1. How does it work? 1. **Affiliate Partner** 2. **Selection of Products or Services** 3. **Unique Affiliate Tracking** 4. **Promotion …
- 0:00 | hi guys hope you guys are good all right
- 0:03 | so today I want to talk about affiliate
- 0:05 | marketing people want to make money I’ve
- 0:08 | always been talking about affiliate
- 0:10 | marketing in all my social media
- 0:12 | platforms so today in this episode which
- 0:15 | is episode number 12 I want to talk
- 0:18 | about affiliate marketing for you guys
- 0:20 | to take advantage of this milk C there’s
- 0:25 | so much money by the way in AFF
- 0:27 | marketing of course you have to work C
- 0:29 | all right so let’s start what is
- 0:31 | affiliate marketing so affiliate
- 0:33 | marketing is a marketing that is based
- 0:36 | on your performance it’s about promoting
- 0:40 | other people’s Brands and services so
- 0:43 | how do you do that you go on the
- 0:47 | platform either on the company’s website
- 0:49 | or on the Brand’s website and then when
- 0:52 | you get there they will have an
- 0:54 | affiliate program and then when you get
- 0:57 | there you take that whatever product you
- 1:00 | Market it in your own social media
- 1:02 | platforms or in your own website or blog
- 1:05 | whatever the case may be or wherever you
- 1:07 | want to Market it and then if people
- 1:09 | click on it maybe they register or they
- 1:12 | buy a product or whatever they do then
- 1:15 | you will get a commission based on what
- 1:19 | you sold and how much you sold it for or
- 1:21 | how many people you sold this product
- 1:24 | too so basically it’s about marketing
- 1:27 | other people’s products and services
- 1:29 | that’s basic basically what affiliate
- 1:30 | marketing is you don’t have to own it
- 1:33 | you don’t have to buy those product and
- 1:35 | sell them yourselves no you just send
- 1:37 | the link to people and say hey buy this
- 1:40 | product from this company buy this
- 1:42 | product from this website and then you
- 1:44 | make money from that so that’s basically
- 1:46 | what affiliate marketing is in a nsh how
- 1:50 | does affiliate marketing work number one
- 1:53 | there is what is called affiliate
- 1:55 | partner so who are affiliate Partners
- 1:58 | these are companies that are actually
- 2:00 | you know have an affiliate program
- 2:02 | that’s number one number two you select
- 2:05 | a product or a service I’m going to go
- 2:08 | through how to select a product or a
- 2:10 | service as we go you know with this
- 2:12 | episode number three unique affiliate
- 2:16 | tracking so in every affiliate program
- 2:20 | they need to create its own website that
- 2:23 | has a tracking system where it tracks
- 2:26 | every link that has been clicked
- 2:28 | everyone who has registered that
- 2:30 | everyone who has bought it produces a
- 2:32 | report so it gives so many things so
- 2:36 | every company that wants to have an
- 2:38 | affiliate program so that they invite
- 2:41 | affiliate marketers they need to have an
- 2:44 | affiliate program that’s basically how
- 2:46 | it works and this is what is needed from
- 2:49 | the company
- 2:50 | itself all right so number four
- 2:53 | obviously you have to promote and Market
- 2:56 | these products and services you as a
- 2:59 | marketer an affiliate marketer you need
- 3:01 | to Market them in your own platform as I
- 3:04 | said earlier on number five you need to
- 3:07 | engage with your audience you know you
- 3:10 | need to tell them about this you need to
- 3:12 | educate them about this you need to
- 3:14 | entertain them about this particular
- 3:16 | product or service so basically you give
- 3:20 | value to your audience and you know tell
- 3:23 | them more about it approach them
- 3:25 | whatever way you can engage your people
- 3:28 | but you need to engage people people
- 3:29 | this is how you get them to click the
- 3:32 | link and then number six of course this
- 3:36 | is where you know check the progress you
- 3:39 | check and see how many people have
- 3:41 | clicked how many people have bought how
- 3:43 | many people have done what and then you
- 3:45 | Analyze That to check if you know
- 3:48 | whatever you are doing is you know
- 3:51 | benefiting you whether it’s working or
- 3:53 | not working so very very important to
- 3:56 | track and analyze everything that you do
- 3:59 | basically the results and actions and
- 4:02 | then number seven this is where then you
- 4:04 | earn you earn a commission as I said
- 4:07 | earlier on you sell the product or you
- 4:10 | Market the product people then buy it
- 4:12 | and then you get the commission so
- 4:14 | you’ll see how how many how much money
- 4:17 | you’ve made from that product and then
- 4:19 | lastly you then get paid and then you
- 4:22 | also look at the report of how much
- 4:24 | money you paid basically that’s how
- 4:27 | affiliate marketing Works number one one
- 4:30 | there’s a partner that you partnering
- 4:32 | with to Market their product number two
- 4:35 | you select you know the product or
- 4:37 | service number three you have a unique
- 4:40 | link that’s the link that you are going
- 4:42 | to use you know to Market it and that’s
- 4:44 | where that’s what you use to track then
- 4:47 | four of course you promote and Market
- 4:49 | those products and services and so forth
- 4:51 | and so forth like what I
- 4:53 | said all right so things that you need
- 4:56 | to do for you to start the affiliate
- 4:59 | marketing program number one it’s a
- 5:02 | niche you need to find a niche so what
- 5:04 | is a niche a niche is a targeted Market
- 5:07 | or targeted audience or customers those
- 5:10 | are people that you want to sell this
- 5:12 | product to so you need to know where to
- 5:14 | find these people who are they you know
- 5:17 | how to find them and all of that how to
- 5:20 | talk to them and all of that you need to
- 5:21 | know your Niche if your Niche it’s you
- 5:24 | know women who have kids you know maybe
- 5:28 | toddlers who have you know kids that are
- 5:31 | teenagers or whatever but you need to
- 5:33 | know where to find these mothers you
- 5:36 | know who have kids that are toddlers or
- 5:39 | who have kids you need to know how to
- 5:41 | find these people and when you find them
- 5:43 | what do you say to them how do you
- 5:45 | approach them you know why do you think
- 5:47 | they need this product so you need to
- 5:49 | find the niche that’s the first thing
- 5:51 | the second thing is to create quality
- 5:54 | content this is where now you attract
- 5:57 | these people this is where your or
- 6:00 | whatever you are doing you know appeals
- 6:03 | to the audience that you are talking to
- 6:06 | you know you can’t just Market anyhow
- 6:07 | you need to know how to get these
- 6:10 | people’s attention how to capture their
- 6:13 | emotions how to capture their attention
- 6:15 | and all of that you do that through
- 6:17 | quality content not just quality in
- 6:19 | terms of the picture that the picture is
- 6:21 | clean and everything but even you give
- 6:24 | them a researched information you give
- 6:27 | them valuable information it’s quality
- 6:30 | in terms of the content that is being
- 6:32 | you know produced or given to people
- 6:34 | it’s very very important I can’t
- 6:36 | overemphasize the importance of giving
- 6:38 | people quality content don’t just give
- 6:40 | people rabbish and think you know
- 6:42 | they’re going to buy your your product
- 6:44 | or service it’s about what you give them
- 6:46 | and how you are giving them and you need
- 6:49 | to Value people in that process number
- 6:52 | three your product and service marketing
- 6:55 | so this is where now you have chosen
- 6:58 | your product or service
- 6:59 | and then now you are pushing your
- 7:01 | marketing find a strategy that will work
- 7:04 | for you there are so many marketing
- 7:06 | strategies that I always talk about you
- 7:08 | can look at my other episode about
- 7:10 | digital marketing how to Market a
- 7:13 | product how to Market a saice how do you
- 7:17 | deploy certain strategies how do you
- 7:19 | read an algorithm you know all of those
- 7:22 | strategies you need to promote your
- 7:24 | product and services you need to pay ads
- 7:27 | sometimes you can use money to promote
- 7:30 | because at the end of the day you invest
- 7:32 | money but you’ll get more money of
- 7:34 | course at the end of the day number four
- 7:38 | your audience this is one thing that you
- 7:40 | need to know who are your audience it’s
- 7:43 | more like what I said earlier on with
- 7:44 | the niche but who are these people and
- 7:47 | how to find them and lastly please find
- 7:50 | a good marketing strategy that you’ll
- 7:52 | stick with until you see that okay no
- 7:55 | it’s no longer working then you move to
- 7:57 | the other strategy but the is these are
- 8:00 | the things that you need to do in the
- 8:01 | affiliate marketing program and these
- 8:04 | are the things that will get you to be
- 8:06 | successful and make a lot of money in
- 8:09 | this all right the best platforms to
- 8:13 | promote affiliate marketing programs
- 8:16 | where do you Market these products and
- 8:18 | services now now that you have the link
- 8:20 | and you found your nich and everything
- 8:22 | now where do you actually Market it
- 8:24 | number one it’s a website or a Blog of
- 8:27 | course those are two things that are
- 8:29 | very very big and you have to have a
- 8:31 | Blog you have to have a website the
- 8:34 | second platform is Pinterest that’s
- 8:36 | definitely the platform that you would
- 8:38 | want to check it’s very important for
- 8:40 | you to look at pest why because that’s
- 8:43 | where a lot of people share their blogs
- 8:46 | that’s where people share their ideas
- 8:48 | there’s so much basically that happens
- 8:50 | on Pinterest and it’s a big platform it
- 8:53 | drives millions and millions of people
- 8:55 | you know on the platform on a weekly
- 8:57 | basis so yes Pinterest is the second
- 9:01 | best platform to promote your your your
- 9:04 | your affiliate marketing program or your
- 9:07 | product and services number three it’s
- 9:10 | YouTube you know what’s good about
- 9:12 | YouTube number one you give value like
- 9:15 | now how I’m doing it I’m giving you guys
- 9:17 | value I’m telling you stuff about
- 9:19 | affiliate marketing and then lastly I
- 9:21 | would say guys if you want to know more
- 9:24 | about AFF marketing click on the link
- 9:26 | below guess what people have listened or
- 9:29 | watched my video the whole time now
- 9:31 | they’ve gotten the value and it’s a
- 9:34 | matter of now taking actions and then
- 9:36 | now you would have left the link below
- 9:39 | and then you know they will click on the
- 9:41 | link and that’s how you would go about
- 9:43 | it so these three platforms will drive a
- 9:47 | very very high numbers of traffic but
- 9:51 | other ones are social media all social
- 9:53 | media platforms your Facebook your
- 9:56 | Instagram you know your LinkedIn
- 9:59 | your Twitter which is now X all of these
- 10:03 | platforms they will still help you to
- 10:05 | drive you know the traffic but these
- 10:07 | three they are my number one but these
- 10:10 | other ones yes you still have a lot of
- 10:13 | people especially if you have a lot of
- 10:14 | followers you can still drive a lot of
- 10:16 | people in this platform and then lastly
- 10:19 | please look at forums and a platform
- 10:22 | like Kora those platforms have people
- 10:25 | who are talking about similar things
- 10:27 | earlier on I spoke about the each where
- 10:29 | do you find your people you find these
- 10:31 | people in groups on Facebook you find
- 10:34 | these people in forums you find these
- 10:36 | people in certain online events in
- 10:39 | webinars whatever forums may be that’s
- 10:42 | where you basically find these people so
- 10:45 | that’s way you need to promote or Market
- 10:48 | these product or Services through the
- 10:50 | link of
- 10:51 | course I’m going to share with you these
- 10:54 | websites that are famous to be known for
- 10:57 | affiliate marketing
- 10:59 | programs they may not only Market their
- 11:03 | own programs internally that they are
- 11:05 | selling their own product or Services
- 11:07 | some they have other affiliate programs
- 11:11 | that host their affiliate programs
- 11:13 | through them so these are the websites
- 11:16 | where you’ll find affiliate marketing
- 11:18 | programs so number one it’s the most
- 11:21 | famous One the biggest one Amazon
- 11:24 | affiliate it’s the best one it’s the
- 11:26 | well-known one Amazon you know you their
- 11:29 | product and services number two share a
- 11:33 | sale number three click bank number four
- 11:37 | CJ affiliate CJ affiliate number five
- 11:43 | raon I don’t even know how to spell this
- 11:45 | one right but I think it’s
- 11:47 | rocketing
- 11:49 | advertising number six impact radius
- 11:53 | number seven Flex offers number eight a
- 11:58 | win or a win a
- 12:01 | win H number nine it makes Bounty don’t
- 12:05 | worry I will have these links down there
- 12:08 | and then number 10 it’s P fly P fly
- 12:12 | number 11 aeng gate or aveng something
- 12:16 | like that and then number 12 which is
- 12:19 | the last one and it’s also the most
- 12:21 | famous One Shopify AFF progam there are
- 12:25 | so many other affid programs out there
- 12:29 | canva has some you know there are so
- 12:31 | many and by the way wait until the last
- 12:34 | you know point on my episode I will give
- 12:37 | you a bonus point on other Up Programs
- 12:40 | which are well known and that pays a lot
- 12:42 | of money so these ones are the ones that
- 12:45 | I have right now they’re quite quite
- 12:47 | quite good all right so here’s the
- 12:49 | question how much money can you make
- 12:51 | through affle marketing it varies guys I
- 12:55 | can’t tell you an exact amount but I can
- 12:58 | tell you that you can make even up to
- 13:00 | 50,000 100,000 a month you can make a
- 13:04 | th000 r you can make 100 R you can make
- 13:07 | 500 it depends on how much you are
- 13:10 | pushing the TR the traffic that you are
- 13:12 | driving it depends on so many factors it
- 13:15 | depends on the quality of the product
- 13:17 | and quality of your content it depends
- 13:20 | on so many factors guys I cannot really
- 13:22 | tell you an exact amount I’ll would be
- 13:24 | lying to you but I can tell you that
- 13:26 | there are people who make up to 50,000 a
- 13:29 | month through aate programs but I can
- 13:32 | promise that you can make the same it’s
- 13:35 | up to you how much you are pushing and
- 13:37 | how consistent are you and you know does
- 13:40 | it even run itself after you marketing
- 13:42 | it it’s about how it runs itself the
- 13:45 | traffic and all of that so you have to
- 13:48 | push so hard that you drive a traffic
- 13:51 | you do quality content and everything
- 13:53 | else that I mentioned and then you’ll
- 13:55 | make money the only thing that I can say
- 13:57 | is consistency keep marketing keep
- 13:59 | pushing that’s how you would get these
- 14:01 | people there are different models of
- 14:04 | affiliate marketing program so number
- 14:07 | one it’s high paying low volume what
- 14:10 | does this one mean it means it pays a
- 14:12 | lot of money but it just needs fewer
- 14:15 | people to to click on the on the program
- 14:19 | or on the product or to buy or to
- 14:21 | whatever so it pays a lot but you know
- 14:24 | it doesn’t need a lot of people to pay
- 14:26 | so it’s quite good the second one low
- 14:29 | paying high volume so it pays very very
- 14:33 | little so you need to have a lot of
- 14:35 | people to click or do something either
- 14:37 | buy click register whatever the case may
- 14:39 | be but you need a lot of people for you
- 14:42 | to make money but it doesn’t pay a lot
- 14:44 | and then there is what is called the
- 14:46 | last one it’s high volume High pay so
- 14:49 | you need a lot of money but still it
- 14:51 | pays a lot so which one would I
- 14:54 | recommend obviously it’s the one that
- 14:57 | pays a lot of money without working hard
- 15:00 | which is the first one that is high
- 15:02 | paying and low volume so you don’t need
- 15:04 | a lot of money and last last on my
- 15:07 | episode I will talk about those products
- 15:11 | or those Affiliates that pays more money
- 15:15 | without you having to work too hard so I
- 15:18 | will share those but yes that that
- 15:21 | that’s how it works there are programs
- 15:23 | that don’t pay a lot but you know
- 15:25 | obviously you need to have a lot of
- 15:26 | money for you to have a lot of money
- 15:29 | from them or there are programs that
- 15:31 | just genuinely pay very very good and
- 15:33 | you don’t have to work very very hard
- 15:36 | but there are those that they pay very
- 15:37 | good but you still need to push hard so
- 15:40 | it’s up to you you know this thing it
- 15:42 | just balances your your your level of
- 15:45 | working and you know your flexibility
- 15:47 | and all of that
- 15:49 | b so what are the advantages of
- 15:51 | affiliate marketing number one less
- 15:55 | amount of money that needs to be
- 15:56 | invested so you don’t need to in invest
- 15:59 | any
- 16:03 | amount so the first one you don’t have
- 16:05 | to pay any amount to start you can start
- 16:08 | with zero rent but you can make a lot of
- 16:10 | money you you know just using your
- 16:13 | social media platforms just using
- 16:15 | YouTube and all of these platforms you
- 16:17 | can make money you didn’t even invest
- 16:20 | any amount you just created content you
- 16:22 | shared with your people and then you
- 16:24 | make money share even on your Facebook
- 16:26 | on your WhatsApp I mean you can share
- 16:28 | anywhere share with all your contact you
- 16:31 | know it’s free and then you start making
- 16:33 | money for free so the First Advantage is
- 16:36 | that you don’t need you don’t need money
- 16:38 | to start you start for free the second
- 16:40 | one it is scalable the more you get
- 16:43 | audience the more money you make so you
- 16:46 | just need to get more audience you know
- 16:48 | to follow you to do something and then
- 16:50 | you make money so it’s easily scalable
- 16:53 | number three the advantage is that it’s
- 16:56 | a passive income it’s something that you
- 16:58 | do once and then it continuously runs
- 17:00 | itself you don’t have to you know always
- 17:03 | maintain it or look back on the link or
- 17:05 | whatever it’s good if you can do that if
- 17:08 | you can you know revisit whatever you
- 17:10 | did change few things if you can change
- 17:13 | the text whatever that you can change it
- 17:15 | will be good or read advertising it will
- 17:18 | be good for you but
- 17:21 | January but generally you don’t have to
- 17:24 | do anything after you just send a link
- 17:27 | send to your people and then it’s up to
- 17:29 | them what they
- 17:34 | do so number four it promotes diversity
- 17:37 | you don’t have to Market one product you
- 17:39 | can Market hundreds and hundreds of
- 17:42 | different product now imagine having
- 17:44 | hundreds of products of different
- 17:46 | affiliate program definitely you will
- 17:49 | make money from some of them a month
- 17:52 | because you don’t have only one product
- 17:53 | that you are marketing but you have
- 17:55 | different product that you are Marketing
- 17:57 | in fact that’s what I’m
- 17:58 | advising you to do that’s what I’m
- 18:00 | encouraging you to do have different
- 18:02 | affl programs Market different companies
- 18:06 | different product different Services
- 18:08 | even the minimum could be 100 it’s fine
- 18:11 | but the more the
- 18:12 | better and then lastly it allows
- 18:16 | flexibility it in terms of your pace you
- 18:20 | don’t have to push push push push you
- 18:22 | can push one at a time you know once a
- 18:25 | month once a week and no one is pushing
- 18:27 | you or at your back no one is managing
- 18:30 | you no one is you know telling you what
- 18:32 | to do you are doing it at your own pace
- 18:34 | at your own time that’s what I love
- 18:36 | about affiliate marketing you are Your
- 18:38 | Own Boss basically all right so let’s
- 18:41 | look at the industries that are popular
- 18:43 | in the affiliate marketing you
- 18:46 | know industry so number one it’s health
- 18:50 | and wellness ah that one people love you
- 18:53 | know to look nice you know to feel nice
- 18:56 | and all of that so number one health and
- 18:59 | and wellness it’s big number two it’s
- 19:02 | travel and accommodation people are
- 19:05 | traveling all the time especially now in
- 19:07 | South Africa it’s the it’s going to be a
- 19:09 | festive season we we are approaching
- 19:12 | December so you know people want to know
- 19:15 | where can they visit and all of that you
- 19:17 | can promote these places all right so
- 19:19 | number three it’s e-commerce and online
- 19:21 | shopping number four it’s business
- 19:24 | services that one that’s where there’s
- 19:26 | money business business services and
- 19:30 | then number five we have tech gadgets if
- 19:33 | you can Market Technologies and other
- 19:36 | people’s gget that’s where the money is
- 19:38 | at and then number six marketing
- 19:42 | insurances oh there’s money in
- 19:44 | insurances and also talking about
- 19:46 | animals maybe animal you know Food
- 19:49 | Animal product whatever that you know
- 19:52 | has to do with pets and all of that you
- 19:54 | guys know how much people love you know
- 19:57 | dogs how much people love animals in
- 20:00 | general so if you are marketing you know
- 20:03 | animals either dog cat whatever the pet
- 20:06 | may be but there is so much money there
- 20:09 | and then lastly beauty product fashion
- 20:13 | clothings all of those things makeup it
- 20:16 | works there’s so so much money in that
- 20:20 | all right so let’s talk about the
- 20:21 | highest paying affiliate so number one
- 20:24 | high-end consumer products number two
- 20:27 | softwares
- 20:28 | and then number three financial services
- 20:32 | number four web hosting number five
- 20:35 | online causes and e-learning platforms
- 20:40 | number five travel and tourism as I said
- 20:42 | earlier on you see again health and
- 20:44 | wellness is coming again number eight
- 20:47 | affiliate
- 20:49 | networks they do make money themselves
- 20:52 | the affiliate networks which I shared
- 20:54 | earlier on and then number n n luxury
- 20:59 | products you know luxury brands of
- 21:02 | course they have money because they are
- 21:03 | selling luxury stuff and you know they
- 21:06 | their target market is people who have
- 21:07 | money and then number 10 it’s
- 21:10 | cryptocurrency and Forex there’s money
- 21:13 | in those platforms people who are
- 21:14 | hosting those platforms so essentially
- 21:17 | those people are pro Brokers they have a
- 21:19 | lot of money and then lastly it’s web
- 21:22 | development and design that’s that’s
- 21:26 | where the money is at so if you want
- 21:28 | product or programs that pays a lot
- 21:31 | those you know 11 platforms or sectors
- 21:35 | they they pay a lot so look into this 11
- 21:39 | then you won’t go back all right so I
- 21:42 | promised you bonus points so bonus
- 21:44 | points I’m just giving you other
- 21:46 | companies that that have affle programs
- 21:49 | so Uber has another program easy
- 21:51 | equities Luna fed group fed group has a
- 21:55 | good one for every person you you you
- 21:57 | bring bring in you get 100 for every
- 21:59 | person so it’s quite good and then of
- 22:02 | course I spoke about Amazon associate we
- 22:05 | have blue host which is quite big
- 22:10 | and go daddy is quite
- 22:14 | big loot is another
- 22:17 | one zelmat all of those are quite big so
- 22:22 | yeah there you go guys if you need
- 22:24 | anything about affiliate program I’ll
- 22:26 | hear from you but these are the ones
- 22:28 | that I know and yeah this is everything
- 22:31 | that you need to know basically about
- 22:32 | affle marketing so please don’t forget
- 22:35 | to subscribe don’t forget to like this
- 22:37 | page spread the love much appreciated
- 22:40 | thank you guys cheers