How To Make Money Online With Amazon Affiliate Marketing For Beginners (Step by step) In this video I’m going to go through the …
- 0:00 | so if you’re someone that’s thinking
- 0:01 | about making money online with Amazon
- 0:02 | affiliate marketing you’ve definitely
- 0:04 | clicked on the Right video because I’m
- 0:05 | gonna go for the top five things that I
- 0:07 | believe is important that you need to
- 0:09 | know so that you’re going to be able to
- 0:10 | start in the most effective way possible
- 0:12 | these are the things that I wish I knew
- 0:13 | anyway when I first started doing Amazon
- 0:15 | affiliate marketing because it would
- 0:17 | have just sped up the whole process and
- 0:18 | would have just gave me all of the
- 0:19 | information that I needed so I’m going
- 0:21 | to get straight into it so the first
- 0:23 | thing that I’m going to talk about is
- 0:24 | what exactly is Amazon affiliate
- 0:26 | marketing so for those of you that are
- 0:28 | completely new to it and you don’t
- 0:29 | really understand exactly how it works
- 0:31 | it’s simply a program that Amazon
- 0:34 | created that anyone can sign up to there
- 0:36 | is some certain requirements that you
- 0:37 | need to meet that I’m going to speak
- 0:39 | about in a moment but anyone can
- 0:40 | realistically sign up to it and once you
- 0:43 | get accepted you’re then going to be
- 0:44 | given the opportunity to promote any one
- 0:47 | of the products that are currently on
- 0:49 | Amazon so I believe right now Amazon has
- 0:51 | over a million different products in the
- 0:53 | inventory and you’re going to be able to
- 0:55 | get a unique affiliate link for anyone
- 0:57 | that you want to and when someone clicks
- 0:59 | on your link and buys the Amazon product
- 1:01 | you’re going to be able to make a
- 1:03 | commission and the way that the
- 1:04 | commissions get paid out is going to be
- 1:06 | directly to your bank account once a
- 1:08 | month so all of the different clicks and
- 1:09 | all of the different conversions that
- 1:11 | you’re able to get during the month all
- 1:13 | of that is going to get added up and
- 1:14 | it’s going to get paid to you at the end
- 1:16 | of the month and one of the best things
- 1:17 | about the Amazon Associates program
- 1:19 | that’s slightly different from majority
- 1:21 | of the other affiliate programs that are
- 1:23 | out there is that even if someone clicks
- 1:25 | on your link for a particular product
- 1:27 | that you recommended even if they buy a
- 1:29 | completely different product within the
- 1:31 | 24 hour period after clicking your
- 1:33 | affiliate link you’re still going to
- 1:34 | earn a commission and once you’ve been
- 1:36 | accepted for the Amazon Associates
- 1:38 | program there’s certain things that
- 1:39 | you’re going to need to do to make sure
- 1:41 | that your account stays active which I’m
- 1:43 | going to speak about in a couple of
- 1:44 | seconds but one of the first things that
- 1:46 | I want to show you is how do you find
- 1:48 | your affiliate link because that’s one
- 1:50 | of the most common questions that I get
- 1:52 | so I’ve just logged into Amazon over
- 1:54 | here I’ve already logged into my
- 1:56 | associates account and what you’re going
- 1:58 | to see once you have been accepted is
- 2:00 | this gray bar at the top over here and
- 2:02 | this is called the side strip and it’s
- 2:04 | what you’re going to use when it comes
- 2:05 | to getting your affiliate link for any
- 2:07 | one of the different products that you
- 2:09 | want to start promoting so let’s say if
- 2:11 | I wanted to promote any one of these
- 2:13 | random products let’s click on this one
- 2:15 | over here for me to find the link that
- 2:17 | I’m going to give to someone for them to
- 2:19 | click all I need to do is click on the
- 2:21 | text option over here and as you guys
- 2:23 | can see this is the link that I’m going
- 2:25 | to give to someone and once they buy
- 2:28 | this product I’m going to be able to
- 2:29 | make a portion of this money that you
- 2:31 | can see right here and you’re also going
- 2:33 | to have options when it comes to again
- 2:34 | an image that you might want to post on
- 2:37 | your website so if I wanted to get this
- 2:39 | image I’m going to be able to use this
- 2:42 | HTML link and put it on my website if I
- 2:44 | wanted to get text and image which is
- 2:47 | what it looks like over here I’m going
- 2:48 | to be able to do the exact same thing by
- 2:50 | copying this link but the point that I’m
- 2:52 | trying to make is that once you see this
- 2:53 | gray bar at the top that’s when you know
- 2:55 | that you’ve now been accepted but once
- 2:56 | you have been accepted there’s some very
- 2:58 | important things that you need to know
- 2:59 | and that you need to do for your account
- 3:01 | to remain active and one of the first
- 3:03 | things that you’re going to need to do
- 3:04 | is get at least free sales within 180
- 3:08 | days after your account has been
- 3:10 | approved so this isn’t going to be
- 3:11 | difficult to do as long as you’ve set
- 3:13 | things up in the right way and I’m going
- 3:15 | to show you exactly how you can do that
- 3:16 | but once you’ve set all of your traffic
- 3:18 | sources up in the right way then getting
- 3:21 | free sales within 180 days isn’t going
- 3:24 | to be hard the most common mistake that
- 3:26 | I see so many beginners making is that
- 3:28 | they’ll go through the process of
- 3:29 | applying for an account without fully
- 3:31 | understanding what they need to do to
- 3:32 | get someone to click on their affiliate
- 3:34 | link and to my knowledge once your
- 3:36 | associate account gets restricted you’re
- 3:38 | not going to be able to open up another
- 3:40 | one now that may not be fact that’s
- 3:41 | something that I heard so that’s why you
- 3:43 | want to make sure that you fully
- 3:44 | understand what goes into building up a
- 3:46 | traffic source and what goes into
- 3:48 | getting someone to click on your link
- 3:50 | for them to buy the product that you’re
- 3:52 | recommending and moving on to one of the
- 3:54 | other important things that you’re going
- 3:55 | to need to know about the actual
- 3:56 | application process is that Amazon want
- 3:59 | to see that you’ve got some sort of a
- 4:01 | traffic Source built up because you’re
- 4:02 | going to have to put a URL to your
- 4:05 | website to your YouTube channel to your
- 4:07 | social media when you’re applying for
- 4:09 | you to get accepted in the first place
- 4:11 | so a lot of people tend to get confused
- 4:12 | on this part of the process because
- 4:14 | they’re not sure of exactly what Amazon
- 4:16 | want you know what do they accept what
- 4:18 | don’t they accept and in my opinion even
- 4:20 | if you’ve got some sort of a social
- 4:22 | media account for example your personal
- 4:24 | one whether it’s an Instagram Tick Tock
- 4:26 | you can use the URL for that when it
- 4:29 | comes to applying for an associate’s
- 4:31 | account now this may not be the best way
- 4:32 | to do Amazon affiliate marketing over
- 4:34 | the long run because I don’t think that
- 4:36 | using short form content whether it’s
- 4:39 | Instagram reels Tick Tock YouTube shorts
- 4:42 | is the best way to make money with
- 4:44 | Amazon affiliate marketing for so many
- 4:45 | different reasons in my opinion I
- 4:47 | believe that building up a YouTube
- 4:49 | channel or a product review website is
- 4:52 | probably one of the best ways to do it
- 4:53 | main reason for this is because Google
- 4:55 | and YouTube are the first and second
- 4:57 | most visited websites in the entire
- 5:00 | world and the reason why they’re the
- 5:01 | most visited websites in the entire
- 5:03 | world is because they’re both search
- 5:04 | engines millions of people all around
- 5:06 | the world go onto these two different
- 5:08 | websites every single day to search for
- 5:10 | different questions that they might have
- 5:12 | and a lot of these questions that they
- 5:13 | have relate to different products that
- 5:15 | they might be thinking about buying so
- 5:17 | if you’re able to create videos or
- 5:19 | you’re able to create articles on your
- 5:21 | affiliate marketing website about all of
- 5:23 | the different products on Amazon then
- 5:25 | this is a great way for you to get a lot
- 5:27 | of traffic going towards all of your
- 5:29 | Amazon affiliate links that’s the reason
- 5:31 | why I don’t believe that Tick Tock or
- 5:33 | Instagram or any short form content is
- 5:35 | the best way to do it because they’re
- 5:37 | not search engines people don’t open up
- 5:39 | social media for them to search for
- 5:41 | specific questions and yes of course
- 5:43 | some people may do that but it’s going
- 5:45 | to be really difficult when it comes to
- 5:46 | driving that particular viewer on your
- 5:48 | short form video to your Amazon
- 5:50 | affiliate link because at the time of me
- 5:52 | recording this video you’re not able to
- 5:53 | put URLs in your captions on your
- 5:56 | Instagram reels or your tick tocks so
- 5:58 | it’s going to be really difficult when
- 5:59 | it comes to building up traffic to all
- 6:02 | of your Amazon links and this actually
- 6:03 | now brings me on to one of the next most
- 6:05 | important things that I believe every
- 6:07 | single beginner needs to understand is
- 6:09 | how to pick the best products to promote
- 6:12 | in the first place now when it comes to
- 6:13 | doing affiliate marketing in general not
- 6:15 | just Amazon affiliate marketing you need
- 6:17 | to understand that the potential to earn
- 6:19 | a lot of money with the Amazon
- 6:21 | Associates program is really low
- 6:23 | compared to other methods and the main
- 6:25 | reason for this is because Amazon only
- 6:26 | pay around three percent maybe around
- 6:29 | five percent in terms of the percentage
- 6:31 | of how much you’re going to be able to
- 6:33 | earn when someone buys a product that
- 6:34 | you’ve recommended there’s a lot of
- 6:36 | other affiliate programs out there that
- 6:38 | pay around 20 30 50 in commissions
- 6:41 | however as I just said Amazon only pay
- 6:44 | around five percent maybe three percent
- 6:46 | and the reason why this is important to
- 6:47 | know is because it’s going to help you
- 6:49 | understand why you should pick a
- 6:51 | particular type of product to promote if
- 6:52 | you are focused on doing Amazon
- 6:54 | affiliate marketing and of course the
- 6:56 | best types of products to promote
- 6:57 | because you’re going to be earning such
- 6:59 | a low percentage is products with a
- 7:01 | higher price point and from my
- 7:02 | experience the type of products that
- 7:04 | seem to have a really high price point
- 7:06 | are Tech related items if you’re able to
- 7:09 | build up your traffic Source whether
- 7:11 | you’re looking to build up a YouTube
- 7:12 | channel a affiliate marketing website
- 7:14 | wherever it is around Tech related
- 7:16 | products then this is going to put you
- 7:17 | in the path of being able to earn one
- 7:19 | thousand dollars per month two thousand
- 7:20 | dollars per month three thousand dollars
- 7:22 | per month it’s very important to bear
- 7:24 | this in mind and have it in the
- 7:25 | Forefront of your mind when it comes to
- 7:27 | picking the niche or the types of
- 7:29 | products that you’re going to promote
- 7:30 | and even though I’m saying Tech related
- 7:32 | items is the best way to go in my
- 7:34 | opinion and that’s what I would do today
- 7:36 | if I was looking to build a brand new
- 7:38 | affiliate marketing website you still
- 7:40 | need to understand that there’s
- 7:41 | different types of tech products with
- 7:43 | different price points like for example
- 7:45 | if I just jump into the laptop over here
- 7:48 | as you can see iMacs are obviously
- 7:51 | really expensive items they’re currently
- 7:53 | selling for around 1 500 you can also
- 7:57 | promote MacBooks for around seven
- 7:58 | hundred dollars or a Macbook for around
- 8:01 | almost one thousand dollars there’s
- 8:02 | really expensive IMAX MacBooks and
- 8:05 | different Apple related products but
- 8:07 | sticking with the same Tech category if
- 8:09 | I had to show you this product over here
- 8:11 | which is this Acer computer monitor as
- 8:14 | you can see it’s only going for around
- 8:16 | 89 and if you’re successfully able to
- 8:18 | promote let’s say a product at this
- 8:20 | price point there’s so many other ones
- 8:22 | I’m only using this as an example you
- 8:24 | can promote cameras you can promote
- 8:25 | microphones anything really but let’s
- 8:28 | say if you promote a product around
- 8:30 | 1400 and you’re successfully able to get
- 8:33 | a cell you’re going to be able to earn
- 8:34 | around thirty dollars maybe up to around
- 8:36 | fifty dollars in commissions however
- 8:39 | with this one you’re only going to be
- 8:41 | able to get maybe I don’t know five
- 8:43 | dollars six dollars I’m just doing the
- 8:45 | maths off the top of my head but it’s
- 8:46 | going to be a really low amount and just
- 8:49 | for the record I’m not saying that you
- 8:50 | should strictly stay away from low
- 8:52 | priced items I would say that the
- 8:54 | overall goal when it comes to building
- 8:56 | up a product review YouTube channel or
- 8:59 | blog website is to make sure that you’re
- 9:01 | promoting as many products as possible
- 9:03 | but of course try and stay focused on
- 9:05 | high priced items because this is going
- 9:06 | to help you when it comes to generating
- 9:08 | a decent passive source of income and if
- 9:10 | you are someone that is a complete
- 9:12 | beginner when it comes to doing
- 9:13 | affiliate marketing in general that’s
- 9:15 | watching this video right now I would
- 9:17 | probably say that the most important
- 9:18 | thing that you need to focus on is your
- 9:20 | education before you even get into doing
- 9:22 | Amazon affiliate marketing before you
- 9:24 | start any form of affiliate marketing
- 9:25 | it’s always wise to make sure that you
- 9:27 | spend time to research exactly how
- 9:30 | affiliate marketing works so that you
- 9:31 | can position yourself in the best
- 9:33 | possible way I’ve actually been able to
- 9:35 | grow my commissions from zero to over
- 9:37 | one hundred thousand dollars in profit
- 9:39 | by fully understanding how this
- 9:42 | particular online business model works
- 9:44 | at the start of my journey I was very
- 9:45 | confused and I didn’t know what steps I
- 9:47 | should take and because of that I wasted
- 9:49 | a lot of time energy and money so that’s
- 9:51 | the reason why I always recommend
- 9:52 | beginners to get some sort of education
- 9:54 | so that they know exactly what they can
- 9:56 | do so that they can just get to the
- 9:57 | money as quick as possible and if you
- 9:59 | want to watch a complete daily free
- 10:00 | webinar where I break down my story of
- 10:02 | exactly what I had to do when it came to
- 10:04 | put myself on the path of being able to
- 10:06 | grow my affiliate marketing business in
- 10:09 | the best way then you’re going to be
- 10:10 | able to watch that completely free
- 10:12 | webinar by clicking the first link in
- 10:13 | the description down below and if you
- 10:15 | also want to watch another YouTube video
- 10:16 | that I made recently where I break down
- 10:18 | the steps that you need to take when it
- 10:19 | comes to making money online in general
- 10:22 | things I didn’t really talk about in
- 10:23 | today’s video then you’re going to be
- 10:25 | able to watch that by clicking the link
- 10:26 | right there make sure you check that out
- 10:28 | straight after this because it’s already
- 10:29 | helped out thousands of people and I’m
- 10:31 | sure that’s going to help you out too
- 10:32 | Alright guys I’ll see on the next one
- 10:34 | make sure you stay safe out there
- 10:36 | peace