affiliate marketing the new goldmine, you don’t need followers or audience

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  • 0:00 | affiliate marketing is the new good mine
  • 0:03 | on the internet and what if I show you
  • 0:05 | how to make exactly
  • 0:07 | $30,000 every single month with
  • 0:10 | affiliate marketing and so you know no
  • 0:13 | paid ads is required and the best part
  • 0:15 | is you don’t need to have followers or
  • 0:18 | an existing audience to make money with
  • 0:20 | this strategy as not everyone wants to
  • 0:22 | be a content creator or an influencer
  • 0:25 | which is perfectly okay so for the
  • 0:27 | benefit of those who don’t know how
  • 0:29 | affiliate marketing works as you can see
  • 0:32 | on your screen affiliate marketing Works
  • 0:34 | in five easy step all you simply need to
  • 0:37 | do is to find an affiliate program and
  • 0:40 | once you join that affiliate program
  • 0:42 | you’re going to find various products
  • 0:45 | from that affiliate program and all you
  • 0:47 | simply need to do is to grab a link to
  • 0:50 | any of the products available on that
  • 0:52 | program and once you start promoting
  • 0:54 | this product to people on the internet
  • 0:57 | and people start clicking on this
  • 0:59 | product and start purchasing it you’re
  • 1:01 | going to earn a commission of every sale
  • 1:04 | you make it’s that simple so basically
  • 1:07 | the more sales you make the more money
  • 1:09 | you’re going to make with affiliate
  • 1:11 | marketing you see having a large
  • 1:14 | following on social media is no doubt an
  • 1:17 | asset and this is how people make
  • 1:18 | millions with affiliate marketing
  • 1:21 | however while this approach mainly
  • 1:23 | favors big content creators and
  • 1:26 | influencers with large following due to
  • 1:28 | the fact that they already they have an
  • 1:31 | established connection with their
  • 1:33 | audience so Their audience already know
  • 1:35 | them like and trust them so which makes
  • 1:38 | it easier for these influencers and
  • 1:40 | content creator to promote any product
  • 1:43 | to them so to illustrate this if I go
  • 1:46 | over to Instagram as an example and I
  • 1:49 | type in any keyword so let’s say yoga as
  • 1:52 | an example and I click on search so if I
  • 1:55 | click on this profile here as an example
  • 1:57 | as you can see this content creator
  • 2:00 | influencer has over
  • 2:02 | 287,000 followers so now you can see why
  • 2:05 | it’s easier for Content creators to make
  • 2:08 | money with affiliate marketing because
  • 2:10 | they have a huge following already as
  • 2:12 | you can see this influencer right here
  • 2:14 | is promoting a product on their bio and
  • 2:17 | if we click on it so as you can see it’s
  • 2:19 | going to bring us to their landing page
  • 2:21 | and as you can see for yourself They are
  • 2:23 | promoting several products on their bio
  • 2:25 | and if I take this one as an example as
  • 2:28 | you can see it’s going to bring us to
  • 2:29 | this page where they are selling these
  • 2:32 | yoga related product okay so you can see
  • 2:34 | this is how affiliate marketing works in
  • 2:37 | the traditional sense however just like
  • 2:40 | I mentioned earlier not everyone wants
  • 2:42 | to be a content creator or wants to be
  • 2:44 | an influencer so this is why this
  • 2:47 | approach only favors big creators and
  • 2:51 | influencers and also these guys have
  • 2:53 | dominated the niche which makes it
  • 2:56 | really difficult for any beginner that
  • 2:58 | does not have a follower to rank on this
  • 3:01 | Niche so that is why I’m going to show
  • 3:02 | you a unique strategy you can use to
  • 3:05 | make money with affiliate marketing even
  • 3:07 | without having an established audience
  • 3:10 | or following so the very first thing you
  • 3:12 | want to then do is to pick a niche so in
  • 3:15 | this video we are going to be taking
  • 3:17 | dash cam as our Niche and the strategy
  • 3:19 | we are going to be using to make money
  • 3:21 | for our chosen Niche is the search
  • 3:24 | strategy using Google and YouTube now
  • 3:28 | let me explain using this strategy you
  • 3:30 | don’t need to have any followers because
  • 3:33 | YouTube is owned by Google and whatever
  • 3:36 | content you make on YouTube is going to
  • 3:38 | show up on Google which gives you a lot
  • 3:41 | of traffic even if you don’t have any
  • 3:44 | following I’ve used this exact strategy
  • 3:46 | in many of my Niche website which I have
  • 3:49 | used to rank my affiliate links over the
  • 3:52 | years and I’ve earned over
  • 3:54 | $500,000 doing this sear strategy but
  • 3:57 | due to the rise of AI tools like chat
  • 4:00 | GPT and the likes it has been very
  • 4:03 | difficult to rank affiliate Pages or
  • 4:05 | affiliate articles on Google and this
  • 4:08 | has caused many of these website to take
  • 4:10 | a eat and lose their ranking on Google
  • 4:13 | as Google has made it known several
  • 4:15 | times that it doesn’t want AI generated
  • 4:18 | content on Google as it sees it as low
  • 4:21 | quality content which means Google want
  • 4:25 | only user generated content so I’m going
  • 4:27 | to show you an example of what I mean so
  • 4:30 | if I come over to chat GPT and I type in
  • 4:33 | a prompt like write a blog post about
  • 4:36 | benefits of dashcam and I click on send
  • 4:39 | as you can see for yourself in matter of
  • 4:42 | seconds chat GPT has generated content
  • 4:46 | we can easily copy and paste on Google
  • 4:49 | so like I mentioned earlier Google say
  • 4:51 | this type of content as low quality and
  • 4:53 | low effort content and these days Google
  • 4:57 | wants only high quality user generated
  • 5:00 | content which is why we are going to be
  • 5:02 | using YouTube sech strategy for this
  • 5:05 | purpose so what I mean in essence is if
  • 5:08 | you come over to Google as an example
  • 5:10 | and I type in keyword like best dash
  • 5:13 | cameras on Google so if I scroll down
  • 5:15 | here you can see a lot of these YouTube
  • 5:18 | videos are ranking on Google which I
  • 5:20 | mentioned earlier YouTube is owned by
  • 5:23 | Google which means whatever content you
  • 5:25 | create on YouTube there’s a very high
  • 5:28 | chance it’s going to rank on Google as
  • 5:30 | well and as you can see an example of
  • 5:32 | this video right here posted 6 days ago
  • 5:35 | and it’s already ranking on Google okay
  • 5:38 | so there are several website as well Bo
  • 5:40 | as you can see most of these website
  • 5:42 | have been taken to the bottom and only
  • 5:44 | YouTube videos are mainly ranking in the
  • 5:47 | first part on Google all right so if I
  • 5:49 | take this post here as an example so as
  • 5:51 | you can see for yourself this post is
  • 5:53 | basically promoting various dash cameras
  • 5:56 | as you can see right here and as you can
  • 5:58 | see it also in include affiliate links
  • 6:01 | going to Amazon right which means this
  • 6:04 | website here is going to get a
  • 6:06 | commission when you purchase this
  • 6:08 | product using their affiliate link so
  • 6:11 | the only way to make money in 2025
  • 6:14 | without having followers is to create
  • 6:16 | high quality user generated content and
  • 6:19 | the easiest way to do that these days is
  • 6:22 | by creating a YouTube video so you don’t
  • 6:25 | need to have a following on YouTube as
  • 6:27 | well because over 1 million search is go
  • 6:30 | through Google every single second which
  • 6:33 | means there’s a lot of traffic flowing
  • 6:35 | through Google every second compared to
  • 6:37 | using Instagram Facebook Tik Tok and the
  • 6:40 | likes and now you may be wondering what
  • 6:42 | if you don’t have access to this product
  • 6:45 | you can do in such situations is to go
  • 6:48 | over to platforms like Tik Tok and
  • 6:50 | you’re going to see lot of videos about
  • 6:53 | that need as you can see here all you
  • 6:55 | simply need to do is to transform these
  • 6:58 | videos and what I mean by this is to
  • 7:01 | Simply download these videos and you
  • 7:03 | want to add your voiceovers to the
  • 7:05 | videos telling people the benefits they
  • 7:07 | can get from using this product and once
  • 7:10 | you do that all you then need to do is
  • 7:12 | to add your affiliate Link in the
  • 7:15 | description of that video it’s that
  • 7:17 | simple so this is how you can use videos
  • 7:20 | without even having to have the original
  • 7:22 | product in your hands all right so all
  • 7:25 | you need to do is to upload as many
  • 7:27 | videos on YouTube and like I mentioned
  • 7:29 | earlier once you add your voice over to
  • 7:32 | the video you have already transformed
  • 7:34 | that video to original content and
  • 7:37 | people can start clicking on your
  • 7:39 | affiliate link which is going to be in
  • 7:40 | the description of your video to start
  • 7:43 | purchasing that product so it’s that
  • 7:45 | simple so if you like this video then I
  • 7:48 | highly recommend to check out this video
  • 7:50 | on your screen this is the next video
  • 7:51 | you should watch to scale your affiliate
  • 7:54 | earing


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