In this video, I have explained everything about affiliate marketing and how to start affiliate marketing for beginners step by step.
- 0:00 | hey welcome to another day of making
- 0:02 | money so in this video on the screen you
- 0:04 | seeing my digit store affiliate page so
- 0:07 | I right now currently I made ,200 plus
- 0:10 | dollar with just only 12 clicks using
- 0:13 | Instagram and digit store so it’s for
- 0:16 | everyone guys I from I am in India and
- 0:19 | I’m making over
- 0:21 | $1,000,000 plus by just you know within
- 0:24 | the 12 clicks and I want to show you how
- 0:27 | you can also make by just using the free
- 0:29 | tools free social media platforms which
- 0:31 | is nothing but uh Instagram and this dig
- 0:35 | store itself so dig store I want to walk
- 0:37 | you through everything step by step so
- 0:39 | stick to the video and let’s get into
- 0:41 | this so ladies and gentlemen if you’re
- 0:44 | new to my channel welcome to daily
- 0:45 | episodes of making money this is a day
- 0:47 | 25 of making money I’ve been making
- 0:50 | videos in from the past 25 days you can
- 0:52 | watch all my videos I do mostly videos
- 0:56 | on affiliate marketing and bests side
- 0:58 | hustles so you don’t need to spend a
- 1:01 | single dollar or rupee here so I’m not
- 1:04 | it’s not like I want to teach you the
- 1:07 | best businesses out there which requires
- 1:10 | no startup Capital which means you don’t
- 1:13 | have to spend any single rupee at
- 1:16 | initially okay so I’ll even give you the
- 1:19 | privilege to dislike this video if you
- 1:20 | don’t learn how to make money in this
- 1:23 | video so by the end of the video if you
- 1:25 | don’t learn anything go ahead and drop
- 1:28 | dislike so what’s the requirement so I
- 1:32 | want you to stay
- 1:34 | consistency as much as you can okay so
- 1:38 | consistency consistency volume beats the
- 1:41 | game so with that being said like this
- 1:43 | video And subscribe most of my viewers
- 1:45 | who are watching or not subscribed so
- 1:47 | the first thing I want you to do is go
- 1:49 | ahead and create dig store 24 so if you
- 1:53 | head over to Google and search for digit
- 1:55 | store 24 you will see this affiliate
- 1:58 | page like it’s very very po popular it’s
- 2:01 | it comes right up ClickBank ClickBank is
- 2:03 | also a good platform but dig store you
- 2:06 | know it’s it’s very good very you can
- 2:09 | track very good uh it even has wider
- 2:12 | products it has many filters such as you
- 2:15 | know in the like specific type of
- 2:18 | products so the first thing I want you
- 2:20 | to do is sign up for this dig store 24
- 2:22 | I’ll leave the link for all tools in the
- 2:25 | description okay make sure you check it
- 2:28 | out okay it’s free sign up it doesn’t
- 2:31 | cost you any money so after you know uh
- 2:34 | half an hour you’ll get every access to
- 2:37 | The Dore okay once you log in so once
- 2:40 | you log in you’re going to see this kind
- 2:43 | of dashboard okay so make sure by
- 2:46 | default this will be a vendor for you if
- 2:50 | you’re signing up for the first time
- 2:52 | make sure you select the affiliate okay
- 2:55 | and come to Marketplace click on
- 2:57 | Marketplace okay search you have the
- 3:00 | search option let me zoom out so you can
- 3:05 | see this the flexibility of this digit
- 3:07 | store 24 is very very awesome guys
- 3:09 | that’s why I want you to introduce to
- 3:12 | this cool affiliate program okay you can
- 3:16 | filter out you know by product
- 3:18 | categories you have digital
- 3:20 | products even inside the digital
- 3:22 | products you have many many many
- 3:24 | categories you know family education
- 3:26 | email
- 3:27 | marketing uh dating computer internet
- 3:30 | business and investment hotel rooms you
- 3:33 | even have the physical products foods
- 3:35 | and drinks fitness and health you can go
- 3:38 | ahead and stick to one choose a niche
- 3:40 | stick to one if you’re in a gym you know
- 3:43 | if you like the gym you can go for
- 3:44 | fitness and health products and you can
- 3:47 | do if you’re into social media you know
- 3:49 | helping Brands grow on social media you
- 3:51 | can select the social media of the
- 3:53 | products so let me show you I’ve been
- 3:55 | using one of the offl products okay from
- 3:58 | the past uh two months I I I’ll show you
- 4:02 | how this product actually is so what
- 4:04 | this product is you know this guy m per
- 4:07 | he made an entire course on how to grow
- 4:10 | on YouTube it’s called tube Mastery so
- 4:13 | simply what I can do is simply I click
- 4:16 | on copy promo link and it takes me to
- 4:20 | the sign of sales page you can also look
- 4:22 | at the sales page okay so this is the
- 4:25 | sales page this is the page which we are
- 4:27 | actually going to promote so this is all
- 4:29 | completely done you just have to promote
- 4:32 | it to the audience so I’ll even teach
- 4:34 | you how to get the audience just have to
- 4:37 | copy the promo link here so the next
- 4:40 | thing I want you to do is I want you to
- 4:43 | create this link bio page so if you type
- 4:48 | in head over tool so again I
- 4:51 | will leave all the tools a links in the
- 4:54 | description you can check it out this is
- 4:57 | a link bio product where we can use know
- 5:00 | create a link like this and put the put
- 5:04 | the external links so this is like
- 5:06 | similar to link tree and this is done by
- 5:09 | many of the social media influencers to
- 5:12 | you know uh to drive traffic to
- 5:15 | different links so what we are doing is
- 5:17 | simply leveraging this platform to
- 5:20 | promote our own affiliate products if
- 5:23 | you’re not going to promote like this we
- 5:25 | head over to link create your
- 5:27 | own link make sure you’re name is in the
- 5:31 | link example m per m per is a name so I
- 5:34 | simply give m per education and then you
- 5:37 | simply click on link and give a title
- 5:41 | and give a title and put your affiliate
- 5:45 | link here okay so the one which you
- 5:47 | copied from dig store so put the
- 5:50 | affiliate paste the affiliate link here
- 5:52 | so which is this one okay which is my
- 5:55 | affiliate link and then hit the save I’m
- 5:58 | going to give so I already gave the
- 6:01 | title I already this is my link learned
- 6:03 | to generate passive income and the next
- 6:07 | thing I want you to do is create as many
- 6:11 | social media platforms as you can okay
- 6:14 | so I want to show you one of the upate
- 6:16 | page uh where I generated Revenue okay
- 6:19 | this is you know m per edu for some
- 6:21 | reason I can I could not uh get the
- 6:24 | username M for education so I decided to
- 6:27 | go with a shot so you can see the bio is
- 6:29 | optimize running 12 faceless channels
- 6:32 | monetize YouTube grow YouTube fast
- 6:35 | simply put the link
- 6:37 | bio in the in the in your Instagram bio
- 6:41 | so when I and you can see here how I’m
- 6:44 | driving traffic like I’m making you know
- 6:46 | reals I’m taking the long form content
- 6:48 | from his YouTube channel and simply um
- 6:52 | give it to AI to generate Auto captions
- 6:54 | for me and putting in a uh Instagram
- 6:57 | like daily consistently one ra per day
- 7:01 | and then boom let me show you the
- 7:04 | reach so you can see the the first day
- 7:07 | it got 13 views and the next day four
- 7:09 | views I don’t know and 11 views and then
- 7:12 | 112 views you can go to this Instagram
- 7:15 | page check the video why this SC 100
- 7:17 | views you see you will see why I
- 7:21 | generated sales the moment you watch
- 7:24 | this view so you can also create you
- 7:26 | know something similar to background
- 7:28 | like the Lux things in the background
- 7:30 | and nice some news nice music on the
- 7:32 | caption quote here what if you afraid
- 7:36 | that you will win I’ll teach you passive
- 7:38 | income Linkin bio and then people you
- 7:40 | know really even if they don’t buy they
- 7:44 | they’re willing to check out that link
- 7:46 | so that when they’re going to hit that
- 7:49 | link and go here and they’re going to
- 7:54 | see see the landing page and if they’re
- 7:57 | convinced like if they’re really
- 7:59 | interested they’re going to buy this
- 8:01 | product and you’re going to get
- 8:03 | commission so this is the secret to
- 8:08 | drive traffic and making money on D
- 8:11 | store 24 okay it’s affiliate marketing
- 8:15 | I’m teaching all this stuff for free on
- 8:18 | my YouTube channel so make sure you drop
- 8:21 | subscribe so make sure you drop like
- 8:24 | button hit the like button and subscribe
- 8:27 | if you’re new to my channel I’ll be
- 8:28 | making many videos vide da 600 p.m.
- 8:32 | between 5 5:00 p.m. to 600 p.m. so
- 8:35 | without being said catch you on the next
- 8:37 | one