
- 0:06 | weeks ago that has already earned me
- 0:07 | over a thousand dollars in commissions
- 0:09 | and it’s going to earn me a whole lot
- 0:11 | more in the upcoming months and I’m
- 0:13 | going to explain to you exactly how so
- 0:15 | if you’re visiting this channel for the
- 0:17 | first time I am a full-time YouTube
- 0:19 | affiliate marketer if you want to know
- 0:21 | more about my products I’ll put links
- 0:23 | below this video where I have a full
- 0:24 | course on teaching how I do exactly what
- 0:27 | I want to show you in this video
- 0:29 | so this is a product that I received for
- 0:32 | free about a month ago and this cost 899
- 0:35 | dollars it is an expensive pool cleaner
- 0:38 | and what I do is I get these products
- 0:40 | for free marketers and influencer
- 0:44 | Specialists reach out to me and they say
- 0:46 | hey can we send you these products for
- 0:48 | free in exchange for review I’m like
- 0:50 | sure that’s great
- 0:51 | and especially with these products like
- 0:53 | this one that are higher priced that
- 0:56 | pays more commissions and I want to show
- 0:59 | you my commissions from this in just a
- 1:00 | minute but this product here I uploaded
- 1:03 | you can see here on May the 11th and if
- 1:06 | I jump over to my Amazon account and
- 1:09 | under one of my tracking IDs that I’m
- 1:11 | using here you can see that I sold one
- 1:13 | of these pool cleaners and actually I
- 1:16 | sold two of them here which totaled
- 1:18 | fourteen hundred fifty nine dollars I
- 1:20 | made 43.80 Commission on it but from
- 1:23 | this video I also sold this pool cleaner
- 1:26 | which was 899 dollars I sold a pool
- 1:30 | cleaner hose here’s another aper Siegel
- 1:33 | SE cordless
- 1:35 | and let’s see here is another one and
- 1:38 | then here is another one looks like that
- 1:40 | I just sold and it hasn’t processed yet
- 1:42 | so the commission hasn’t come in but you
- 1:44 | can see the commissions over here that I
- 1:45 | earned from these products and this here
- 1:46 | is pretty decent over the past few days
- 1:49 | but what’s really cool is I also sell
- 1:52 | this product directly from their website
- 1:54 | where I earn 10 Commission on all the
- 1:57 | sales so everybody who comes to my video
- 1:59 | here
- 2:00 | they have a choice they can either go
- 2:02 | directly to
- 2:03 | aper single Pro’s main website and
- 2:06 | purchase it there or they can go through
- 2:08 | my Amazon link and purchase it there
- 2:09 | either way I get commission but I make a
- 2:11 | lot more commission from their website
- 2:13 | so if we jump over to share a cell which
- 2:16 | is where they have their affiliate
- 2:17 | program from you can see here that if
- 2:19 | someone purchases the full price I make
- 2:22 | more than 26 dollars in fact I earned 10
- 2:25 | commission and so this was 85 dollars
- 2:28 | from this one cell now you can see in
- 2:30 | less than three weeks I’ve got 15 sales
- 2:33 | from selling this pool cleaner and if I
- 2:37 | scroll down through here you can see the
- 2:39 | commission amounts that I made here you
- 2:41 | can see the dates right here when I
- 2:43 | earned them and over here you can see
- 2:45 | that it did come from this April
- 2:47 | official website so as I scroll down
- 2:49 | through here you’re going to see that on
- 2:51 | 528 which was yesterday I actually made
- 2:54 | four sales so here’s one two three and
- 2:57 | four which equals uh you got about a
- 3:00 | hundred and eighty six dollars there so
- 3:02 | over two hundred dollars in one day from
- 3:05 | a YouTube video that I made on reviewing
- 3:08 | this pool cleaner and you can see the
- 3:10 | commissions just keep coming in here so
- 3:12 | in less than three weeks I have already
- 3:14 | earned over a thousand dollars in
- 3:16 | commissions from making a YouTube video
- 3:18 | promoting this one product on my YouTube
- 3:21 | channel and there’s many people that
- 3:23 | says affiliate marketing doesn’t work
- 3:24 | you can’t promote physical products and
- 3:26 | sure you can uh this is proof of it in
- 3:29 | fact this entire YouTube channel that I
- 3:31 | have is all about doing physical product
- 3:33 | reviews and I continue to make sales
- 3:35 | from many of them in fact if you look
- 3:38 | over here I actually use this code when
- 3:40 | I promote another high ticket product
- 3:42 | which is a pet snowy self-cleaning cat
- 3:45 | litter box which costs 639 dollars and I
- 3:49 | sold one of those and I made twenty
- 3:51 | dollars off that and some of these other
- 3:52 | products on here you’re going to see
- 3:54 | came from that now at the beginning of
- 3:55 | this video I told you this is going to
- 3:57 | continue to earn me a lot more money and
- 4:00 | let me show you why so first of all if
- 4:03 | you go to YouTube and you do a search
- 4:05 | for April pool cleaner review or
- 4:07 | something similar like that you’re most
- 4:09 | likely going to see my video here at the
- 4:10 | top the first video here is an ad but
- 4:14 | right under that is my video one reason
- 4:15 | why I have over 7.5 000 views and all
- 4:18 | this is taught including how I rank
- 4:20 | these videos at the top of YouTube in my
- 4:23 | YT influencer course in fact I have an
- 4:26 | optional upsell in their code expert
- 4:28 | ranker and I show you the exact services
- 4:30 | that I use and how I use them to get my
- 4:34 | products ranked like this time after
- 4:36 | time after time again so as long as this
- 4:38 | video stays here this will continue to
- 4:41 | sell and the other reason why I’m going
- 4:43 | to continue earning a lot more
- 4:44 | commissions based off this one product
- 4:46 | review is because this company aper
- 4:49 | loved this video so what they’re going
- 4:51 | to do is now they’re releasing a brand
- 4:53 | new model coming up in the next month
- 4:56 | and they want me to review it now which
- 4:58 | is supposed to be even a better one than
- 5:00 | this one I’m estimating it’s probably
- 5:02 | going to cost about a thousand dollars
- 5:03 | for that pool cleaner if we jump over to
- 5:06 | my email you can see here where I’ve
- 5:07 | been emailing back and forth with the
- 5:10 | influencer marketing specialist for
- 5:13 | apers company and right here she says in
- 5:17 | May which I think she meant in June
- 5:19 | because May is almost over with it says
- 5:22 | we will launch a new model called the
- 5:24 | elite Ultra she said maybe this one can
- 5:26 | have a single video to celebrate our
- 5:28 | launching event then we can have a video
- 5:30 | to represent and compare the each models
- 5:32 | with different features people know more
- 5:34 | about each models to suit their pool so
- 5:36 | I’m not sure if she wants to send me the
- 5:38 | rest of their models also so I can kind
- 5:40 | of compare them and do reviews but each
- 5:42 | review that I do gives me a chance to
- 5:45 | promote a different product with a
- 5:47 | different keyword and especially if I
- 5:50 | can get involved in this at the very
- 5:52 | beginning of it during their launching
- 5:54 | event and what this is going to do is
- 5:56 | they’re going to send out these
- 5:57 | announcements or emails or however they
- 6:00 | do it videos social sites that they’re
- 6:02 | launching this new product and when they
- 6:04 | do this everybody’s going to be
- 6:06 | searching it and wanting more
- 6:07 | information and as long as my video is
- 6:09 | ranked at the top of YouTube and
- 6:12 | hopefully Google too this should bring
- 6:14 | in an insane amount of commissions for
- 6:17 | this launch and by developing this kind
- 6:20 | of a relationship with a company like
- 6:23 | this that is very well established with
- 6:24 | high quality products that are high
- 6:26 | ticket this is something that I could
- 6:28 | keep doing year after year after year
- 6:30 | each time they launch a new model I can
- 6:32 | be here be the first one to upload
- 6:34 | videos on this and so this is what I do
- 6:36 | time and time again now if we jump back
- 6:39 | over to my YouTube channel here at some
- 6:41 | of my videos you can see this was the
- 6:43 | one that was launched two weeks ago now
- 6:45 | this was another one that I did for a
- 6:48 | company this is like a 400 litter box a
- 6:50 | different one that I did four days ago
- 6:52 | it doesn’t have near as many views in
- 6:54 | fact a lot of these products don’t have
- 6:56 | near as many views because some of them
- 6:57 | just don’t do very well I mean I’m gonna
- 6:59 | be honest with you not every product is
- 7:01 | going to be a winner they’re just not
- 7:02 | but typically every one of these will
- 7:05 | bring in sales over time this one here
- 7:08 | is a brand new product that I got a
- 7:11 | chance to promote and if I click on the
- 7:13 | link link down here you’re going to see
- 7:15 | that this product actually hasn’t even
- 7:17 | launched yet but what it was was they
- 7:19 | found where I promoted a previous
- 7:21 | automated litter box and so they reach
- 7:24 | out to me to see if I would want to
- 7:26 | promote this one which they are still
- 7:28 | raising funds for they haven’t even
- 7:30 | launched it yet but I’m the first one to
- 7:32 | get my video up here so when this is
- 7:35 | launched and it goes live and there’s a
- 7:37 | big announcement on it press releases
- 7:39 | and all that uh this video should take
- 7:42 | off then and I should start earning a
- 7:43 | lot more commissions especially once
- 7:45 | they add it to Amazon and other
- 7:47 | affiliate networks so yes affiliate
- 7:49 | marketing absolutely 100 percent works
- 7:52 | if you know how to do it right and
- 7:55 | YouTube is an amazing way to do it
- 7:56 | through product reviews but everything
- 7:59 | that I do here in all these videos and
- 8:01 | ranking is taught in my course called YT
- 8:04 | influencer the links below the video If
- 8:06 | you want to get the details and learn
- 8:07 | step by step exactly how I build out
- 8:10 | channels like these not just for
- 8:11 | physical products but for digit little
- 8:13 | products too this is not the only
- 8:15 | YouTube channel I have I have several
- 8:17 | High Authority YouTube channels that I
- 8:19 | use in different niches that are
- 8:21 | constantly bringing me in multiple
- 8:23 | streams of income and by the looks of
- 8:25 | things YouTube is not going anywhere
- 8:28 | anytime soon in fact from what I’ve
- 8:30 | heard from Google and some of the other
- 8:32 | search engines is that they’re going to
- 8:34 | be focused more on video in the future
- 8:37 | so I’m excited to see how they’re going
- 8:39 | to do that so that’s it for this video I
- 8:41 | hope you guys enjoyed it if you did be
- 8:42 | sure to click the like button subscribe
- 8:44 | to my channel and when I put out new
- 8:46 | videos I’ll let you know thanks and have
- 8:48 | a great day