The Affiliate Marketing Blueprint: How to Make $100 Online | GetResponse Webinar

Are you ready to dive deep into the world of affiliate marketing and start making money online? Sign up for our free …

  • 0:00 | hello and welcome everyone thanks all for joining us for today’s webinar I hope you’re all rested or excited about
  • 0:07 | the topic that we’re going to be discussing today which is affiliate marketing and as you may know uh we have
  • 0:13 | just launched a new affiliate marketing course called affilate marketing blueprint and today’s webinar is all
  • 0:18 | about that course helping you understand better why we created this course who it is for what it is the right fit for you
  • 0:27 | uh so let me introduce myself my name is Michael Linsky I’m the head of content marketing here at G response and
  • 0:33 | together with me is Pedro I’m Pedro uh I’m one of the hosts of this course too
  • 0:38 | and also the product marketing manager uh for get response and together with miow we crafted this course for you and
  • 0:44 | with a special guest uh which is our head of social media Jack Ramsey so huge thanks to that and you will appreciate
  • 0:51 | him once you go through the course as well awesome thanks P by the way folks tell us in the chats where you’re
  • 0:57 | joining us from I can see over 100 folks already here and with us in this live
  • 1:04 | webinar okay that’s my favorite part also Madison Dallas South Africa India
  • 1:11 | Maine USA Southern California Florida plenty folks in the USA I see Toronto
  • 1:18 | hello Canada as well from Nepal that’s amazing folks this is this is great uh
  • 1:24 | it’s awesome to see you here it’s it’s great that we are able to reach all of you and that we can share some of the
  • 1:31 | tips with you today um there’s a question by replay yes of course we’re recording this so you will be able to
  • 1:38 | rewatch this session later on we’ll send it to you via email so feel free uh to
  • 1:43 | check it out there as well Naga Falls Ontario Canada South Africa Hanoi
  • 1:49 | Vietnam hello to everyone uh amazing to have you here um folks uh let us just
  • 1:55 | get started with this webinar but I appreciate all of you for joining us today I’m really excited about this this
  • 2:01 | topic so let us share with you what we’ll cover today in this webinar so first of all we’ll go through why we
  • 2:08 | decided to create this course all together why we launched it while we’re promoting it at this time of the as well
  • 2:15 | uh we’ll tell you more about who this course is for uh whether you’re going to be able to benefit from it um and who we
  • 2:24 | think uh is the ideal audience for this but we also check with you today who who
  • 2:29 | we’ve managed to reach uh we’ll go over the course overview uh some the details
  • 2:35 | of the course what uh what we’re going to cover in the individual lessons uh
  • 2:41 | we’re going to dive in a bit deeper into affiliate marketing the theory and share some real life examples with you and
  • 2:47 | then we’ll share with you uh the the places that you can get more information uh about affiliate marketing uh so what
  • 2:55 | um what other materials what other content what other assets you can check out um on on get response website and not
  • 3:02 | only and finally we’ll have a Q&A session that’s going to be a big part of this this session because we want to
  • 3:08 | make sure we’re going to dedicate time for you to ask questions so feel free to ask questions right away throughout this
  • 3:15 | meeting uh whenever you feel like it honestly you can use the chat to ask us questions and before I pass on the
  • 3:23 | microphone to to Pedro uh let me actually share with you a quick oh actually no we we’re going to do the
  • 3:29 | survey a bit later right uh so yeah I think I can pass on the microphone
  • 3:34 | already to you Pedro for sure um so what I want to let you know now is first why
  • 3:41 | we decided uh to create the course and why is this important for you even to know uh the main thing here that I want
  • 3:48 | to to pass to you is that this came mostly from feedback from our customers
  • 3:54 | that’s one of the things uh that came up was always affiliate marketing and people get diving into a marketing we
  • 4:00 | also saw a spike in engagement uh in our affiliate marketing related content I listed some of them here at the bottom
  • 4:07 | that you can see and you can find all of them in YouTube and just to list them we started a hot seat with a mark so those
  • 4:14 | are uh people that are experts in affiliate marketing and we interview them with questions from you as well
  • 4:20 | it’s a new thing that we are doing and really recommend that you follow and you will be able to follow through YouTube
  • 4:26 | our resources and you will even probably get an email about that too so keep an eye on that uh our YouTube channel we
  • 4:33 | are actually uh spreading a lot of information about affiliate marketing too and some tips that you can follow
  • 4:40 | and also our webinars uh related and we had the affiliate road map and others uh
  • 4:46 | in this topic this all just to say that we uh have seen that you are interested
  • 4:51 | we listen to you and we decided to craft this course that’s one of the reasons
  • 4:56 | and we also noticed that many uh of you you kind of La education in this topic
  • 5:02 | and in in a way to put it uh is that you don’t really know what affilate marketing is what can you do with it and
  • 5:09 | how does it pay you right how do you actually make money from affiliate marketing it’s not like magic internet money uh it actually has a mechanic
  • 5:17 | behind it and that’s what we tried to convey in this course to you it’s how do
  • 5:22 | you actually make money without setting up unrealistic expectations so I made sure to actually uh list that point here
  • 5:29 | because we all go to YouTube we all see the claims of $500 a day and even making
  • 5:36 | thousands a week and what I want to do here and one of the goals of this course is to set expectations and to be truth
  • 5:43 | truthful to you which is uh those expectations of making uh these amounts of money that I mentioned they are
  • 5:49 | indeed they can be true but they highly depend on who you are are you a famous person are you a highly valued expert in
  • 5:57 | your in your field for example uh really will depend on your following and who you are because right now if you
  • 6:04 | are starting from the beginning and if you are not an expert in any field uh
  • 6:09 | putting that way if you are not online you will definitely not make that sort
  • 6:14 | of money let me just put it right right there so this course is to set you in the right track to actually start making
  • 6:22 | sustainable money and to build a base for you to actually build a brand around it so that’s what me and Mi how we were
  • 6:28 | thinking when we crafted that um and also with the help of Jack uh which for
  • 6:34 | those of you that don’t know it’s our head of social media and he crafted a part about social media there that it will definitely save you tons of time
  • 6:41 | when thinking about the whole thing of getting online and the FedEd marketing and one little Point here as well and it
  • 6:48 | played on the reason why we created the course is that get response turn 25 years so it added to the whole thing for
  • 6:54 | us to decide to create a course it’s our experience our 25 years of experience in the email marketing Field playing to
  • 7:01 | this so that’s what we deliver to you and just a side note here uh everybody
  • 7:06 | here that signed up to this webinar you probably are already receiving the emails uh with the course so this course
  • 7:13 | is free um uh right now so you can just check your email and you will already
  • 7:19 | see the first lesson you can go at your own page and you will see that it will come through and then you will follow
  • 7:24 | because we have a little task for you in each of them and now who is this course for so mehow I think this is where we
  • 7:31 | actually share a survey to these people and while we share a little thing here let me tell you that this course is for
  • 7:39 | creators uh this is for people that are experts in a field for people that are not experts in a field and want to
  • 7:45 | become and in general it’s for all of you to start
  • 7:50 | thinking of affiliate marketing as another uh source of income that you can have because you might not think of
  • 7:56 | yourself as an affiliate marketing uh marketer but perhaps you are a Creator you have a Blog and even if you don’t
  • 8:04 | have a Blog there are other ways uh that you can do affiliate marketing and this simply means that affiliate marketing is
  • 8:09 | another door that you can follow to uh get additional revenue and you will see
  • 8:14 | that throughout uh this presentation that we will do for you uh that that are there are people there real examples
  • 8:22 | that I I don’t think they see themselves as a fied markers especially if you ask them but actually they are doing it even
  • 8:29 | iously or unconsciously they are benefiting from that U from actually being promoted or promoting uh other
  • 8:36 | businesses uh as a f marketer so just another source of income anyone with an
  • 8:41 | interest uh can start doing it if you are an expert or not of course being an expert in something will already put you
  • 8:48 | in a huge Advantage if you are not don’t get discouraged you can be there are tons of materials of any Niche that you
  • 8:55 | can find if you want to be good at email marketing following get response resources and blog you will already have
  • 9:01 | more knowledge than most people that don’t read it right so your thing here is that you can trade Time by studying
  • 9:08 | um instead right and offer value to other people that don’t have the time that you have um and now if we look at
  • 9:15 | the survey so far uh it seems that you haven’t done it yet some of you uh but you are
  • 9:22 | interested into doing we have some beginners over here and some people that are fairly Advanced well I’m
  • 9:27 | disappointed I don’t see any here right then we we add this question here
  • 9:32 | because there is a high chance as well that maybe one of you or a few of you would already have a high experience
  • 9:38 | with theil marketing I see you I see I see who’s who’s voting not we see two we
  • 9:43 | will reach out to you there’s a high chance that we might reach to you and um in in general this is uh most of the
  • 9:50 | crowd that we are expecting people that are interested and beginners and to to be honest all of you will benefit from
  • 9:57 | this course uh but if I had to rate definitely uh beginners here and people
  • 10:03 | that didn’t start yet they are the ones that will benefit the most from the course that’s 100% sure if you are
  • 10:10 | Advanced you will definitely learn Advanced Techniques here especially from me how very teaches you how to do Niche
  • 10:16 | re uh Niche research how to actually go to tools like ARs and research your
  • 10:22 | Niche and what what topics should you write about on your blog uh and if you’re are total Pro maybe you should
  • 10:27 | tell us something so we should go into that so I see that 48% of you already
  • 10:33 | voted so we can close the survey I think for now and share the results for you
  • 10:38 | definitely because we already got an overview right or more or less who you are and thank you for
  • 10:45 | voting and I I see that Sean is talking about 20K per month and it’s possible H
  • 10:52 | listen uh but I don’t want to tell that everybody here is going to make 20K per month just uh just to set expectations
  • 11:00 | with you and once again just to close this topic who is this course for creators experts in any Fields people
  • 11:06 | who want to start their first online Venture so that’s important and I see that’s most of you and people looking to
  • 11:11 | diversify their income sources so this is where field Market uh comes and also
  • 11:17 | you uh labeling yourself as someone else not an affiliate Market you might actually run into affiliate Market
  • 11:23 | without knowing or maybe you should be running into it and you don’t know it and that’s why we are here and now
  • 11:29 | if we go forward course overview uh first point here actually Miha will be the best person to talk about that sure
  • 11:36 | folks and by the way Sean and other Pros that we have here on the list uh we are
  • 11:41 | doing a bunch of things with affiliate marketers and for affiliate markets and we recently actually started a Q&A uh
  • 11:49 | series with um renowned successful Affiliates so we would be happy to uh
  • 11:54 | hop on a call with you to do like a live Q&A with the community to ask ask some
  • 11:59 | questions from you as well so we can all share knowledge between each other so on to the course though so we started the
  • 12:06 | course with with the foundations of understanding what is affiliate marketing and how it works and how to
  • 12:13 | find the right Niche and that’s I guess in my opinion the most important aspect that we have to find we have to start
  • 12:20 | with that’s why we started with it is because not every nich is going to be great not every Niche is going to be the
  • 12:27 | right fit for us not one of all of them will allow us to monetize our work so
  • 12:32 | that’s why we started with this as the beginning now Pedro definitely so Point
  • 12:39 | number two um is probably where most of you uh if you were not stuck on point
  • 12:44 | number one which probably you were uh number two is actually where how you get yourself online it’s and it’s uh if step
  • 12:52 | by step if you actually follow it you can do exactly what we did and just to brief you what we did we got to the main
  • 12:59 | and simply to tell you actually how did we pick the domain name and this comes up with the niche as well but we picked
  • 13:04 | the domain name using uh chpt and actually prompts that we use uh that we
  • 13:10 | crafted and we actually have a PDF that you can download and do exactly the same prompts that we did and benefit from
  • 13:16 | that so that’s one thing that we did so we bought a domain we actually uh and
  • 13:22 | just to what to to that you can download the PDF just now I see that we have a few at the top feel free to download
  • 13:28 | free and it’s actually this knowledge is invaluable you should grab it uh we set a website very simple one we didn’t
  • 13:36 | focus on design here we just want to show you what you can do very quickly so we have a domain we have a website and
  • 13:43 | we are hosted working with WordPress and this is what you will have already by following lesson number two you will
  • 13:50 | have your own domain and you will have your website online already people can click on it and can see your blog posts
  • 13:57 | and then we we go to how to build an email list and why it’s important uh
  • 14:03 | this is where get response comes in right uh we actually come in on second point because you will have to integrate
  • 14:08 | with WordPress and it’s a very easy process once again we did all for you there just follow exactly the same steps
  • 14:14 | and it will take a few minutes to do uh so no worries about that on the third
  • 14:19 | Point here is where we as has got response in email platform this is where we enter and why it’s important to keep
  • 14:25 | in touch with these people right because people let sign up through through your blog you need to keep in touch with them
  • 14:31 | because they are interested into your content and now you have a door to reach out to them and get response here helps
  • 14:37 | you set an autoresponder for example which in simple terms uh it is like an
  • 14:42 | automated message that you can set up based on the subscription date uh meaning that if I have subscription days
  • 14:49 | zero that’s how we call it in that response it means that if I subscribe to myself today I get the message right
  • 14:54 | away and what this means that we would use it to actually welcome people welcome to the blog check our uh latest
  • 15:02 | posts for example or most popular and this is where you introduce yourself to people right and then how do you
  • 15:09 | actually build that list uh there are a few ways here to do it well I showed you
  • 15:14 | there how you can create a form how can you add them to your website which is
  • 15:19 | very easy how you can add a popup many of you might be wondering uh what about exit popups and those that you just
  • 15:26 | scroll 50% 70% of the website and then you have a popup and this popup and form
  • 15:31 | they can have different content we advise for you to have for example uh
  • 15:36 | take this GPT prompt ebook um as an example of a lead magnet so something
  • 15:42 | that uh you provide value for people to subscribe to your newsletter so basically they would subscribe in
  • 15:48 | exchange uh for the PDF for example this webinar and you are attending this
  • 15:54 | webinar we are giving you this knowledge as an exchange and then on number four
  • 16:00 | how to uh nurture your email audience so we cover a few topics here we cover the welcome message that I talked about we
  • 16:07 | cover how should you address uh your audience in in ways how should your
  • 16:12 | actually nurture sequence look like or what can it look like and let me make the point here that don’t waste too much
  • 16:19 | time on design at first and don’t waste too much time in building the perfect uh autoresponder sequence or automated
  • 16:26 | sequence let’s focus on the basics and if you if you are already going through the course there’s a chance that you
  • 16:31 | already uh saw the first message you will see that we come up with tasks for you and these tasks are very important
  • 16:38 | and we decided to come up with them for a reason we don’t want you to get lost into too many things uh so we focus on
  • 16:44 | Small Things follow the small steps try to put your structure together your base and once you have that you can then
  • 16:51 | expand and throughout the course and good for you that you download this PDF because you will need it more uh we
  • 16:58 | prompt chpt into helping us CRA crafting a nurture sequence and you can can do
  • 17:04 | that at anything that you can think about even to help you in your Niche so now building up to that you will have to
  • 17:10 | work in your blog and actually writing blog posts so with that miow will be the
  • 17:16 | expert here for sure and let me just stress this uh that email list is super
  • 17:22 | important for any kind of projects that you’re involved in and like the reason
  • 17:27 | for that is social media platforms uh come and go and you know
  • 17:32 | Snapchat even though apparently it’s on the rise still uh there’s no way for us to influence the the future of it the
  • 17:40 | same goes with Google I know we talk about uh the blog and that’s what that’s
  • 17:45 | what the next section is about but the only thing that you own and control out of all these channels is your own
  • 17:51 | website and your email list uh so I highly recommend that you have to build
  • 17:56 | a list engage with your list and there are many other ways you can monetize the email list the money is always in the
  • 18:02 | list as Sean put it here on the chat uh so thanks for that Folks by the way talking about lead magnets I can see 99
  • 18:09 | people already clicked on that link uh so you can definitely see that this kind of content does work so there are ways
  • 18:15 | for people to build lists build content well build an email list through events
  • 18:20 | like this like a webinar today by the way thank you to the 100th person that just clicked on that link as well uh
  • 18:26 | onto that onto the topic of building successful blog that’s actually my favorite section uh because that’s my
  • 18:32 | foric uh I run the get response English blog uh I spend days on researching new
  • 18:38 | topics to write about finding the right keywords using HS using Surfer SEO and
  • 18:43 | other tools to find the right topics not only the topics that have high search volume but also topics that have the
  • 18:50 | monetization uh opportunities that you know best of Articles reviews comparisons how to guides all that kind
  • 18:57 | of stuff uh and also tools that can help you write that content so that Google and
  • 19:03 | other search engines like it as well uh we will share with you some examples of
  • 19:09 | the content and how you can use the content to promote affiliate links inside uh that content so there will be
  • 19:15 | a plenty of stuff for you to use chat GPT ebook for sure will be also helpful
  • 19:21 | there uh because it can help you create outlines for these articles but there
  • 19:26 | are so many things that go into creating successful blogs so I’m super happy that you you’ll be able to go through this
  • 19:33 | section and on to after the successful blog creation uh Jack uh from our social
  • 19:40 | media team will be talking about how to build trust and authentic authenticity through social media how to drive
  • 19:46 | traffic from social media onto your website how to connect these things together because that’s that’s also one
  • 19:53 | of the big takeaways affiliate marketing is just a part of this uh equation uh
  • 19:58 | you shouldn’t be betting on just one single channel so emails your blog uh lead magnets email communication all of
  • 20:05 | these things have to go together to work effectively and finally on the seventh point we will talk about how to monetize
  • 20:12 | your blog and I should say more how to monetize your work rather than just your blog because there are other ways you
  • 20:18 | can make money from your work uh affiliate marketing is just one of them sponsored content uh Clos communities um
  • 20:26 | additional services uh ad networks as someone was requesting or asking about
  • 20:31 | in the chats ad networks for sure is another way for you to make money uh
  • 20:37 | influencer uh com Partnerships there are many many many ways for you to make money from your work and this is what we
  • 20:44 | will discuss in the last uh Element last section of this course so I do really
  • 20:49 | hope you’re going to enjoy it and as a reminder I know Pedro already mentioned uh you should have already received the
  • 20:55 | first lesson to your email so be sure to check it out if you didn’t see it just yet uh it might be in one of the uh
  • 21:02 | promo tabs and other tabs that you have in your Gmail or other accounts please share uh please check out there uh so
  • 21:09 | you’ll uh benefit from that content so let’s go over uh let’s go over the the
  • 21:17 | foundational part of this so what is affiliate marketing for those of you especially that are new to this stuff
  • 21:22 | they’re considering joining affiliate marketing I might have heard some myths or heard some uh you know High Promises
  • 21:30 | of making tons of money on the first day so the tldr is affiliate marketing is
  • 21:35 | nothing more than a performance-based marketing where a merchant pays a third
  • 21:40 | party a commission for marketing its products or services so a great example that we’re going to be using throughout
  • 21:46 | this course is a travel blogger so who would be an affiliate or affiliate
  • 21:51 | marketer that would be promoting hotel websites to his audience the end
  • 21:57 | customers and and earn commissions for bookings on the advertisers site so for
  • 22:02 | example you know you’re a travel blogger and you’re promoting rbnb other similar services like Expedia you
  • 22:10 | are promoting them and every time someone buys from them you would get commissions and it’s a great great model
  • 22:17 | to be in because you don’t own the product yourself you don’t have to handle the customer service yourself you
  • 22:23 | just review these things you recommend these things you uh advertise them to
  • 22:29 | your audience that you build trust with that you engage with and eventually you get paid for for people that sign up to
  • 22:36 | these courses and the the reason uh to these uh to these websites or these
  • 22:41 | Services um the the big reason also why we decided to uh to create this course
  • 22:47 | is that affiliate marketing is on the rise and we were discussing this even internally and among friends as well
  • 22:53 | outside of get response is that affiliate marketing used to have a this I guess more sketchy uh
  • 23:01 | sketchy uh rep people didn’t know what affiliate marketing is they were worried
  • 23:07 | that this might be a bit Risky Business it’s been on the rise and especially
  • 23:12 | during the pandemic when people couldn’t go outside it became the cool thing to do to make money from home we talked to
  • 23:19 | many of our customers many of them actually wake up early before their day-to-day job or after the day-to-day
  • 23:24 | job they do a site business they have a they have a um online presence on social
  • 23:30 | media and they want to monetize that and they build they write ebooks they they
  • 23:36 | write guides about uh about different things and this is this is a moment for
  • 23:41 | us uh to help out in that process and also another thing that really struck me
  • 23:47 | is that all the kinds of businesses are uh leaning toward affiliate marketing uh
  • 23:52 | e-commerce businesses many of them get 20 to 30% of their commissions of their revenue you actually from Affiliates so
  • 23:59 | for example bloggers discussing how to dress properly for different occasions
  • 24:04 | or reviewing different brands or telling you how to dress properly for for fall
  • 24:10 | for summer all of these people are affiliate marketers even though they might not consider themselves affiliate
  • 24:15 | marketers they might be doing affiliate marketing that’s why we decided to do this uh because it’s a good uh way to
  • 24:22 | make money today and in the future and and there are right ways to do it
  • 24:29 | um to give you an example of how affiliate programs work so an example would be a good response affiliate
  • 24:35 | program it’s been on the market for around 15 years if I’m not mistaken it’s been long and you know we’ve been on the
  • 24:41 | market for 25 years so you can see that it’s an established program it’s all of
  • 24:46 | these programs or most of these programs are free to join so anyone that that usually has a website because that’s the
  • 24:52 | easiest way to track whether someone is legit whether they have a a good
  • 24:57 | business or they have an audience usually if someone has a website they just apply and they can join these
  • 25:03 | programs there’s no commission cap that means you can earn as much money as possible depending on how you promote it
  • 25:10 | and we have actually two programs one is a bounty program that means if you Rec
  • 25:15 | refer someone that signs up for the for the for G response account you get 100
  • 25:20 | bucks up front no matter how long they um they’re going to be using their response for is it 6 months one year two
  • 25:27 | years or there’s a recurring uh program that actually pays you lifetime commissions
  • 25:32 | which is especially for more established Affiliates the goto Pro program because
  • 25:38 | if they educate the audience they uh they teach them about using email marketing or any other problem any
  • 25:45 | program works similarly they will uh they will be uh making money lifetime
  • 25:51 | for as long as they work with with this particular platform the the 120 day cookie duration that’s definitely a good
  • 25:57 | plus I agree with you Sean um many many programs have shorter day day cookie
  • 26:03 | durations so for example Amazon has one day if I’m not mistaken so 24 hours but that’s usually the case with those kind
  • 26:10 | of prog products that you buy on the spot that you don’t have to research for
  • 26:15 | long with software these are usually longer and 120 days means that if you
  • 26:20 | recommend someone to check out get response they check out it today but they don’t sign up right away in a month
  • 26:27 | they come back they sign up later that means that commission would be attributed to you you would get paid for
  • 26:33 | that commission if they convert it to a paid account and the payout threshold means that if you accumulate 50 bucks or
  • 26:40 | more that’s when you can uh transfer the money you can learn more about the affiliate programs on the on our on our
  • 26:46 | website on the affiliate tyy programs but this is just an
  • 26:51 | explanation of how AFF programs usually work uh doesn’t not all programs are
  • 26:58 | applicable to every business or to every Niche that you’re going to choose so now we can talk about uh a bit real about
  • 27:05 | real life examples of Affiliates or people doing affiliate marketing Pedro do you want to tell us a bit more about
  • 27:11 | this I can share this one here because I added this one here and yes yes I watch Dragon Ball uh but what I want to
  • 27:18 | mention here and why me and Mi how we actually put uh a few examples together is to actually present a range of people
  • 27:26 | that have nothing to do with each other uh but that actually are doing affiliate marketing I see someone here also loves
  • 27:32 | Dragon Ball so you get a point from me as well um and I know it’s small here and you cannot see but what I want to
  • 27:38 | convey here is that this person uh if you can check him on YouTube it’s totally not Mark and we are not
  • 27:43 | affiliated with him we we just found on YouTube because we we watch and the thing here is that he he shares these
  • 27:51 | topics so talking about uh dragon ball and all of this related comics and so on
  • 27:56 | and he Shar affiliate links right doesn’t sound like the person that would but he does right
  • 28:02 | so he shares an affiliate link to Japanese food for example boxes that you can order to your door he shares an
  • 28:08 | affiliate link to a game so so there is a company that went to him that produced a game and from him as the perfect
  • 28:15 | person to promote it so this guy he might consider himself as a YouTuber but he’s doing aili marketing here on those
  • 28:21 | two instances and you can already see that it’s a very specific
  • 28:28 | uh thing and it has nothing to do with being a travel blogger which is the what
  • 28:33 | we presented to you in the course if you already saw uh just to let you know that affiliate marketing is more uh than it
  • 28:42 | actually looks like because you might not feel like you are one but maybe you
  • 28:47 | already are and you don’t know it and if you are one of these people that already produce this kind of content and if you
  • 28:53 | are not an affiliate marketer uh you maybe you should already be and reach out to some companies and see or even uh
  • 29:01 | be out there so that they reach out to you and I will just go to the next example k mi will uh explain to you and
  • 29:08 | you’ll see completely different person right yeah definitely a different different Niche here by the way big fan
  • 29:14 | of Dragon Ball as well so this one is actually a gentleman from South Africa Noel there so he is an um he’s a
  • 29:22 | YouTuber instagrammer he’s a personal coach that uh creates a lot of content
  • 29:27 | on uh Fitness on Fitness training and while his main business I I would assume
  • 29:34 | because we never chatt directly is uh creating uh well actually well he
  • 29:40 | creates a lot of content but I would say most of his business is through his um Academy through personal coaching
  • 29:46 | through the apps that he has and that teach you how to train properly but on top of that from time to time on his
  • 29:53 | social media on his Tik Tok on his Instagram he shares uh affiliate links
  • 29:58 | so he promotes other brands of supplements he has some supplements of his own from what I understand but uh he
  • 30:04 | also promotes others so you can see that even in a personal coaching Fitness
  • 30:10 | training Niche you can uh you can be an affiliate marketer or do affiliate
  • 30:15 | marketing as part of your as part of your online Venture and finally the the
  • 30:20 | third example that we have completely different one but the one that you might have seen throughout the course already
  • 30:26 | is nomadic mat and that’s something that we uh that we we actually felt that was
  • 30:33 | the best example of of of the people that find affiliate marketing um the
  • 30:39 | easiest the most natural to do uh because nomatic Matt you know we assume
  • 30:45 | uh again that he created his blog out of his passion for traveling and on his blog he promotes uh different things he
  • 30:52 | talks uh about how to find uh cheap uh H
  • 30:58 | uh housing cheap lodging in different places how to travel to different places
  • 31:03 | how to get a travel visa to somewhere in Asia how to uh how to pack lightly if
  • 31:09 | you’re traveling uh somewhere uh on his blog you can see that he has plenty of
  • 31:15 | these guides but on top of that he has many paid content pieces guides ebooks
  • 31:22 | um you can find a newsletter that will also contain some ads so we thought this
  • 31:28 | is the best example because for bloggers um it’s the most natural thing
  • 31:34 | for people when they read an article on the blog is to click through the blog to the site that people are recommending on
  • 31:41 | YouTube on Tik Tok on social media it’s not natural because quite often you watch something and then you want to
  • 31:46 | watch the next thing you want to swipe and watch the next thing on on the blogs people actually take the time to read
  • 31:53 | the the content that you prepare the reviews the comparisons the the tips and
  • 31:58 | they click from your site to uh to the merchant site and we thought nomadic mut
  • 32:04 | even though we’re not affiliated is a great example uh of of how you can get
  • 32:09 | started with affiliate marketing and okay this guy is now popular but I can imagine you can find a niche and you’ll
  • 32:16 | find out about this in the course uh for for your own travel blog or any other kind of blog that you’d like to set up
  • 32:23 | and Mi let me actually add quickly here because now we presented three examples you see that they are all very different
  • 32:30 | people uh but there’s one thing that they all have in common is that they are experts in a certain field so this is
  • 32:37 | something that I want to to convey to you too is that like you need to focus into something you cannot be the Jack of
  • 32:45 | all trades I mean you can but it will be harder for you to have success so if you are seen as an expert in something and
  • 32:51 | these people started from somewhere they don’t they don’t just wake up experts right so you you need to actually um
  • 32:59 | write what we teach you in the first lesson how to pick your Niche it’s actually something for you to take your time and to start researching a bit
  • 33:06 | topics that interest you and that you can actually spend time into it it’s more like like I mentioned before
  • 33:11 | building this base that you can then start building on top of it and honestly
  • 33:17 | uh you should take those examples as like real people because they are real people you can actually get to them and
  • 33:23 | you will see like even on this nomadic mat that even promotes credit cards for you to use abroad so things that already
  • 33:30 | are going a bit outside his Niche but are related so you will see that once you pick a niche and following Mi
  • 33:36 | House’s tips that are great on the first lesson you will see that you will slowly uh will start to expand and attach
  • 33:43 | things to your Niche so one of the first things here that let me mention is um
  • 33:48 | don’t be afraid to get started and don’t get uh actually scared with too many things
  • 33:53 | around you and yeah this after that I think we can go to next slide miow and
  • 34:00 | yeah let me just uh touch on the point by Sean I completely agree that blogs
  • 34:05 | are perfect because of user intent people that go to social media to Facebook Tik Tok they want to be
  • 34:10 | entertained they I mean these days they search information there as well but on on the blog specifically they are
  • 34:17 | looking for information how to achieve something when they want to compare other things they want to learn about
  • 34:22 | these things and they want to click through these things and they’re ready often to buy uh so that’s why they they
  • 34:28 | work great um so we can jump on to the next section and by the way uh we highly
  • 34:35 | recommend uh that you check out these things that you click on the links to learn more in the future so where you
  • 34:41 | can learn more about affiliate marketing in general where you can uh search for more guidance so the two number two or
  • 34:49 | the best two sources I would recommend is the YouTube channel uh of the of get response uh I share the CTA Link at the
  • 34:56 | top top here at the top of the screen if you haven’t signed up just yet uh feel free to do so we share um plenty of
  • 35:03 | videos that many of them will be coming soon on the topic of affiliate marketing
  • 35:08 | uh guides uh interviews webinars like today’s webinar it will also be added there as well so you can definitely tune
  • 35:15 | in there uh on top of that we also have the get response blog where you can
  • 35:20 | check out the categories that we have if you’re not interested in everything there’s a specific category for affiliate marketing uh where we share
  • 35:27 | different uh different tactics on how to promote affiliate links how to build an affiliate email list uh how to start an
  • 35:34 | affiliate website um best affiliate programs for influencers um for uh for
  • 35:42 | about Ai and so on so there are many many ways that you can check it out um
  • 35:48 | and learn more from it so definitely recommend the the YouTube channel and the blog and finally the resources
  • 35:54 | section uh on the get response site that’s where we put all our guides ebooks uh courses in the future as well
  • 36:02 | uh but recently for example you could find our latest webinar um the Q&A live
  • 36:08 | Q&A session that we had with Robert Randle who’s an affiliate of get response but most importantly he’s the
  • 36:14 | person behind email tool tester and Tool highly successful two websites uh he talked about that was
  • 36:22 | just last week he talked about uh his story how he be came an affiliate marketer uh what his process was what
  • 36:29 | his learnings were uh how long it took him for him to change from a day-to-day job to affiliate marketing uh whether he
  • 36:37 | thinks it’s it’s still achievable or whether it’s more difficult uh so highly
  • 36:42 | recommended uh to check it out um and we will be adding more content there in the
  • 36:48 | future so in case we talk to one of you uh we have some success stories from you
  • 36:53 | throughout the course or we invite other Affiliates to talk with us you’ll find all of that information there so highly
  • 37:00 | recommend that folks so this is this is the you know the prompt the last part of this of this uh webinar the live Q&A
  • 37:08 | part and by the way I appreciate I can see that uh most of you still are around with us50 folks so this is amazing so
  • 37:16 | let me let me check whether we have questions ready but in the meantime uh I
  • 37:22 | have one question for you Pedro to kick it off so what’s your biggest takeway or what what’s the biggest takeaway you
  • 37:28 | think people should get away from this course I I can talk a bit about uh
  • 37:34 | takeaways of from creating the course for example I can actually put myself uh
  • 37:40 | in your shoes and start finding uh struggles that you will find as well and
  • 37:47 | picking a niche was one of them and then picking a domain uh which platform
  • 37:52 | should I use uh should I use email an email PL platform how do I do email marketing uh what about social media
  • 37:59 | should I be using it and you you can start looking into this and these are too many things for one person to do
  • 38:06 | especially if you’re getting started you will get discouraged and you will even probably not even do anything about it
  • 38:13 | because it’s just too many should I be on T Tik Tok should I be on YouTube should I do YouTube shorts maybe I should be on on Instagram right um and
  • 38:22 | this kind of pressure and amount of information that is available to you sometimes plays against you too many
  • 38:28 | choices and sometimes when you have many choices you end up not taking any and the thing one of for for myself and I
  • 38:36 | think you should take away from this is that once you start this course uh take it slow start uh from the
  • 38:43 | beginning uh don’t get discouraged by the amount of information that you find online uh stick to something so we
  • 38:51 | crafted a path for you to follow as uh beginners and people that um are
  • 38:56 | interested in affiliate marketing so this is mostly for you of course as I mentioned in the beginning it’s also for
  • 39:01 | others but you are the primary target here and it’s designed for you to follow it step by step don’t get overwhelmed
  • 39:08 | with 5,000 platforms follow what we did try to do it um as we present the tasks
  • 39:16 | in each email and then you will see that things get easier and you will start having something that you can look at
  • 39:22 | instead of just thinking of your whole plan you will have something online already and things will start growing
  • 39:28 | slowly you don’t have to think about the whole plan from the very beginning although from our course you will
  • 39:34 | already have a great overview on how your plan can look like so biggest takeaway here is don’t get discouraged
  • 39:41 | from uh all the information up there get started and also um set up your
  • 39:47 | expectations I think it’s a big thing here um and I think for most affiliate marketers or people that are interested
  • 39:53 | to I don’t I don’t think you all had an idea how money money actually works in this
  • 39:59 | field how do you get paid which platforms can you use uh what does it look like and we actually break it down
  • 40:06 | for you uh Mi how here did a great job in Breaking this down for you how to make money and for me if I was getting
  • 40:12 | started into this I would really want to know how this works how do you actually
  • 40:17 | get your hands in this money that everybody talks about a 500 a day 20K a week uh and how does that look in real
  • 40:25 | life and how can a normal person like us do uh affiliate marketing get started
  • 40:31 | and maybe uh in months perhaps you will be able to even uh do that fulltime and
  • 40:38 | I’m mentioning that because that’s the example of our latest hot seat that miow mentioned uh and he explains his story
  • 40:45 | so make sure that you check check that on the YouTube channel uh it’s very interesting and it’s actually someone
  • 40:50 | that has been in your shoes before so it’s usually you should listen to people that has have been in your shoes before
  • 40:56 | and what about you mi what do you think would be your biggest takeaway or what you want people to take from that from
  • 41:01 | the course yeah I really liked what uh you know what I learned throughout Crea
  • 41:06 | in this course and when chatting with our audience with uh other Affiliates and affiliate managers as well is that
  • 41:14 | people often think of affiliate marketing as one you know individual thing and it’s actually just uh an extra
  • 41:22 | Channel I would say an extra element to your online marketing Venture and that’s
  • 41:28 | that’s I guess the most important thing for me so that if you create a blog if you create an online presence on Tik Tok
  • 41:33 | on Instagram Etc the the affiliate marketing part is only part of what you should be doing uh you shouldn’t be
  • 41:40 | never betting on one single Channel and and one single channel of Revenue a
  • 41:45 | source of Revenue so you could be selling those paid courses paid um P ebooks P content um adding consulting
  • 41:53 | services or any addal Professional Services so for me the takeaway is that you if you are an expert in something
  • 42:01 | and you find the right Niche for you uh there will be ways for you to make money out of it and uh what I really liked
  • 42:09 | um is that you know even though it might be sometimes more challenging these days to to join affiliate marketing these
  • 42:16 | days because you know writing content for Google is not as easy as it used to be is that some niches are becoming more
  • 42:22 | and more popular like AI marketing tools for example if you become an expert in
  • 42:27 | an exploding Niche like that one you can definitely win on top so I would say
  • 42:32 | that’s my biggest takeaway uh from that folks I can see that we’ve gathered some questions so let me just jump on to to
  • 42:39 | those so uh we we we add what uh well we answer what we can from today’s uh from
  • 42:47 | today’s questions from our audience so the first question was uh what about those of us looking to use Affiliates
  • 42:54 | are there gr tools get response tools that will allow us to track lead sources and conversions so that we can report
  • 42:59 | and Affiliates uh so at this moment we don’t offer additional tools for you to
  • 43:05 | um to recruit Affiliates uh to do affiliate marketing through get response
  • 43:10 | get response is a perfect tool uh to run your email marketing build landing pages
  • 43:15 | websites uh and to soon enough create a blogs as well uh to to to do many things
  • 43:23 | to promote your affiliate business but not to uh recruit Affiliates there are uh tools out there you can use uh
  • 43:30 | affiliate networks as well that have built-in tracking tools so for example get response as its own program but it
  • 43:35 | also uses CJ affiliate program that has affiliate uh software so you can use
  • 43:40 | these to uh to hire to recruit Affiliates and get reports on how they’re performing and pay them for that
  • 43:48 | uh but I would I would suggest researching that a bit more because that’s something that we do not offer
  • 43:54 | ourselves and uh okay let me
  • 44:00 | see okay so this is a question I think part of uh part we’ve partly answered
  • 44:05 | and thanks again to Sean in our audience today that was replying to questions uh
  • 44:11 | from the community so is it worth to become part of an ad Network so ads are displayed on my website I definitely
  • 44:16 | recommend that uh Google um AdSense is one of the the top programs that people
  • 44:23 | join for it’s the most popular one but at the same time it doesn’t have to be the only one that you that you go with
  • 44:30 | um if you check out the sites that we were discussing for example nomadic mat and you check out the course you’ll
  • 44:35 | notice that he is actually part of a different ad Network so I would definitely recommend this it doesn’t
  • 44:41 | have to be like the biggest and the only source of your um of your money of your income when people do visit your blog
  • 44:49 | but it can be an an additional uh thing and you will see on those website that there are plenty of banners plenty of
  • 44:55 | ads display throughout the throughout the pages so it must be working for them and the difference between different ADW
  • 45:01 | networks is that some of them have uh different payout methods different uh payment models but they might also have
  • 45:10 | better better fit for a particular uh for a particular audience so let’s say you’re a travel blogger you would find
  • 45:16 | an ad Network that actually has better recommendations for people that research
  • 45:21 | topics uh about traveling so you will not be recommending uh um kitchen knives
  • 45:27 | on your travel blog but you would be recommending something that is uh more applicable let’s say uh well even travel
  • 45:34 | notebooks or Maps or or guides that kind of stuff so definitely would recommend
  • 45:39 | checking that out and uh we dive deeper into this in the uh in the course as
  • 45:45 | well uh I appreciate this comment I like this platform it’s not zoom or is it and it definitely isn’t this is actually
  • 45:51 | part of get response get response webinars so uh as you can see when we talk about you know creating content
  • 45:58 | publishing content through through our uh service it definitely works and we can practice what we preach we can uh do
  • 46:05 | so-called food dog fooding or drinking your own champag because we use get response to promote get
  • 46:11 | response um okay um there was a question about how do you go about building the
  • 46:18 | email list Pedro do you want to tackle this a bit more sure we actually we talk
  • 46:23 | about that in in a course and how do you go about building the email list right so you need uh the first thing that you
  • 46:30 | will need is first you need you need an account in an email provider in that case uh get response you will need also
  • 46:38 | a form that will be uh attached to that list and the the thing that you need to do here then is to place that form on
  • 46:45 | your online presence Spa presence space and the the way I’m saying it like that
  • 46:50 | is that you can have a website and you can place your form there that would be the easiest way to go about it and then
  • 46:56 | uh we pitch the blog idea because doing a Blog is just a natural way uh to be
  • 47:01 | found in Google search so there are uh there is a high chance that actually people will see your blog they will
  • 47:08 | actually come into the into your website and they can subscribe to your content that they are interested into uh so
  • 47:14 | that’s one of the ways if you already have a presence on YouTube obviously you can add a link to your to your landing
  • 47:20 | page there too or your website and that’s another way that you can leverage social media to actually get build your
  • 47:26 | email list and and then not only social media you can we can also talk about
  • 47:32 | quickly about pay dos and I can do something here is that in this course we kind of tell you to stay away from pay
  • 47:38 | dos and because we assumed you are beginners and you will be burning your money into them so before you build
  • 47:44 | something don’t really dive into pay dos don’t waste money on that for now till you actually have uh solid content uh
  • 47:52 | that someone uh that would reach your website would actually see this person
  • 47:58 | um is trustworthy I actually feel comfortable buying kitchen knives uh from this person so someone that would
  • 48:05 | uh be an expert in cooking in Sharing recipes most likely you’ll feel like they must have a good knife and you
  • 48:10 | would buy that so this just to say uh that building the email list here um you
  • 48:17 | definitely need a form and you need a place for them to subscribe which and and the reason for them to subscribe
  • 48:23 | which we mentioned before and we use our chat GPT prompts as an example here is
  • 48:29 | that if you need to provide value for people to actually subscribe to you so you have a form you have your blog uh
  • 48:36 | but perhaps if you’re uh teaching people about cooking uh when they subscribe you
  • 48:41 | can send them a PDF or an email uh with your latest recipes or or even a PDF on
  • 48:47 | how uh on your book cooking book for example so that’s how adding value and that will help you build your email list
  • 48:54 | too the main point uh have a website and have a form so make sure that you are in get response
  • 49:00 | already because it will be free for you to do it for sure and um I see a
  • 49:05 | question about the course uh setup or the format so um and by the way some of
  • 49:12 | you ask whe the where can they find the course so I shared the link in the chat but all the folks that signed up for
  • 49:19 | today’s webinar you were automatically invited to the course so you should have received yesterday the first lesson of
  • 49:25 | the course so please check it out if you like the content uh you can even speed
  • 49:30 | up the the process and click at the bottom there’s a link for you to get the next lesson much faster but every few
  • 49:36 | days we’ll be sending you uh the the next lesson so the format is always it’s an email together with a PDF for you to
  • 49:43 | download and a short video that explains a particular topic um we are not
  • 49:48 | planning as of now any additional webinars but who knows uh maybe that’s something that we can do as a recap
  • 49:54 | especially we would like to to uh gather some information so at the end of this course there will be a survey for you to
  • 49:59 | answer uh about your satisfaction how happy you are with this with this course what else we should have done or we
  • 50:06 | could do in the future so there will be more content coming uh so we we’re not
  • 50:11 | saying no to this just yet um as for the As for the question about the landing
  • 50:18 | page I believe it’s better than blog site so I think this is related actually to the payat uh payat question so in a
  • 50:25 | way I agree uh what with Pedro um here that we’re not advising that you use
  • 50:31 | pays at this moment it’s not that we advise against pays in alt together so
  • 50:37 | we did use pay dos to promote this webinar for example so you you might have seen our ads we use payat quite a
  • 50:43 | lot but it is a more expensive uh more expensive project and initially I would
  • 50:50 | recommend or we would recommend actually that you invest in the content uh setting up your website the the blog
  • 50:57 | content your social media presence and start organically uh and see whether this is something that you like and this
  • 51:04 | is something that’s working for you that you want to invest more time into uh because just to give you an example of
  • 51:10 | how much we’re paying for for a particular lead let’s say when running pay dos depending on the market
  • 51:16 | depending on the language this can be between uh2 $3 per address email address
  • 51:21 | of someone opting into a webinar to even seven or8 this is on Google search ads similarly
  • 51:28 | on on Facebook or meta uh so you if you don’t have the budget at this moment I
  • 51:35 | would recommend that you just use these other methods that we discuss more often and move into ads when you’ve when you
  • 51:42 | know exactly what you’re doing when you’re happy with the results and that you know that it will only amplify what
  • 51:47 | you’re doing and this Segways into whether landing pages are better than blog so landing pages are generally
  • 51:55 | better for paid traffic so if you have very direct traffic leading to to a
  • 52:01 | landing page for example for the course for the ebook uh for the webinar we used
  • 52:06 | landing pages because we were directing people from the different traffic sources to that place and we didn’t want
  • 52:12 | them to be uh focused on something else we didn’t want them to steer away to other pages on the website but if you
  • 52:19 | are building a an article or a website in general that wants to attract organic traffic then there nothing nothing
  • 52:25 | better than to have a Blog um blog is going to be working better for for organic traffic even if you have a
  • 52:31 | social media pres you’re going to be driving traffic from social media to your blog that’s going to be performing much better than if you were using Just
  • 52:38 | landing pages landing pages I would say work better just for for for pay that a
  • 52:44 | very T targeted U audience okay let me see uh I see a
  • 52:51 | couple of questions about uh third party cookie registration imp affiliate marketing or privacy policies uh
  • 52:57 | changing so that’s something that we’re happy to follow up after uh this webinar and provide you more details about this
  • 53:03 | but uh up to this point we’re not seeing any changes that would affect uh
  • 53:09 | affiliate marketing too much uh third party cookies of course that can affect the remarketing um if you’re doing pay
  • 53:17 | DS but since this course is not about pay that um I would strongly advise that
  • 53:22 | you just focus on first party data on and zero party data zero party is what you collect yourself uh where people uh
  • 53:31 | give you the answers in surveys for example and first party is like when you build an email list and uh You observe
  • 53:38 | what people open and click so that’s that’s what we would highly suggest that you focus
  • 53:43 | on uh let me see okay people asking about the course
  • 53:49 | itself how they can access it so we did share that okay uh so there’s a question
  • 53:55 | question about creating website do I need to dis include a disclosure that I’m an affiliate marketer for sure you
  • 54:00 | should do and in the course we also recommend that you check out the local
  • 54:06 | reg legislations the FTC legislations on your website you should definitely say
  • 54:11 | that in some of the uh some of the links that you provide on your website might
  • 54:17 | uh lead to AEM mergence website then you might earn a commission and that’s I know it might sound silly or actually
  • 54:24 | not silly it sound uh risky to do why would people then click on these things
  • 54:30 | but that’s the thing if people trust you if people uh trust your judgment trust
  • 54:36 | your content trust your website they see that you’ve done a great job reviewing providing guidance uh providing tips on
  • 54:43 | a particular topic they will not care that you’re going to get get money get commissions from clicking on these links
  • 54:50 | um that’s that’s a you know that’s something Robert brandle that talked in that recent uh Q&A there is no problem
  • 54:58 | in uh in disclosing that because for example on email tool they are reviewing different tools not only
  • 55:04 | just get response and other like providers they’re ring to the best of their knowledge to the best of
  • 55:09 | experience and people trust that and they will click on those links and they will not care that you earn commissions
  • 55:15 | so for sure you should add that you should have a privacy policy on your page that also explains this but you can
  • 55:21 | uh check that out uh later in the course and to just out here uh once again thank
  • 55:27 | you Sean and the summary here is always be transparent right cuz if people trust
  • 55:32 | you like me how said there is nothing wrong with you saying you are in affiliate because they will not care if you’re making money uh if you are making
  • 55:38 | money from that most likely through your affiliate link they will get a discount to so it’s a win-win situation and they
  • 55:45 | get the othered uh Factor here which is trust from you that you are recommending so yeah thank you Sean once again for
  • 55:52 | keeping keeping an eye on the chat cheers for that as well so this is a Hot Topic right now so what happens if my
  • 55:58 | authentication for deliverability isn’t working how do I fix it so first of all go to blog and you’ll
  • 56:05 | find the latest blog post from from us so we just last week on November 3rd we published a latest post about the Gmail
  • 56:12 | in Yahoo’s announcement that talks about uh the authentication um changes that they’re
  • 56:19 | making at in February 2024 I recommend that you check it out because it links to our and beginner guide to email
  • 56:26 | authentication that guides you step by step on how to authenticate your email domains how to get an email domain and
  • 56:32 | all that stuff you should definitely do it you should definitely send emails from your own company domain which you
  • 56:38 | can purchase apologize you can purchase yourself or through get response and
  • 56:44 | this is definitely going to help you deliver your emails better yeah and to what to this actually
  • 56:50 | like Mi said it’s becoming a Hot Topic and the reason for that is that uh well Gmail and Yahoo will have some changes
  • 56:56 | coming in February 2024 and that’s a caller for those of you that don’t have a domain yet make sure that you get a
  • 57:03 | domain um also for those that don’t don’t own um we are offering a free
  • 57:09 | domain when you buy a 12 month plan with get response we are covering that cost for your first 12 months so that you
  • 57:14 | start building your business not on rented land but already on something that you own and it will have your own
  • 57:19 | name so make sure that you start grabbing that because you will need that and with the with a custom domain it
  • 57:26 | comes uh more trust as well because you will be sending emails from U Pedro he would trust me more
  • 57:32 | than if it would come from Gmail and and yeah that’s the reason you will see more from that from us uh in that and we
  • 57:38 | shared the link uh for the latest blog post that Mi mentioned uh about these changes here in the chat so you can have
  • 57:45 | a look already awesome and I see also a question about called email this is
  • 57:51 | related to solo ads does it work with affiliate marketing I would say that’s not the best way to
  • 57:57 | do this uh we’re all about permission based email marketing permission based marketing Al together so while some
  • 58:05 | people uh they vouch for this kind of approach um I I highly advice against it
  • 58:12 | it’s not not work for us it’s usually spray and prey approach um just think of
  • 58:18 | it that way if that audience doesn’t know you why should they trust you why should they click on the link from you
  • 58:24 | and and then purchase a product the the thing that in our opinion works best and
  • 58:29 | what we’ve learned from working with other Affiliates is that if you buy if you build an audience yourself and they
  • 58:36 | you build trust with them you engage with them they will trust you to click on those links and to uh to buy stuff
  • 58:42 | that you recommend so I would uh I would advise against but um this is your call
  • 58:48 | you can choose uh you know different tactics that will work for you and if I cannot here I would would do actually a
  • 58:56 | question to yourself would you actually buy something from someone that you don’t know and they sent you a random email uh if you can if your answer to
  • 59:03 | this question is is no you should stay away from that right away and I can tell you from my experience if I go to my
  • 59:09 | Gmail and if I receive emails that I’m not expecting and especially if they don’t come from a custom domain too I’m
  • 59:16 | definitely I have no business with these people and this is what miow said this is pray and prey not sustainable uh but
  • 59:24 | once again uh or even sean added here quickest way for for your domain to get blacklisted
  • 59:29 | as spam and it’s also not a practice that we preach here and get response not something that you should be doing with
  • 59:35 | your domain it will be affecting your deliverability so long term what we are preaching for you to build a base and
  • 59:40 | build a business this is not going to work although like miow said it’s your call if you if your answer to the
  • 59:46 | question is yes I would uh tell you to give it a try then because it’s definitely up to you awesome and folks
  • 59:53 | one final question question uh so I think this one uh provides us a nice
  • 59:59 | recap so are there any limitations what you can send in an email with get response we are definitely not against
  • 1:00:05 | affiliate marketing you know the the reason for today’s webinar the reason uh is that we talk to our customers to our
  • 1:00:12 | partners affiliate marketers that promote gear response and we we like to work with them naturally we we want to
  • 1:00:17 | pay attention to how they recommend us and what how they build their email list but truthfully uh these are trusted
  • 1:00:25 | partners and you can use definitely get response for AFF marketing to promote
  • 1:00:30 | your business and folks I think we can wrap it up uh with this uh once again
  • 1:00:36 | thank you so much for joining us uh as as promised this webinar has been recorded So you’ll receive the recording
  • 1:00:43 | uh soon via email you should also have received the course uh and along with
  • 1:00:49 | the lessons so feel free to reach out to us whenever um when you want to chat
  • 1:00:54 | about anything that you learn throughout this course and if you have any questions uh comments feedback for us feel free to
  • 1:01:01 | reach out to us tell us how you like it how how did you like today’s session as well and we really hope that you’re
  • 1:01:07 | going to make some uh amazing results uh that you’re GNA start affiliate
  • 1:01:12 | marketing the right way in a sustainable way and that you’re going to uh make a good good business out of out of your
  • 1:01:18 | own projects out of the niches that fit the best for you great advice miow and just to finish just to let you know
  • 1:01:25 | um once you finish this course we definitely are looking for your feedback and it goes into this question are we
  • 1:01:31 | going to create more content on that perhaps will depend on your feedback if you really want it if you really like it
  • 1:01:36 | and what you’re missing and on the other hand you can also book a call a call with us if you are following the course
  • 1:01:42 | and let us know uh what are your pain points and maybe we can point you in the right direction and also learn more from
  • 1:01:47 | you and who you are and that wraps it up thanks folks and all the best to you all
  • 1:01:53 | over uh all over the world everywhere in the world where you are have a good rest of your day thank you everybody thanks
  • 1:01:59 | bye goodbye
  • 1:02:20 | everybody


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