How To Build $1000+/Month Affiliate Marketing Website For FREE (Make Passive Income Online)

Want to learn how to make money online and earn passive income? In this video, I’ll show you how to build a $1000+/month …

  • 0:00 | this is going to be the best AFF marketing tutorial that you’ve ever watched because I’m not just going to share you tips and tricks oh tip one tip
  • 0:06 | two no I’m going to walk you through how to get started with building an AFF marketing website and making money so
  • 0:13 | this is just going to be a step by step tutorial so that even if you’ve not done AFF marketing before even if you’re just
  • 0:19 | a beginner you’re going to understand how to do this how to get started and also how to profit from this method of
  • 0:26 | making money online so why would I even show you this why am I showing you this why should you listen to me I’ve made
  • 0:32 | Millions from affiliate marketing over the years and I want to share the methods that I’ve used and the method I
  • 0:39 | can use to make money from this even if you have zero whatever I’m showing you here you don’t need to spend $1 my name
  • 0:46 | is Charles subscribe if you have not subscribed to this channel there are a lot of helpful videos in this channel let’s get
  • 0:54 | started so what is affet marketing AFF marketing is where I sell a product and
  • 1:00 | get a commission for selling that product for example you can see this mouse it’s very beautiful if I decide to sell this mouse if this mouse is priced
  • 1:08 | for $100 and I say oh I want to sell this mouse there’s a commission here for 10% and I sell this mouse that means
  • 1:14 | I’ll be getting $10 for selling this mouse so if this mouse is $100 and commission is $10 which is 10% I’m going
  • 1:22 | to make $10 for selling this mouse so if I sell 10 of these mouses I’ve made $100
  • 1:27 | without spending any money so I don’t need to spend money to buy buy the mouse I just need to tell people say oh hey
  • 1:32 | this mouse is nice buy this mouse or oh I just share the advantages of this mouse so you know share maybe the link
  • 1:40 | to where this product is and say oh check out this new mouse and then people
  • 1:46 | click on the link and say oh this mouse is actually nice it looks good it’s not like the regular Mouse and then they
  • 1:51 | click and buy the mouse I just get a percentage so if 1,000 people buy this mouse that means that’s a whole lot of
  • 1:58 | money that’s that’s th000 right I made from just saying hey buy
  • 2:03 | this thing without spending any money so that’s just the easy description or easy
  • 2:10 | explanation of what AFF marketing is so getting commission from the sale of a product now why should you do it why
  • 2:16 | should you do AFF marketing number one it needs low Capital you don’t need to have $100 you don’t need to have $1,000
  • 2:24 | you don’t have millions to startl marketing all you need is just your time to implement what I’ll be showing you
  • 2:29 | and then can start you can walk from anywhere so you don’t need to be in the office when it comes to marketing you
  • 2:35 | can decide to work from any location your house your bedroom your father’s house whatever wherever you are you can
  • 2:42 | walk even from your 9 to5 job your office and still make money from affet marketing so with AFF marketing there’s
  • 2:49 | no customer support no shipping so you’re not shipping any product to anybody you’re not concerned about that
  • 2:55 | one you’re not saying oh you’re not trying to do customer support oh why is this product not good oh you’ve not sent
  • 3:00 | my product no you’re not even concerned about that that is not part of it you can do this without showing your face
  • 3:07 | you don’t need to put your face on an ad and all that things no affl marketing is very very simple and it’s going to teach
  • 3:15 | you skills that are transferable to any business so if you can start a marketing learn the skills you can start any
  • 3:21 | business it’s transferable say you sell clothes or say you sell bags you sell
  • 3:26 | any solution or any product that you have if you’re able to sell other people’s product you can sell your
  • 3:33 | product because a marketing you’re going to learn copyrighting you’re going to learn how to run ads you’re going to learn how to write content you’re going
  • 3:38 | to learn how to post blog you’re going to even learn how to build website I’ll show you here in this video you’re going to learn a lot of skills so if you have
  • 3:44 | built all those skills if you want to start a business you can just start because you have the knowledge you know
  • 3:49 | what to do you have the experience you can easily launch a campaign and start making sales for your business now you
  • 3:55 | don’t need any skills to start this there’s no special skill needed from anywhere you don’t need c ation even if
  • 4:01 | you’re not a graduate I know um one of my friend he has made over 100 million
  • 4:06 | in AFF marketing it’s not a graduate per se and I know other people that have come out with third class and they
  • 4:11 | making money from affili marketing so you don’t need any skill you don’t need any special skill you don’t need to be flu in English you don’t you don’t need
  • 4:17 | all that all right AFF marketing gives you the opportunity to determine how
  • 4:23 | much success that you want to make now this is passive income you’re going to be making money continuously once you
  • 4:28 | set this up for you know you start getting sales oh 20 people just bought today 15 people just bought today oh you
  • 4:35 | see start getting notifications oh five people just bought today I did not do anything because of a system that you set things just start coming in which is
  • 4:42 | what I’ll be showing you and uh there is high profit margin with a marketing like I said there are different types of
  • 4:48 | products if you want to sell products that are $10 fine you’re going to get low commissions of like $1 if you decide
  • 4:54 | to sell products that are $1,000 you’re going to get good commissions of maybe $50 or $100 $ for selling that own
  • 5:00 | product or even $300 $400 depending on the affiliate commission some products have 50% affiliate commission they have
  • 5:07 | 60% 70% 80% AFF commission meanwhile some have up to 10% 5% affiliate
  • 5:13 | commission so it is up to you what product do you want to promote what product do you want to sell what Niche
  • 5:20 | do you want to go into so all that you need to consider before start so it’s a high profit margin business it all
  • 5:26 | depends on the strategy that you choose or the product that you want to sell now there are things you need to consider
  • 5:31 | before starting a lot of people won tell you this they’ll just tell you oh a marketing is you can make money from a
  • 5:37 | marketing is nice oh start it you start Mak it but they won’t tell you the real truth about a marketing before you start
  • 5:44 | before you think about oh I want to start this you’re in a ja let me start this you need to consider this thing you
  • 5:50 | can get easily distracted so just like any other business all right can doing marketing and then your friend comes and
  • 5:55 | say more this crypto one and then before you jump before you know you’re into crypto and you start from scratch or
  • 6:02 | someone comes in and tell you oh come and do this come and do this try this and before you know you’re distracted of
  • 6:07 | taking another slope youve taken another direction another business another side hustle you
  • 6:13 | don’t want to be distracted you want to be focused because if you’re distracted everything that you’ve done if you spent
  • 6:20 | 3 months 4 months 5 months doing a marketing you’ve just lost it all right it’s only the knowledge that you would
  • 6:25 | have so you need to consider that this method of making money there High competition in it there a lot of people
  • 6:31 | doing affl marketing I’m going to share this idea but I was talking to someone and he said oh I want to start a
  • 6:37 | business and this is what I do I was like okay how do you make money from this I said once they successfully get
  • 6:44 | the loan I get a percentage a commission from the loan that they take oh that’s a business model you were surprised like
  • 6:50 | oh so it’s actually making money so it’s it’s a loan platform and is making money from you know the people that he refers
  • 6:57 | to take that loan so he’s his business alone it’s a loan website but all the loan products that are there is not his
  • 7:03 | those are just affiliate products and if you decide to take that product or take that loan he going to get a percentage
  • 7:09 | from the bank giv the loan so there are a lot of business model that are based on afred Dat they don’t have the product
  • 7:15 | s they don’t create a product they just promote the product and get a commission based on the sale of that product now
  • 7:22 | the next one is it takes time to achieve results a lot of people want to get quick results but the truth is
  • 7:27 | everything good takes time so you don’t expect to start something today and oh you see the result you start it’s a lie
  • 7:34 | you have to work for it you have to prove to life that you can do it right it is that experience that would drive
  • 7:40 | you to keep getting good results so you need to be the experience for life to be able to give you what you want so you
  • 7:47 | have to invest time to make this work but you can just get result like this depends if you’re able to come up with
  • 7:53 | something or to come up with a strategy you able to get quick result it all depends so don’t just focus on you know
  • 8:00 | getting that quick sale and oh you just do this and then sales just coming and all that no just have it in mind that
  • 8:07 | it’s going to take time for you to get the result that you want unless something just goes viral you pre create
  • 8:12 | a post or a Blog and for know it starts performing well that’s sure you’re going to get sales but don’t Bank on that and
  • 8:20 | you need to consider that these commissions are not controlled by you so for example like I said this mouse can
  • 8:26 | be sold for $100 but the company might Des to change the commission from 10% to
  • 8:32 | 5% and you can’t do anything because it’s not your product it’s a company’s product so they can decide to say oh the commission is 15% increase it and make
  • 8:39 | more money or reduce it and say oh it’s no more 10% it’s 5% and you can’t do anything commissions can change at any
  • 8:45 | time because you don’t have control of the product or the service it’s not your
  • 8:50 | control it’s a person that created that product that has the control of the product or service and they can change anything at any time based on the
  • 8:58 | strategy they want to implement based on the result they getting or based on what they feel they want to do at that point
  • 9:04 | okay so you don’t have any control of it you just have to have that in mind anything Happ any time that doesn’t stop you from making money from it now
  • 9:10 | another thing you need to consider is content maintainance you need to be able to maintain the content that you will be
  • 9:17 | creating on these websites for example if you’re creating content on websites or blog post or is it video content or
  • 9:22 | just content where you don’t have to show your face or his articles whatever you need to be able to create more
  • 9:28 | content to maintain paying it now why would you have to create more content if you don’t create more content you would lose relevance your blog will lose
  • 9:35 | relevance your channel will lose relevant that means you’ll not be making sales so if you want to make more sales
  • 9:40 | you have to keep putting out content for you to have that reach if you don’t do that how would people see your value and
  • 9:46 | then see what you have and pay for it because it’s through your content someone’s be able to see your value and say oh there’s a value in this and then
  • 9:53 | the person might decide to buy whatever you’re offering so I can decide to say oh I’m putting out a blog post of put
  • 9:59 | out a blog post about the advantages of using an economic Mouse this is an
  • 10:04 | economic Mouse write a blog post about it and because the reader enjoy the blog
  • 10:09 | post they can say oh let me see if this post recommends the particular Mouse to
  • 10:15 | buy and they say oh okay here is the blink to buy the uh Mouse and then poop they they buy the mouse in the first
  • 10:21 | place why did they even think of clicking the link to buy the mouse because they have begun or they have
  • 10:27 | trusted me for giving them that valuable information I’ve attained a certain
  • 10:33 | level of authority so they can say oh can you show me where to get this mouse
  • 10:38 | you talked about I can say oh you get it from here this is the website you get it from and Boop they get the mouse and I
  • 10:46 | get my commission so most times it is important to maintain your content personal value so that you would keep
  • 10:52 | your Authority level high and be able to drive sale based on your Authority level
  • 10:58 | why even putting out content is to build Authority right so that you can recommend a product and someone can
  • 11:03 | easily buy because you’ve given them value you’ve taugh them about something so just put out content and maintain
  • 11:10 | that pace be consistent with it and you keep getting results so you need to consider this are you ready to be
  • 11:15 | consistent are ready to keep putting out content if you’re not ready then I’m afraid this might not be for you but I’m
  • 11:21 | sure that for watching up to this point you’re ready to get started and this will be a workover now all this I’ve shared with you you may not need to
  • 11:28 | spend more than 5 hours a day implementing this in fact it might get up to a point where you just have to
  • 11:33 | spend two to three hours every day just to touch point on uh the method I’ll be sharing with you and you’ll be getting
  • 11:39 | results from it what is the best Niche to start from getting this question and the question is oh I want to start which
  • 11:46 | Niche is the best what can I do now there are different niches that you can start the first one is Health Niche now
  • 11:53 | I would not recommend this Niche unless you are a doctor a nurse or a certified
  • 11:58 | professional in the health industry and all that because it’s a delicate Niche like I said you don’t to start giving
  • 12:04 | out Health content when you have no idea about it when you’re not trained about it for sake of God this is people’s life
  • 12:10 | so you want to be a professional and know what you’re talking about before doing this I know people use a charity
  • 12:17 | to like create content around this but really it’s people’s life so if you’re not a professional you can just try to
  • 12:22 | avoid it but there’s a lot of money to be made with the health cuz a lot of people looking for healthy food they
  • 12:28 | looking for workout ideas they’re looking for natural remedies people want to lose weight a lot of people are Cas
  • 12:35 | out with this health Niche so Health Niche is quite good for you if you want to start and they are different if
  • 12:40 | you’re in the health Niche you can diversify from healthy food to workout to Natural Remedies so your block can
  • 12:45 | cover all these or you can focus on only healthy food or just workout or just natural remedies okay and then the next
  • 12:51 | one is technology technology like phones laptops best laptops 2024 models uh mics
  • 12:59 | other device a lot of devices camera and all that ring light there a lot of devices that you can talk about even
  • 13:06 | cars okay the new technologies that are out there new cars and stuff like that
  • 13:12 | so that’s a different Niche software also you can talk about AI tools software for businesses software for
  • 13:19 | creators uh software for people that are looking to make money online so there
  • 13:24 | are different software tools that you can talk about and still get paid just for rec recommending or talking about
  • 13:30 | those tool I’m going to share the strategy don’t worry just understand the niches all these niches are good fashion you can talk about models or shopping
  • 13:36 | ideas or training outfit and stuff like that so the fashion need is Broad and you can talk about a lot of things
  • 13:42 | concerning the fashion Niche and all these things you don’t need to show your face there are so many other niches but
  • 13:47 | these niches I just shared here are the top niches which are solving problem that people want so these top niches
  • 13:54 | solve problems every day for people so people are constantly searching for one of these things and if you’re able to
  • 14:00 | create content that advises people or that solves one of this problem you’re going to get results to get started you
  • 14:07 | need to sign up on affiliate platforms and choose the product that you want to promote so to get started you need to
  • 14:13 | choose an affiliate platform to start but the method I’m sharing with you is an affiliate marketing website so you
  • 14:19 | don’t need an affiliate platform but you can sign up on affiliate platforms to start now what are AFF platforms AFF
  • 14:24 | platforms are like you know Amazon Affiliates which you want to sign up on if you have it’s maybe ji affiliate um
  • 14:31 | eBay affiliate or maybe any other affiliate platform that you’re aware of and you can also sign up on different
  • 14:36 | tools now you can see here these are some of the AI tools that I promote and I get a commission whenever someone buys
  • 14:42 | so you can see the list is long here is up to you know 30 something products and there even more these are the ones that
  • 14:48 | I can remember as of now and you can see all these are AI tools because I decided to focus on AI cuz I talk about AI Tech
  • 14:54 | and all that so for example if you want to focus on specific tools you can just sign up on the platform as an affiliate
  • 15:02 | for example if it’s descript that you want to sign up on if you go to descript tocom if you scroll to the bottom of the
  • 15:08 | website that you want to be an affiliate or the platform whatever platform it is you’ll always see a plat where they say
  • 15:14 | become an affiliate or affiliate program you can see here it has affiliate programing most of those platform might
  • 15:20 | not reach out to you you just have to go to their website search for it and look for affiliate program their affiliate
  • 15:26 | program and sign up for it and you can see money as a descript affiliate partner so click on apply now and you’ll
  • 15:34 | become an affiliate so you can do this for different platforms depending on the niche that you belong to so depending on
  • 15:40 | the niche that you’re focusing on there are affiliate platforms there are products that want affiliate to promote
  • 15:46 | them just go and sign up there you know arrange your links get your affiliate links and then I’ll show you the next thing to do so for example look at this
  • 15:53 | script you can see the pricing for this script so whenever someone makes a
  • 15:59 | purchase maybe $24 you know makes a purchase I’ll get a commission you can
  • 16:04 | see the commission here 15% recurring commission and that’s why I love software tools AI tools or maybe any
  • 16:10 | software tool most of the software tools are monthly subscriptions so they give
  • 16:15 | you commission every month so they’ll give me 50% for example if the person paid $24 subscrib to this platform
  • 16:23 | through your link you’ll be getting 15% of this every month if subscribe for the
  • 16:28 | business business model of $40 you’ll be getting 15% of this see is $50 every
  • 16:34 | month so just imagine you’re able to get 1,000 people that means 1,000 people will be paying you 15% of this every
  • 16:41 | month this is crazy once you have your affet platform signed up you’ve signed
  • 16:46 | up on different AFF platforms or You’ have signed up on a platform that has different affiliate products like
  • 16:52 | ClickBank or jvu and all that the next thing you have to do is to know the kind
  • 16:58 | of content that youate on this your marketing website now we’ll be going to website right but now let me show you
  • 17:03 | what to do when you want to create content so let’s say you want to go into technology and you’re just looking to see the best phones out there or you’re
  • 17:11 | looking to get ideas you can just search for best phones and then you’re going to get ideas of the kind of blog post to
  • 17:17 | create you don’t need to do it from scratch get a keyword and then search for it and recreate that blog post I’ll
  • 17:23 | show you how to do this you don’t need to spend so much time so for example let me show you this uh best phone 2020 for
  • 17:29 | this is a Blog you can see this blog it talks about the phone talks about the best phones it does a review on it and
  • 17:35 | it shares different affiliate links this is an affiliate link this is an affiliate you w’t know it’s an affiliate link it just tells you to view it at
  • 17:43 | Amazon but then it compares the both products and tells you things about it now a I can do this for you I’m going to
  • 17:50 | show you how to do it right you can see how the blog looks like so don’t think you’re going to write everything no I’m
  • 17:55 | going to show you how to do this quickly you do this in less than five 5 minutes now um if you have signed up on
  • 18:01 | different affiliate platforms you can see um let’s click on view on one of the affiliate links here which I know is an
  • 18:07 | affiliate link if you click on it you can see that’s taken us to Amazon yes this is an affiliate link and you can
  • 18:14 | see the product is 681 that means if the affiliate percentage is about 5% you know how much
  • 18:21 | they getting or 10% you know how much they getting for this one sale and this is just one of the products and there
  • 18:26 | are different links here so now if you look at their blog or their website they create content around phones that means
  • 18:32 | they can promote different phones they create content about computers best computer this is Computing and all that
  • 18:37 | that mean they can promote products around computers best computers and all the all that and computers are expensive
  • 18:43 | they are ranging to like $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 just imagine the AFF percentage for a product like that promoting things
  • 18:50 | about TVs and you see promoting AI softwares which means you know they’re putting out AI content and in that
  • 18:56 | content they are going to put the affiliate link for AI products that they talk about and this is streaming Health
  • 19:01 | audio so you can see this is a good example of an AFF marketing website this is a Blog but they making money from
  • 19:07 | affiliate marketing and know affiliate marketing you can see Google ads here AdSense making money from AdSense uh so
  • 19:13 | if I click here they get money from just me clicking on this ad here so you can see this is a very good example that you
  • 19:19 | can model let’s go back to getting an idea of the keyword that we want to focus on and they get an idea on the
  • 19:27 | type of content to create so for example we want to discover keywords that people search for so you don’t want to just
  • 19:33 | create a post or a blog post on a website that people are not searching for so how would you know keyword to use
  • 19:39 | that people are searching for so what you want to do is to go to Google and search for Google Keyword Planner this
  • 19:45 | is a free tool that you can use and then click on find your campaign keywords with Keyword Planner so if you go to
  • 19:51 | Keyword Planner and click on discover new keywords for example search for by phone because you also want to Target
  • 19:58 | keywords around action so people that are looking to buy you want to Target
  • 20:04 | keywords around that also not just best phones and all that so click on get result and you can see other related
  • 20:11 | keywords that you can search for and compare their keywords and I can also sort out the brand or the model and all
  • 20:18 | that but I’m not trying to do refine the keyword but I just want to show you that uh some of the example of keywords you
  • 20:25 | can see these are keyword um iPhone refurbished gets up to 10K searches
  • 20:31 | every month so my iPhone gets up to 100K searches every month this is just like refurbished is relating to refurbished
  • 20:38 | content so here refurbished phones getting up to 100K searches iPhone 12 refurbish getting up to 10K searches so
  • 20:45 | you just have to check out keywords that get good monthly SE low competition now if you don’t know Keyword Planner there
  • 20:51 | other tools that you can use to do this we have keywords everywhere keywords and you can install this
  • 20:58 | two on Google Chrome your browser Firefox or Edge so these two shows you gives you helps you increase your SEO
  • 21:06 | social media competitor research you can use it for Content research content marketing to know which keyword to
  • 21:11 | perform well which type of content to create or what type of blog post to create so keywords everywhere is a good platform for you to use for keyword
  • 21:17 | research scro is another good platform to use when it comes to ranking on Google getting better SEO Sam Rush is a
  • 21:24 | tool that you want to use is a great tool AHF is another tool that you can use so I’ve
  • 21:30 | shown you different tools about four tools that you can use to get keywords
  • 21:35 | and to rank on Google because if you rank you get more sales if you’re
  • 21:41 | getting 10K traffic per month that considerable amount of good sales if you’re getting 50k traffic 100K traffic
  • 21:48 | that’s some good sales that you”ll been making now once you’ve understood your keyword you have an idea of the blog
  • 21:54 | post that you want to create remember you’ve chosen your Niche you had your niche you have chosen software each AI
  • 22:00 | tools and you’ve understood the keyword to use the next thing is the platform to
  • 22:06 | build your website for free now I’m going to share some other platforms which are not free which you can sign up
  • 22:12 | on now the first one is name chip name chip is a platform that you can uh build a website on it has WordPress hting and
  • 22:18 | all that so you can buy domain cheap on name chip you can host your platform on
  • 22:24 | name chip for as low as6 per G is around $8 per year okay you can buy com domain
  • 22:31 | for £6 per year and host it for a very cheap price and then we have hostinger hostinger is more expensive you can get
  • 22:37 | started for about $3 $4 per month which is not bad and there’s hostig Gator
  • 22:43 | hostig Gator is expensive I use hostig Gator for all my domains and all that I
  • 22:48 | use hostig Gator for most of my domains so hostor is quite good these ones that I share are not free but if you want to
  • 22:53 | use a free platform you want to search for weeks so just go to and then click on wigs website builder wigs
  • 23:01 | is a free platform that you can build a Blog a modern day blog modern day
  • 23:06 | affiliate marketing website you don’t want to go and start using I know I made a post and you can use to create a blog but we are
  • 23:14 | in 2024 2025 whatever wig is a modern day platform that has a lot of Integrations there a lot of things you
  • 23:20 | can do with wig and the best thing about wiek is you can get started for free with AI building your website for you
  • 23:27 | all you have to do is to click on get get started and the AI will build the website so let’s build our website and
  • 23:32 | then we post a blog all with AI click on get started or click on sign up and then sign up with your email or sign up with
  • 23:39 | Google Mail or Facebook so I’m going to sign up with Google Mail sign up so once
  • 23:46 | you get up to the sign up page it’s going to ask you who are you creating a website for you can say for my business for myself continue and this is the AI
  • 23:53 | talking to you because AI will just build the website that you want bring your ideas let’s get started what do you
  • 23:58 | want to call your website so is a software website so we going to call it software Zone we going to start click on
  • 24:04 | enter going to be called software zone now it’s saying can you tell me more about the product or services that you
  • 24:10 | offer you just say reviews blog post affiliate uh product uh but I don’t to
  • 24:16 | add affiliate product because you just want it to focus on blog so we just say review blog post what type of audience
  • 24:22 | am I targeting so I’m targeting Tech Enthusiast okay so it says do you have
  • 24:27 | any specific spefic additional goals for your website such as increasing online sales building a community or gaining
  • 24:33 | more leads so we are going to see all of them so he knows I’m telling you all of them so rewriting this so great now can
  • 24:40 | you tell me a little about history of your business we can just right we are just starting out so the a is try to
  • 24:47 | understand what you’re looking for what your product is and all that so it will create the perfect website for you it’s
  • 24:52 | not just going to give you a random template so we can say we are all set go to dashboard so it’s is generating the
  • 24:59 | website and now it’s loading our dashboard on weeks now you can see it has loaded our dashboard so here we can
  • 25:06 | buy a domain if you want to buy spend money to buy a domain but if you don’t to buy a domain it’s just going to give us a random domain which is a generic
  • 25:14 | domain that we can use for start and then if you click on here you can write your first blog post if you click on
  • 25:19 | design your website you can design your website click on get fan on Google you can get fan on Google so let’s see what
  • 25:25 | the AI would do so let’s click on design site now before we click on design site all these parts this is the home this is
  • 25:32 | getting paid you if you want to receive payment on the website if you don’t want to focus on affid links if you also want to receive subscriptions or payment from
  • 25:38 | visitors you can set it up here if you want to add the booking calendar you can set it up here if you want to see all
  • 25:44 | the payments that you can see here and if you want to add your own product you can create the catalog here and for
  • 25:50 | blogs creating blog post which I’ll talk about shortly you’re going to use this part click on here and you’ll be able to
  • 25:58 | create blog post if you want to integrate other apps like Google AdSense to make money from AdSense and other
  • 26:05 | types of you know apps to maybe make money or customize your website to give it a particular functionality you can
  • 26:13 | click on apps to do that and if you want to see your app or your website so if
  • 26:18 | you want to turn this website to mobile app you can click here and the website will be done to a mobile app which is
  • 26:25 | slowly becoming a go-to place for you to create website at a go so you want to
  • 26:30 | check it out and we have inbox check your inbox customers leads and all these analytic settings and automation so all
  • 26:37 | these AES that you can do at your free time so I’m not going to go straight to show you how to use all these things you
  • 26:43 | can do it yourself but for now I’m just going to show you how to generate the site with AI completely now the site is
  • 26:50 | partly done not fully done so what we going to do is to click on design site first before we create a blog post uh
  • 26:56 | design site and you can see here says generate a design with AI customize a template we don’t want to use templates
  • 27:02 | we want an AI to generate a design for US based on what we want so we’re going to click on generate a design clicked on
  • 27:09 | generate a design the AI is generating a website for us you can see we are generating software Zone your Tech blog
  • 27:16 | site once the site is ready you can click on anything you want to change in the brief to adjust the content and
  • 27:23 | design so it’s not just going to give us the site it’s going to generate it and give us the opportunity to edit it the
  • 27:29 | way we want change colors edit images the design the content and all that beautiful you can see that it has
  • 27:36 | designed or generated our website for us we didn’t need to do anything you can
  • 27:41 | see the website here okay this is the website you can see blog post it already
  • 27:47 | generated blog post for us we did not even need to generate or create any blog post it has generated three blog post
  • 27:54 | for us wow Ultimate Guide to choosing the best PL blah blah spart reviews
  • 27:59 | latest training Tech top five must have Tech Gadget so it has already created three blog post for you so you can see
  • 28:06 | connect with us different platform wow very easy so if you want to customize it you can just click on continue with this
  • 28:12 | design so you can see the website ww. software if you want to use this particular custom domain this is a
  • 28:19 | custom domain you have to pay for it but if you don’t want to use it you don’t need to pay for it just continue with
  • 28:27 | editor setup your business you don’t need to buy the domain unless you have the money you can buy it’s like $10 so
  • 28:33 | you can see this is our website uh you can edit it the way you want customize
  • 28:39 | different things here but we not going to you can change the logo change the name add more pages change images and
  • 28:45 | all that now let’s go to creating our blog post remember we already have three blog posts created by AI but we want to
  • 28:50 | create a good blog post so let’s go back to week to go back there you can just click on week icon here so you can
  • 28:56 | publish this site if you want let’s click on publish all right before we go let’s click on publish the site all
  • 29:03 | right you can see the site has been published you can see that website that was given to us let’s click on view website so you can see the website weeks
  • 29:10 | gave to us is meetking charles. SLS software zone so this is the free
  • 29:18 | website given to Ross so you can decide to buy your own domain $10 so it be customized to maybe software
  • 29:25 | but this is the free one you can use you can use this and get started okay you can see the blog that was created the website and this is the blog
  • 29:32 | that the AI created so you can see created three different blog post now this is a complete blog post and I can
  • 29:40 | comment here add a comment we can sh so this is a complete website generated by weeks now let’s go back to the weeks
  • 29:46 | dashboard and create a blog post as s so you click on blog and click on post and
  • 29:54 | then we click on create new post we are going to add a t title and a write up
  • 30:00 | now we don’t have a title we don’t have anything to add remember what I say we going to use AI to do this so we have an idea of our product so we already have
  • 30:07 | list of affiliate products or websites that we have signed up on so these are the products that we are promoting that
  • 30:13 | I want to talk about so what is the strategy create content about this because people want to get value if
  • 30:18 | they’re able to get value from your blog post they’re going to buy from you so most of the time if I want to buy something for example if I want to buy a
  • 30:24 | laptop I just go online oh best HP laptops oh best laptops and then based on information I get for a particular
  • 30:30 | blog post I just buy and most of the time I don’t go to another browser to buy that thing I just click on the link
  • 30:36 | after reading the review and then once I click on that link you know just make payment and buy I know if it’s an affiliate link once you click on it the
  • 30:43 | person is going to get a commission after you buy that product so now we are going to focus on these tools these five
  • 30:50 | tools TLD DV descript big spy magic form Ai and ci. iio now all these are AI
  • 30:58 | tools that I’ve signed up to become an affiliate so now I want people to click on my link I want people to be able to
  • 31:06 | buy their software from my own unique link so I have to create content about this now there are different way to come
  • 31:11 | out with content ideas for example we can just copy these names now we going to go to perplexity now this website can
  • 31:18 | write a blog post for you with updated link updated information so a lot of
  • 31:23 | people use this platform for research because the information is updated the information is getting is current information not Char sometimes Char
  • 31:30 | information is just old but this gives you information as is online so you want to use this to prepare your blog before
  • 31:37 | taking it to CH GPT to refine it now I’m just going to be generic on this I’m just going to say write a detailed blog
  • 31:44 | post on these tools TLD DV descript big spy magic form AI ci. I sometimes you
  • 31:51 | might just need to name the tools you don’t even need to write or tell the AI what the to is all about because this AI
  • 31:57 | is M connected to the internet so he knows what these tools are let’s try it and see let’s click on go so we say
  • 32:05 | write a detail blog post outline on these tools we are not telling you to write a blog post yet we are telling you
  • 32:11 | to write an outline this is important you can see it is writing the outline for the blog post this is an
  • 32:18 | introduction overview key features use cases and it’s writing it for each of
  • 32:23 | the tools so the introduction covers all the tools overview and key features of all the tools this is TLD DV this is
  • 32:30 | descript this is big spy and these are up to date is an ad spy and this script
  • 32:36 | is an audio video editing too yes he got it and TLD DV is an AI meeting notaker
  • 32:42 | correct so it is up to date with what is is online charity might not give you this same thing because he might not
  • 32:47 | know what these tools are all right now we have this the next thing we going to do is to tell it okay based on the
  • 32:53 | outline write a detailed blog post add external links we are necessary now this
  • 32:59 | is very important if you’re writing a blog post you need to add internal links to other things on your website and you
  • 33:05 | need to add external links referring to other websites this will help you rank
  • 33:10 | now you can say based on this outline write a detailed blog post add external
  • 33:16 | links where necessary and we press enter so you can see how fast it is it has written the blog post and you can see
  • 33:23 | here it has brought out the sources where he got this blog post from and you can see it’s going to reference it below
  • 33:29 | here if you copy it you’ll see the reference it now these are the external links the sources from where it got it
  • 33:35 | from so we going to copy this it’s going to also copy the external links it’s going to copy the external links once to
  • 33:41 | copy this you’re going to copy it and go to CH GPT we going to paste it on Char GPT you can see the external links the
  • 33:47 | citations that you got everything for which is very useful now what we going to do is we going to go down and we’re
  • 33:53 | going to say write a blog post with this info it must not be less than 2,00 words
  • 33:58 | add citations as clickable links add external links we necessary now agib to
  • 34:05 | write a blog post from the blog post that perplexity have written so he’s going to write a blog post so ignore
  • 34:10 | this title we can tell it to give us another title once it’s done so just look at the content you can see this is
  • 34:17 | how a blog post is structured and this is how is also structured you can see all these things um all information
  • 34:23 | given here so you can see he also added the citation we are going to ask the word count
  • 34:31 | because a block post should be at least 1,500 words I’m going to ask it a word
  • 34:36 | count only 1,375 words not long enough so we going to tell it discuss and share
  • 34:43 | your thoughts do not create separate paragraphs for your thoughts on each two in between sentences like a
  • 34:48 | podcast now what count must be within 2,000 to 3,000 words press enter to send
  • 34:54 | this so you can see it’s listing it and it’s discussing the key features the
  • 35:00 | overview of T DV this is the first introduction that introduces the whole blog post you can see that it is done
  • 35:06 | with generating the blog post and added citations and if you come down you can see the word count is 298 word so it’s
  • 35:13 | more than 2,000 words just like we wanted so what is the next thing we’re going to do to round this up we going to
  • 35:19 | say remember we have affiliate links we don’t want to add the affiliate links individually we want your to add our
  • 35:25 | affiliate links all right to this blog post so what we going to say is we are
  • 35:30 | going to copy all the affid links to these things you are talking about so the purpose of writing this blog post is
  • 35:37 | to educate and also to refer them to the affl links that we have we want them to
  • 35:42 | know about these tools and also buy the services of each of these tools if they want to from our affiliate link so you
  • 35:49 | can see we discussed five tools here which is TV this script big spy magic
  • 35:54 | form and slby and this is our affiliate link all these are my AFF links I added it here in the prompt I said add the
  • 36:01 | affiliate links to the title of each link and on strategic areas of the blog
  • 36:06 | post that would drive the user to click so it’s going to rewrite this same thing
  • 36:12 | but it’s just going to add this affiliate link so we don’t have to add it manually it’s going to add it to
  • 36:17 | different parts of the article we don’t need to do it ourself so you can see this is my affiliate link this is my
  • 36:23 | affid link all these are my affiliate links for these five tools you’re going to press enter and it’s going to add the
  • 36:28 | affiliate links to the blog post so you can see these are affiliate links it is still writing now it has ritten the blog
  • 36:35 | post and it have added our affiliate links to the blog you can see affiliate links added all here added here added
  • 36:42 | here all these affiliate links these affiliate links these affiliate links
  • 36:48 | these affiliate links all these affiliate links if I decide to click this it’s going to take it to my
  • 36:54 | affiliate link so you can see ref equals this this is my affiliate link Charles 46 this is my affiliate link if you buy
  • 37:01 | I’m going to make money from this okay so it has added everything so we are done so we’re going to add this last
  • 37:08 | pront for it to give us five different titles to use for this blog post we’re going to say write five titles for this blog post it should be based on the pain
  • 37:15 | points on problems all right it should be click bity now let’s send it you can
  • 37:21 | see has given us five titles to use we can decide to use this bat the competition five essential tools to to
  • 37:27 | Skyrocket your productivity we’re going to use this and then we’re going to go back to weeks remember we tried to
  • 37:32 | create a blog post we’re going to go back to weeks and we’re going to post the title here which is beat the competition five essential tools to
  • 37:39 | Skyrocket your productivity and then we’re going to copy our blog post our blog post is ready it has added internal
  • 37:45 | links it has added our affiliate links and um so we’re going to paste the blog post that we copy from chat GPT here so
  • 37:53 | we have posted the blog post you can see our AFF links is still here and if you scroll down you can see that our
  • 37:59 | external links are here so what we want to do is just to add spaces to blog post whenever you’re creating a blog post
  • 38:04 | ensure that there are spaces within the blog post so that it’s going to look proper and it to be easy for people to
  • 38:10 | read if I’m reading a blog post and words I unpacked I’m just going to get tired so you want spaces to be in the
  • 38:17 | blog post so it going look boring so we’re just going to add spaces and spaces here and spaces to just make it
  • 38:24 | look good so once you done adding faes to the blog post and all that the next
  • 38:30 | you’re going to do is to add images to this blog post to make it look good so we go to Google and search for images of
  • 38:36 | these tools or we can just go to their website and screenshot images and add here so you can search for this script
  • 38:43 | so you’re going to add you’re going to save this
  • 38:49 | image you’re going to download images for all the tools we’re going to search
  • 38:55 | for AI tools for productivity image and and I think this image covers some some
  • 39:00 | of the tools are here so we going to save this this would be the main
  • 39:07 | image now we have downloaded all the images what we’re are going to do next is to add the images to this blog post
  • 39:13 | and we are done all right what we can do after any images is to add internal links to maybe to reference other pages
  • 39:20 | that other blog post that we have created on this our website which would help increase the SEO ranking and the
  • 39:26 | authority of the website so we are going to add the first image here uh we’re going to click here click on the plus
  • 39:33 | sign click on image and then we going to click on upload
  • 39:39 | media all right you’re going to add the AI image here now under file info or
  • 39:45 | tags you can edit the tags and add tags to this image but we are going to ignore that and just add the image to page and
  • 39:52 | you can see the image has been added here the next thing we are going to do is to add the image for TLD DV I’m going
  • 39:59 | to add image here you can generate images if you want to generate image with AI but we we already have images
  • 40:05 | you can add videos all that stuff GS but we focusing on file this is TLD DV we’re
  • 40:11 | going to add the image to TLD DV here now you need to add images so that the reader would be engaged and have an idea
  • 40:18 | of what you’re talking about now you can add more images but going to add here for this script click on the Plus image
  • 40:24 | we have all the images already and this is this script add to page this is this script and big spy we click on plus
  • 40:32 | button here click on image and we add the image of big spy this is big spy
  • 40:38 | it’s a spy to for spying ads on social media so if it’s too long what you can
  • 40:43 | do is to crop it can click on edit image and then crop it so you can see it
  • 40:51 | has been cropped and the next one is for magic form click on the plus sign and
  • 40:58 | click on image this is Magic form this is how it looks like very good tool and
  • 41:05 | silab by same thing on image and this is how sby looks like this is the image for
  • 41:11 | sby now this is really an engaging post so you can add images you want I think
  • 41:17 | the images are good okay it looks good already so what we can do is to publish and our blog is ready close this so we
  • 41:24 | have published the blog so we going to go to our website which is this m kings.
  • 41:29 | wex and then if you scroll down we can see this is our latest blog post
  • 41:37 | we going to click on it and you can see how this looks B the competition five essential tools to Skyrocket your
  • 41:44 | productivity and you can see the image here you can see the right up and the image you can see how it looks
  • 41:50 | everything was done with AI we didn’t do you know too much so for example if I’m
  • 41:57 | reading this and I say oh I want to check out this particular tool I can
  • 42:02 | decide to click on it and it’s going to take me to the website all right what
  • 42:08 | you can also do is to add affiliate link to the image so that once the image is clicked it’s going to take them to the
  • 42:14 | website so you can see that’s taken me here which is the website and this is my
  • 42:19 | affiliate link is there click on here so you can see here this is Magic form this
  • 42:25 | is how it looks like and you can also see the referral ID here via Charles and
  • 42:33 | if you decide to get started on this platform make payments I’m going to get a commission so you can see how easy it
  • 42:39 | is publishing a post with AI is not too much work this can be done with few minutes few hours set up your platform
  • 42:46 | and start posting blog posts now you can get ideas of the type of blog post to put out all right you can get idea on
  • 42:54 | Google News Google Explore page which give you ideas on the type of blog post
  • 42:59 | to put out there or you can just see what is trending search for something online repurpose the content all right
  • 43:07 | redo the content and post it get different images and post it and you’re going to get good result so under blog
  • 43:13 | post so there’s another way you can make money apart from just affiliate links remember the other platform I showed you
  • 43:19 | they also getting money through clicks so if you want ads to show on your website and you also make money from
  • 43:25 | when someone clicks on ad you come down here to monetization under blog click on
  • 43:32 | monetization and you can see different ways to monetize your website your a marketing website apart from getting a
  • 43:38 | commission you can add Google AdSense it’s called weeks monetized with AdSense
  • 43:45 | so this is AdSense on your weeks uh you can also add you know payment programs
  • 43:51 | or bookings but what you need to do is just add this weeks monetize with
  • 43:56 | AdSense and then you’ll be able to set up your AdSense on your platform so that
  • 44:02 | when people click on link for example if they click on this kind of ad on your
  • 44:07 | website you’re going to get paid a certain amount of dollars okay now this was a very Toral tutorial if you don’t
  • 44:14 | understand anything sure to drop your questions in the comment section or just go through the video again and share it
  • 44:19 | now if you want to help someone understand affiliate marketing website how to build it and how to make money
  • 44:25 | from it be sure to share this video to other people if you have not subscribed subscribe to this channel there are lot
  • 44:31 | of helpful videos on this channel here check the channel out there are a lot of videos that have made okay so check it
  • 44:36 | out like this video if you’ve gotten value from it like it I’m sure I’ve gotten value from the video you also
  • 44:42 | want to check out this video here this is value packed watch this video next
  • 44:48 | [Music] [Applause]


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