Join My FREE Affiliate Marketing Community For Busy Professionals: Resources: Landing …
- 0:00 | do you want to make money with affiliate
- 0:02 | marketing from day one well I’ve been
- 0:05 | using a blueprint and system for three
- 0:08 | years now and that blueprints made me
- 0:11 | over 100k just one affiliate account so
- 0:15 | that’s what I’m going to show you in
- 0:17 | today’s video and I have the blueprint
- 0:20 | right here but first we got to start
- 0:24 | with the product so you need to do
- 0:28 | product research first
- 0:30 | and think of what Niche you want to work
- 0:33 | in I recommend you to start with
- 0:36 | affiliate marketing because as a busy
- 0:39 | professional you don’t want to create
- 0:41 | products and you don’t want to do a
- 0:43 | bunch of stuff so affiliate marketing
- 0:47 | and the make money online Niche is the
- 0:50 | easiest to start with so that’s what I
- 0:52 | would
- 0:53 | recommend just because this is one of
- 0:56 | the simplest one you can just learn do
- 1:00 | and then teach because well everyone
- 1:03 | wants to obviously improve their income
- 1:06 | U have a high side hustle or things like
- 1:09 | that so uh that is the niche I recommend
- 1:13 | to start with and the one that has
- 1:15 | gotten me uh the best results so first
- 1:19 | yeah you have a niche and then yeah you
- 1:21 | have to get a product so you have um
- 1:26 | platforms like uh
- 1:28 | ClickBank uh dig store 24 Warrior plus
- 1:33 | those three are the best known ones and
- 1:39 | H click B is one of the the top ones
- 1:42 | because there’s zero uh barrier to entry
- 1:46 | but I do not recommend that
- 1:49 | because yeah everyone can get products
- 1:51 | there and it gets saturated very quickly
- 1:54 | so I would go to dig store 24 or Warrior
- 1:58 | plus Warrior plus is is my favorite one
- 2:02 | because well you need to get approved
- 2:05 | and even though that could be a learning
- 2:06 | C for
- 2:08 | beginners you’re going to have uh more
- 2:11 | uh products that nobody else is
- 2:13 | promoting so you’re going to have uh
- 2:16 | more products that are fresh and that
- 2:19 | nobody else has seen so I recommend you
- 2:22 | to use start with Warrior plus platform
- 2:25 | just go there register and just uh yeah
- 2:30 | just research make sure that the
- 2:34 | products have low refund rate because
- 2:37 | obviously if they have high refund it
- 2:40 | that means that the product is not good
- 2:41 | and a lot of people have been
- 2:43 | unsatisfied with the results so go for
- 2:46 | products that have less than
- 2:49 | 7% refund rate and you you’ll be good to
- 2:53 | go any product that um will be suitable
- 2:57 | for uh this business model so you just
- 3:00 | go there you research check that the
- 3:03 | products are ones that you are
- 3:05 | interested in and that they have low
- 3:08 | refer rate and that they have good
- 3:09 | conversion rate so like 7% and up is
- 3:13 | good ref rate they good a conversion
- 3:16 | rate but for refund less than
- 3:21 | 7% so then when you have a product then
- 3:24 | yes then we have to then we will start
- 3:26 | with the system which first we got to
- 3:28 | start with
- 3:30 | the landing page so what is the landing
- 3:32 | page is just an an optin a page where
- 3:36 | you would ask for the email and that’s
- 3:39 | it you just ask for the email in
- 3:41 | exchange for well a free course or a
- 3:46 | video or anything like that in this case
- 3:49 | we do a
- 3:51 | video so you have your landing page
- 3:55 | where again you just put um you ask them
- 3:59 | for the email address there’s a button
- 4:02 | and that’s it and then obviously you
- 4:03 | have to put a headline so what I
- 4:05 | recommend you is use whatever product
- 4:08 | you are
- 4:09 | promoting just get the headline of that
- 4:12 | product and you put it on the landing
- 4:13 | page and that’s it that’s all that you
- 4:17 | need there you don’t have to over
- 4:19 | complicate it so that is the landing
- 4:22 | page for you if you want to know
- 4:25 | actually how to do like a step by step
- 4:28 | like what it entails just put uh
- 4:31 | challenge in the comments and I will uh
- 4:34 | send you the link to a free 5day
- 4:37 | challenge where you can uh build all of
- 4:40 | these in five days or less and then we
- 4:43 | go on we have to work on the thank you
- 4:47 | page which I call it the CBP method
- 4:51 | because how I do it is that it it gives
- 4:55 | me more
- 4:57 | conversions so that’s why I call it this
- 4:59 | CVP method conver conversion booster
- 5:03 | method in the thank you page again you
- 5:06 | put
- 5:08 | the the headline of the product that
- 5:10 | you’re promoting and then you get the
- 5:13 | video from that sales page and you put
- 5:15 | it on the thank you page trust me this
- 5:19 | boost your conversions don’t just send
- 5:22 | them straight from the opting page from
- 5:25 | the landing page to the
- 5:28 | product it’s been proven and I’ve tested
- 5:32 | it it works better if you send them to
- 5:34 | the thank you page even though that
- 5:36 | they’re going to see the same the same
- 5:38 | thing afterwards but it just pre Wars
- 5:41 | them so yeah you you get the headline
- 5:46 | from the land from the sales page you
- 5:48 | put it on the thank you page you also
- 5:50 | then you get the video on the sales page
- 5:53 | and you put it on the landing page as
- 5:55 | well and then you put a button obviously
- 5:57 | where that’s where your affiliate link
- 5:59 | is going going to be and then I
- 6:02 | recommend you to get like testimonials
- 6:05 | or income proof again all from the sales
- 6:07 | page as well and put it just a couple of
- 6:11 | ones on that thank you page and this Bo
- 6:15 | conversions massively I don’t know why
- 6:18 | but it just PRS them because they think
- 6:21 | that that is a page well it’s a page
- 6:23 | that you’ve created for them before you
- 6:26 | send them to the actual sales page and
- 6:28 | then if you want
- 6:30 | you can also put like a timer for a bit
- 6:33 | of like
- 6:36 | scarcity if that’s what they if that’s
- 6:38 | what they’re doing on the sales page you
- 6:40 | can do that but it’s not mandatory I
- 6:43 | haven’t seen um any difference with or
- 6:46 | without the time and that simple page it
- 6:50 | boost my conversions
- 6:53 | massively so that is the second step the
- 6:57 | landing page you have the thank you page
- 6:58 | with those El Els it works wonders it
- 7:02 | boost
- 7:03 | conversions so then what happens at the
- 7:07 | same time that that is happening you
- 7:10 | have collected an email which is this
- 7:14 | step right here how to respond that’s
- 7:16 | where your emails get stored so when
- 7:19 | someone puts their email on the landing
- 7:22 | page they go to an autoresponder which
- 7:25 | is a software that where they store a
- 7:29 | email
- 7:30 | and that’s
- 7:31 | where uh then comes the next step which
- 7:35 | at the same time we have
- 7:38 | automations and we send them emails
- 7:42 | daily so that is like next step here is
- 7:45 | we have automated emails so all that
- 7:49 | happens at the same time that people are
- 7:53 | H arriving on your thank you page all
- 7:55 | that’s happening in the background
- 7:57 | without you having to do anything
- 8:01 | they put in the
- 8:03 | email they get to the to respond and
- 8:06 | they’re going to receive an email
- 8:08 | straight away welcoming them and sending
- 8:11 | them back to the product again in case
- 8:15 | they don’t click on your affiliate link
- 8:17 | on that thank you page and that’s how
- 8:20 | you’re building an audience from day
- 8:23 | one and some of them might straight away
- 8:28 | buy from that thank you
- 8:31 | page it’s a super super proven system
- 8:36 | and
- 8:37 | blueprint that it works one and it’s all
- 8:39 | on itop pilot when once you have it set
- 8:41 | it up you don’t have to do anything else
- 8:45 | all you have to do is well it’s the
- 8:47 | actual first step but I wanted to leave
- 8:50 | it at the end because well first you
- 8:52 | have to have all those things in place
- 8:55 | to get to the most important step which
- 8:58 | is
- 9:00 | the traffic the traffic without the
- 9:02 | traffic obviously nobody can see your
- 9:05 | actual uh process your actual
- 9:09 | system so after that yeah it’s all
- 9:14 | traffic and the traffic that I recommend
- 9:16 | is PID traffic I do not recommend free
- 9:19 | traffic if you’re starting out as a busy
- 9:23 | professional you do not want to do free
- 9:25 | traffic you don’t have the time trust me
- 9:27 | it takes a lot of time to master free
- 9:31 | traffic and to get result with free
- 9:32 | traffic and as a PC professional you
- 9:34 | want results like yesterday and that’s
- 9:37 | what pay traffic is going to give you
- 9:39 | it’s going to give you the power to just
- 9:43 | spend a bit of money and send a bunch of
- 9:46 | people to that
- 9:48 | page to your funnel to your landing page
- 9:52 | and start making H money and building an
- 9:57 | audience from they one from the
- 10:01 | Geto it doesn’t have to be much you put
- 10:05 | your own budget depends on the
- 10:07 | cumstances but obviously the more you
- 10:09 | spend the quicker you’re going to build
- 10:11 | an audience and the quicker you’re going
- 10:13 | to start gain your return on your
- 10:18 | investment and the PID traffic method
- 10:20 | that I use and I recommend is called
- 10:23 | soloads and soloart is a is basically
- 10:26 | you pay for someone else that already
- 10:28 | has a big list to send traffic to your
- 10:31 | landing page so you can build your own
- 10:34 | list it’s a very powerful and UNT meth
- 10:39 | not many people do this and it’s super
- 10:41 | lucrative and super easy to start
- 10:43 | there’s no technical skills there’s no
- 10:46 | testing nothing like that like the big
- 10:48 | machines like Facebook ads or Google ad
- 10:51 | there’s a lot of testing there that’s
- 10:53 | why it’s very very expensive because you
- 10:54 | have to test images and you have to test
- 10:58 | videos and you have to test like the
- 11:00 | copy you don’t have to do any of that
- 11:03 | with solo watch you just send the person
- 11:06 | your your your landing page link and
- 11:11 | that’s it and they send you um traffic
- 11:14 | because you’ve pay for it they have to
- 11:16 | send it and then obviously there’s
- 11:20 | another other things that we can do to
- 11:22 | improve your resource like tracking is
- 11:24 | very important and but that’s when it
- 11:26 | gets a little bit technical but you
- 11:29 | don’t have to worry about that at the
- 11:30 | beginning it’s just about having this um
- 11:34 | this whole system in
- 11:38 | place and that only has made me as I
- 11:42 | said over 100k in just one affiliate
- 11:44 | account usually I have accounts on many
- 11:47 | other platforms but just on Warrior Plus
- 11:51 | One account with this method over
- 11:54 | 100k super simple method obviously it’s
- 11:58 | not easy because a lot moving part you
- 12:00 | still have to do the work you have to
- 12:02 | you know know what products convert know
- 12:06 | all of that but it’s very very simple
- 12:10 | and yeah it’s very very simple and
- 12:13 | straightforward so if you want to know
- 12:16 | how to double yourselves when doing this
- 12:21 | business model go to this link right
- 12:24 | here