How to Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing | ZERO to 10k Per Month Passive Income

How to Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing | ZERO to 10k Per Month Passive Income Step 1:▶️▶️ Sign Up 98 …

  • 0:00 | hey it’s Dan Froelke here and welcome to how 
    to go from zero to $10,000 per month passively  
  • 0:06 | online step by step training series now this 
    is going to be a three-part series on how I  
  • 0:13 | went from zero to generating over $10,000 per 
    month this is residual income paid to me month  
  • 0:21 | after month and this is going to be some step 
    by step training uh you can look right over  
  • 0:25 | my shoulder and see exactly how I’m doing it 
    and you’ll be able to copy me exactly you’re  
  • 0:31 | going to copy the same system I’m using you’re 
    going to copy the same emails the same traffic  
  • 0:36 | resources everything okay and uh you’ll be 
    able to do this again in this three-part  
  • 0:43 | training series you’ll be able to do this even 
    if you’re a brand new beginner online you don’t  
  • 0:48 | have to worry about that because I’m going 
    to allow you to copy me to get results like
  • 0:53 | this and if you stick with me for the next 90 
    days and you do everything that’s laid out in  
  • 1:02 | this training series exactly step by step well 
    you’re going to change your financial situation  
  • 1:08 | drastically earning these commissions, 100% 
    commissions over and over again residually  
  • 1:15 | month after month now like I said I’ve never done 
    a training series like this here on my YouTube  
  • 1:20 | channel so you are the first to get access to 
    this powerful passive income formula all right  
  • 1:27 | and again this is going to be stepbystep training 
    so all your responsibility is to watch the videos  
  • 1:35 | each and every day step by step Click by click 
    now to avoid having to come back to my channel  
  • 1:41 | every day to watch these videos well the easiest 
    thing to do is subscribe my channel so all you  
  • 1:47 | have to do is click the red subscribe button 
    below and tick the bell icon so that way you’ll  
  • 1:55 | be notified by email every time I upload a new 
    training video okay it’s as easy as that and  
  • 2:02 | again your only responsibility right now is 
    to watch these training videos that I upload  
  • 2:08 | okay they’re going to be very easy step by step 
    and I will show you my exact formula all right  
  • 2:15 | let’s get started right now now before we begin 
    I want to briefly introduce myself for those of  
  • 2:22 | you that are first time on my channel you know 
    I just want to tell you my story and how I get  
  • 2:27 | started so before my journey I was a skilled 
    stonemason and I specialized in Outdoor Living  
  • 2:35 | Spaces and unlike a lot of people I really loved 
    my job I got a lot of satisfaction out of adding  
  • 2:41 | value to a customer’s home knowing they would 
    enjoy my work for many years to come now as you  
  • 2:47 | can imagine this type of work can take a toll on 
    your body and that’s exactly what happened to me  
  • 2:53 | over the years my knees were shot and I was in 
    pain every single day and unfortunate back in  
  • 2:59 | injury forced me to seek another way to earn a 
    living outside of this manual labor little did  
  • 3:06 | I know that that back injury would be one of the 
    best things to ever happen to me and believe it  
  • 3:12 | or not I’m kind of thankful for that back injury 
    in a weird kind of way I was always intrigued by  
  • 3:19 | that laptop lifestyle making money online from 
    home from the beach while you’re on vacation  
  • 3:24 | making money online while you sleep so I decided 
    to look in that direction when looking for a way  
  • 3:31 | to make money online from home I tried everything 
    I tried network marketing MLM affiliate marketing  
  • 3:39 | CPA marketing you name it and I tried it I was 
    frustrated overwhelmed constantly spinning my  
  • 3:46 | wheels and I felt absolutely stuck when it came to 
    make money online the first three years I failed  
  • 3:53 | miserably I even managed to get myself $58,000 
    in debt on on top of spending what little money  
  • 4:01 | I had left in savings on one program after 
    another and nothing was working but because  
  • 4:09 | I could no longer work the job that I loved 
    and was trained to do I had no choice but to  
  • 4:15 | keep pressing forward it wasn’t until I found 
    an automated system and a sponsor who actually  
  • 4:21 | walked the walk is when everything changed for 
    me and today my life couldn’t be better I earn  
  • 4:28 | a multiple six figure per year income I’ve been at 
    the top of the leaderboards for every program that  
  • 4:34 | I’ve ever promoted my wife and I moved from the 
    cold blustery winners of Minnesota and purchased  
  • 4:40 | our Dream Home in a beautiful gated Golf Course 
    community in Naples Florida I also purchased my  
  • 4:47 | dream car and I have all the time freedom I want 
    to spend with my friends family and our beautiful  
  • 4:53 | grandchildren but here’s the best part of all, 
    during the 12 plus years of consistently making  
  • 4:59 | money online I’ve helped out many average Everyday 
    People every single week make money from home  
  • 5:06 | using these very simple automated systems that I’m 
    going to feature in this training Series right now  
  • 5:13 | okay so let’s get started with this right now now 
    there’s two specific products that you need right  
  • 5:19 | now to get things started in this first training 
    video to earn $10,000 per month passively online  
  • 5:28 | the first one is is called 98 Unlimited it’s a 
    plug-and-play automatic system that allows you  
  • 5:34 | to earn $98 commissions over and over again and 
    these are 100% commissions paid directly to you  
  • 5:43 | and what’s really cool is these $98 payments 
    are residual okay and will be paid to you  
  • 5:49 | month after month now these are not little dinky 
    commissions like live good or some of the other  
  • 5:56 | residual programs out there you’ll get paid 100% 
    commissions of $98 over and over again and I’ve  
  • 6:03 | been promoting 98 limited for 2 years now with 
    great success getting paid multiple $98 payments  
  • 6:11 | per week and sometimes $98 payments per day in 
    fact I have many 98 unlimited reviews here on my  
  • 6:19 | YouTube channel since I started with the company 
    over two years ago and I will leave the link to my  
  • 6:25 | playlist in the description of this video for you 
    guys to check out so for starters in this how to  
  • 6:31 | go from 0 to $10,000 per month online passive lead 
    training series you’re going to go to Step One in  
  • 6:38 | the description of this video below and join 98 
    limited with me as your sponsor and don’t worry  
  • 6:45 | if you’re a complete brand new beginner in this 
    training series I’m going to walk you through step  
  • 6:51 | by step and help you set this system up so you can 
    start earning these $98 payments now when you sign  
  • 6:58 | up for 98 unlimited you’re automatically going 
    to become an affiliate for the program earning  
  • 7:05 | these $98 payments over and over again and what I 
    like about this product is everything is included  
  • 7:12 | especially if you’re a brand new beginner online 
    this is perfect for you everything is included the  
  • 7:18 | system comes with multiple capture Pages a high 
    converting sales page a free autoresponder with  
  • 7:24 | a built-in follow-up email series step-by-step 
    training and Tut traffic resources and a complete  
  • 7:32 | back office where you can track your sales so you 
    just have to go to Step One in the description of  
  • 7:38 | this video and purchase 98 limited the second 
    product that you’re going to need is software  
  • 7:45 | called my lead gen secret I just love this product 
    cuz each and every day it’s going to allow us to  
  • 7:52 | get 100 leads so for example over a week’s time 
    7 days you’re going to have 700 leads okay and  
  • 7:59 | along with this software you’re going to be using 
    my done for you email swipes as you can see right  
  • 8:05 | here I created these just for you to use in 
    this 0 to 10K per month training series these  
  • 8:13 | are proven emails that get opens and clicks and 
    you’re going to get these for free so what we’re  
  • 8:19 | going to be doing we’re going to load these emails 
    that you’re going to get from me into the my lead  
  • 8:24 | gen secret software on a daily basis to generate 
    leads and sales and I’m going to walk you through  
  • 8:31 | this entire process step by step Click by click in 
    the next video of this 0 to 10K per month training  
  • 8:40 | Series so in the next video I’m going to walk you 
    step by step and show you exactly how to set up  
  • 8:47 | your 98 unlimited income stream and uh we’re 
    also going to send out our very first email  
  • 8:54 | using my lead gen secret software and I want to 
    show you another absolutely free traffic method  
  • 9:02 | that we’re going to use with this system to make 
    even more $98 commissions okay now make sure you  
  • 9:12 | complete the three steps in the description below 
    and uh I look forward to seeing you on the next  
  • 9:18 | video make sure you like subscribe and tick the 
    Bell icon so that way you don’t have to look for  
  • 9:25 | my channel because I’m going to email you the 
    minute I upload a new training video for this  
  • 9:31 | series okay hey I hope you’re excited about the 
    next video I am and we’ll see you there soon.


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