Affiliate Marketing Tutorial For Beginners 2024 (Step by Step) Link to Full ‘Search’ Strategy Course: …
- 0:00 | Hey, everyone. Welcome
back to another video. - 0:02 | In today’s video, I’m
going to be walking you - 0:04 | through step-by-step a full
affiliate marketing tutorial. - 0:07 | So by the end of this video,
you will know everything - 0:10 | you need to know about affiliate marketing
- 0:12 | to start the business for yourself.
- 0:14 | Now, this is going to
be one of those videos - 0:15 | that moves at a rather quick pace,
- 0:17 | but it’s going to go through
everything in detail. - 0:19 | There’s going to be a lot
of high-value information - 0:21 | in this video, totally
for free here on YouTube. - 0:24 | And what’s going to make this one unique
- 0:26 | is that I’m going to take you
through on screen recording - 0:28 | on my computer and show you real examples
- 0:30 | and show you things on my screen
- 0:31 | so that you can see what
this looks like in practice. - 0:33 | Now, before we get into this
video, if you don’t know me, - 0:36 | just to give you some credibility,
- 0:37 | my name is Greg Gottfried.
- 0:38 | I’ve been making videos here on YouTube
- 0:40 | for a couple years now,
and I’ve been doing - 0:42 | affiliate marketing for
a couple years as well. - 0:44 | I learned how to do affiliate
marketing kind of the hard way - 0:47 | before there was much information on it.
- 0:49 | So I learned a lot of
things from trial and error. - 0:51 | That’s what I’m going to
share with you in this video. - 0:53 | A lot of the things that
I’ve learned in the process - 0:55 | still are not common knowledge.
- 0:56 | They’re not shared very
commonly on YouTube - 0:58 | or anywhere else where you learn
- 1:00 | how to do affiliate marketing.
- 1:01 | So I think I have some
very unique things to bring - 1:03 | to the table, and I think you’re
going to get value from it. - 1:05 | Now, with all of that being said,
- 1:07 | I do wanna spend a little bit
of time in the beginning here - 1:09 | to go over affiliate marketing so that,
- 1:11 | as we get into real examples of this
- 1:13 | and different strategies
and how you can do it, - 1:15 | you have a great
understanding of why these - 1:17 | different strategies work and
why some of them don’t work - 1:20 | because you understand the concept
- 1:22 | of affiliate marketing very well.
- 1:23 | Now, after breaking
down the business model - 1:25 | of affiliate marketing,
then I’ll break down - 1:27 | some of these strategies that you can use
- 1:29 | to do affiliate marketing.
- 1:30 | You’ll see the pros and cons
to these different avenues - 1:33 | of doing affiliate marketing,
and you can see which one - 1:35 | you would be the most comfortable doing
- 1:37 | based on what skills you already have.
- 1:39 | Now, when it comes to
the different strategies - 1:41 | for affiliate marketing, in
this video I’m going to share - 1:44 | with you the most basic
affiliate marketing strategies - 1:46 | that would be the easiest for a beginner,
- 1:48 | and I’ll work my way all the way up
- 1:49 | to the most advanced
strategies just so you know - 1:52 | what’s out there and you
know the different ways - 1:54 | that you could do this business.
- 1:55 | So sit back, relax, this
should be a very helpful video. - 1:58 | And if you have any
questions along the way - 2:00 | that aren’t covered in this video,
- 2:01 | just let me know down in the comments.
- 2:03 | So first things first,
- 2:04 | let’s break down what
is affiliate marketing. - 2:06 | And I wanna break it down in a
way that’s actually relatable - 2:09 | and what affiliate marketing really is,
- 2:11 | not the complicated explanation of it.
- 2:13 | So in the simplest terms,
what affiliate marketing means - 2:16 | is you partner with a company,
- 2:18 | they give you a unique referral link,
- 2:20 | you then share that
link with other people, - 2:22 | and when anyone clicks on that link
- 2:24 | and makes a purchase from that company,
- 2:26 | you get paid a commission on that sale.
- 2:28 | Now, you may be wondering,
- 2:29 | “What is a commission on the
sale, what does that mean?” - 2:32 | Well, this will vary
for different companies. - 2:34 | So for instance, you may get
25% of however much money - 2:37 | they spent at the company,
- 2:39 | or you might just get a flat rate.
- 2:40 | So you might get something like $50
- 2:42 | for any time anyone makes
a purchase of a product. - 2:45 | So essentially you are a
commission-based salesman - 2:48 | for a company, but the
beauty of affiliate marketing - 2:51 | is that a ton of big companies out there,
- 2:54 | almost every big company
has an affiliate program, - 2:57 | and they’re all free to
join, no strings attached. - 3:00 | You don’t have to actually be
an employee for that company. - 3:02 | It’s basically like a
freelancer where anyone can join - 3:05 | for free and then they get
their unique referral link, - 3:07 | and if they don’t generate any
sales, they don’t get paid, - 3:10 | no harm, no foul.
- 3:11 | But if they do generate sales,
- 3:12 | they’ll just get paid
out their commissions. - 3:13 | So I’ll start with a couple examples here
- 3:15 | to show you what this looks
like in the real world. - 3:17 | So starting with a
company called Best Buy, - 3:19 | which is a big electronic store
- 3:21 | that you can physically walk
into here in the United States, - 3:23 | if you go to their homepage
and you scroll all the way - 3:25 | to the bottom, you’ll see that they have
- 3:28 | all these different buttons
that go to like Contact Us - 3:30 | or different places on their website.
- 3:32 | Almost every big company
out there has a button - 3:35 | that says Affiliate Program.
- 3:36 | So all you have to do
is click on this button, - 3:38 | and you can literally join their
affiliate program for free. - 3:41 | You literally just click Sign Up,
- 3:43 | fill out a little bit of
information about yourself, - 3:45 | and they will give you
your unique referral link - 3:47 | that you can start sharing with people
- 3:48 | and automatically getting commissions
- 3:50 | on anything that they purchase.
- 3:51 | So that’s one example
that would be Best Buy - 3:53 | that’s kind of a big box in-person store.
- 3:56 | But once you get into affiliate marketing,
- 3:58 | you’ll find that there are
even better affiliate programs - 4:00 | that you can join.
- 4:01 | I’ll talk on this a little bit
more as we get further along. - 4:03 | But an example of this would be Amazon.
- 4:05 | So if you go to Amazon,
scroll to the bottom, - 4:09 | as you can see right here,
they have Become an Affiliate. - 4:11 | And then the same concept here,
- 4:12 | you just hit Sign Up and then
you can create an account - 4:15 | and you can be an affiliate for Amazon.
- 4:17 | Now, what’s cool about this is
when you join these programs, - 4:19 | you can get unique referral
links to any product - 4:22 | that that company sells.
- 4:23 | So when you think about Amazon,
- 4:25 | Amazon sells so many different products.
- 4:27 | So you could literally be an affiliate
- 4:28 | for any different hobby
or passion that you have, - 4:31 | any different topic, any niche,
- 4:33 | all through the Amazon affiliate program.
- 4:34 | Now, one more to show you
before we keep moving on here, - 4:37 | this is a more unique one, and
as we get further into this, - 4:40 | you’ll start to see why I’m showing you
- 4:41 | some of these obscure companies.
- 4:43 | So this for instance is a
website called Bluehost. - 4:46 | Bluehost is one of the biggest
online software products. - 4:50 | It’s basically, if you wanna
create a website online, - 4:53 | most of the times you’re
going to be using a host, - 4:56 | basically someone to
make your website live, - 4:58 | and Bluehost is one of the
biggest ones out there. - 5:00 | So with that being said, you
scroll to the bottom here - 5:03 | and you can see again,
they have Affiliates. - 5:05 | So you might see that it
says Affiliate Program, - 5:07 | it might say Affiliates, it
might say Referral Program. - 5:09 | We’re looking for something like that.
- 5:11 | But you click on here, and same concept,
- 5:13 | you click the button to join now
- 5:14 | and you can get your unique referral link.
- 5:16 | And this is a case where
they’re paying a flat rate - 5:18 | instead of a commission,
and I’ll show you why. - 5:20 | This is actually really
cool before we move on. - 5:22 | So you’ll see here it says you’ll get $65
- 5:24 | for each signup or referral.
- 5:26 | So every time you send them a buyer,
- 5:27 | you’re getting $65 as
a flat rate commission. - 5:30 | But what I love about this
- 5:31 | and what starts to get really
cool in affiliate marketing - 5:34 | is that, if you go to one
of their products here, - 5:36 | if you were to refer someone
over here on your link - 5:39 | and they go ahead and they say,
- 5:40 | “Okay, I wanna start with this plan,
- 5:41 | this is the cheapest
hosting that they have.” - 5:43 | So what’s awesome about
this is that the person - 5:45 | that you referred here can
literally spend $35.40, - 5:49 | they can check out, and
then you are going to get - 5:51 | a $65 commission.
- 5:53 | It seems kind of weird
when you’re just hearing - 5:55 | about affiliate marketing,
how this can happen. - 5:57 | How can someone spend $35,
and then the company Bluehost - 6:00 | is going to pay you a $65 commission?
- 6:02 | Well, the reason for that is
something like website hosting, - 6:06 | traditionally speaking,
when someone signs up - 6:08 | to have their website
hosted with a company, - 6:10 | they typically keep their
hosting with that company - 6:12 | for three to five-plus years.
- 6:14 | So Bluehost is going to get that $35
- 6:17 | over and over and over again,
- 6:19 | and they only have to pay us the $65 once.
- 6:21 | So it’s kind of like a win-win.
- 6:24 | Someone only has to
spend $35 and then you, - 6:26 | for sending them there, is
going to get a $65 commission. - 6:29 | So I just wanted to show you that,
- 6:31 | just a couple different
examples of affiliate programs - 6:33 | before we start getting
into different strategies - 6:36 | and moving on from here.
- 6:37 | Okay, so before we get
into these strategies, - 6:39 | a couple little rapid-fire,
frequently-asked questions - 6:42 | that are probably going to
be really helpful for you - 6:44 | if you’re just getting into this business.
- 6:46 | So the first question here is do you need
- 6:48 | any prior experience if
you’re going to start - 6:50 | affiliate marketing today?
- 6:52 | The short answer here is no.
- 6:54 | There are so many different
routes or avenues, - 6:56 | different ways that you
can do affiliate marketing, - 6:58 | that even if you’re starting
as a complete beginner, - 7:00 | you’ve never had an
online business before, - 7:02 | you can start today and
you can have success. - 7:05 | Another fun fact about this,
- 7:06 | while we’re talking about getting started,
- 7:08 | affiliate marketing is 100% free to start.
- 7:11 | As you can see with
these different programs, - 7:12 | you can join the programs
totally for free. - 7:15 | And then the different
ways that I’ll show you, - 7:16 | you can do the marketing
to get people to click - 7:18 | on your links for free as well.
- 7:20 | Okay, the next question,
if you are to start - 7:22 | affiliate marketing today,
- 7:23 | how soon can you start making money?
- 7:25 | Now, this is going to depend on your pace
- 7:27 | of how quickly you are
creating marketing content - 7:30 | and sharing that online, but I would say
- 7:32 | that it’s safe to say that
you should start making money - 7:34 | from this in the same
month that you start. - 7:37 | This is not one of those
business models where you start - 7:39 | and you have to wait
and wait and wait a year - 7:41 | until you start making any money.
- 7:43 | This is one of those business models
- 7:44 | where you can start seeing
results very quickly. - 7:47 | So if you are someone who’s in a position
- 7:49 | where you want to start an online business
- 7:51 | but you don’t really know
if it’s going to work yet, - 7:53 | this would be one that I
would recommend starting. - 7:55 | And then within a month,
you’re going to see - 7:56 | that it’s starting to work,
and basically you can then - 7:58 | just start working on it
more and more and putting out - 8:00 | more content and then you’ll
start making more income. - 8:03 | Okay, another really common question here
- 8:05 | is how do you get paid?
- 8:06 | So how do these companies,
- 8:08 | when you join their affiliate programs,
- 8:09 | how do they pay you your commissions?
- 8:11 | Well, there’s a couple different ways.
- 8:12 | I would say the two most
common ways are PayPal. - 8:15 | So if you have a PayPal account already,
- 8:17 | you can literally just send the companies
- 8:19 | your email address to your PayPal account.
- 8:21 | And then typically every
month at the end of the month, - 8:24 | for whatever sales that you sent them
- 8:25 | and whatever commissions you are due,
- 8:27 | they will automatically
send to your PayPal account. - 8:29 | Now, speaking of the PayPal account,
- 8:31 | you don’t need a business
account for this. - 8:33 | You literally just need a
personal PayPal account, - 8:35 | totally free to create, and
then you just share your email - 8:38 | with them for the PayPal account.
- 8:39 | You don’t have to share
any other information. - 8:41 | Now, the second most
common way I would say - 8:43 | that you are paid is by direct deposit.
- 8:45 | So the same concept, once a month,
- 8:46 | the companies will automatically
pay your commissions, - 8:49 | but this way it just goes
directly into your bank account. - 8:51 | Now again, you don’t need to have
- 8:53 | a business bank account for this.
- 8:54 | This is something something
where you can literally - 8:56 | just use your personal bank account.
- 8:57 | Now with that being said,
whether you’re getting paid - 8:59 | through PayPal or you’re getting paid
- 9:01 | through direct deposit, you
can do affiliate marketing - 9:03 | from anywhere in the world.
- 9:05 | You don’t need to be located
in the United States. - 9:07 | You literally be in any country
- 9:09 | and you can still do affiliate marketing.
- 9:11 | You’ll see what I mean
by this when we talk - 9:13 | about the different strategies
of doing affiliate marketing. - 9:15 | It doesn’t matter where you are based.
- 9:17 | All right, the next thing
I think you’ll find helpful - 9:18 | is do you need a business entity?
- 9:21 | I know we talked about
personal PayPal account - 9:23 | and your personal bank
account to get paid, - 9:24 | well, do you need a business
entity for affiliate marketing? - 9:27 | The answer here is no,
you don’t need to set up - 9:30 | a business entity for this.
- 9:31 | I would say once you start to
make about $50,000 per year - 9:34 | in profit, then you might wanna consider
- 9:36 | starting a business entity for yourself.
- 9:38 | It’s just going to make all
your commission payments - 9:40 | coming in a lot more
organized than having it mixed - 9:42 | into your personal bank account.
- 9:44 | Okay, and the last question that I’ll put
- 9:45 | in these rapid-fire
questions is how much time - 9:47 | do you need to invest
in this business model? - 9:49 | This is one of my favorite
benefits to affiliate marketing. - 9:52 | The affiliate marketing
business model is one - 9:54 | where you can create content
and you can put time in upfront - 9:58 | and you publish that
content onto the internet, - 10:00 | and that content lives on the
internet for years to come. - 10:03 | So it’s literally going to make you
- 10:05 | passive income commissions
for years in the future - 10:08 | where you don’t have to
keep updating that content, - 10:10 | you don’t have to keep
publishing more content. - 10:12 | Once you get that out there
and you’ve put in a lot - 10:14 | of work up front, it’s
literally going to keep - 10:16 | making you money for years.
- 10:17 | This is something that I can
absolutely say from experience. - 10:20 | I’ve been doing affiliate
marketing for a couple years now. - 10:23 | And without lifting a finger,
there’s content that I’ve made - 10:26 | a few years ago that’s
still making me hundreds - 10:28 | or thousands of dollars every month
- 10:30 | from a single piece of content.
- 10:32 | All right, so now that we’ve gone over
- 10:34 | what affiliate marketing
is, we’ve answered a bunch - 10:36 | of these common questions,
hopefully we’re on the same page - 10:38 | about the business model.
- 10:40 | Now let’s move on to the fun part here,
- 10:41 | which is what are the different strategies
- 10:43 | for doing affiliate marketing,
- 10:45 | just so you can see which
one fits best for you - 10:47 | and then you can get started doing it.
- 10:48 | Okay, so there’s three main categories
- 10:51 | that affiliate marketing
strategies fit into. - 10:53 | Now, this is where some
of my personal experience - 10:56 | is going to come into.
- 10:57 | What I’m about to share with you
- 10:58 | in these three different
categories is not commonly shared, - 11:01 | especially this way.
- 11:02 | So hopefully this is very valuable.
- 11:04 | So the first overall strategy
- 11:06 | on how to do affiliate marketing,
- 11:08 | which happens to be the
most beginner friendly here, - 11:10 | is what I call search.
- 11:12 | So basically when someone goes to Google
- 11:14 | or they go to YouTube and
they are making a search - 11:16 | about a product that
they want to purchase, - 11:18 | we want to show up in that
content as the results - 11:21 | and make a recommendation
on the best product - 11:23 | that we think would fit them
with our affiliate link. - 11:26 | So for instance here, if we
type in best dirt bike helmet, - 11:30 | you can see in the results
here we’re going to get - 11:32 | kind of these suggested products
- 11:33 | that you can make a purchase right away.
- 11:35 | We have Google suggesting us an article,
- 11:37 | which is the “5 Best Dirt Bike Helmets
- 11:39 | For Track and Trail.”
- 11:40 | And then just to show you what else
- 11:41 | is on this search results page,
- 11:43 | we have videos that are
coming from YouTube, - 11:45 | as you can see right here,
they all say YouTube on them. - 11:48 | And then we have different
links to things like Reddit, - 11:50 | which is a forum.
- 11:51 | We have different articles
or individual articles - 11:54 | that we could read, and this
is where we want to show up. - 11:57 | So when someone searches for the best item
- 11:59 | or they’re about to make a purchase,
- 12:01 | they’re coming and they’re
searching for something, - 12:03 | we wanna show up in these results.
- 12:05 | Now, I’ll start with an article result
- 12:06 | just to show you what that looks like.
- 12:08 | So any of these, basically,
websites that we’re seeing here, - 12:11 | you can click on this, and
it’ll bring you to their website - 12:15 | where essentially they’re going to give us
- 12:16 | their recommendation of what they think
- 12:18 | is the best product for us,
- 12:19 | and then they’re going to
put their affiliate link. - 12:21 | This is common practice
on almost all websites, - 12:23 | but you’ll see things like this.
- 12:24 | So number one we recommend is this helmet,
- 12:27 | and here’s the link to that
product, and it’s on Amazon. - 12:31 | So if we click on that link,
- 12:32 | it instantly redirects us to Amazon.
- 12:34 | So for me as a buyer, this
looks like I’m just on Amazon, - 12:37 | nothing’s different.
- 12:38 | But when you look at the actual link
- 12:40 | that it sent us on right here,
- 12:41 | you can see that the
tag is dirtbikeplanet. - 12:44 | So you can see that this
is actually a referral link - 12:47 | from Dirt Bike Planet,
which is this website. - 12:51 | So to us as the buyer, when we come in
- 12:53 | and we’re reading this article,
and we click on that link - 12:55 | and we go make a purchase,
it makes no difference to us - 12:57 | that that’s an affiliate link.
- 12:58 | The price of the helmet is
the same price on Amazon. - 13:01 | But since I clicked on
this affiliate link, - 13:03 | anything that I go purchase
on Amazon right now, - 13:06 | they are going to get a commission on.
- 13:07 | So you’ll see as you go down here,
- 13:09 | you’ll see kind of the
perks to this helmet, - 13:10 | and then they’ll go on
to their next helmet, - 13:12 | which is number two, again, another link.
- 13:14 | It’s the same concept here.
- 13:16 | So that would be the first
- 13:17 | of these kind of search results here.
- 13:18 | Basically you’re writing an
article that’s going to show up - 13:20 | on Google for when people
are searching for something - 13:23 | that they want to purchase.
- 13:24 | Now, the second way that you
can take advantage of search - 13:26 | is with videos.
- 13:28 | Now, this is quickly
becoming my favorite way - 13:29 | of doing affiliate marketing.
- 13:30 | And without getting into
too much detail here, - 13:32 | the reason why is that these
articles that I just showed you - 13:35 | down here that are text-based,
- 13:37 | well, there’s artificial
intelligence tools - 13:39 | that are coming out just
in the last year now, - 13:41 | and they’re getting
more and more powerful, - 13:43 | where basically you can
go in and you can say, - 13:45 | “Write me a blog post about
the best dirt bike helmet.” - 13:52 | You hit Enter, and this is a free
- 13:54 | artificial intelligence
tool that’s basically - 13:56 | going to write you an entire blog post
- 13:59 | or an entire text-based article
- 14:01 | that you can then essentially
copy and you can go paste it - 14:03 | on your website and
publish that to Google. - 14:05 | Now, this is going to keep writing here,
- 14:07 | but just to show you here,
- 14:08 | this is why I’m not a huge fan of creating
- 14:11 | the affiliate marketing websites
- 14:12 | and creating the written articles anymore
- 14:14 | because anyone can come
in here and they can write - 14:17 | a hundred of these
different articles per day, - 14:19 | and they can basically just take
- 14:20 | what are these
recommendations, go to Amazon, - 14:23 | find the affiliate link and
just paste it into here, - 14:25 | and basically go publish
that all over Google. - 14:28 | And with that being totally free to do
- 14:30 | and so easy for people to do nowadays,
- 14:32 | it’s making it a lot
harder for us to show up - 14:34 | on this first page here
with our written article - 14:36 | because Google’s just
getting so many more people - 14:39 | sending in articles.
- 14:40 | So that’s why I like these videos.
- 14:42 | So basically videos show
up here on Google as well. - 14:45 | So for those of you
who don’t already know, - 14:47 | Google is the number
one most visited website - 14:50 | on the internet.
- 14:51 | If you look at just these crazy numbers,
- 14:52 | there’s about 99,000 searches
every single second on Google. - 14:58 | So we just typed in best dirt bike helmet,
- 15:00 | that’s happening 99,000 times
a second on the internet. - 15:04 | So there’s a ton of traffic going
- 15:06 | to all of these search result pages.
- 15:08 | Now with that said, YouTube
is the second most popular - 15:11 | website on the internet.
- 15:12 | Now, it doesn’t say how
many searches are on YouTube - 15:15 | per second, but there’s more
than three billion searches - 15:18 | a month on YouTube.
- 15:20 | So that’s totally separate from Google.
- 15:21 | Those are in addition to each other.
- 15:23 | But coming back to this example
- 15:24 | of the best dirt bike helmet,
- 15:26 | if instead of creating a
text article and posting that - 15:29 | on your website and
showing up here on Google, - 15:31 | if you instead create a video,
- 15:33 | and you don’t even have
to be in the video, - 15:35 | you can be showing with the camera
- 15:36 | what that dirt bike helmet
is or what that product is - 15:39 | you’re talking about without
you physically being on camera. - 15:41 | If you create that video and
you publish that to YouTube, - 15:45 | you are going to be taking
advantage of all of the traffic - 15:47 | that comes to YouTube, the three
billion searches per month. - 15:50 | But also, and this is
kind of the secret here, - 15:53 | you’re also going to be
able to take advantage - 15:55 | of the Google traffic of
99,000 searches per second. - 15:59 | Because, what not many people know,
- 16:00 | is that Google and YouTube,
- 16:02 | they’re owned by the same company.
- 16:04 | So Google is now showing
these YouTube videos - 16:07 | on Google’s search results.
- 16:08 | So you’re kind of getting
double the traffic - 16:10 | or double the people to
potentially see your content. - 16:13 | Now, when you click on
any of these videos, - 16:15 | it’s going to take you back to YouTube,
- 16:16 | and then you can see right here,
- 16:18 | this is the affiliate link right here.
- 16:20 | So you click on this, it’s going
to take you to the website, - 16:22 | and you can make your
purchases right here, - 16:24 | and you earn your commission the same way
- 16:26 | as if you had a text article.
- 16:28 | So without getting too much
into the nitty gritty here, - 16:30 | those are the first two options.
- 16:31 | They both fall into the search strategy
- 16:33 | for affiliate marketing.
- 16:34 | So that brings us into the
second overall strategy - 16:37 | on how to do affiliate marketing.
- 16:39 | This one is called social.
- 16:40 | So rather than using the search approach
- 16:42 | where people are searching
for content regularly - 16:45 | and we are creating that
content as an answer - 16:47 | to their search, this
is using social media - 16:50 | to build an audience and then present
- 16:52 | our affiliate products to people.
- 16:54 | So to show you an example of this,
- 16:56 | let’s come over to Instagram.
- 16:57 | This is just a run of
the mill Instagram page - 17:00 | that is a perfect example
of affiliate marketing. - 17:02 | So this is called toponlinefinds.
- 17:05 | They actually have 487,000 followers.
- 17:07 | So in order to do this strategy,
- 17:09 | you kind of do have to build an audience
- 17:11 | or already have an audience
- 17:13 | on some kind of social media channel.
- 17:15 | That’s why I say that this one’s
a little bit more advanced. - 17:17 | But if you are someone who has that,
- 17:19 | this could be a good fit for you.
- 17:20 | And basically you are just showing photos
- 17:23 | of different products that
you are an affiliate for. - 17:26 | So in this case, it is most likely Amazon,
- 17:29 | and she can be creating
posts on any product - 17:31 | that’s on Amazon or even
any product elsewhere - 17:33 | ’cause you can join multiple
different affiliate programs. - 17:36 | And then rather than writing
an article about that product - 17:39 | or creating a video about that product,
- 17:41 | you’re literally taking
a photo of that product - 17:43 | and then writing in the
description what that product is. - 17:45 | And then, although a
little bit of a nuance here - 17:48 | on Instagram specifically,
- 17:49 | you can’t put clickable links
in each one of these posts. - 17:52 | So she’s going to say, “Click
the link that’s in the bio,” - 17:55 | which is right here.
- 17:56 | You click on this link, it’s going to say,
- 17:58 | “Okay, what are you looking for here?”
- 18:00 | I came in here, I’m looking
for the Amazon storefront. - 18:03 | And then before you know it,
- 18:04 | you’re on Amazon on her affiliate link,
- 18:06 | and here’s all the products that you see
- 18:08 | on her social media page.
- 18:09 | So if you come into here,
you click on something - 18:11 | that you’re looking for,
something you saw on her page, - 18:13 | now you can go purchase
one of these products, - 18:15 | and she’s going to get
her commission that way. - 18:17 | So think of this one as kind of
- 18:19 | the opposite approach from search.
- 18:21 | The reason that I like
Search for beginners - 18:23 | is because you can create
content that’s kind of responding - 18:25 | to what people are already searching for.
- 18:28 | With this social method, you’re
kind of building an audience - 18:31 | and then you’re continually
presenting new products to them. - 18:34 | Now, as you continue
to grow your audience, - 18:36 | every time you make a post,
- 18:37 | you’re going to get more and
more people seeing that post. - 18:39 | And if they like that product
that you posted about, - 18:41 | they’ll click on your link,
- 18:42 | they’ll go over and make a purchase,
- 18:43 | and you get your commission.
- 18:44 | Now, something else that
would be good to note here - 18:46 | is that you can join as many
different affiliate programs - 18:49 | as you want.
- 18:50 | You’re not limited to
just Amazon, for instance. - 18:52 | You can join 10, 20, 30
different affiliate programs - 18:55 | all at once.
- 18:56 | And then you can share
those links simultaneously. - 18:59 | It’s not something that’s exclusive.
- 19:00 | You don’t have to be an
affiliate for just one company. - 19:03 | And also, with that being said,
- 19:04 | each company has their own
kind of affiliate terms. - 19:07 | So we already talked about the commission.
- 19:09 | You could get paid a
percentage of the sale - 19:11 | or the percentage that the person spends
- 19:13 | on the website after
they’ve clicked your link, - 19:15 | or you could get paid the
flat rate as a commission - 19:17 | for anything that they purchase.
- 19:19 | But something that we
haven’t talked about yet - 19:20 | is the cookie window or
the attribution window. - 19:24 | Basically what that is is a timeframe
- 19:26 | from when someone clicks your link,
- 19:28 | how long after they’ve clicked that link
- 19:30 | are you still going to
get the commission for? - 19:32 | Now on Amazon, specifically,
- 19:34 | it’s a 24-hour attribution window.
- 19:37 | So when someone clicks on your link,
- 19:38 | like I just clicked on her
link and now I’m on Amazon, - 19:41 | anything that I purchase in
the next 24 hours on Amazon, - 19:44 | she’s going to get the commission for.
- 19:46 | This could be something totally unrelated.
- 19:48 | So I could close out of
Amazon, I could go make lunch, - 19:50 | I could come back and I could
purchase something tonight, - 19:52 | something that I just
needed to buy anyways. - 19:54 | She’s still going to get the commission
- 19:56 | because it’s within the 24-hour window.
- 19:58 | However, on some of these
other programs out there, - 20:00 | the attribution window is 30 days,
- 20:03 | or even 365 days, a full year.
- 20:06 | So when someone clicks on your link,
- 20:08 | if they come back in 25 days,
- 20:10 | or if they come back on
some of these programs - 20:12 | in five, six, seven months from now
- 20:14 | and they decide that they
wanna make a purchase - 20:15 | on their own, they don’t
even have to come back - 20:17 | and click your link again,
- 20:18 | you are still going to
get that commission. - 20:20 | That’s kind of the beauty
of affiliate marketing. - 20:23 | What makes it so passive
is that when someone clicks - 20:25 | on your link, they have
a timeframe after that - 20:28 | where they can come back on
their own and make a purchase - 20:30 | and you’re still going
to get that commission. - 20:31 | So that is the second overall strategy
- 20:33 | for affiliate marketing.
- 20:34 | We’ve covered search,
we’ve covered social, - 20:37 | and now let’s get into the last strategy,
- 20:38 | which is the most advanced,
and this is what I call spend. - 20:41 | So in this strategy, you
are going to be finding - 20:44 | affiliate programs and
you’re going to be spending - 20:46 | your own money on advertising
to get those products - 20:49 | in front of the right people
- 20:51 | when they’re ready to make a purchase.
- 20:52 | Now, this strategy is by far
going to be the most advanced - 20:55 | strategy for affiliate marketing.
- 20:57 | Many people that I know
that do affiliate marketing - 20:59 | and have been doing it for years
- 21:00 | still haven’t even
gotten into this strategy - 21:03 | of affiliate marketing, just
because it is so technical, - 21:06 | it’s so hard, there’s a lot of risk here.
- 21:07 | But I want you to be aware
of what this strategy is - 21:11 | so that if you do have this skillset,
- 21:12 | you can absolutely do it this way.
- 21:14 | Now, the most common example
for this is found on YouTube - 21:17 | or on Facebook.
- 21:18 | So basically, if you type
in anything on YouTube, - 21:21 | basically using the search approach,
- 21:23 | so if we started with best electric bike,
- 21:27 | you can see two things here.
- 21:28 | So first, there’s an
advertisement at the top here - 21:30 | that says, “Best Electric Bike of 2023.”
- 21:33 | If we click on that,
it’s going to bring us - 21:35 | right to a company that
sells electric bikes. - 21:37 | Now, this ad is actually
being run by the company, - 21:40 | they’re selling their own products,
- 21:41 | but you as an affiliate
could be running that ad. - 21:44 | And knowing that, let’s
say that you make $100 - 21:46 | as your flat rate commission,
- 21:48 | as long as you can get
people to click on this ad - 21:50 | and make a purchase with
you spending less than $100 - 21:53 | on that advertising,
- 21:54 | you are going to have somewhat
of a profit margin there. - 21:57 | Now, another way you’re going to see this
- 21:59 | is with an actual video.
- 22:00 | So if you click on the first
video that shows up here, - 22:02 | or any of these real videos
that are here on YouTube, - 22:05 | this ad that’s going to
show up here and play - 22:07 | before this video is being
paid for by someone else. - 22:11 | So in most cases, what
you’re going to see here - 22:13 | is an advertisement about electric bikes.
- 22:16 | So it’s targeting someone who is coming in
- 22:18 | trying to find the best electric bike,
- 22:20 | trying to get you to click on their links
- 22:21 | so that you go make a
purchase from the website. - 22:23 | And then again, the same concept here.
- 22:25 | The person running that ad is
hoping that they’re spending - 22:28 | less money than the amount of flat rate
- 22:30 | or percentage commission
that they’re going to make - 22:32 | when people do make a purchase.
- 22:33 | Now, you will see these
video ads on YouTube - 22:36 | and you will also see them on Facebook.
- 22:37 | That is the number one and
number two most common places - 22:40 | that you’re going to see these ads.
- 22:41 | When you are on Facebook, the
way you’re going to see it - 22:43 | there is just as you’re
scrolling through your feed, - 22:45 | you’re going to see an
advertisement, and it’s a video. - 22:47 | That’s where this is coming into play.
- 22:49 | So with that being said, the
reason that this strategy - 22:51 | is so advanced is, when we
look at the other strategies, - 22:54 | basically creating
written articles or videos - 22:57 | and posting those on Google
or posting them on YouTube, - 23:00 | and even the next strategy of
social where you are building - 23:03 | an audience and you’re
creating posts to them, - 23:05 | both of those are entirely free to do.
- 23:07 | You don’t have to pay anything
to create that content - 23:10 | and put it out there for people to see.
- 23:11 | And then people will find
that content on their own. - 23:14 | When you get into this spend category
- 23:16 | where you’re spending
money on advertising, - 23:18 | every time you’re trying to get
someone to see that content, - 23:21 | you have to pay.
- 23:23 | So when you look at these
other two strategies, - 23:25 | there is really no risk to them.
- 23:27 | Anytime someone comes and they
decide to make a purchase, - 23:29 | you get paid a commission.
- 23:30 | But when you look at
this advanced strategy, - 23:32 | right off the bat, you have to spend money
- 23:34 | and you have to hope that
your ad is good enough - 23:36 | and it’s targeting the right
people, that one out of every, - 23:39 | let’s say, 100 or 1,000 people
actually makes a purchase. - 23:43 | So as your costs start to build up,
- 23:44 | you wanna make sure that
you’re getting a sale - 23:46 | that has a commission
bigger than the amount - 23:48 | that you’ve spent.
- 23:49 | Now, just for reference
here, when you are doing - 23:51 | this spend approach, the
margins are typically, - 23:54 | if you’re doing this right, about 20%.
- 23:57 | Now, I say that just so you are aware
- 23:59 | of what that looks like,
- 24:00 | although that is a very advanced way
- 24:02 | to do affiliate marketing.
- 24:03 | You will typically see
the people that are doing - 24:05 | that approach are spending
5, 10, 15, $20,000 per day - 24:09 | in advertising, and they have everything
- 24:11 | kind of dialed in here and
they’re making a 20% margin. - 24:15 | Now, with that being said,
- 24:16 | something that I’ve absolutely
learned that I think - 24:17 | you should know before you get started
- 24:19 | with affiliate marketing
is whatever strategy - 24:21 | you choose here is really
going to have a big impact - 24:24 | on your lifestyle as you’re
doing affiliate marketing. - 24:27 | So for instance, if you are
doing the search strategy - 24:29 | and you are creating content,
- 24:31 | whether that is a written
article or that is a video, - 24:33 | and you’re posting that on the internet,
- 24:35 | that is stress free.
- 24:36 | You have no risk there, once
you post that on the internet, - 24:39 | it’ll live on the internet
for years to come, - 24:41 | and people are just
organically going to find it. - 24:43 | It’s basically you are
answering what people - 24:45 | are already searching for.
- 24:46 | Also, every dollar that
you make in commission - 24:49 | is just straight profit
- 24:50 | because you don’t have to be
paying for any advertising. - 24:52 | Now, as you move into the social approach
- 24:54 | for affiliate marketing,
- 24:56 | there’s a little bit more stress here
- 24:57 | because you have to
consistently be posting - 24:59 | and giving your audience a
reason to stay subscribed - 25:02 | or stay followed to your social account.
- 25:04 | Also, you’re not going to
be getting that steady flow - 25:06 | of organic traffic like
you do on the search. - 25:08 | It’s more of you’re building an audience
- 25:10 | and then you continually
share posts with them. - 25:12 | So the lifestyle starts
to become a little bit - 25:14 | more stressful there
because you have to keep up - 25:16 | and stay on top of it.
- 25:17 | And then once you get
into the spend strategy - 25:19 | for affiliate marketing,
- 25:20 | that comes with a very
stressful lifestyle. - 25:23 | You only have a 20% margin there.
- 25:25 | And in order to make money,
you have to be spending money. - 25:28 | So you’re always going to
be thinking about your ads. - 25:30 | How are they performing? Do
I have to create new ones? - 25:32 | Are they starting to perform worse?
- 25:34 | Do I need to optimize things?
- 25:35 | There’s a lot that comes with
that for just a 20% margin. - 25:39 | Now, you’re probably saying,
“Why do people even do that one - 25:41 | if it’s so high stress?”
- 25:42 | Well, the reason is, once
you’ve created a really good ad - 25:45 | and a really good video,
you can scale that up. - 25:48 | So you can go from $500 a day to 5,000,
- 25:51 | in some cases, $50,000
of ad spend per day, - 25:54 | and you’re just going to get 20% of that,
- 25:56 | as long as everything stays the same.
- 25:58 | So there you have the three strategies
- 25:59 | for doing affiliate marketing.
- 26:00 | You’ve got the search,
you’ve got the social, - 26:02 | and you’ve got the spend.
- 26:03 | If you are just starting
affiliate marketing, - 26:06 | I highly recommend starting in the search.
- 26:08 | Search is simply going
to be the easiest way - 26:10 | for you to get started as a beginner,
- 26:12 | and it’s super low risk.
- 26:13 | So I know this is already
a really long video, - 26:15 | but if you wanna learn more details
- 26:17 | on how to do the whole search strategy,
- 26:19 | I’ll put a link down in the description.
- 26:21 | So guys, that’s it for this video.
- 26:22 | If you have any questions
- 26:23 | or anything that you’re still wondering,
- 26:24 | let me know down in the comments,
- 26:26 | and I’d be happy to help you out.