LIVE Stream Trading + Full SMC & ICT Course Access My Trusted Prop Firm With NO TIME LIMIT: …
- 0:00 | step number one copy this link step
- 0:03 | number two come over to this website and
- 0:06 | paste this YouTube link over here and
- 0:07 | click on get clips for free this
- 0:10 | artificial intelligence tool will
- 0:12 | generate 10 short viral clips for Tick
- 0:15 | Tock YouTube shorts Instagram reels
- 0:18 | Facebook reels and the best moments out
- 0:21 | of this longer video that you’ve paced
- 0:22 | into YouTube you can repurpose videos
- 0:25 | from a one long video to 10 viral clips
- 0:28 | that you can go and post onto Tick Tock
- 0:30 | like this person is doing over here
- 0:32 | they’re posting their own motivational
- 0:34 | content that they’re not even creating
- 0:36 | using artificial intelligence tools just
- 0:39 | posting simple motivational text quotes
- 0:41 | over stock videos and quotes that they
- 0:44 | found off YouTube this person is
- 0:46 | monetizing their page with Instagram and
- 0:49 | YouTube ad revenue and you can even take
- 0:51 | this a step further by monetizing this
- 0:53 | page with ClickBank affiliate links
- 0:55 | there are tons of these pages that I’ve
- 0:57 | seen on Tick Tock pop up that are
- 0:59 | getting hundreds of thousands and
- 1:01 | millions of views on their videos just
- 1:03 | repurposing and reposting content that
- 1:06 | they’re getting off YouTube on other
- 1:08 | platforms completely for free and yes
- 1:10 | you are allowed to do this as long as
- 1:12 | you credit the original Creator because
- 1:14 | secondly you’re not also copying their
- 1:17 | video directly you’re just taking the
- 1:19 | best moments from their video and
- 1:21 | turning that into a viral clip that you
- 1:24 | are allowed to go and repost just make
- 1:26 | sure you give credit to them on your
- 1:28 | short video platform a great example is
- 1:30 | wealth lock on Tick Tock you can go and
- 1:32 | check them out credit to the success on
- 1:34 | their page they’re a really good idea an
- 1:36 | example that is doing this I’m not gonna
- 1:38 | waste any time I’m gonna dive straight
- 1:39 | into this but quickly if you are new to
- 1:41 | my channel my name is Jay I document my
- 1:43 | journey on various different strategies
- 1:45 | that I use to make money online on
- 1:46 | YouTube online on social media Drop
- 1:49 | Shipping drop servicing trading which is
- 1:51 | what I do full time off of YouTube which
- 1:53 | I’ll explain more at the end of this
- 1:54 | video so if you want to get more daily
- 1:56 | tips and content like that from me make
- 1:58 | sure to subscribe down below with the
- 1:59 | red note notification Bell on and also
- 2:01 | in this video I’m going to announce the
- 2:03 | 30 giveaway at the end of this video as
- 2:05 | I announced in the previous video so
- 2:07 | make sure to watch to see who wins that
- 2:09 | but the first thing you’re going to go
- 2:11 | and do is you want to go and search
- 2:12 | motivational type content on YouTube you
- 2:16 | can actually do this in any Niche you
- 2:17 | can search health and fitness you can
- 2:19 | search educational you can search
- 2:20 | entertainment such as gaming streams
- 2:22 | best gaming moments on fortnite all
- 2:25 | sorts of ideas that you can do this with
- 2:27 | you can kind of put together after you
- 2:29 | watch this video on how this works and
- 2:31 | actually realize on how many different
- 2:33 | niches that you can do this in so
- 2:35 | firstly I’m going to use the
- 2:36 | motivational podcast example a great
- 2:39 | idea is it’s just coming over to YouTube
- 2:40 | searching up motivational podcast
- 2:42 | content and for example you can go and
- 2:45 | copy this video over here 10 minutes for
- 2:48 | the next 10 years of your life positive
- 2:50 | morning motivation you can go and copy
- 2:52 | this link come over to our website
- 2:54 | called
- 2:56 | and you can come over to this
- 2:59 | bar over here here paste the link to
- 3:01 | this video click on get clubs for free
- 3:03 | you will need to sign in with an account
- 3:05 | I’m just going to use my Google account
- 3:07 | to sign in with and take a look at this
- 3:09 | it’s very similar to chat gbt it will
- 3:12 | fetch the video for you and produce 10
- 3:15 | viral clips and the best moments out of
- 3:17 | this video that you can go and use and
- 3:19 | repurpose on all of these social media
- 3:22 | platforms now I do something very
- 3:24 | similar I post content on Tick Tock
- 3:26 | YouTube Instagram
- 3:27 | Etc and I monetize that in my own way by
- 3:31 | offering a Discord and offering my
- 3:33 | mensership in trading that is just my
- 3:35 | way of monetizing my content documenting
- 3:38 | my trades especially on Tick Tock and
- 3:40 | Instagram and giving value on that for
- 3:42 | free on social media and people can get
- 3:44 | more in depth from that in my Discord so
- 3:47 | this is a very similar type of concept
- 3:49 | you’re monetizing your motivational
- 3:51 | content with affiliate products that you
- 3:53 | don’t even have to create the only
- 3:54 | difference is I use and monetize my
- 3:57 | content with my own product but it’s
- 3:58 | very easy to monetize your content with
- 4:00 | an affiliate product that has already
- 4:02 | been created for you another great
- 4:04 | example of a channel doing this is
- 4:06 | called motivational Madness I’m sure
- 4:08 | you’ve heard of them they’re quite big
- 4:09 | they basically overlay motivational
- 4:12 | speeches over their own stock free video
- 4:16 | footage so you’ll see they’ve got their
- 4:17 | own intro and logo and they basically
- 4:19 | use stock video footage with a random
- 4:22 | guy walking through a building and other
- 4:23 | pictures that do not even belong to them
- 4:25 | and they creating their own content out
- 4:27 | of this and this is exactly what you can
- 4:29 | go and do you can go and filter and
- 4:32 | repurpose the best moments of these
- 4:34 | videos give out free motivational
- 4:35 | content that way a lot of people
- 4:37 | following you that kind of stuff really
- 4:38 | does well on social media which allows
- 4:41 | you to build up your own Community which
- 4:43 | you can monetize in various different
- 4:45 | ways and also this is really easy to do
- 4:47 | all of the tools are here I’m going to
- 4:49 | show you how to use them completely for
- 4:50 | free I’m just waiting for this page to
- 4:52 | load it will be a few minutes and it
- 4:54 | will load up all of these videos that it
- 4:56 | has extracted out of the longer YouTube
- 4:58 | format and another great example another
- 5:01 | great example is this channel over here
- 5:03 | called Ben Lionel Scott not only are
- 5:05 | they posting YouTube shorts of just
- 5:07 | speeches that they’ve found on the
- 5:08 | internet kind of with their own theme
- 5:10 | gray black and white Style with the
- 5:12 | white text you can see they’ve really
- 5:13 | got their own theme going but all of
- 5:15 | these speeches are not even their own I
- 5:17 | can promise you most of these videos
- 5:18 | they’ve downloaded of tick tock or
- 5:20 | Instagram or anything that they’ve
- 5:22 | really come across on their feed that
- 5:23 | they like and they redesigned it into
- 5:25 | their own way they probably overlay some
- 5:28 | kind of black and white and add captions
- 5:30 | with the white text and that is kind of
- 5:32 | become their theme their brand and take
- 5:34 | a look at how they’re taking off so
- 5:35 | there are a lot of channels succeeding
- 5:38 | at this they are getting hundreds of
- 5:40 | thousands one or two videos even hitting
- 5:42 | millions of views on their videos and
- 5:45 | they also doing this with long format
- 5:46 | content they’re taking the best parts of
- 5:49 | speeches and motivational quotes from
- 5:51 | longer videos on YouTube and other
- 5:53 | platforms and turning that into their
- 5:55 | own short YouTube shorts for Instagram
- 5:58 | reels tick tocks and all that other
- 5:59 | short platforms as well which with all
- 6:02 | of these views opens up to a whole bunch
- 6:04 | of doors and opportunities that you can
- 6:06 | monetize with and take a look at this
- 6:08 | take a look at this this tool is now
- 6:10 | done it’s clipped some of the best
- 6:12 | moments from this video which this first
- 6:13 | one is 46 seconds if I play this and you
- 6:16 | can see it’s just formed a beautiful
- 6:18 | motivational video that has extracted
- 6:21 | and repurposed from the longer form
- 6:22 | video into a 46 second video and that’s
- 6:25 | not the best part it makes 10 different
- 6:28 | ones for you that you can just click
- 6:30 | download over here and it downloads
- 6:32 | straight to your PC all I had to do was
- 6:34 | sign in with my free account now I’ve
- 6:36 | got access to over 10 different clips
- 6:38 | that I’ve just pasted a YouTube video
- 6:40 | into that I can go and post on Tick Tock
- 6:42 | and that allows me to post 10 videos in
- 6:45 | 10 days which is content for the next 10
- 6:48 | days what also really allows you to be
- 6:50 | consistent at your posting as you’ve
- 6:52 | really got unlimited content in our go
- 6:54 | and post as this was all extracted from
- 6:56 | just one video on YouTube never mind all
- 6:59 | of the potential others that you can go
- 7:00 | and use for this you can also even go
- 7:03 | and edit these videos so if you go and
- 7:04 | click on edit clip over here of the
- 7:06 | extracted clip you can see it gives you
- 7:08 | all the text the video that’s already
- 7:10 | been extracted and you can even go and
- 7:12 | change the colors of your text so it’s
- 7:14 | highlighted words that it’s really
- 7:16 | emphasizing on so for example getting
- 7:19 | things done the opportunity lining it up
- 7:21 | telling you recognizing understanding
- 7:23 | the weakness it’s highlighting points
- 7:25 | that the video is really emphasizing on
- 7:27 | this AI tool has really been touched up
- 7:29 | nicely by whoever developed this and
- 7:31 | it’s really a great opportunity for
- 7:33 | Content creators to go and post content
- 7:36 | on Tick Tock and YouTube which allows
- 7:37 | you a great opportunity to go and build
- 7:40 | a community for yourself and monetize
- 7:42 | that with the next strategy that I’m
- 7:43 | going to show you step number three step
- 7:46 | number one and two going over to YouTube
- 7:47 | and extracting and repurposing that
- 7:50 | YouTube video is to come over to
- 7:52 | and you want to go and create
- 7:54 | some kind of motivational page you can
- 7:57 | actually just come over to chat gbt and
- 7:59 | ask for a free example on a motivational
- 8:01 | page name for tick tock Facebook and
- 8:03 | YouTube shorts you can go and create an
- 8:05 | account on all the platforms if you want
- 8:07 | to the more the merrier the more views
- 8:09 | the better so you can go and create an
- 8:10 | account on Tick Tock YouTube shorts
- 8:12 | Instagram reels Facebook reels and just
- 8:15 | go and post your video on all four of
- 8:16 | those platforms at the same time and
- 8:19 | grow your audience on all of those
- 8:20 | platforms then secondly all you want to
- 8:22 | do is you want to go and create a logo
- 8:24 | for yourself for example motivational
- 8:26 | you can do a guide gyming or whatever
- 8:28 | you can just go over to canva and go and
- 8:30 | search up free logos it’s really easy to
- 8:32 | go and set up I’m not going to go
- 8:33 | through that too much in detail really
- 8:35 | easy to do you can also just search a
- 8:37 | quick tutorial on how to create a tick
- 8:39 | tock account with a logo and vice versa
- 8:41 | for YouTube shorts and Instagram reels
- 8:43 | and Facebook reels fourthly you now want
- 8:46 | to go and monetize that content come
- 8:48 | over to our website called
- 8:50 | which I always talk about in my videos
- 8:52 | this is a website I’ve made tens of
- 8:54 | thousands of dollars over the years
- 8:55 | promoting various affiliate products
- 8:57 | through content that I create on social
- 8:59 | media and brands that I create so
- 9:01 | firstly your Niche is all about
- 9:03 | motivational
- 9:04 | speeches let’s come over to E-Business
- 9:07 | and e-marketing so for example over here
- 9:10 | in your monetization it’s over here in
- 9:12 | your
- 9:13 | so for example in your motivational
- 9:16 | content you can go and use this
- 9:18 | affiliate product over here jobs to go
- 9:20 | and get paid to use Facebook Twitter and
- 9:22 | YouTube so this is an easy product that
- 9:25 | you can go and put in the link of your
- 9:26 | bio of your pages giving people the
- 9:28 | opportunity to get paid to use Facebook
- 9:30 | Twitter and YouTube and find online jobs
- 9:32 | now this platform is a paid platform so
- 9:35 | every time you refer someone to this
- 9:36 | opportunity and the quiz you will go and
- 9:38 | get 18.80 every sale that you make so if
- 9:42 | I go and click on this link it will take
- 9:43 | you to a done for you landing page that
- 9:45 | you don’t even need to go and create
- 9:47 | it’s already been done for you the
- 9:49 | checkout has been done for you and when
- 9:50 | you get a sale through your affiliate
- 9:52 | link ClickBank knows to go and pay you
- 9:54 | that commission so for example people
- 9:56 | that click on the link will be required
- 9:58 | to take this quiz to kind of identify
- 10:01 | the type of person they are the time
- 10:02 | they have in the day and what type of
- 10:04 | jobs that will suit them when they sign
- 10:06 | up for a job you will get paid a
- 10:08 | commission the company will pay you that
- 10:09 | commission a commission of 18.80 and if
- 10:12 | they buy any upsells
- 10:14 | 39.62 to go and get your link is really
- 10:17 | easy you can go and click on promote
- 10:19 | click on generate hop link over here is
- 10:21 | your unique affiliate link so every time
- 10:23 | someone clicks on this link will take
- 10:25 | them to the landing page that is
- 10:26 | connected to your ClickBank account so
- 10:27 | the ClickBank knows to pay you when you
- 10:30 | get a sale but does the affiliate link
- 10:31 | looks very long and messy so what you
- 10:33 | can do is you can come over to a website
- 10:35 | called I’m sure most of you have
- 10:37 | heard it it’s called bitly once you’ve
- 10:39 | signed in with your bitly account you
- 10:40 | can go and create a short link and not
- 10:42 | only that when you go and create a short
- 10:44 | link for example you paste your
- 10:46 | ClickBank link here you can go and add a
- 10:49 | custom half so we can go and type here
- 10:51 | Facebook social
- 10:53 | media
- 10:55 | jobs
- 10:57 | uh you can go and click on create every
- 11:00 | time someone clicks on this link you can
- 11:02 | go and track the amount of engagements
- 11:04 | that you get so for example if you’ve
- 11:06 | gotten a video that has 10 000 views and
- 11:09 | you got a thousand clicks that means you
- 11:11 | have a 10 click-through rate and you can
- 11:13 | actually go and track those clicks with
- 11:14 | which is a really great way to
- 11:17 | track how many people are actually
- 11:18 | interested in your product you can then
- 11:20 | go and copy this bitly link which looks
- 11:22 | a lot better than that messy ClickBank
- 11:25 | link and paste it in the bio of your
- 11:27 | page that you’ve created on Tick Tock
- 11:29 | Facebook and YouTube so what I want you
- 11:31 | guys to do is I want you guys to go and
- 11:33 | get started with us let me know if you
- 11:34 | get any results I’d love to see some
- 11:37 | testimonies from you guys I’m actually
- 11:38 | busy with the page at the moment doing
- 11:40 | something very similar posting my own
- 11:42 | quotes and I’ve only posted I haven’t
- 11:44 | posted lately but the last 30 posts that
- 11:46 | I’ve posted I’ve gotten well over 200 uh
- 11:49 | no well over a million views in total
- 11:51 | with three videos blowing up over half a
- 11:53 | million views
- 11:55 | which then which then blows up my
- 11:57 | Instagram and all sorts of other links
- 11:59 | and you can go and paste the link in the
- 12:01 | bio of your page this is a good example
- 12:03 | whatever I’ve been doing with this and
- 12:05 | how you can do this too what I’m going
- 12:07 | to do is to help you out even more if
- 12:09 | you want to get more videos on
- 12:11 | specifically and different ways to go
- 12:13 | and monetize your short video platform
- 12:15 | Pages such as Tick Tock Facebook YouTube
- 12:18 | whatever you’ve got I’m gonna leave an
- 12:20 | entire free course over here for you
- 12:22 | guys it’s all my valuable content that
- 12:24 | I’ve posted on YouTube for free there’s
- 12:25 | no upsell to some crazy two thousand
- 12:27 | dollar course you can go and click on
- 12:28 | this playlist over here there’s about 20
- 12:30 | or 30 videos that explain how to make
- 12:32 | money on Tick Tock YouTube shorts Etc so
- 12:35 | what I recommend is if you want to use
- 12:36 | the strategy and dive into a deeper you
- 12:39 | can go and click on this playlist over
- 12:40 | here and I’ll see you over there